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Sourec: Thailand Medical News  Oct 25, 2019  5 years ago
Alcohol consumption of any kind even in small amounts have been shown to be harmful to the health of those with HIV according to a study done by the Boston University School Of Medicine. Alcohol is linked to alterations in immune function among people with HIV. Despite it being known for a long time that alcohol impacts immune function, it's been unclear the effect of alcohol on immune func...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 25, 2019  5 years ago
A shocking meta-analysis study has revealed that the number of Thais suffering from mental illnesses has more than doubled since 2012. In 2012 it was reported that about three million Thais are known to suffer from some form or other of mental illness. A that time,  heads from the Department of Mental Health concluded that around 20% of Thais, or about on...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 25, 2019  5 years ago
A new meta analytic study by medical researchers from the University of Arizona, Tucson indicate that patients with rheumatic diseases that are treated with interleukin inhibitors have increased risk of serious infections, opportunistic infections, and cancer. Dr Jawad Bilal from the University of Arizona, Tucson, co-author of the study told Thailand Medical News, “These finding...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 25, 2019  5 years ago
BellaFill is  the only US FDA-approved dermal filler for permanent implantation into the skin for the correction of nasolabial folds, or smile lines. It can be used in both women and men. Bellafill is a non-resorbable dermal filler, unlike many other dermal fillers that are absorbed and require reinjection. BellaFill is also approved for the correction of moderate to severe facial acne s...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 25, 2019  5 years ago
The US FDA has approved a new indication for the SGLT2 inhibitor canagliflozin made by Janssen Pharmaceuticals to reduce the risk for end-stage renal disease, worsening of kidney function, cardiovascular death and hospitalization for heart failure among adults with type 2 diabetes and diabetic kidney disease. Type 2 diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease in the world, and the fifth fastes...
Source:Thailand Medical News  Oct 25, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from Columbia University Irving Medical Center have conducted a new multinational study that shows that the most popular first-line treatment for hypertension ie ACE inhibitors are less effective and has more side effects than an alternative called Thiazides that's prescribed much less often. The study also found that non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers were less effective...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 25, 2019  5 years ago
Singaporean Researchers from the Duke-NUS Medical School conducted the first large-scale study to systematically identify adenovirus strains in Singapore and in doing so, have discovered four new strains and found an increase in two strains linked to severe diseases. Human adenovirus infections in Singapore and Malaysia have caused severe respiratory disease among children and adults in recent ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 24, 2019  5 years ago
From 2007 to 2018, there has been more than 37 studies that show that Selenium supplementation is good for HIV patients. Selenium supplementation has demonstrated the ability to reduce viral loads of the HIV virus while also preventing CD4 levels from declining and helping it achieve moderate gains.   Todate, there are been no known reactions or contraindications for those taking antiretrov...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 24, 2019  5 years ago
Stroke and Aneurysm are two terms are often used interchangeably but in actual fact they are two distinct medical conditions. While most are aware that a Stroke is the life-threatening medical condition that effects the brain, many are not be aware of what distinguishes it from an aneurysm.   Globally, about 870,000 people are affected per year by Strokes and Aneurysms, of which about 395,000...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 24, 2019  5 years ago
In 2018, a total of 2.6 million breast implant surgeries were done globally according to official data collated from suppliers and various aesthetics and plastic surgery boards. This figure does not constitute unofficial breast implant surgeries done in countries like South America, Mexico, China, India, Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines. In 2017 the official number of breast implants done globall...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 24, 2019  5 years ago
A study by researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and Karlstad University, Sweden show that exposure during the first trimester of pregnancy to mixtures of suspected endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in many consumer products is related to lower IQ in children by age 7. This study is among the first to look at prenatal suspected endocrine-disrupting chemical mixtures in re...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 24, 2019  5 years ago
A latest medical study conducted by Mayo Clinic indicates that a high consumption of dairy products, like milk and cheese increases the risk of developing prostate cancer. The findings of the study has also been published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. At the same time the study showed that plant-based diets played a critical role in decreasing the risk of developing ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 24, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from University Leuven, Belgium including immunologist Johan Van Weyenbergh (KU Leuven) and his Belgian-Brazilian colleagues have shown that a drug used to fight arthritis also stops the process that allows the tuberculosis bacillus to infect and hijack blood stem cells. Tuberculosis (TB) may affect any part of the body, but the spread of the disease might start in the bone mar...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 23, 2019  5 years ago
An new research study involving an international collaboration that included the University of Cape Town (UCT), Centre for the AIDS Program of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) has revealed an unexpected finding that could lead to better therapies towards reducing the HIV reservoir, a major barrier to developing a cure for HIV. The reservo...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 23, 2019  5 years ago
If you see your doctor still using a stethoscope, then you know it is time to either change doctor or change hospitals. The stethoscope that was invented like two centuries ago is not only obsolete but also totally inaccurate in giving any proper diagnosis compared to latest hightech tools that are easily available these days. Th Stethoscope Dying? Although it was a symbol of the medical profes...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 23, 2019  5 years ago
A recent study conducted in Japan by Tohoku Rosai Hospital in Sendai indicated that frequent trips to the toilet at night to urinate a sign of high blood pressure.   Although, frequent nighttime urination is also  symptom of other underlying medical conditions such chronic kidney failure, congestive heart failure, diabetes and enlarged prostate or even a sign of sleep disorders, in mos...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 23, 2019  5 years ago
A new study by the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) shows patients with a rare and life-threatening form of gastrointestinal cancer called Biliary Tract Cancer might live longer if they are aspirin users, with the greatest effect seen in those who had not taken the drug before their cancer diagnosis, the results of a database analysis indicate. The new study however only shows corre...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 23, 2019  5 years ago
Trikafta (elexacaftor/ivacaftor/tezacaftor) from Vertex Pharmaceuticals is the first triple combination therapy to be approved by the US FDA and made available to treat patients with the most common cystic fibrosis mutation. Its list price is US$350,000 a year, same as one of the maker's earlier treatments for the genetic disease. Trikafta has been approved for patients aged 12 an...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 23, 2019  5 years ago
55% of incidences and deaths alone are concentrated in  East Asia ie  China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea ,Taiwan., Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia . #UEGW19 The findings of a major study across 195 countries, presented at UEG Week Conference 2019 in Barcelona yesterday, indicate that global death rates ...
Source: ECOG-ACRIN CANCER RESEARCH GROUP  Oct 22, 2019  5 years ago
The BRACELET-1 (PrE0113) study seeks to confirm predictive and prognostic biomarkers demonstrating pelareorep can expand application of checkpoint inhibitors in HR+-metastatic breast cancer.                                                    October 22, 2019 -- Oncolyt...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 22, 2019  5 years ago
A study by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine has shown that Tranexamic Acid, a low cost and widely available drug could reduce deaths in traumatic brain injury patients by as much as 20%, depending on the severity of injury. The findings were published in the The Lancet. The researchers say that tranexamic acid, (TXA), a drug that prevents bleeding into the brain by inhibit...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 22, 2019  5 years ago
A genomic research team from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have developed a new revolutionary CRISPR genome-editing approach by combining two of the most important proteins in molecular biology : CRISPR-Cas9 and a reverse transcriptase into a single machine. Credit : Susanna M. Hamilton, Broad Institute Communications   The new platform , called “prime editing,&rdqu...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 22, 2019  5 years ago
A new treatment protocol for Celiac Disease was unveiled at the European Gastroenterology Week conference in Barcelona, Spain. The Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine showcased results of a new phase 2 clinical trial using technology developed that show it is possible to induce immune tolerance to gluten in individuals with celiac disease. The findings may pave the way for tre...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 22, 2019  5 years ago
The rate of people developing allergies globally have gone up over the years by as much as 28% and in developed countries like the US, Britain, Australia and Singapore, the rates are even higher. From food allergies, to pollen and dust allergies, individuals often tend to self-prescribe OTC antihistamines even without consulting a doctor. In the US, Australia, Canada and Britain, sales o...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 22, 2019  5 years ago
Medical researchers from University of California, have finally identified the culprits behind a mysterious disease called acute flaccid myelitis that has been on the increase over the last seven years and affects predominantly children with flu-like symptoms which later causes paralysis in them. Cases have been reported globally the last few years with more cases identified in the US due to bette...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 21, 2019  5 years ago
Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism , all these conditions seem at first glance to be unrelated. They affect entirely different parts of the body. But they all have something in common in that they are all autoimmune diseases. When an individual has anautoimmune diseases, their immune system has begun to attack parts o...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 21, 2019  5 years ago
Apple is moving towards  installing smart technology into clothing as part of a new venture to hit the healthcare industry with its latest filing of  a patent with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for “Smart Clothing” which would be able to connect with other Apple devices such as the Apple Watch to track health vitals. The patent image filed in 2018 and publish...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 21, 2019  5 years ago
THAI HERBS Krachai in Thai language refers to  Kaempferia Galanga, so the real translation for this Thai root (Krachaidam) in English is Black Galanga and not Black Gingerwhich unfortunately most people like to refer to it as.It is recognised as one of the 5 economically important Thai Herbs in the country.    Krachai Dam Is an herbaceous plant belonging to the Zingiberaceae...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 21, 2019  5 years ago
Was recently shocked to see the number of clinics in Thailand openly advertising Stem Cell Therapies on their websites and also at their clinics. In one location near the land department office at Nonthaburi, I counted like 17 clinics offering stem cells but all did not seem to have any doctors on duty and the staff could not tell us much except the pricings and that the nurses ther...
Sourec: Thailand Medical News  Oct 21, 2019  5 years ago
Study findings from a randomized clinical trial by researchers from Thomas Jefferson University reported in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics adds evidence to earlier research that found an association between supplementation with the amino acid N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and improvements in patients Parkinson’s disease, a disorder characterized by a loss of function of the...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 21, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from University of California, Los Angeles have discovered that creatine is critical for immune cells to fight cancer and that it serves as a molecular battery for immune cells by storing and distributing energy to power their fight against cancer. The study is the first to show that creatine uptake is critical to the anti-tumor activities of CD8 T cells, also known a...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 21, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from Sloan Kettering Institute are exploring new ways to deal with cancer including using iron. Cells can die in several ways. One such method, discovered only within the past ten years, is ferroptosis literally, death by the mineral iron. This type of cell death requires iron and is linked to a cell’s use of oxygen for metabolism. Ferroptosis is a main cause of ische...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 20, 2019  5 years ago
A new flu drug by Genentech, Xofluza (baloxavir marboxil) has been granted US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for a supplemental New Drug Application (NDA). The US FDA approval has been given for the indication of acute, uncomplicated influenza, or flu, in individuals aged 12 and older who have been symptomatic for no more than 48 hours and who are at high risk of developing flu-rela...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 20, 2019  5 years ago
Typically the standard treatment protocol for the last 8 years for males with enlarged prostate is a type of drug called a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor (5-ARI). These US FDA approved drugs that also used globally, shrink the gland to improve urinary flow, and the approved forms used for treating enlarged prostates come in two varieties: Proscar (finasteride) and Avodart (dutasteride).However, these...
Source:Thailand Medical News  Oct 20, 2019  5 years ago
Genetically linked but common polycystic kidney disease (PKD) has long been perceived to be progressive and irreversible, sentencing patients to a slow and often painful decline as fluid filled cysts develop in the kidneys, grow and multiply and disrupt the organ from functioning properly. Once the kidneys fail, PKD patients often need dialysis or have to undergo a kidney transplant. To escalate i...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 19, 2019  5 years ago
In response to the acute shortage of  cancer drug Vincristine for children in the US, Canada and elsewhere, we have launched project  #SaveCancerKids to help hospitals and parents facing the problems. The drugs are available in India from 5 reputable and credible generic pharma companies, for more info refer to updates section of our previous article:
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 19, 2019  5 years ago
Vincristine a vital chemotherapy drug used to treat many types of childhood or pediatric cancer is now in acute short supply not only in the US but elsewhere as well around the globe. The shortage is putting hundreds of thousands of children at the risk of dying and also causing the drug prices to escalate by as much as fifteen to twenty times the original price.The shortage has galvanized oncolog...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 18, 2019  5 years ago
A new study by a medical team from Oregon University indicates that blue wavelengths produced by light-emitting diodes from computers and smart phones damage cells in the brain and not just the retinas of the eyes and even when there is no exposure to eyes, but just exposure to body parts, aging, brain damage and also epigenetic mutations occur. Putting it simply, prolonged exposure to blue light,...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 17, 2019  5 years ago
A team of medical researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles have developed a new treatment protocol to eliminate leukemia stem cells in patients undergoing remission after treatment with conventional drugs. Leukemia Stem Cells In 2001, the introduction of the drug imatinib revolutionized the treatment of a type of cancer called chronic myelogenous leukemia. In more than 8...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 16, 2019  5 years ago
Medical researchers from Massey University in New Zealand are developing a new drug that could prevent cancer from becoming resistant to treatment. Treatment resistance is a serious obstacle to the successful treatment of cancer patients because it leads to cancer returning and becoming harder to treat. The drugs being developed blocks an enzyme called APOBEC3B in cancer cells that is re...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 16, 2019  5 years ago
Instant noodles are one of the most common processed foods that are consumed on the planet. Countries like China, Indonesia, Japan and now Thailand are the highest consumers of instant noodles in the world, according to an estimation published by the World Instant Noodle Association. One of the main attractions of instant noodles by far is the cheap price and the low amount of calories found in ce...
Source:Thailand Medical News  Oct 15, 2019  5 years ago
People don’t talk about service; they all talk about experience. Positive patient experience makes a customer loyal and the hospital as its most preferred healthcare solutions provider.   Medical tourism is the new buzz word in healthcare ecosystem. It refers to people traveling abroad to obtain medical treatment. The Thailand medical tourism industry is booming, as a result of e...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 15, 2019  5 years ago
As a result of the technology and digital explosion, more workers need to be spending their time looking at computer screens each day with most spending at average of at least 5 hours per day during their daily work hours. As a result of that, the incidence of Computer Vision Syndrome of CVS is on a steady rise. The prevalence of computer vision syndrome(CVS) among computer use...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 14, 2019  5 years ago
New study shows that ranitidine is an unstable molecule that breaks down under different conditions into the carcinogen N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA).   Online pharmacy Valisure is claiming that the Zantac is carcinogenic with N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA); that is a byproduct of the breakdown of the ranitidine molecule. The company, which performs its own testing on drugs it carries,...
Source; Thailand Medical News Exclusive  Oct 14, 2019  5 years ago
Based on statistical data obtained from 42 countries globally, there has been more than 378 million cases of individuals being treated for dry eye disease just in 2019 alone. Dry eye syndrome is caused by a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. Consequences of dry eyes range from subtle but constant eye irritation to significant inflammation and even scarri...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 14, 2019  5 years ago
Dental and medical researchers from UConn School of Medicine in a study have confirmed that oral health is a critical component to overall health for all ages, but especially more important for the elderly. In a review article recently published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, the authors outline the potential complications that can arise from poor oral hygiene in...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 13, 2019  5 years ago
Fezolinetant is a new non hormonal drug targeting menopausal vasomotor symptoms may add treatment options for women undergoing menopause. In a research published in Menopause Review, approximately 63 percent of women ages 40 to 65 all over the world have reported the occurrence of hot flashes and sweating. (it a discomforting symptom that many women undergoing menopause have gone thru&nb...
Source: Thailand Medical News & American Academy of Ophthalmology  Oct 13, 2019  5 years ago
New Study Confirms Earlier Reports That Elmiron, A Drug Used To Treat Bladder Conditions Linked To Serious Retinal Damage Of The Eye.     Elmiron, the brand name for Pentosan, which is sodium pentosan polysulfate (PPS), a prescription medication that has been used to treat pain caused by interstitial cystitis, commonly known as “painful bladder syndrome” for decades. T...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 12, 2019  5 years ago
A new study by University of Strathclyde has led to a promising blood test that doctors may soon use to accurately detect brain cancer. The patented technology uses infrared light to produce a "bio-signature" of a blood sample and applies artificial intelligence to check for the signs of cancer.     According to the National Cancer Institute, around 0.6% of people will ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 12, 2019  5 years ago
A medical study by the Ottawa Hospital and the University of Ottawa offers a new insight on how ovarian cancer forms and suggests how it might be prevented. The findings of that study is the first to show that the natural stiffening of the ovaries called fibrosis occurs with age. It also suggests that the diabetes drug metformin may be able to halt this process. The study was published in Cli...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 11, 2019  5 years ago
California which can be considered as one of the most progressive states in the US, with a progressive Governor that truely cares for the people, became the first state to allow people to buy HIV prevention drugs at pharmacies without a prescription. Around 1.4 million Americans currently live with HIV, an incurable disease that develops after an individual is infected with the HIV virus. In...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 11, 2019  5 years ago
Medical researchers from across the Netherlands have discovered that using organoids derived from patient tumors can be used to help determine how well a cancer patient will respond to chemotherapy. In their paper published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, the group describes growing organoids from tumor tissue and testing them with chemo drugs. Organoids are organs grown art...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 10, 2019  5 years ago
The ASCO Breakthrough Summit 2019 which is a global event showcasing oncology innovations will be opened in Bangkok tomorrow and will be last for three days. The Breakthrough summit will showcase the latest in cancer care and highlight how rapidly evolving science, technology and research are transforming cancer care with new treatments and therapies. Featuring a host of distinguished spea...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 10, 2019  5 years ago
Typically as tumor cells multiply, they often generate tens of thousands of genetic mutations. Analyzing which ones are the most promising to target with immunotherapy is like finding a few needles in a haystack. Now a new model developed by researchers in the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania hand-picks those needles so they can be leveraged in more effective, cus...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 10, 2019  5 years ago
Princ Hospital Paknampo is the only hospital in Thailand to achieve a Stage 7 EMRAM Certification from HIMSS Analytics .The delighted management executives received the awards during the recent HIMSS Asia Pacific Conference held in Bangkok on the 7th of October 2019 at  Centara Grand Hotel. There are only two other hospitals in Thailand with a stage 6 EMRAM Certification.


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