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Coronavirus News is a section dedicated to the new coronavirus that is causing an epidemic in China and fast spreading globally. The strain of coronavirus called Covid-19 or also commonly called the Wuhan coronavirus is genetically more potent and faster spreading than the SARS coronavirus. Currently teams are working to develop a new vaccine for this new coronavirus while other teams are trying t...
Source: Covid-19 Clinical Care  Mar 25, 2020  5 years ago
Covid-19 Clinical Care: A retrospective study that was conducted by Dr Haibo Qiu and Dr Chun Pan, leading Chinese pulmonologists and co-authors report on a study of the treatment of 12 patients in Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, who had severe COVID-19 and had related acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and were  assisted by mechanical ventilation, found that having the patien...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus News  Mar 25, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus Alerts: The only way that Thailand can come out of the Covid-19 crisis with a low mortality figure and also to rapidly eradicate Covid-19 in the country is for all to share the same objectives and strategies and do their part.   This is not a time for ego, personal gains or about scoring revenge. Starting from the government, to healthcare authorities and medical profes...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Mar 24, 2020  5 years ago
NOTICE: Conforming To Thailand’s State Of Emergency Ruling That Comes Into Effect On The 26th Of March 2020, We Will No Longer Be Reporting On Any Developments On The Local Thailand Covid-19 Scene As Prohibited But Will Only Carry Official Government  Announcements To Help The Government In Its Efforts To Control The Disease.   We will however continue to give report on  updat...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus Updates  Mar 24, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus Updates : Thai Health Officials reported 106 new infections, bringing the total to 827 and also reported three new deaths bringing the total number of deaths to 4.   However the number of patients being classified as under investigations has skyrocketed with almost all public healthcare hospitals now overwhelmed (no official figures were given for this).   As of 14...
Source : Covid-19 Drug Research  Mar 24, 2020  5 years ago
Covid-19 Drug Research: British based, respiratory drug discovery and development company, Synairgen plc has  announced that it has received expedited approvals from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and Health Research Authority (HRA) to conduct a trial of SNG001 (inhaled formulation of interferon-beta-1a) in Covid-19 patients to potentially assist with the globa...
Source: Covid-19 Diagnostics  Mar 24, 2020  5 years ago
Covid-19-Diagnostics: The debut and rapid spread of COVID-19 has exposed a frailty in our ability to rapidly detect and screen new infectious diseases accurately. British-based Iceni Diagnostics is developing a new approach that identifies the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, not by its genetic code, which can mutate, but by using its reliance on chains of sugars which are constant and unchangeable. The...
Source: Covid-19 Diagnostics  Mar 24, 2020  5 years ago
Covid-19 Diagnostics: Researchers from Simon Fraser University have utilized their pioneering imaging technology called Mango, for its bright fluorescent colors, to develop an easy and fast to use coronavirus testing kits.   They are among a small set of Canadian researchers who responded to the rapid funding opportunity recently announced by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus News  Mar 23, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus Updates : Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin, official spokesman for the Public Health Ministry, announced on Monday that there has been 122 new confirmed cases of Covid-19  since the last 24 hours bringing the total to 721. To date, only one person has died from the disease in Thailand according to government officials. (just like they announced they found a cure for the disease a...
Source: Covid-19 News  Mar 23, 2020  5 years ago
The President of the British Rhinological Society Professor, Dr Clare Hopkins, and the President of the British Association of Otorhinolaryngology, Professor Nirmal Kumar have issued a joint statement last Saturday that Anosmia or the loss of smell could be marker to indicate individuals who might be infected with Covid-19 disease but are asymptomatic in the sense they are not exhibiting fever or ...
Source: Covid-19 Diagnostics  Mar 23, 2020  5 years ago
Covid-19 Diagnostics: California based biotech company, Cepheid has developed that a new rapid Covid-19 test kit that does not even need usage in the lab setting and is able to provide results in 45 minutes. The US FDA on Saturday had given emergency approval to the new diagnostic kits. Cepheid  developed the new automated molecular test for the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2, the vi...
Source: Covid-19 News  Mar 23, 2020  5 years ago
The Global number of Covid-19 infected cases as of Monday morning is currently at 336 838 with 14,616 deaths. The figures are escalating faster than what we had even predicted and a major spikes is expected around the 15th of April based on our assumptions that there are now millions of asymptomatic spreaders out there with various new strains of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. We are going to see a v...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus News  Mar 22, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus Updates: As of Sunday, the official figures for the number of Thais infected with the Covid-19 disease has risen to 599 and one dead so far. These are the official figures. There have been so many speculations online by reputable medical professionals that the figures are much more and that at least 32 of the 77 provinces in Thailand already have reported infected cases. (acco...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Mar 21, 2020  5 years ago
Covid-19 Drug Research: Researchers from the Center of Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases (CSGID have identified a new potential drug target for the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus that causes Covid -19 and say that multiple drugs will be needed to treat the pandemic.   The research is a none peer-reviewed pre-print study published online on bioRvix. (
Source: Covid-19 News  Mar 21, 2020  5 years ago
It is now roughly 12 weeks since the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes the Covid-19 disease has made its global debut, to date the death toll is 11,187 and rising and the total number infected about 266,500. We expect to hit a million infected in less than 10 days time and about 25,000 to 50,000 deaths in the same time frame….and this is only the start. Now the things I am going to mention he...
Thailand Coronavirus News  Mar 20, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus Updates : A Chinese female national was arrested for spitting all over deliberately non-stop on public transport in Thailand.  It was perceived that she was trying to spread the disease to Thai nationals deliberately.   The Chinese woman was arrested on Thursday (March 19) by health and police officials after she was allegedly found spitting repeatedly inside a bus...
Source: Covid-19 News  Mar 20, 2020  5 years ago
Covid-19 Testing: The acute shortage of test kits for Covid-19 and also many countries not conducting testing as freely due to the shortage and financial constraints means the world is effectively fighting the pandemic crisis blindly and may not know the true extent of infection for months if not years, medical experts are warning. As Covid-19 is highly infectious, about 2.5 times that of the c...
Source: Covid-19 Treatments And Drugs News  Mar 20, 2020  5 years ago
Covid-19 Treatment And Drugs:  A new study lead by one of China’s to respiratory specialists, Dr Cao Bin, Professor at Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, China-Japan Friendship Hospital has shown that Lopinavir–Ritonavir is ineffective in treating Covid-19.   The research was published in the New England Journal Of Medicine yesterday. (
Source: Covid-19 News  Mar 19, 2020  5 years ago
Clinicians at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have published a new report in the medical journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology  that  outlines key and critical information that gastroenterologists and patients with chronic digestive conditions need to know about COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.   Covid-19 is of particular concern for patients with&n...
Source: Covid-19 News  Mar 19, 2020  5 years ago
As of Thursday morning, (9am, Bangkok Time) the total official number of Covid-19 infected cases globally is now 219,058 and deaths 8,953.The figures on an extremely conservative level is expected to reach a million official  infected cases by a fortnight and roughly about 20,000 deaths. (this provided countries have enough testing kits and are truthful in their reporting) From our own rough ...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Mar 18, 2020  5 years ago
Dear readers, despite a server upgrade over the weekend, we still cannot accommodate the excessive readership we are getting by the millions every hour, we need a your help and support as we are not supported by any  government nor by any Thai corporations or companies, please help us by donating to  raise funds to sustain this site. Should be not be able to generate enough funds, we wi...
Source: Covid-19 Treatments  Mar 18, 2020  5 years ago
Covid-19 Treatments:  Medical doctors and researchers are warning against using the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)  Ibuprofen after it has emerged that in many cases , using the drug actually worsens the  conditions in patients. (A report on this was also published in the journal-BMJ , doi: ) However Thailand Medical News not...
Source: SARS-Cov-2 Research  Mar 17, 2020  5 years ago
As new studies are showing that the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus is mutating into various strains with different characteristics, ( there could be a scenario where populations will see repeated attacks coming in waves ...
Source: Coronavirus Research  Mar 17, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus Research : An interesting new non peer-reviewed study that was conducted by 19 Chinese Medical Researchers in collaboration with eight different medical research centers and universities have concluded that individuals with blood type A had a higher risk of contracting the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and developing the Covid-19 disease irrespective of gender or age.   The study also ...
Source: Covid-19 Global Pandemic News  Mar 17, 2020  5 years ago
Covid-19 News : A spokesman for WHO (World health Organization) announced on Tuesday that two of its staff have contracted the Covid-19 disease. Much to the dismay of many it was not the Ethiopian director-general who is always praising China, nor was it any of it senior team of incompetent experts who failed to prevent the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus that originated in China to the rest of th...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus News  Mar 17, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus Updates: The number of confirmed case of infected Covid-19 cases in Thailand as of now as claimed by Government health authorities is only 147 with one dead so far. Thai authorities are still claiming that we are only at stage two of the crisis although doctors both at private and government and even some health officials are now claiming a different scenario. The government c...
Source: Coronavirus Research  Mar 17, 2020  5 years ago
It getting terribly frustrating that as the team at Thailand Medical News peruses through hundreds of new research  studies, some peer-reviewed and other not, it seems that  WHO, the US CDC, NIH, government officials and health authorities as either not telling us something, are lying or are clueless.   For instance, we are coming across lots of published studies that despite cert...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus News  Mar 16, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus Updates: The Thai government has announced yesterday that the new Bang Khun Tian Hospital will be converted as a healthcare facility to deal with all the Covid-19 cases when it goes into stage 3 but it did no say that the hospital was only a 100 bed facility and neither did they take into considerations epidemiological projections considering that the country has a population ...
Source: Global Covid-19 Pandemic  Mar 16, 2020  5 years ago
The Global Covid-19 pandemic is entering a new phase in which we will see increases in daily infected and death figures, this is going to be a sad but inevitable daily occurrence as we are paying for the price of the incompetency and lack of responsibility of China and the Chinese people that had help spread the disease to every part of the world when its people were leaving the country in droves ...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus Updates  Mar 15, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus Updates: Health officials today reported 32 new confirmed coronavirus cases, the biggest daily reported to date, bringing the total to 114.   The permanent secretary at the Public Health Ministry, Dr Sukhum Karnchanapimai said that one individual was a patient who had close contact with a cluster infection group of Hong Kong tourists.   Another two individuals got ...
Source: Coronavirus Research  Mar 15, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus Research:  Another new, yet to be peer-reviewed study by Chinese researchers from the National Translational Science Center for Molecular Medicine & Department of Cell Biology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China lead Professor Dr Ke Wang, a leading virologist and genomic researcher and a team of 29 other researchers from 4 other medical and research instituti...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus News  Mar 15, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus Updates: As the global coronavirus pandemic escalates with more countries going into critical conditions, the general Thai population is becoming more anxious and worried about conditions locally and are gradually losing faith in the government  unless they become more transparent and officially release more data including about the degree of preparedness and measures bei...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Mar 14, 2020  5 years ago
Parents with a newborn may be worried about them catching the coronavirus, particularly after recent media reports of an Australian infant diagnosed with it. The positive news is, the evidence so far is babies almost never get seriously ill from the coronavirus. And even if infected, they may have no symptoms. Even then, the coronavirus could affect infants in other wa...
Source: Coronavirus News  Mar 14, 2020  5 years ago
Italy recorded its highest one-day death toll yet from cases of the new coronavirus on Friday, according to official data.   A total of 250 deaths was recorded over the past 24 hours, taking the total to 1,266, with 17,660 infections overall, a rise of 2,547 since Thursday evening.   Meanwhile the WHO or World Health Organization said  that Europe was now the "epicentre"...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Mar 14, 2020  5 years ago
US Coronavirus Updates: Jack Ma, the Chinese billionaire businessman, has offered the United States half a million coronavirus test kits and a million masks, as the country faces a shortage of kits for diagnosing the potentially deadly disease.   "Drawing from my own country's experience, speedy and accurate testing and adequate protective equipment for medical professionals a...
Source: Coronavirus Drug Research  Mar 13, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus Drug Research: As early as 26th Of January, in the early days of the Covid-19 epidemic, Thailand Medical News had published an article calling for more research into the use of Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) as a potential drug candidate for the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus as many past research studies had shown its efficacy against the SARS virus of 2003.( https://www.thailandmedical.n...
Source: Covid-19 Diagnostics  Mar 13, 2020  5 years ago
Covid-19 Diagnostics: Massachusetts Institute Of Technology or MIT has developed a new fast and easy diagnostic tests for the Covid-19 disease that is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The newly developed diagnostic is paper -based with a turn around time of less than 15 minutes. The patents and commercial aspects of the test are handled by a Cambridge based startup company created by MIT c...
Source: Coronavirus Diagnostics  Mar 13, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus Diagnostics: Typically, clinical and laboratory features of both Dengue and the Covid-19 disease is quiet identical and difficult to distinguish.   To make matters more complicated, it has been reported that Covid-19 patients can produce false-positive results from rapid serological testing for dengue.   A study by Singaporean researchers published in The Lancet helps to wa...
Source: Coronavirus News  Mar 13, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus News: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said in a strongly worded tweet, written in English on his verified Twitter account, that it was the United States that lacked transparency and were the ones that brought the new coronavirus to Wuhan by the US military. Zhao wrote."When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hosp...
Source : Coronavirus Research  Mar 13, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus Research: Medical researchers from La Jolla Institute for Immunology, together with virology experts from the J. Craig Venter Institute have isolated potential targets for effective immune responses against the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus which causes the deadly Covid-19 disease.   The team utilized existing data from known coronaviruses to predict which parts of SARS-CoV-2 are capable...
Source: Covid-19 Research News   Mar 12, 2020  5 years ago
Reposted due to grammar mistakes in headlines of earlier post! Our apologies. A new Covid-19 research published in the Lancet on the 11th of March which involved a detailed study of 191 patients infected with the Covid-19 disease that is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus shows that the viral shedding duration in infected patients was more longer than originally expected. (https:...
Source: Coronavirus News  Mar 12, 2020  5 years ago
HIV & AIDs Clinics globally are complaining of an acute shortage of HIV drugs plus many that were getting in from grey markers are now complaining that prices have increased as much as 15 to 30 times for generic versions!   One of the reason is that many government are stockpiling on many various types of HIV antivirals as some have shown a certain degree of efficacy though none have be...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus News  Mar 12, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand coronavirus updates: Thai health authorities today announced 11 more new cases of Covid-19 infected patients that originated in a first cluster infection case in Thailand. Accordingly, a Hong Kong national had a drinking party with a group of Thais. The group of 15 Thai individuals and the Hong Kong National was apparently sharing drink glasses and even cigarettes but only 11 contract...
Source: Virus Research  Mar 12, 2020  5 years ago
A new virus research by researchers from the ophthalmology department at  the Tonji Hospital at Wuhan in collaboration with Tonji Medical College and Huazhong University of Science and Technology at Wuhan indicates that the new SARS-CoV-2 can also be contracted on ocular surfaces of the eye through nosocomial  infections and also people who need to come in contact with lots of people eac...
Source : Covid-19 Research News  Mar 12, 2020  5 years ago
A new Covid-19 research published in the Lancet on the 11th of March which involved a detailed study of 191 patients infected with the Covid-19 disease that is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus shows that the viral shedding duration in infected patients was more longer than originally expected. (   To tho...
Source: Coronavirus News  Mar 12, 2020  5 years ago
As of Thursday (March 12th) morning, there are now 126,054 confirmed cases of the Covid-19 disease spanning 112 countries, 4617 deaths, 5944 Critical cases and more than 2 million suspected cases pending tests globally with figures expected to rise dramatically the next few weeks. The losses from the global economy and stock markets from the last 9 days alone as been estimated to have run into at ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Mar 11, 2020  5 years ago
We apologize for certain countries having loading problems to our website as we have been overwhelmed with traffic sometimes as high as 2 million views per hour the last few weeks! We are trying to resolve server issues.   We also apologize about the uploading a few contents a day as we are also shorthanded with staff but with effect from Thursday 2300 hrs Bangkok time, we are including new...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus News  Mar 11, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus Updates: Health Authorities In Thailand announced 6 more confirmed cases of the coronavirus, bringing the toll to 59.   Of the six new cases one was a A 21-year-old Immigration official stationed at Suvarnabhumi Airport who began showing symptoms on Sunday and was confirmed as infected in two lab tests. Another was also a 41 year old employee from the same airport who f...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus News  Mar 11, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus Updates: It was announced that the Department of Disease Control (DDC) plans to impose compulsory measures for all foreign inbound arrivals, including notifying personal information and contact information such as mobile phone numbers and email addresses as part of steps to control the Covid-19 outbreak.   Apparently the measures will commence on Thursday and all person...
Source: Global Coronavirus News  Mar 11, 2020  5 years ago
Global Coronavirus News: It has been reported that an Apple employee at the tech giant's European headquarters in the city of Cork has tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the firm said late Tuesday, while many more staff are suspected of contracting the virus.   Apple said in a statement, "One of our employees in Cork has been confirmed to have COVID-19. We are closely ...
Source: Coronavirus Research  Mar 11, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus Research: New emerging studies from China researchers shows that contrary to initial assumptions that it was the result of ‘cytokine’ storms in infected patients that caused organ failures especially kidney failure, the new studies indicate the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus actually enter the cells of these organs through the ACE-2 receptors to cause damage.   Though all th...
Source: US Coronavirus News  Mar 11, 2020  5 years ago
US Coronavirus Updates:  As of Wednesday 11th March 2020, 0630hrs , there are 986 confirmed Covid-19 cases in 36 out of 50 States In the US and a total of 31 deaths so far.   But is even more disturbing is that there could be more than 9,000 silent spreaders of the disease since January in the country and many healthcare facilities in the US have been misdiagnosing severe conditions of...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus News  Mar 10, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus Updates: Local health authorities have reported 3 new cases of confirmed covid-19 cases today. The new cases are all Thai nationals, said Dr. Sophon Iamsirithawon, the director for the Health Ministry's Division for Communicable Disease. Of the three cases, one of the cases is a 41-year-old Thai woman who had been in close contact with another confirmed case. She has no...
Source : US Coronavirus News  Mar 10, 2020  5 years ago
US Coronavirus Updates:  Researchers from Cedar-Sinai are saying that more than 9,000 people in America may have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus as of March 1st,  a figure much higher than reported, researchers say. The medical and epidemiology investigators at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles told media, "This suggests that the opportunity window to contain the epidemic...
Source: Coronavirus News  Mar 10, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus Updates:  China government authorities today announced that there was no new locally transmitted coronavirus cases outside of Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak, for the third straight day, while major Chinese cities remained on alert for imported infections.   Seriously? Out of a population of 1.4 billion Chinese, where in the rural sites, people are filth...
Source: Coronavirus Research  Mar 10, 2020  5 years ago
A recent study published on an open platform but has yet to be peer reviewed caught our eyes as it was strangely conducted by the prestigious Spiez Laboratory In Switzerland by a team of leading virologists and microbiologists, but what intrigued me was that why would a prestigious research centre like the Spiez laboratory that had enormous funds and had some of the leading specialist post a &lsqu...


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