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Coronavirus News is a section dedicated to the new coronavirus that is causing an epidemic in China and fast spreading globally. The strain of coronavirus called Covid-19 or also commonly called the Wuhan coronavirus is genetically more potent and faster spreading than the SARS coronavirus. Currently teams are working to develop a new vaccine for this new coronavirus while other teams are trying t...
Source: COVID-19 Herbs  Nov 23, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Herbs: In new research by scientists from the faculty of medicine, University of Banja Luka-Bosnia/Herzegovina and the Institute for Medicinal Plant Research Belgrade-Serbia, that involved using computational molecular docking studies, it was found that the phytochemicals Ellagic Acid, Gallic Acid, Punicalagin and Punicalin extracted from pomegranate peels could inhibit the SARS-CoV-...
Source: Coronavirus News  Nov 23, 2020  4 years ago
Coronavirus News: A Turkish researcher, Dr Cemile Seymen from the Gazi University Institute of Health Sciences, Ankara-Turkey has warned based on his study findings that the COVID-91 disease is able to negatively affect male reproductive health and fertility.   The study findings were published in the peer reviewed journal of Medical Virology.
Source: Antibody Resistant SARS-CoV-2  Nov 22, 2020  4 years ago
Antibody Resistant SARS-CoV-2: A new study and modeling platform created by researchers and scientist from Harvard Medical School, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston Children’s Hospital, University of Washington, Fractal Therapeutics,-Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Microsoft Research, Mark S. Hixon Consulting and  Boston University alarmingly indicates that due to t...
Source: COVID-19 Scams  Nov 22, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Scams: More emerging news coming out from the land of COVID-19 Scams-America. After the hydrochloroquinone, convalescent plasma and remdesivir sagas, we have the Eli lily monoclonal drug and now the Regeneron’s antibody cocktail drug being granted emergency authorization or EUA status to treat COVID-19. It was already expected news as many were sure that Trump has to oblige his...
Source: Latest COVID-19 Research  Nov 22, 2020  4 years ago
Latest COVID-19 Research: Spanish researchers from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), the  Fight AIDS and Infectious Diseases Foundation-Spain, Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona-Spain  and the Universtiat Central de Catalunya-Spain have in a new study revealed that SARS-CoV-2, the causative pathogen COVID-...
Source: COVID-19 Protection  Nov 22, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Protection: Researchers from largest private hospital group in Mexico-Hospital Médica Sur have in a new study found that measles-mumps-rubella MMR II vaccine could offer protection against the COVID-19 disease.   The study findings were published in the peer reviewed journal: Allergy (The European Journal Of Allergy and Clinical Immunology)
Source: Latest COVID-19 Updates  Nov 21, 2020  4 years ago
Latest COVID-19 Updates: Researchers from the  University of São Paulo's Medical School (FM-USP) in Brazil under the supervision of Dr Marilia Cerqueira Leite Seelaender, a professor in the Department of Clinical Surgery in a new study indicate that there is  growing evidence that adipose tissue plays a key role in the aggravation of COVID-19. One of the theories under investi...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 News  Nov 21, 2020  4 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 News: Researchers from the University of Cambridge, in collaboration with Justus-Liebig University, Germany, have uncovered how the genome of SARS-CoV-2 ie the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 utilizes ‘genome origami’ to infect and replicate successfully inside host cells.   Discovery of shape of the SARS-CoV-2 genome after infection could inform the develo...
Source: COVID-19 Scams  Nov 21, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Scams: It is now emerging that it is not just medical products from China that are typically substandard  with most Chinese suppliers trying to scam other countries desperate in need of supplies but now South Korea has emerged as another country indulging in similar practices.   The Washington Post reported yesterday (Friday) that coronavirus tests imported from South Korea by...
Source: COVID-19 Breakthroughs  Nov 20, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Breakthroughs: A new breakthrough study led by researchers from St. Jude Children's Research Hospital-Memphis along with scientist from University of Tennessee Health Science Center have discovered that inflammation in COVID-19 patients were not just caused by cytokine storms per se or even just by bradykinin storms but rather were triggered by what is known as PANoptosis.   PA...
Source: COVID-19 Intranasals  Nov 20, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Intranasals: Scientists from the University of Birmingham have developed a nasal spray that can provide effective protection against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus by using materials already cleared for use in humans.   Airborne pathogens pose high risks in terms of both contraction and transmission within the respiratory pathways, in particular the nasal region. Although knowledge of ...
Source: COVID-19 Scams  Nov 20, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Scams: Finally the world is seeing more day by day the scams perpetrated by American entities including the NIH, CDC, FDA, the Trump Administration and individuals like Dr Anthony Fauci, billionaires like Tom Cahill and politicians like Nick Ayers and Mike Spence.   One of the biggest scams that is coming to light is remdesivir, an overpriced drug that had no efficacy against COVID...
Source: COVID-19 Second Wave  Nov 19, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Second Wave: The COVID-19 second wave is finally here and by the way things look, nothing is going to for well for the next 3 to 4 months. Already another new record number of global COVID-19 deaths was recorded in the last 24 hours at 11,005. As of today, the official total number of people worldwide who have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus stands at more than 56.4 million ...
Source: Vaccine News  Nov 19, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine News: New alarming study findings based on a research by scientist from the University of Oxford-UK has now put numerous vaccines that are under development and soon to be used on masses under a new spotlight.   The study team has revealed that site-specific glycosylation differs between spike proteins derived from SARS-CoV-2 and a viral vector-based vaccine candidate. A significant...
Source: SARS-Cov-2 Foodborne Transmission  Nov 19, 2020  4 years ago
SARS-Cov-2 Foodborne Transmission: A new Canadian study by researchers from Bureau of Microbial Hazards-Health Canada and the Faculty of Medicine-University of Ottawa on the potential foodborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through fresh produce shows that typical coronaviruses like the HCoV-229E strains remains infectious for up to 3 days on cucumbers.   Typically human coronaviruses (HCoVs) ...
Source: COVID-19 Genetics  Nov 19, 2020  4 years ago
COVID19 Genetics: Scientists from the University of Adelaide-Australia, Australian National University and the University of Arizona-United States have in a new study found that that an ancient coronavirus-like epidemic drove the adaptation of East Asian people from 25,000 to 5,000 years ago.   The present SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has emphasized the vulnerability of human populations to novel vi...
Source: COVID-19 News  Nov 18, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 News: Italian researchers from Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori, VisMederi Srl-Siena, University of Siena and University of Milan in a new study have surprisingly discovered that SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus was circulating in Italy even before China knew about its existence on its own soil.   There are no robust data on the real onset of SARS-CoV-2 infection and spread in the ...
Source: COVID-19 Clinical Care  Nov 18, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Clinical Care: Researchers from New York University School of Medicine have revealed that the clinical severity of hospitalized COVID-19 patients can be predicted by analyzing the level of troponin elevation and electrocardiographic (ECG) abnormalities.   Troponin elevation is a frequent laboratory finding in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 disease, and may reflect direct vascu...
Source: COVID-19 Herbs  Nov 18, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Herbs: Scientist from Jinan University-China, University of Houston-United States, University of California-United States and Beijing University of Chinese Medicine-China are calling for more research into the potential prophylactic effects of herbs, phytochemicals and traditional medicines on SARS-CoV-2 infection and the subsequent COVID-19 disease.   The scientists said that alth...
Source: COVID-19 Treatments  Nov 18, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Treatments: Researchers from the Department of Critical Care Medicine, Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, Chengdu in China, have in a new study proposed the usage of hydrogen therapy as an adjuvant treatment to treat to severely ill COVID-19 patients.   According to the research team, hydrogen has been shown to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hormone-regulating, and apo...
Source: Coronavirus News  Nov 17, 2020  4 years ago
Coronavirus News: A new study by researchers from King Abdulaziz University-Saudi Arabia and Taibah University-Saudi-Arabia alarmingly points out that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus could also target the dopamine and dopaminergic receptors and co-receptors and that dopamine-release mechanisms in the central nervous system may play a major role in the entry and propagation of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus...
Source: COVID-19 Asymptomatics   Nov 17, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Asymptomatics: French scientists in a new research show that individuals who are asymptomatic following infection with SARS-CoV-2, the agent that causes the COVID-19 disease, typically elicit a polyfunctional antibody response to the virus. Besides the generation of anti-SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies, this polyfunctional response includes the induction of antibody-dependent cell...
Source: WHO News  Nov 17, 2020  4 years ago
WHO: Emerging reports are indicting that a COVID-19 cluster has broken out at the World Health Organization headquarters with more than 65 cases of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections among staff based at its HQ office, including five individuals who worked on the premises and were in contact with one another. Sources are saying more cases are expected to emerge and that even certain senior exec...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs  Nov 17, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs: A new study by French researchers from Université Claude Bernard, Université de Paris, Sorbonne Université, Hôpital Henri-Mondor, Centre Hospitalier de Vierzon and Centre Hospitalier Métropole Savoie has demonstrated that corticosteroids increases survival rates of elderly severe COVID-19 patients.   The study was designed to assess the effe...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Nov 17, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Research: Scientists from University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Nebraska Medical Center and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases have in a new study found that goblet cells are basically the prime targets of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus despite the virus also being able to infect ciliated cells. The study also showed that gob...
Source: COVID-19 Latest  Nov 17, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Latest: Scientists and immunologists from the VIB Research Center-Belgium, University of Leuven-Belgium and the The Babraham Institute, Cambridge-UK have in a new study that besides confirming what was already revealed in earlier studies that the SARS-CoV-2 not only impairs the human host immune system and causes T-cell Lymphopenia, has now also discovered that the infection causes an inc...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs:  Nov 16, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs: A new study by Taiwanese researchers from Chang Gung University, Kaohsiung Medical University, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Ming Chi University of Technology and Puxin Fengze Chinese Medicine Clinic have found that strategies using drugs and therapeutics to target neutrophils help to reduce and treat respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)  in severe COVID-19 patients.   ...
Source: COVID-19 Scams  Nov 16, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Scams: While the majority of the stupid people are still placing their hopes in COVID-19 vaccines with more ‘bribed’ Western journalists and media still extolling merits on these vaccines, various pharmaceutical and biotech executives from companies like Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax are quickly cashing out on their shares while the going is good.   We even have some media i...
Source: Virus News  Nov 16, 2020  4 years ago
Virus News: Korean Scientist from Konkuk University-Seoul, Yeungnam University-Daegu, Inje University-Seoul, Seoul National University and also experts from University of Colorado Denver-USA have discovered new mutations on the SARS-CoV-2 genome from samples taken from infected Korean COVID-19 patients. The researchers warn that these new mutations can have critical implications on the current COV...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 News  Nov 16, 2020  4 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 News:  Researchers from University Of Renmin Hospital, Wuhan-China have found in a new study involving ultrasound diagnostic imaging that a high proportion of male COVID-19 patients developed acute testicular infections (22.5%).   The study team  enrolled male patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID‐19 and performed a bedside ultrasound (US) examination of the scro...
Source: COVID-19 Supplements  Nov 15, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Supplements: Various studies are now showing that NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) plays a key role in the COVID-19 disease and also in long COVID and that NAD+ supplementation can help in a variety of ways There are already studies showing that individuals who suffer from NAD+ deficiency are at higher risk of mortality when contracting COVID-19.
Source: Coronavirus News  Nov 15, 2020  4 years ago
Coronavirus News: Even if any of the current COVID-19 vaccines under development is able to offer only short-term protection against certain strains of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus without causing any long term adverse effects such as ADE (Antibody-dependent enhancement) or other issues, the vaccines will need to be constantly reformulated as emerging studies show that the coronaviruses are constant...
Source: COVID-19 Terminology   Nov 14, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Terminology: We at Thailand Medical News found that many of our readers had problems understanding certain terminology used often in various articles including terms like mutations, isolates, variants, strains, antigens, antibodies etc and have decided to start a new series to explain certain terminology to readers. As COVID-19 is expected to be with us for the next 10 years of so (forget...
Source: Research News  Nov 14, 2020  4 years ago
Research News: Researchers from Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Center-Canada have identified 11 circulating microRNAs in the human body that can be used as biomarkers to determine if a person is suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).   Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex chronic disease, rooted in multi-sy...
Source: COVID-19 Latest  Nov 14, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Latest: A new study by scientists from the University of Otago-New Zealand, University of Auckland-New Zealand and University of Queensland, Brisbane-Australia have found that individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may be at an increased risk of death if they develop COVID-19 after becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2.   The study team used data from the UK Biobank. Multivariate-a...
Source: COVID-19 Genetics  Nov 13, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Genetics:  Scientist from Yale University in a new research have identified genetic variants among people of white British ancestry that may increase the risk of dying from COVID-19.   The study team considered the mortality as the trait of interest and perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of data for 1,778 infected cases (445 deaths, 25.03%) distributed by the UK Bi...
Source: Herbs For COVID-19  Nov 13, 2020  4 years ago
Herbs For COVID-19: A Colombian and Peruvian study involving scientist from the University of Antioquia-UdeA-Colombia, Universidad de Antioquia UdeA-Colombia, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia and Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos-Peru have demonstrated in proper and credible in vitro studies that phytochemicals present in Cat’s Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa) is able to inhibit replicatio...
Source: COVID-19 Discoveries  Nov 12, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Discoveries: Researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center-California, Martin-Luther-University, HalleWittenberg-Germany, University of California-Los Angeles, University of Pittsburgh, Boston, Massachusetts General Hospital and Loma Linda University Hospital-California have in a new study discovered a unique t cell receptor repertoire in MIS-C patients commonly associated with superantige...
Source: COVID-19 News  Nov 12, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 News: A new record of 10,218 Global COVID-19 deaths was recorded in the last 24 hours bringing the global death tally to 1,285,944. At the same time number of total Global COVID-19 infections reached 52,208,810 with more than 613,840 new Global COVID-19 infections in the last 24 hours. In America sadly the numbers are fast rising with total number of COVID-19 infections now reaching 1...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Viral Proteins   Nov 12, 2020  4 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 Viral Proteins: Canadian scientist from the University of Calgary, University of Ottawa, University of British Columbia and Dalhousie University have in a new study found that coronaviruses’ viral proteins including those of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is able to disrupt so called processing bodies (PBs) in the human host resulting in the modifications of interferon and proinflammatory c...
Source: COVID-19 Genomics  Nov 12, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Genomics: Scientists and genomic specialists from the Academia Sinica-Taiwan, the  Institute for Comparative Genomics-U.S, Technical University of Munich-Germany, University of Wisconsin-Madison, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University-U.S,  University of California-Berkeley and University of California-Los Angeles have in a new study discovered a hidden novel overlapping...
Source: COVID-19 Immunogenomics  Nov 12, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Immunogenomics: Japanese scientist from Tohoku University have found that human editing enzymes are likely behind a type of mutation in the COVID-19 virus that stimulates the release of pro-inflammatory molecules called cytokines by immune cells in the body.   SARS-CoV-2 infection induces severe pneumonia and is the cause of a worldwide pandemic. Coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2...
Source: COVID-19 Latest  Nov 11, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Latest: A new study led by researchers from Icahn School of Medicine-Mount Sinai with the support of scientist from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, University of Alberta-Canada, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, La Jolla- California have uncovered yet another way the SARS-CoV-2 is able to evade human host immu...
Source: U.S. COVID-19 News  Nov 11, 2020  4 years ago
U.S. COVID-19 News: America on Tuesday far exceeded its previous daily record of new COVID-19 cases, adding 201,961 cases in 24 hours, according to the tally compiled by Johns Hopkins University.   According to health authorities the high number was partly due to data delayed over the weekend, took total cases in the US to 10,238,543, with a total of 239,858 deaths, as of 11:55 pm (0455 GMT...
Source: Latest COVID-19 News  Nov 11, 2020  4 years ago
Latest COVID-19 News: Mayo Clinic and University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers have discovered in a new study that COVID-19 can result in cardiomyocytes to fuse resulting in cardiac damage coupled with disruption of the heart electrical rhythm.   The study team made this discovery after an autopsy of a COVID-19 patient who died of sudden cardiac arrest found the virus had infected her he...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Mutations  Nov 11, 2020  4 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 Mutations: Researchers from Washington University-St. Louis, Harvard Medical School and Mayo Clinic in a new study using a variety of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to understand the mutational landscape of resistance in the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domains (RBD) have discovered 48 new mutations resistant to antibodies including 27 that are circulating in humans.   More worrisom...
Source: Coronavirus News  Nov 11, 2020  4 years ago
Coronavirus News: Researchers from McMaster University, Ontario-Canada have revealed that platelet activating immune complexes are the contributing causes to coagulation disorders associated with COVID-19 seen in severe or critically ill COVID-19 patients.   Thrombosis is a prominent feature of COVID-19 and often occurs in patients who are critically ill; however, the mechanism is unclear. ...
Source: COVID-19 Mutations  Nov 10, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Mutations: A new international study involving researchers from United Kingdom, United States, Switzerland, Australia and Italy from more than 23 institutions and entities are warning that more variants or strains that can evade human host immune response can emerge as a result of mutations in the spike proteins. One such spike protein mutation known as N439K is already becoming a major c...
Source: Vaccine News  Nov 10, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine News: Another latest development in the trillion dollar COVID-19 vaccine sector that is plagued with scams, lies, cover-ups and greed as Brazil announces a sudden suspension of all clinical trials involving the Chinese COVID-19 vaccine called Coronavac made by Sinovac Biotech.   24 hours ago, Brazil's health regulator said it had suspended clinical trials of a Chinese-developed ...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccine  Nov 10, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Vaccine: American headquartered pharmaceutical giant Pfizer spend a fortune on a PR conference and paying off numerous unethical media writers and media to do an elaborate piece about its vaccine which it claims is more than 90 percent effective. In the last few hours its stocks were rallying and God knows who is going to make millions but the key issue is that there were no published stu...
Source: COVID-19 Warnings  Nov 10, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Warnings!  The COVID-19 disease is always baffling the medical community and researchers day by day with new discoveries or anomalies being uncovered or emerging rare case studies.   Since the beginning of the pandemic it was assumed that only the elderly would be most at risk and subsequently as more younger adults and youths were also contracting the disease and dying from i...
Source: COVID-19 Clinical Care  Nov 10, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Clinical Care: A new study by researchers from the Federal University of Sao Paulo-Brazil and Faculdade de Medicina do ABC-Brazil have discovered that the inner retina of certain severe COVID-19 patients may harbor acute vascular lesions in the form of flame-shaped hemorrhages and "cotton wool" spots. However the researchers are not clear as to what could be causing these retina...
Source: COVID-19 Supplements  Nov 10, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Supplements: Researchers from Cleveland Clinic in a new study have found that melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and is commonly used as an over-the-counter sleep aid, may be a viable treatment option for COVID-19. The study findings were published in the peer reviewed journal: PLOS Biology.
Source: COVID-19 Protection  Nov 09, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Protection: Nanox, a Brazilian company based on São Paulo and supported by São Paulo Research Foundation, through FAPESP’s Innovative Research in Small Business Program (PIPE) has developed a new technology of incorporating nanoparticles of silver and silica into the polyethylene structure of a new protective film against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The company has lic...
Source: COVID-19 Herbs  Nov 09, 2020  4 years ago
In the first ever multicenter randomized controlled trial study involving herbs to treat COVID-19, researchers from Pakistan, Canada, Chile and the United States have shown that the herb Nigella Sativa (Fennel Flower or Black Caraway Plant or Kalonji) and honey is able to treat moderate and severe COVID-19 patients.   The study findings were published on a preprint server is currently being...


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