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Coronavirus News is a section dedicated to the new coronavirus that is causing an epidemic in China and fast spreading globally. The strain of coronavirus called Covid-19 or also commonly called the Wuhan coronavirus is genetically more potent and faster spreading than the SARS coronavirus. Currently teams are working to develop a new vaccine for this new coronavirus while other teams are trying t...
Source: COVID-19 Hypoxia  Jul 03, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Hypoxia:  Researchers from Hines Veterans Affairs Hospital and Loyola University of Chicago in a new study provides possible explanations for COVID-19 patients who present with extremely low, otherwise life-threatening levels of oxygen, but no signs of dyspnea (difficulty breathing). This new understanding of the condition, known as silent hypoxemia or 'happy hypoxia,' could ...
Source: COVID-19 and the Endocrine System  Jul 02, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Endocrine System: It seems that the damage from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is never ending. Starting out initially as a respiratory disease that causes damage to the lungs, studies progressed to show that it also affects the immunity system, the gastroenterological system, the clotting mechanisms, the neurological system, the heart and circulatory system, the reproductive system in males ...
Source: COVID-19 Recovered Patients  Jul 02, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Recovered Patients: A collaborative study in China involving leading universities and hospitals headed by Wuhan Institute Of Virology has discovered that recovered patients who even after 2 to 11 weeks of being discharged from hospitals, displayed a remarkable phenotypic alterations in lymphocytes after clinical recovery. This suggests SARS-CoV-2 infection imprints profoundly on lymphocyt...
Source: Diabetes and COVID-19  Jul 02, 2020  5 years ago
Diabetes And COVID-19: A case study by German researchers from University of Kiel have confirmed that the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus can trigger diabetes and insulin dependency in young adults who have otherwise been healthy with any prior history of sickness or diabetes. It is assumed that the diabetes is triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus attacking the pancreas thru the ACE-2 receptors present ...
Source: COVID-19 Diagnostics  Jul 02, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Diagnostics:  Researchers from the Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI), the same UC Berkeley group that rapidly popped up a state-of-the-art COVID-19 testing laboratory in March, are now trialing a quicker way to obtain patient samples: through saliva. So far diagnostic tests for COVID-19 have relied on samples obtained by swabbing uncomfortably deep into a person’s nasal pa...
Source: US Medical News  Jul 02, 2020  5 years ago
US Medical News: Daily new COVID-19 cases in America soared past 51,097 in the last 24 hours for the first time, as the World Health Organization delivered a grave warning that the global pandemic is accelerating.   Clubs, restaurants, bars and beaches in the world's worst-hit nation closed from California to Florida, as states reeling from yet another surge in the deadly virus&nbs...
Source: COVID-19 Latest  Jul 02, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Latest: Researchers from Utrecht University, UMC Utrecht, and Erasmus MC have discovered that platelets also play a role in the immune system: They appear to be indispensable in protecting the respiratory system against pathogens despite their primary role in blood coagulation and the development of thrombosis.   Lead researcher Dr Erhard van der Vries told Thailand Medical News, &...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs and Fostamatinib  Jul 02, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs: Fostamatinib, an FDA-approved monoclonal antibody that is a spleen tyrosine kinase inhibitor (SYK), was studied by researchers from Harvards’ Broad Institute, Imperial College’s Hammersmith Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School for possible use to reduce the levels of mucin-1, a molecule associated with acute lung injury and acute respi...
Source: COVID-19 Endotheliopathy  Jul 02, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Endotheliopathy:  Yale University researchers have found that injury to endothelial cells ie the cells lining blood vessels may be a key driver of COVID-19 severity and death. The new research may help to explain the mysterious blood clotting seen in some patients with COVID-19, a condition associated with the most severe cases and death. The discovery suggests that doctors could ...
Source: COVID-19 Antibodies  Jul 02, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Antibodies: A new research published by the British Medical Journal, (BMJ) yesterday highlights major weaknesses that exist in the evidence base for COVID-19 antibody tests.   The research found that the evidence is particularly weak for point-of-care tests (performed directly with a patient, outside of a laboratory) and does not support...
Source: World Covid-19 News  Jul 01, 2020  5 years ago
World Covid-19 News: The world has recorded 10,614,957 official COVID-19 infections and 514,635 deaths in the last six months as of Ist July 2020 (5am California). The actual figures are at least 5 fold for both infection and deaths due to underreporting and concealments by many countries. Unfortunately despite the relative high figures, people are still complacent and many are living in denial. (...
Source: COVID-19 Disinfectants  Jul 01, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Disinfectants: PNNL or Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has created a new superhydrophobic material, called ElastiDry that repels bacteria and viruses. Water beads off ElastiDry due to the substance’s ​​​superhydrophobocity. Image credit: Andrea Starr | PNNL   PPEs or personal protective equipment has been at the center of the fight against COVID-19. The unforgiving...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccine  Jul 01, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Vaccine: Medical experts from UK are saying that a vaccine against COVID-19 may not be as effective in older people who are most at risk of suffering complications and dying from the disease.   A better approach they say is to immunize those around the elderly to better help them and also protect them from getting infected those close to them or are in constant with them.   Pr...
Source: COVID-19 Clinical Trials  Jul 01, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Clinical Trials:  Researchers from RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences-Ireland have begun a clinical trial of a promising therapy for critically ill COVID-19 patients in intensive care. A study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine by the team led by RCSI Professors Dr Gerry McElvaney and Dr Ger Curley, describe changes in the...
Source: COVID-19 Neurology  Jul 01, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Neurology: A research team comprising of multidisciplinary experst from two Johns Hopkins University institutions, including neurotoxicologists and virologists from the Bloomberg School of Public Health and infectious disease specialists from the school of medicine, has found that organoids (tiny tissue cultures made from human cells that simulate whole organs) known as "mini-brains&...
Source: COVID-19 Genomics  Jul 01, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Genomics: Genomic researchers from Norway and the US demonstrate the presence of a highly conserved, mobile genetic element (thus far with unknown function) in genomes of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and a large number of insects, opening the door for hitherto unexplored treatment opportunities.   The coronaviruses are a group of known human...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs  Jul 01, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs: The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus typically uses a protein called polymerase to replicate its genome inside infected human cells. Studies have shown that terminating the polymerase reaction will stop the growth of the coronavirus, leading to its eradication by the human host's immune system.   Now researchers from Columbia University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison have...
Source: COVID-19 Myocarditis  Jul 01, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Myocarditis: Researchers from Mount-Sinai have in a new study showed that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can infect heart cells in a lab dish, indicating it may be possible for heart cells in COVID-19 patients to be directly infected by the virus.   The new discovery, published in the journal Cell Reports Medicine, was made using heart muscle cells that were produced by stem cell ...
Source: New G4 EA H1N1 Swine Flu Strain  Jun 30, 2020  5 years ago
New G4 EA H1N1 Swine Flu Strain:  A team of researchers affiliated with a host of institutions in China and one in the U.S. has found evidence of a new strain of swine flu that poses a possible threat to humans based on widespread testing of pigs in China and people known to be near them. The research finds are published in the journal:  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs  Jun 30, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs: More emerging results from the ongoing international RECOVERY Trail project shows that Lopinavir-Ritonavir has no clinical benefits in hospitalized COVID-19 treatments. Readers should also take note that in February 2020, Thai ‘medical experts’ held a huge press conference to announce that they had invented a treatment protocol to treat COVID-19 using Lopinavir-Ritonavi...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Jun 30, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: A new research by University Of Utah indicates that changes in blood platelets triggered by COVID-19 could contribute to the onset of heart attacks, strokes, and other serious complications in some patients who have the disease.   The study team found that inflammatory proteins produced during infection significantly alter the function of platelets, making them "hype...
Source: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome  Jun 30, 2020  5 years ago
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome: Till May 2020, at least 285 children in America alone have developed a serious inflammatory condition linked to the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus and while most recovered, the potential for long-term or permanent damage is unknown, two new studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggest. These are the most detailed reports yet on the condition. https://...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Jun 30, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: Researchers from University of Utah Health and PEEL Therapeutics, in collaboration with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Weill Cornell Medicine, report in a new study that an overactive defense response may lead to increased blood clotting, disease severity, and death from COVID-19. A phenomenon called NETosis in which infection-fighting cells emit a web-like substance to trap ...
Source: PTSD and COVID-19  Jun 30, 2020  5 years ago
PTSD: The COVID Trauma Response Working Group, which includes mental health experts from King’s College London, University College London, Oxford University, the University of Haifa in Israel, and the NHS, are warning that  those who have been admitted in intensive care units or even just hospitalized for COVID-19, would have been seriously ill enough to develop PTSD (post-traumatic str...
Source: Health Tech Startups  Jun 30, 2020  5 years ago
Health Tech Startups: A team of National University Of Singapore (NUS) researchers have developed a portable COVID-19 micro-PCR diagnostic system called Epidax that enables rapid and accurate on-site screening of infectious diseases and significantly reduces the time required to analyze patient samples. With this new innovation COVID-19 screening can soon be conducted directly at various testing s...
Source: Remdesivir and COVID-19  Jun 30, 2020  5 years ago
Remdesivir: No one is sure yet as to how much certain family members of Trump or the relatives of the US FDA could be making, but its interesting to see that the US FDA under the Trump administration had approved a drug to treat COVID-19 despite the fact there are no true detailed safety studies on the drug and also the fact there is no real efficacy demonstrated except that it shortens hospitaliz...
Source: Cytokine Storms  Jun 30, 2020  5 years ago
Cytokine Storms: Researchers from Medical University Of Lublin-Poland and University of Bonn-Germany have discovered that the SARS-CoV-2 virus initially has a limited capability to invade, attacking only one intracellular genetic target, the aryl hydrocarbon receptors (AhRs). Yet this leads to widely diverse clinical symptoms, suggesting multiple pathogenic mechanisms.   The researchers als...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs & Vaccines  Jun 29, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs And Vaccines: As the total number of global confirmed COVID-19 Infections reaches 10,267, 578 and the total confirmed deaths due to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus reaches 504, 812 (29th June, 2.45am California), people everywhere and healthcare professionals are getting more anxious as to date there are no real confirmed drugs or treatments protocols that can really treat COVID-19 effec...
Source: COVID-19 Diets  Jun 29, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Diets: Interestingly among the many approaches to COVID-19 prevention, the possible role of diet has so far been somewhat marginal. Nutrition is very rich in substances with a potential beneficial effect on health and some of these could have an antiviral action or in any case be important in modulating the immune system and in defending cells from the oxidative stress associated with inf...
Source: China COVID-19 News  Jun 28, 2020  5 years ago
China COVID-19: As the situation comes under control, various part of China are witnessing sporadic burst of new COVID-19 cases. The latest is Hebei province. Roughly 600,000 residents in Hebei province have been placed under severe restrictions reminiscent of earlier lockdowns.   Chinese Health authorities are saying there are only 13 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Anxin, just 140 kilometres ...
Source: US Medical News  Jun 28, 2020  5 years ago
US Medical News: America recorded 43,581 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours (figures for Saturday) and 511 deaths due to COVID-19. As of 3am California time, the total number of COVID-19 infections has now reached 2,596,814 of which 1,081,494 have been deemed to have recovered according to US health authorities.   Only two US states have reported a decline in new coronavirus ...
Source: COVID-19 Immunology  Jun 28, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Immunology:  Researchers from University Of California-San Diego, La Jolla Institute for Immunology-California and Eramus University medical College-Netherland report that patients suffering from severe respiratory symptoms as a result of SARS-CoV-2 infection can rapidly generate virus-attacking T cells, and can increase this production over time.   The researchers conducted a...
Source: COVID-19 Treatments  Jun 28, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Treatments: The oral administration of the amino-acids Cysteine and Theanine could attenuate SARS-CoV-2 viral infection, replication and associated symptoms of COVID-19 such as cytokine storm according to Japanese researchers from the Research Institute for Bioscience Products & Fine Chemicals, Ajinomoto Co., Inc.   The preprint study that is yet to be peer-reviewed is publishe...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus  Jun 28, 2020  5 years ago
SARS-CoV-2: Genomic researchers from the department of molecular biology and genetics, faculty of science, Sivas Cumhuriyet University-Turkey have done a detailed comparative phylogenomics study of various SARS-CoV-2 sequencings and their research findings indicate that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus most likely originated from Guangdong province and not Wuhan as originally though and that the coronav...
Source: COVID-19 Dermatology  Jun 28, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Dermatology:  Reports are appearing in JAAD (Journal Of American Academy of Dermatology ) that numerous COVID-19 patients are now manifesting chicken-pox like lesions on their skin, a condition known as Varicella-like exanthema.   In one report submitted by Italian researchers and doctors, a study was made on 22 patients who displayed these dermatological symptoms. . https://www...
Source: US Medical News  Jun 27, 2020  5 years ago
US Medical News: America is facing an exponential rise in COVID-19 cases. In the last 24 hours, 47,342 new cases were reported and the numbers are still rising. Though there were only 663 deaths, the number of critical patients are rising as well with hospitals bearing the stress. It was reported that there are currently more than 24,700 patients in critical conditions across the country.  ...
Source: Occulus Hirsutus and AQCH  Jun 27, 2020  5 years ago
Occulus Hirsutus and AQCH: For the past 4 months India has been secretly working with teams of medical, biotech, biomolecular and pharmaceutical experts in developing an antiviral drug to treat COVID-19 using extracted phytochemicals from the Occulus Hirsutus plant.   The plant Cocculus hirsutus (Linn.) Diels (Menispermaceae), described in traditional indian medicine ayurvedic literatu...
Source: COVID-19 Inflammation  Jun 27, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Inflammation: A new research lead by University of Bristol, University-UK, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research-Germany, Geneva Biotech Sàrl-Switzerland and other European entities have discovered a novel free fatty acid (FFA) binding pocket on the SARS-CoV-2 virus that could explain in part the viral effects of hyper inflammation, immune modulation, and membrane structure. Th...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus  Jun 27, 2020  5 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus: There is still so much we do not know about the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus  and it reinforces the fact that there is also so much not known in the field of virology, which continues to challenge the ability of mankind to remain healthy when faced with pathogens. While most known microbes have restricted affinity for specific species, continuing to adapt within the host spe...
Source: US Medical News  Jun 26, 2020  5 years ago
US Medical News: The total number of confirmed new COVID-19 cases per day in the U.S. hit an all-time high of 40,184 in the last 24 hours, eclipsing the mark set during one of the deadliest stretches in late April, in a resurgence that has led some governors to backtrack or at least pause the reopening of their states.   Though the increase is believed to reflect, in part, greatly expanded ...
Source: Oxygen Concentrators  Jun 26, 2020  5 years ago
Oxygen Concentrators: The World Health Organization (WHO) head has said that the world is facing an acute shortage of oxygen concentrators as the number of worldwide cases of COVID-19 disease nears the 10 million mark.   WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told media, "Many countries are now experiencing difficulties obtaining oxygen concentrators. Demand is currently outst...
Source: COVID-19 Neurological And Psychiatric Complications  Jun 26, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Neurological And Psychiatric Complications: A collaborative study involving numerous institutions and hospitals including University of Cambridge, University Hospital Southhampton, King’s College London, University of Manchester, University of Newcastle, University of Edinburg, University Of Liverpool, University College London, and others, which focused on neurological and psychiat...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Jun 26, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: Leading molecular and cellular pathologists from the University of Alabama have now identified 15 main viral genes explicitly expressed in human lung epithelial cells infected by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.   The research lead by Dr Sooryanarayana Varambally, Dr Darshan S. Chandrashekar and Dr Upender Manne, all from the Department of Pathology, University of Alabama at B...
Source: WHO and COVID-19  Jun 26, 2020  5 years ago
WHO: It was reported that changes were made to the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Research Roadmap based on the opinions involving more than 1,528 experts from 137 countries on research priorities and the new shift is away from vaccine development to greater emphasis and focus on public health intervention.   That new research roadmap has been published on a preprint server. htt...
Source: COVID-19 News  Jun 26, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 News: Medical researchers from the University of Texas at Dallas recently pinpointed a potential strategy for counteracting the acceleration of the illness in the lungs of COVID-19 patients.                                 A total of ...
Source: Artemisia Annua  Jun 26, 2020  5 years ago
Artemisia Annua: German biotech researchers and chemists from the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (Potsdam, Germany) in close collaboration with virologists from Freie Universität Berlin have shown in laboratory studies that aqueous and ethanolic extracts of specially bred sweet wormwood plants (A. annua) are active against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that has caused the COVID-...
Source: Cytokine Storms  Jun 26, 2020  5 years ago
Cytokine Storms:  Medical researchers from Lawson Health Research Institute and Western University are the first in the world to profile the body's immune response to COVID-19.   Simply by detailed studying of blood samples from critically ill patients at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), the research team identified a unique pattern of six molecules that could be used as thera...
Source: Facebook  Jun 25, 2020  5 years ago
The American Facebook Platform Does It Again By labeling another article about FAR-UVC Light that has been proven safe to disinfect against the COVID-19 By Columbia University As fake.   This despite the fact th...
Source: COVID-19 Warning  Jun 25, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Warning: Chinese researchers are saying that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has gone thru six major gene modifications along with thousands of smaller codon changes since January that seems to be enhancing its ability to infect and evade the human immune system. The researchers are saying that at the moment the US and Europe are the major sites for virus mutations but strangely there seems to...
Source: US Medical News  Jun 25, 2020  5 years ago
US Medical News:  38,386 new COVID-19 infections were reported in the last 24 hours as of 4.36am California, 25th Of June and the numbers are still rising. The number of COVID-19 deaths in the last 24 hours was 807.   What is worrisome is that it is estimated that there are about 23,631 individuals under critical care at the moment with many more on the waiting list for ICU facilities ...
Source: COVID-19 Severity  Jun 25, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Severity: Researchers from King's College London, University of Gothenburg and Sahlgrenska University Hospital have discovered that blood proteins in COVID-19 patients change over time, and these can possibly predict or reflect the severity of disease and also could serve as targets for treatment. Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay  Their research findings ...
Source: COVID-19 Symptoms  Jun 25, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Symptoms: A new collaborative meta-analysis study involving researchers from University Of Sheffield, Imperial College London, University Of Leeds and University Of Bristol, that aims to supersede the outdated list of symptoms listed by the World Health Organisation at the start of the pandemic, show that persistent cough and fever have been confirmed as the most prevalent symptoms associ...
Source: High-Flow Nasal Cannula  Jun 25, 2020  5 years ago
High-Flow Nasal Cannula: Clinical treatment of COVID-19 has been a medical nightmare for front-line doctors largely learning about the disease in real-time without proven protocols. During the first crush of COVID-19, doctors around the world relied heavily on ventilators for mechanical ventilation to rescue oxygen-starved patients.   Patients with COVID-19 can struggle to get enough oxygen d...
Source: COVID-19 Latest  Jun 25, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Latest: Medical researchers from the University Of California-San Francisco (UCSF) report that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is unlikely to negatively impact pregnancy-related outcomes such as premature birth, transmission to babies, and infertility issues as the female reproductive tract has very extremely low expression of ACE-2 receptors unlike the male testes which studies are showing is...
Source: COVID-19 Immunology  Jun 25, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Immunology:  Medical and immunology researchers from Qatar have discovered that antibody performances against endemic human coronaviruses are qualitatively different in children when compared to the general adult population, as well as healthy adult blood bank donors and they may also provide cross-protection against epidemic/pandemic strains.   So far four endemic h...


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