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Coronavirus News is a section dedicated to the new coronavirus that is causing an epidemic in China and fast spreading globally. The strain of coronavirus called Covid-19 or also commonly called the Wuhan coronavirus is genetically more potent and faster spreading than the SARS coronavirus. Currently teams are working to develop a new vaccine for this new coronavirus while other teams are trying t...
Source: Remdesivir and COVID-19  Jun 16, 2020  5 years ago
Remdesivir:  The American Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning to doctors and all healthcare professionals about a newly discovered potential drug interaction related to the investigational antiviral drug remdesivir, an antiviral drug that is being evaluated as a potential treatment for the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and has also been granted emergency use authoriz...
Source: Dexamethasone and COVID-19  Jun 16, 2020  5 years ago
Dexamethasone and COVID-19: Medical researchers from University Of Oxford-England say they have the first evidence that the cheap steroid Dexamethasone can improve COVID-19 survival in patients with severe conditions.   The British researchers have found that low-dose dexam...
Source: COVID-19 Study  Jun 16, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Study: Individuals under the age of 20 are half as likely to contract COVID-19 as the rest of the population, according to new modeling study released today by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The study also suggests four out of five infected young individuals will show no symptoms.   The study findings published in the Nature Medicine Journal could hel...
Source: COVID-19 Pandemic  Jun 16, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Pandemic: EDITORIAL- As of 16th June, (3.30am California) the official total number of infected COVID-19 cases has reached more than 8.15 million while the total number dead is 439,715.  In reality all these figures being collated by John Hopkins and sites like Worldometers are all not reliable as many countries are under-reporting figures or even concealing figures deliberately. Amo...
Source: US Medical News  Jun 16, 2020  5 years ago
US Medical News: Many Americans could face high out-of-pocket medical costs for COVID-19 hospitalizations despite the fact that many insurers have waived their cost-sharing requirements, a study from researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health suggests.   The research findings were published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Source: Hydroxychloroquine And Chloroquine  Jun 16, 2020  5 years ago
Hydroxychloroquine:  U.S. regulators  finally on Monday revoked emergency authorization for malaria drugs hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine promoted by scammers for treating COVID-19 amid evidence these drugs do not work and are in fact lethal in certain cases and causes serious side effects.   Strangely the official revocation of the drug to treat COVID-19 was done on a very low...
Source: COVID-19 Antibodies  Jun 16, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Antibodies:  A team led by Scripps Research including scientists from University of California-SanDiego, University Of Washington, Harvard University and International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)-New York has discovered a type of antibodies in the blood of recovered COVID-19 patients that provide powerful protection against SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus when tested in animals and human c...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Jun 16, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: A new research led by Norwegian University of Science and Technology involving both Norwegian and Estonian researchers have established a cell culture that allows them to test antibody-laden plasma, drugs and drug combinations in the laboratory. The team also identified six potential antiviral candidates out of a base of 136 already approved drugs that could be repurposed. One c...
Source: COVID-19 Antibodies  Jun 15, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Antibodies: Emerging results from an antibody testing research show that COVID-19 antibodies remain stable in the blood of the majority of infected patients almost two months after diagnosis and possibly longer. However the antibodies were not detectable in everyone exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus, opening discussions on how best to interpret antibody and viral tests.   The ...
Source: Inhaled Corticosteroids And COVID-19  Jun 15, 2020  5 years ago
Inhaled corticosteroids could be the reason that many COPD patients do not seem to be affected by the COVID-19 disease despite the earlier assumptions that most COPD patients were more likely to get sickened badly by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. However the few that do contract the COVID-19, normally end up in extremely severe conditions.   A new study by researchers from Imperial College Lo...
Source: COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma and Hyperimmune Plasma Or H-Ig Therapies  Jun 15, 2020  5 years ago
Convalescent Plasma: In an attempt to treat COVID-19, there have been numerous studies and trials to treat COVID-19 involving convalescent plasma transfusions but most have produced only mediocre results. Biotech companies working in the plasma space are now collaborating to develop a hyperimmune Ig therapy which could product produce better results.   Typically, plasma is the liquid compon...
Source: Nitric Oxide and COVID-19  Jun 15, 2020  5 years ago
Nitric Oxide: Previously published findings from the 2003 SARS-CoV infection suggest the potential role of inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) as a supportive measure for treating infection in patients with pulmonary complications. Treatment with inhaled nitric oxide reversed pulmonary hypertension, improved severe hypoxia, and shortened the length of ventilatory support compared with matched control patie...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccines  Jun 14, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Vaccines: With China’s PR machines in full swing telling the world about its progress in terms of creating a COVID-19 vaccine and the time frame it expects to roll it out for its country and the rest of the world, many health professionals elsewhere are either shaking their heads in horror or are having a long hilarious laugh. Chinese reputation and it past track record for tainted ...
Source: COVID-19 Asymptomatic and Presymptomatic  Jun 14, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Asymptomatic and Presymptomatic:  Recently, the ‘China owned’ WHO  (or World Health Organization)  , one of the main health entities with a track record for misinformation and fake news about the COVID 19 made yet more misleading information publicly when during a June 8 press briefing, Maria Van Kerkhove, PhD, the WHO's technical lead on the COVID-19 p...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus  Jun 14, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus: Local Thai media has reported that the Transport Company in Thailand that runs the public buses have imposed a new rule in the attempt to curb COVID-19 in that no foreigners including all expats in the country will be allowed to board any public buses.   Public buses will only be allowed for Thais and proof via the showing of a Thai ID card is required prior to boardin...
Source: COVID-19 Pandemic-Nikita K. Alexandrov  Jun 14, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Pandemic: The following is extracted from an original article by Nikita K. Alexandrov, BChem, MBA.   Alexandrov is a private researcher based in US who had himself contracted COVID-19 and while initially indirectly aiding a private vaccine development project in Canada, he decided to switch to working with a consortium of international researchers, scientific leaders and also front...
Source: COVID-19 Long-Term Health Implications  Jun 13, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Long-Term Health Implications:  Researchers in a collaborative international study are warning that hearing loss could be one of the long-term health side-effects from COVID-19.   Their research review was published in the International Journal of Audiology.   Though the pace of research on the SARS-CoV-2 ...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Mutations  Jun 13, 2020  5 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 Mutations: Genomic researchers and virologist from Scripp Research Institute in Florida say they believe the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has mutated in a way that makes it more easily infect human cells.   The researchers say more research is needed to show whether the change has altered the course of the pandemic, but at least one researcher not involved in the study says it likely h...
Source: China Medical News  Jun 13, 2020  5 years ago
China Medical News: Certain Areas In Beijing, China’s capital have been placed under lockdown today as six new confirmed  domestic coronavirus cases were reported, fuelling fears of a resurgence in local transmission. Local hospitals are however saying that there are far more cases than authorities are reporting as hospitals are seeing a surge of patients manifesting symptoms. &n...
Source: Niclosamide & COVID-19  Jun 13, 2020  5 years ago
Niclosamide & COVID-19: In a few preprint studies involving computational drug repurposing studies, niclosamide, an approved parasiticide drug was identified as a potential candidate.   Past studies had also showed that it did have efficacy against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in vitro studies and also another study published in Sc...
Source: Diabetes and COVID-19  Jun 13, 2020  5 years ago
Diabetes and COVID-19: New emerging evidence suggests that COVID-19 may actually trigger the onset of diabetes in otherwise healthy people and also cause severe complications of pre-existing diabetes.   The report was published in the medical journal: New England Journal of Medicine.   The report was initiated by an international group of 1...
Source: Asymptomatic COVID-19   Jun 13, 2020  5 years ago
Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases: According to the results of a Scripps Research Institute (California) study involving analysis of public datasets on asymptomatic infections, an extraordinary percentage of individuals infected by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, never show symptoms of the disease.   The research findings, published in Annals of Internal Medicine, suggest that asymptomatic infec...
Source: China Medical News  Jun 12, 2020  5 years ago
China Medical News: Government authorities in Beijing announced today that it would delay primary school students returning to class after three fresh SRAS-Cov-2 coronavirus cases emerged in the capital the first after two months of no infections in the city.   It was not just the three cases that triggered the reactions and fears but reportedly certain medical professionals are saying that...
Source: Thailand Medical Devices  Jun 12, 2020  5 years ago
Medical Devices: It is a well-known fact that cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) treatment inactivates various pathogens such as bacteria and viruses.   Medical researchers are now exploring if cold atmospheric plasma CAP is used in the nasal, oral, and pharyngeal cavities, nosocomial super infections in patients with mechanical ventilators, which are a frequent cause of death, could potentially b...
Source: India Medical News  Jun 12, 2020  5 years ago
India Medical News: The COVID-19 crisis is fast spiraling out of control in India. As of Friday (12th June), the total number of COVID-19 infected cases has reached 298,291 while the total number dead from the coronavirus have reached 8,501. The total deemed to have recovered according to health authorities are 147,195 while about 11,134 are in critical care. On Thursday alone, a record of almost ...
Source: Brain Damage  Jun 12, 2020  5 years ago
Brain Damage: Researchers in a collaborative study involving the NeuroGrow Brain Fitness Center in Virginia, John Hopkins, Washington University and University Of California have published a research paper with a comprehensive review of the COVID-19's effect on the nervous system which classifies brain damage caused by COVID-19 into three stages.   The research is published in The ...
Source: Interferon Lambda  Jun 12, 2020  5 years ago
Interferon Lambda:  Medical researchers from the Francis Crick Institute in England have found that a protein called Interferon Lamba which has antiviral properties and is initially helpful in the body's immune response to viruses, can later interfere with the repair of damaged lung tissue by inhibiting the repair process.   The researchers led by Dr Andreas Wack from the Institute...
Source: COVID-19 Warning  Jun 12, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 WARNING: A new study by Northwestern University indicates that the SARS-CoV-coronavirus literally threatens the whole nervous system.   The study indicates that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus disease also involves multiple other organs, not just the respiratory tract, including the central and peripheral nervous system.   Disturbingly, the number of recognized neurologic manifesta...
Source: COVID-19 Antibody Test  Jun 12, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Antibody Test: Scientists and researchers from University Of North Carolina School Of Medicine have developed a new kind of antibody test that could be ramped up to test thousands of blood samples at labs that do not have the resources of commercial labs and large academic medical centers.   The team created a blood test to pinpoint SARS-CoV-2 antibodies that target one u...
Source: US Medical News  Jun 11, 2020  5 years ago
US MEDICAL NEWS: The American Thoracic Society has published a study paper that warns about the impending drug shortage that the United States will face if not already facing.   The research paper is published in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society and examines the nation’s current shortage of vitally needed medications, and how this dangerous situation is being made...
Source: Acute Pancreatitis  Jun 11, 2020  5 years ago
Acute Pancreatitis: A disturbing revelation has been made by a new study conducted by researchers from the University Of Liverpool. The study shows that acute pancreatitis is now materializing in certain COVID-19 patients and also provides a guideline to identifying the condition.   The research findings were published in Gastroenterology, identifies the signs of COVID-19 related pancr...
Source: BCG Vaccine  Jun 11, 2020  5 years ago
BCG Vaccine: Initially several researchers and prominent news outlets have noticed that countries still administering the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine against tuberculosis had fewer coronavirus cases and fewer deaths per capita in the outbreak’s early stages. This led many to assume that the BCG vaccine could to a certain degree protect against the COVID-19. However mor...
Source: Hydroxychloroquine  Jun 11, 2020  5 years ago
Hydroxychloroquine:  Researchers in a new study from Netherlands in collaboration with scientists from US and Germany  show that the drug hydroxychloroquine suppresses a form of immunity called ‘trained immunity,’ with repercussions for its potential use to treat COVID-19.   Hydroxychloroquine is an anti-malarial and a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD), whi...
Source: COVID-19 Diagnostics  Jun 11, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Diagnostics: As the SARS-CoV-2 has the potential to mutate, and numerous studies and genomic sequencings have already shown that many mutated strains of the SARS-CoV-2 has emerged, it is critically significant to check the efficacy of current diagnostic tests, warns York University researchers, who found seven out of 27 methods had potential sequence mismatch issues that may lead to under...
Source: US Medical News  Jun 11, 2020  5 years ago
US Medical News: The state of Texas on Wednesday (June 10) reported 2,504 new COVID-19 cases, the highest one-day total since the pandemic emerged.   Also, a month into its reopening, Florida this week reported 8,553 new cases - the most of any seven-day period.   Meanwhile California's hospitalizations are at their highest since May 13 and have risen in nine of the past 10 days. &...
Source: COVID-19  Jun 11, 2020  5 years ago
According to new report published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), the food industry shares the blame not only for the obesity pandemic but also for the severity of COVID-19 disease and its devastating consequences.   Medical researchers at Queen Mary University of London say coronavirus has made tackling the obesity pandemic even more urgent, an...
Source: Neutrophils And COVID-19  Jun 11, 2020  5 years ago
Neutrophils or a type of white blood cell may be central to the immune system overreaction that is the most common cause of death for COVID-19 patient. Now researchers from the University of Michigan have that found that rod-shaped particles can take them out of circulation and hence prevent the deadly immune responses.   The research findings are published in the medical journal: Science A...
Source: Singapore and Facebook  Jun 11, 2020  5 years ago
Facebook has labeled on its platform a research by credible Singaporean doctors from the prestigious Singapore Government owned hospital : The Singapore General Hospital  as false. The research which focuses about the usage of the vitamin and mineral combination of Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 and Magnesium  to help prevent elderly patients from progressing into severe stages of the COVID-19 d...
Source: COVID-19 Research   Jun 10, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: A new French research has revealed that the hypothalamus region of the brain is a target area for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus as the researchers have also discovered that the region is rich with ACE-2 receptors and also TMPRSS2 receptors and that the SARS-CoV-2 brain invasion is through multiple routes, along the fact that sex hormones and metabolic diseases influence brain susce...
Source: COVID-19 and Mixed Reality  Jun 10, 2020  5 years ago
Mixed Reality (MR): An innovative project at the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust has brought the versatility of mixed and augmented reality products to the forefront of the news. Called the Imperial led project, the initiative has doctors wearing the Microsoft Hololens headsets whilst working on the front lines of the COVID pandemic, to aid them in their care for their patients. ht...
Source: COVID-19, Influenza and Next Wave  Jun 10, 2020  5 years ago
Scientists initially attempted to use meteorological factors to explain the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in mainly cold climates, which were experiencing winter. However, factors like temperature, relative humidity, and exposure to natural ultraviolet radiation from sunlight, do not explain the variation in disease incidence fully, plus new studies have emerged contradicting many of the ea...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs and Ivermectin  Jun 10, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs: Medical Researchers from Broward Health Medical Center-South Florida, Drexel University College of Medicine and Florida International University have demonstrated that Ivermectin reduces mortality rates in hospitalized COVID-19 patients according to a cohort clinical study conducted.   The study findin...
Source: COVID-19 And China  Jun 09, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19: Harvard University researchers have released a preprint study that states that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was already in Wuhan as early as August 2019. _Baidu_COVID19_manuscript_preprint.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y  or   The study suggests that trends in hospita...
Source: US Medical News  Jun 09, 2020  5 years ago
US Medical News: There is beginning of some optimism as despite shutdowns being lifted and the ongoing protests in various states all over America with regards to criminal nature of the police force in the US, COVID-19 infections and deaths seem to be dropping.   In the last 24 hours, (8th June), there was only 19,044 new confirmed COVID-19 infected cases while there was only 586 COVID-19 r...
Source: Immune Health   Jun 09, 2020  5 years ago
Immune Health: As we age, our immune functions become dysfunctional or senescent while at the same time Influenza viruses and  the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can wreak havoc on our bodies when we get infected especially with the body’s response of producing pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6 (iL-6).   Medical research has since moved forward on several fronts ...
Source: Myocardial Injury  Jun 09, 2020  5 years ago
Myocardial Injury: Medical researchers from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have found that myocardial injury or heart damage is prevalent among patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and is associated with higher risk of mortality. More specifically, a serious myocardial injury can triple the risk of death. Lead researcher Dr Anuradha Lala, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiology)...
Source: SARS-CoV-2  Jun 09, 2020  5 years ago
SARS-CoV-2-associated acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the more frequently encountered organ involvements in COVID-19, occurring in as many as 80% of all critically ill patients. A new French study shows that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes the deadly COVID-19 disease, also attacks the proximal tubular cells of the kidney and causes the development of acute Fanconi syndrome as one of the...
Source: Kawasaki-Like Syndrome  Jun 08, 2020  5 years ago
Kawasaki-Like Syndrome: Medical researchers from the University of Birmingham have developed a test that has offered evidence confirming COVID-19 to be the cause of a newly emerged multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children, who have tested negative for the virus by the PCR test.   The study findings also raise the possibility that children who may have had the virus in their system, ev...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Jun 08, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: A European study involving more than 52 research centers, universities, medical schools and hospitals and more than a hundred researchers from a variety of countries has performed the first genome-wide association study to reveal host genetic factors that may contribute to respiratory failure in cases of COVID-19 disease including blood group types. It was found that those from ...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Jun 08, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: Medical researchers from Columbia University Irving Medical Center have found in a recent research study that lowering the hormone testosterone in infected patients could lessen the severity of COVID-19 disease by preventing the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus from entering lung cells.   The research findings which are published as a preprint have yet to have been peer reviewe...
Source: COVID-19 Long Term Effects  Jun 07, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Long Term Effects: As of 4am, California, Sunday 7th June 2020, the total official number of infected COVID-19 cases in the world has reached more than 7 million (7,001,2180) and total number of individuals who have died have reached 402,578.   These are only conservative figures as the real figures could actually be much more due to under reporting and concealments by government a...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Jun 07, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: To date, there are more than 1,486 peer-reviewed published research studies related to COVID-19 in more than 185 medical journals not only in English but also in other languages.   However there are almost more than 12,039 pre-print non-peer-reviewed studies published over the last few months in more than 17 pre-print servers online. Thailand Medical News in this second r...
Source: Uric Acid Supplements  Jun 07, 2020  5 years ago
Uric Acid: Medical researchers from Kumamoto University in Japan have discovered that uric acid, an antioxidant, protects against declining lung function from age or lung disease, especially in women.   It is commonly known that the oxidant/antioxidant imbalance plays a pivotal role in the lung. Uric acid (UA), an endogenous antioxidant, is highly pres...
Source : COVID-19 Latest  Jun 07, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Latest: It was announce that the U S FDA  has approved the antibiotic combination imipenem-cilastatin and relbactam (Recarbrio) for the treatment of hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia and ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia (HABP/VABP) in patients aged 18 years and older. Recarbrio was previously FDA-approved to treat patients with complicated urinary tract infections and co...
Source: COVID-19 & KHN  Jun 07, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19: It is shocking to see scenes of US authorities using tear gas and pepper sprays to disperse protesters in various states while the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is still infecting tens of thousands of individuals each day. Studies have shown that the usage of these chemicals can increase the risk to respiratory illnesses.   Unknown to many des...


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