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Source: University of Pennsylvania  Apr 22, 2019  6 years ago
Whether a wound -- such as a diabetic foot ulcer -- heals or progresses to a worse outcome, including infection or even amputation, may depend on the microbiome within that wound. A new study from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania found specific strains of the common pathogen Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) are associated with wounds that do not heal. Researc...
Source: University of Edinburgh   Apr 13, 2019  6 years ago
Researchers say patients should continue to take the drugs, which are commonly prescribed to older men, but warn they may need additional health checks. The team stressed that current treatment guidelines do not need to change, based on their study of patient health records. Men with enlarged prostates are commonly prescribed drugs called 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors that reduce the production ...
Source: Proceedings From ENDO 2019, Endocrine Society Annula Meeting in new Orleans, LA.  Mar 24, 2019  6 years ago
Using the hemoglobin A1c blood test to diagnose diabetes tends to underestimate the prevalence of the disease, according to a new study  presented on Saturday, March 23 at ENDO 2019, the Endocrine Society's annual meeting in New Orleans, La.   "Based on our findings, A1c should not be solely used to determine the prevalence of diabetes," said lead researcher Maria Me...
Source: University Hospital Basel   Feb 15, 2019  6 years ago
There is a higher risk of fragility bone fracture for people with diabetes, and a new study was able to identify a key factor specific to type 1 diabetes (T1D) patients.   The study in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism reports that poor glucose control significantly reduces the risk, in T1D patients, of a fall from standing height or...
Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology  Feb 08, 2019  6 years ago
An MIT-led research team has developed a drug capsule that could be used to deliver oral doses of insulin, potentially replacing the injections that people with type 2 diabetes have to give themselves every day. An MIT-led research team has developed a drug capsule that could be used to deliver oral doses of insulin. Credit: Felice Frankel About the size of a blueberry, the capsule contains a...
Source: Brigham and Women's Hospital  Jan 30, 2019  6 years ago
In the United States, the drug price for insulin has skyrocketed over the last two decades. While the price has increased for all forms of insulin, newer, "analogue" insulin medications such as glargine and lispro have become especially expensive. This is particularly true for patients with insufficient drug coverage or for Medicare beneficiaries in the Part D coverage gap. CareMore ...
Source: University of Copenhagen  Jan 26, 2019  6 years ago
The crucial hormone insulin needs help acquiring the right structure. A protein that assists in the process of insulin folding has just been discovered in a new study conducted by researchers at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. They hope the new research results can be used to develop treatments for conditions such as increased level of insulin in the blood known as...
Source: University Of Bergen  Jan 05, 2019  6 years ago
Diabetes is caused by damaged or non-existing insulin cells inability to produce insulin, a hormone that is necessary in regulating blood sugar levels. Many diabetes patients take insulin supplements to regulate these levels. In collaboration with other international researchers, researchers at the University of Bergen have, discovered that glucagon.producing cells in the pancreas, can change i...
Source: Mayo Clinic  Jan 01, 2019  6 years ago
Changing your lifestyle could be a big step toward diabetes prevention — and it's never too late to start. Consider these tips.   When it comes to type 2 diabetes — the most common type of diabetes — prevention is a big deal. It's especially important to make diabetes prevention a priority if you're at increased risk of diabetes, such as if you're overweigh...
Source: Texas A&M University  Jan 01, 2019  6 years ago
A recent study led by researchers in Texas A&M University's department of nutrition and food science shows how a novel regulatory mechanism serves as an important biomarker for the development of diabetes, as well as a potential therapeutic target for its prevention. The study can be found online in the November edition of the diabetes journal of the American Diabetes Associati...
Source: University of Bristol  Dec 24, 2018  6 years ago
Scientists have identified a growth factor found in the kidneys that could minimise the diabetes-inducing effects of blood vessel damage. The research, led by experts in renal disease and translational health sciences from the University of Bristol  focused on a group of growth factors categorised as VEGFs, or vascular endothelial growth factors. These are growth factors produced by...
Source: University Of Tasmania  Dec 17, 2018  6 years ago
Diabetes has been tied to a number of complications such as kidney disease, but new research has found that older people with type 2 diabetes can also have more difficulties with thinking and memory.   During a five-year study, participants with diabetes showed a decline in verbal memory and fluency. Using MRI scans, researchers saw that the participants' brains were smaller at the star...
Society for Endocrinology  Nov 22, 2018  6 years ago
Cognitive difficulties in patients with diabetes, caused by repeated episodes of low blood sugar, could be reduced with antioxidants, according to a new study presented at the Society for Endocrinology annual conference in Glasgow. The study findings suggest that stimulating antioxidant defences in mice reduces cognitive impairments caused by low blood sugar, which could help to improve the qualit...
Source: University of Missouri-Columbia  Nov 05, 2018  6 years ago
In a first study of its kind study, researchers have found that a common chemical consumers are exposed to several times a day may be altering insulin release. Results of the study, led by scientists at the University of Missouri, indicate that the Food and Drug Administration-approved "safe" daily exposure amount of BPA may be enough to have implications for the development of Type 2 di...
Source: British Medical Journal  Nov 02, 2018  7 years ago
A predominantly plant-based or vegan diet may be best for keeping type 2 diabetes in check, not least because of its potential impact on mood, suggests a systematic review of the available evidence, published in the journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care.   This diet is associated with improved psychological wellbeing, a reduction in some of the known risk factors for typ...
Source: Lund University in Sweden  Oct 26, 2018  7 years ago
By blocking a protein, VDAC1, in the insulin-producing beta cells, it is possible to restore their normal function in case of type 2 diabetes. In preclinical experiments, the researchers behind a new study have also shown that it is possible to prevent the development of the disease. The findings are published in the scientific journal Cell Metabolism. VDAC1 Protein The researchers at Lund...
Source: American Diabetes Association  Oct 02, 2018  7 years ago
Having type 1 diabetes is not associated with an increased risk of developing a hearing impairment, research has found. Scientists compared 1,150 people with type 1 diabetes with 283 of their partners who did not have the condition - the results indicated no overall difference in hearing ability in both groups. Type 1 diabetes does not impact hearing loss study suggests However, the findin...
Source: Deutsches Zentrum fuer Diabetesforschung DZD  Aug 28, 2018  7 years ago
Polyneuropathy is one of the most common complications in people with diabetes. However, it can also occur with certain risk factors or diseases before the onset of diabetes. First symptoms are often pins-and-needles sensations in the feet. Although polyneuropathy is present in about 30% of people with diabetes, it often remains undiagnosed. Scientists from the German Diabetes Center (DDZ) in D&uu...
Source: Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging  Aug 08, 2018  7 years ago
Researchers have discovered a new nuclear medicine test that could improve care of patients with type 1 diabetes. The new positron emission tomography (PET) imaging method could measure beta-cell mass, which would greatly enhance the ability to monitor and guide diabetes therapies. This study is reported in the featured article of the month in The Journal of Nuclear Medicine's August issu...
Source: NHS,UK  Jul 21, 2018  7 years ago
Studies have shown that people with type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.       Men and women with type 2 diabetes may face a significantly higher risk of developing Parkinson's disease later in life, new British research suggests.   The finding of a link followed the tracking of Parkinson's diagnoses among millions o...
Source: Multiple  Jul 20, 2018  7 years ago
Improved medications for Type 2 diabetes are one step closer thanks to a new discovery reported this week by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and Syracuse University. By modifying the key ingredient in current diabetes drugs, the researchers produced a compound that was effective for hyperglycemia in animal trials, yet without the most problematic side effects of current drugs. &n...
Source: Journal Diabetes Care  Jul 19, 2018  7 years ago
Improving HbA1c levels could reduce the risk of diabetic polyneuropathy among adults with type 2 diabetes, research suggests.   In a new Danish study, each 1% (11 mmol/mol) increase in HbA1c levels among adults with type 2 diabetes during a 10-year period increased polyneuropathy risk by nearly 66%.  The new research used data from the ADDITION-Denmark study, ...


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