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Source: Medical News - SARS-CoV-2 & Cancer  Aug 04, 2022  3 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 And Cancers: Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous scientists have been worried about the post-infection long term health effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus as it has been known that most viruses can cause long term damages to the host body, some resulting in fatal outcomes. DNA Viruses like Epstein-Barr virus, human papilloma virus, hepatitis B virus, and human herpes virus-8...
Source: Medical News - Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 And Bovine Coronavirus Emerging  Aug 03, 2022  3 years ago
German researchers are warning of a potential chimera involving SARS-CoV-2 and bovine coronavirus (BCoV) could emerge and pose a threat to both humans and also cattle after discovering SARS-CoV-2 infections in cattle.   The study team also expressed that ruminants should be considered in outbreak studies and warranted routine testings to prevent the spread of novel SARS-CoV-2 variants acros...
Source: SARS-CoV-2-Research  Aug 02, 2022  3 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 Research: Researchers from University of Verona-Italy, the Provincial Agency for Social and Sanitary Services (APSS), Trento- Italy and the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center-USA have in a new study found that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has evolved to withstand higher temperatures!   This is bad news as previously, the SARS-CoV-2 spread was not as rampant and exp...
Source: COVID-19 News  Aug 01, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 News: Physicians and researchers in the United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, Japan and Australia are sounding alerts and are concerned as they are witnessing more patients who despite having got infected with either the BA.2 variant or BA.5 variant are still getting re-infected just after 2 to 4 weeks irrespective of vaccination status. In a few cases where genomic sequencing data was a...
Source: Medical News - Hypertension And Disease Severity With Omicron Variants  Aug 01, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from Department of Cardiology, Smidt Heart Institute, Cedars Sinai Medical Center has alarmingly found that individuals with high blood pressure or hypertension have a higher risk of disease severity and getting hospitalized when infected with the various Omicron variants especially the new BA.5 variant and subvariants and also the BA.2.75, BA.2.77 and BA.2.78 variants, ...
Source: Monkeypox News - Medical News  Jul 31, 2022  3 years ago
Monkeypox News: Spain reported on Saturday a second death from monkeypox with more than 120 individuals now hospitalized due to disease severity. Both the fatalities and those hospitalized were mainly young men. Globally more than 1,638 individuals are now hospitalized from monkeypox due to severe conditions. Both Monkeypox deaths in Spain were due to encephalitis or inflammation of the brain and ...
Source: COVID-19 Supplements - Lactoferrin  Jul 30, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Supplements: Lactoferrin (Lf), also known as lactotransferrin (Ltf), is a multifunctional protein of the transferrin family. Lactoferrin is a globular glycoprotein with a molecular mass of about 80 kDa that is widely represented in various secretory fluids, such as milk, saliva, tears, and nasal secretions. Lactoferrin is also present in secondary granules of PMNs and is secreted by some ...
Source: COVID-19 Supplements- Tannins  Jul 29, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Supplements: A new study by researchers from the College of Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung-Taiwan and Asia University, Taichung-Taiwan has found that a class of phytochemicals called tannins can be used to treat COVID-19.   Tannins are basically bitter and astringent-like polyphenols found in wood, bark, roots, leaves, seeds and fruits of a variety of plants. They are f...
Source : Medical News - COVID-19 Ketogenic Diets  Jul 28, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Ketogenic Diets: A new study led by researchers from the University Hospital Bonn, University of Bonn-Germany has found that ketogenic diets and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) can help in COVID-19 especially in boosting immune cells!   Thailand Medical News had reported as early as September 2020 based on a study led by researchers from Yale University-USA, Washington University-USA ...
Source: COVID-19 Supplements - L-Theanine  Jul 27, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Supplements: A new study by researchers from School of Pharmacy at the University of Shandong-China, the College of Medicine at Texas A&M University-USA, the Neuroscience Institute at Baylor Scott & White Health-Texas-USA and  Shandong Yingdong Yinghao Biotechnology Inc-China has found that L-theanine and its derivatives could be used to treat COVID-19 especially in infe...
Source: Medical News -SARS-CoV-2 Evolving To Evade Interferons  Jul 26, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by scientist from University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus-USA has worryingly found that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is actually evolving to evade innate immunity responses and interferons.   The constant emergence of various SARS-CoV-2 variants with enhanced transmissibility, pathogenesis, and resistance to vaccines presents urgent challenges for curbing the COVID-19 pande...
Source: Medical News - SARS-CoV-2 Induced Myocarditis  Jul 25, 2022  3 years ago
A new study conducted by researchers from Sorbonne University-France has identified two distinct phenotypes of fulminant COVID-19-related myocarditis in adults, with totally different and unique clinical presentations, immunologic profiles, and outcomes.   According to the study team, typically adults who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 can develop a multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MI...
Source: Medical News - SARS-CoV-2 Induced Human Missense Mutations  Jul 25, 2022  3 years ago
Thailand Medical News is once again proposing another new hypothesis, this time that SARS-CoV-2 infections can cause missense mutations in the human DNA and genes and give rise to new medical conditions never seen before.   A missense mutation occurs when there is a mistake in the DNA code and one of the DNA base pairs is changed, for example, A is swapped for C.   This single change m...
Source: COVID-19 Herbs - Gingko Biloba  Jul 24, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Herbs: A number of new emerging studies and also clinical trials underway are indicating that the herbal extracts of Gingko Biloba are an ideal candidate to be used as adjuvants in the treatment of COVID-19 due its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.   An early study reported by Thailand Medical News in 2021 by researchers from Pharmacy College, University of Basra-Iraq pro...
Source: Medical News - Monkeypox  Jul 23, 2022  3 years ago
In the last hour, the WHO stupidly declared the monkeypox disease a global health emergency although to date, there has only been about 16,000 cases globally with 97 percent of all cases occurring in gay men and bisexuals and has only been basically manifested as a sexually transmitted infection. If we were to look in the number of cases of syphilis, gonorrhea, HPV, herpes etc including some that ...
Source: Medical News  Jul 23, 2022  3 years ago
The BA.5 variant that is already now known to be more transmissible, more immune evasive and with an altered pathogenesis is at the moment causing a massive surge in daily new infections around the world and with many governments simply either concealing true data or are downplaying the seriousness of the surge and are simply asking everyone to take extra booster shots with claims that it prevents...
Source: Medical News- Long COVID Peripheral Neuropathy   Jul 22, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from the People’s Hospital, Hebei Province-China, the Peking University, Beijing-China, North China University of Science and Technology, Hebei Province- China and the Hebei University of Chinese Medicine-China has alarmingly found that many Post COVID individuals will suffer from long term peripheral nerve demyelination and axonal loss and the risk of such damage ...
Source: Medical News - Post COVID Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis  Jul 21, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from University of California-San Diego has found that the lung issues that many Post COVID individuals develop are similar to Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) with potential serious and fatal outcomes in months or years that follow!   Utilizing an AI-guided approach, the study team analyzed more than 1000 human lung transcriptomic datasets associated with vari...
Source: Medical News - Bubonic Plague - China  Jul 20, 2022  3 years ago
In the last 15 hours, China had detected the first cases of bubonic plague in the country’s Northwestern autonomous region called Ningxia and also issued a level IV emergency response on plague prevention and control. All borders surrounding the region has also been sealed and no movement is allowed in and out the region.   As of the last hour, another 2 suspected cased have been isol...
Source: Monkeypox Updates  Jul 20, 2022  3 years ago
Monkeypox Updates: The monkeypox outbreak is growing not as exponentially as being made by scaremongers and to date, almost 97 percent of all those infected are either men who are gay or who are bisexual wit the rest comprising of men who are refusing to disclose their sexual identity and most probably closeted and also a few women and children who most probably contracted the disease in household...
Source: Medical News -SARS-CoV-2 P272L Mutation Evades T Cells  Jul 19, 2022  3 years ago
Researchers from the Cardiff University School of Medicine, Wales-UK, the Centre for Clinical Research at Royal Glamorgan Hospital, Wales-UK and the Public Health Wales NHS Trust-UK has found that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has evolved to evade T Cells via the debut of the spike mutation P272L found in several lineages!   This new SARS-CoV-2 Spike mutation P272L emerged and transmitted...
Source: Medical News- SARS-CoV-2 Research  Jul 19, 2022  3 years ago
A new startling discovery by researchers from the University of Campinas (Unicamp)-Brazil and the University of São Paulo (USP)-Brazil has validated evidence that could have various startling medical and health implications for all those that have been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.   The researchers found that the SARS-CoV-2 virus utilizes the human host protein called PCNA ...
Source: medical News - Lyme Disease And COVID-19 Severity  Jul 18, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from Wroclaw Medical University-Poland, Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy-Poland, the Regional Specialist Hospital in Wroclaw-Poland and the Healthcare Centre in Boleslawiec-Poland has revealed that individuals with a past history of Lyme disease have a higher risk of disease severity upon infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.   Lyme ...
Source: BA.5 Variant  Jul 17, 2022  3 years ago
As the world registers 568, 433 New COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours and 932 deaths (actual figures could be as high as between 6 to 8-fold as many countries are not conducting sufficient testing or are concealing the actual  COVID-19 data and in some cases like in Thailand, the authorities are simply deliberately underreporting the actual  figures!), the global population is still cl...
Source: Zero COVID  Jul 17, 2022  3 years ago
China’s stupid Zero COVID strategies involving lockdowns, stringent measures and constant testing is proving futile against the new Omicron variants that are spearing in the country. The only results from its constant lockdowns and inhumane restrictions imposed on its citizens are economic disruptions and an impending collapse of several industrial sectors in its economy.   The countr...
Source: COVID-19 Briefs  Jul 16, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Briefs: Symptoms Associated With BA.5 Infections.   Doctors all over Europe and the United States are reporting that patients infected with the new BA.5 variant and its emerging subvariants are no longer showing loss of taste nor loss of smell that was typically seen in the Delta or Omicron BA.1 and Ba.2 surges, rather patients are manifesting symptoms like dry cough, sore throat, ...
Source: Long COVID Research  Jul 15, 2022  3 years ago
Long COVID Research: A new multi-omics study by researchers from the Medical University of Vienna-Austria, the University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien-Austria and the University of Vienna -Austria has discovered a unique anti-inflammatory immune signature and metabolic alterations in individuals with Long COVID.   The Long COVID Research findings showed that the proportions of cytokin...
Source: COVID-19 Diagnostics  Jul 14, 2022  3 years ago
It is amazing and shocking as to how the global medical community has been addressing a global pandemic that has been plaguing the world for the last 31 months with a new pathogen outbreak that involves a novel virus that we still know little about and worse is constantly evolving and changing the ways of not only how it evades human host immunity… both natural and vaccine induced but also ...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs   Jul 14, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs: The World Health Organization has strongly advised against the usage of two drugs to treat non-severe COVID-19, ie the antidepressant drug fluvoxamine and the gout drug colchicine. The WHO said that both drugs were not recommended for patients with mild or moderate COVID-19 because there is currently insufficient evidence that they improve important outcomes for patients, and both...
Source: Neuropathogenic BA.5 Variant  Jul 13, 2022  3 years ago
Neuropathogenic BA.5 Variant: Despite studies showing that the BA.5 variant has switched to utilizing the TMPRSS2 proteins more efficiency to gain entry into the host cells and has a tropism towards the lung tissues, we are not witnessing a great increase in numbers of those infected developing ARDs or pneumonia and requiring supplemental oxygen or the need for ventilators except for those who are...
Source: Medical News - COVID-19 - Thrombosis  Jul 13, 2022  3 years ago
A new Swedish study led by researchers from Umeå University has found that all those who have been infected with the COVID-19 disease have an increased risk of serious blood clots for up to six months. The study that also involved scientists from the University of Helsinki-Finland, Helsinki University Hospital-Finland and The Open University, Milton Keynes-UK found that the increased risks ...
Source: COVID-19 Immunology  Jul 12, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Immunology: A new study funded by the U.S. NIH along with the Melinda and Gates Foundation that has not been covered by the mainstream media has revealed very gloomy findings about the long-term protection from COVID-19 disease and actually bears warnings about possible ADE (Antibody-dependent enhancement) and autoimmune issues!   The study lead by researchers from Emory University...
Source: Monkeypox Research  Jul 12, 2022  3 years ago
Monkeypox Research: Scientists from the Center for BioAnalytical Chemistry, Key Laboratory of Bioorganic Phosphorus Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Tsinghua University, Beijing-China have made a shocking discovery that the current monkeypox strains that are circulating globally contain a non-canonical RNA secondary structure ie a G-Quadruplex (RG4)   Non-canonical RNA segments are formed ...
Source: SARS-CoV-2-Food-Borne-Transmissions  Jul 12, 2022  3 years ago
SARS-CoV-2-Food-Borne-Transmissions: When China on numerous occasions made allegations that many of its COVID-19 outbreaks were caused imported frozen foods including salmon, lobsters, lamb, beef and other foods, many Western ‘experts; were quick to dismiss the claims as being not true. &n...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Research - Medical News  Jul 11, 2022  3 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 Research: A new study by researchers from the Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen-China and the Guangzhou Medical University-China has shown that SARS-CoV-2 infections downregulates ACE2 expression while upregulating Ang II levels in plasma, resulting in pulmonary vascular damage!   To date, it has been found that the current ongoing worldwide COVID-19 crisis ...
Source: World COVID-19 News  Jul 10, 2022  3 years ago
World COVID-19 News: The world has started entering a very dangerous phase of the COVID-19 pandemic as while infections are rising exponentially across the world, governments, health authorities and mainstream media are simply turning the other way and are either concealing the real situation or are simply keeping silent about it. Not only are healthcare facilities going to be affected, but millio...
Source: Long COVID - Neuroinflammation  Jul 09, 2022  3 years ago
Long COVID: Yet another study, this time by researchers from Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University-USA also demonstrated that even mild SARS-CoV-2 infections lead to brain inflammation, brain damage and also cognitive issues!   Numerous clinical evidences suggest that patients with long COVID experience cognitive abnormalities. However, these clinical data are mostly associat...
Source: Long COVID or PASC  Jul 09, 2022  3 years ago
A new murine study by researchers from the University of North Carolina at White Chapel-USA has found that SARS-CoV-2 infections ultimately lead to chronic pulmonary epithelial and immune cell dysfunction, including the development of fibrosis.   It is already known that a subset of individuals who recover from COVID-19 disease develop what is known as Long COVID or post-acute sequelae of S...
Source: Medical News - SARS-CoV-2 Induced Heart Issues  Jul 08, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from Johns Hopkins University-USA has alarmingly discovered that up to 43% of post-COVID individuals have persistent cardiovascular issues! Researchers from the University of Wollongong-Australia also collaborated in the study.   The study team initially planned to examine risk factors for cardiac-related PASC in community-dwelling adults after acute coronavirus d...
COVID-19 Drugs - Spironolactone (Aldactone)  Jul 08, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs: A new study by medical researchers from Stanford University-California has found that the commonly available and cheap generic drug, Spironolactone (Aldactone) improves clinical outcomes especially in severe COVID-19 infections. Spironolactone, sold under the brand name Aldactone among others, is a medication that is primarily used to treat fluid build-up due to heart failure, liv...
Source; Monkeypox-Research - Medical News  Jul 07, 2022  3 years ago
Monkeypox Research: A new UK study that involved researchers from Barts Health NHS Trusts, Queen’s University Belfast, University of Cambridge, Queen Mary University of Medicine, King’s College London, University of Edinburgh, University of Liverpool and University College London has alarmingly found that more than 50 percent of individuals who contracted the monkeypox virus typically ...
Source: Medical News -SARS-CoV-2 Research  Jul 07, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from Osaka University-Japan has uncovered that SARS-CoV-2 infections impairs the human host’s IGF or Insulin Growth Factor signaling pathway. This can result in a variety of metabolic health conditions as well as numerous detrimental health effects which can also contribute to the conditions of Long COVID.   The insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IG...
Source: Monkeypox Updates  Jul 07, 2022  3 years ago
Monkeypox Updates: The current monkeypox outbreak outside the African continent involving  the emergence of a very highly mutated strain of the monkeypox virus that was initially spread via sexually transmitted infections among the gay community is now posing s real serious threat to the general populations as emerging data on this unique  ever evolving and mutating monkeypox strain &nbs...
Source; Medical News - Menstrual Cycle And SARS-CoV-2  Jul 06, 2022  3 years ago
A new systematic review by researchers from the University of Ljubljana-Slovenia, University of Palermo-Italy and the Ljubljana Medical Center-Slovenia has shown that SARS-CoV-2 infections do affect the menstrual cycle and that most women (real women and not transgenders please!) with COVID-19 are likely to experience prolonged menstrual cycles and decreased menstrual volume!   The study fi...
Source: Medical News - Cancer Research  Jul 06, 2022  3 years ago
Cancer Research: A new study by researchers from the University Hospital Southampton-UK and the University of Nottingham-UK has found that erectile dysfunction drugs which are basically PDE5 Inhibitors are effective to treat certain cancers especially those that are resistant to chemotherapy including esophageal tumors!   The finding is of great value as it could help save thousands of live...
Source: Medical News - AstraZeneca   Jul 05, 2022  3 years ago
Alarmingly, a new study conducted by Scandinavian researchers that has been published in the peer reviewed JAMA Network Journal has confirmed that AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 jab, AZD1222 increases incidences of cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT)!   The study led by researchers from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health-Norway, Statens Serum Institut-Denmark,  Finnish Institute for H...
Source: Germany COVID-19 News  Jul 05, 2022  3 years ago
Germany’s COVID-19 News: The current BA.4 and BA.5 surge in Europe is wreaking havoc across countries there and Germany which is one the most badly affected countries is also facing a collapse of its public healthcare services as besides the increased caseloads, hospitals are running out of qualified medical staff as many are themselves falling ill despite being fully vaccinated with booster...
Source: China COVID-19 News  Jul 05, 2022  3 years ago
China COVID-19 News: In the last few days, China has started witnessing an increase in daily new COVID-19 caseloads initially in the province of Anhui but now new cases have also surfacing in neighboring Jiangsu and Henan provinces.   China has placed the province of Anhui with more than 1,7 million people under lockdown with plans to also impose lockdowns in Jiangsu and Henan in the next f...
Source: Long COVID - Research  Jul 04, 2022  3 years ago
Long COVID research: A new study by researchers from Northwestern University, Chicago-USA has found that even asymptomatic or mild to moderate SARS-CoV-2 infections can cause direct and indirect neuromuscular damage to the diaphragm resulting in the Long COVID manifestations of fatigue and dyspnea!   The diaphragm, located below the lungs and heart, is the major muscle of respiration. It is...
Source: COVID-19 Supplements - Vitamin D  Jul 04, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Supplements: A new study by researchers from Pennsylvania State University has found that Vitamin D effectively protects the lungs during viral infection by the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen.   Considering that the world is currently entering a new wave involving the more transmissible and more immune evasive SARs-CoV-2 BA.5 variant that has been found to be more pathogenic and exhibits even...
Source: Monkeypox Updates  Jul 04, 2022  3 years ago
Monkeypox Updates: It is become more apparently that gay men and bisexuals around the world should take more precautions for the time being and even abstain from physical contacts and sex for the time being in order to protect themselves as more evidence is emerging and validating that most of the transmissions so far has been through physical sexual contacts although we now have children and also...
Source: Monkeypox News  Jul 03, 2022  3 years ago
Monkeypox News: As global cases of monkeypox in the last hour rises to more than 6,724 cases globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning that Monkeypox cases are expected to rise exponentially in coming weeks.   New Strain Of Monkeypox Exhibits Symptoms That Are Different From Infections In By Previous Strains In The African Continent   Researchers are puzzled as...
Source: COVID-19-Ischemic Strokes  Jul 02, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19-Ischemic Strokes: A new study by researchers from Copenhagen University Hospital- Denmark and the University of Copenhagen-Denmark has shown that compared to influenza or bacterial pneumonia, COVID-19 infections lead to higher risk of ischemic strokes!   Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks or narrows an artery leading to the brain. A blood clot often forms in arteries d...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 BA.2.75 Variant  Jul 02, 2022  3 years ago
A new worrisome SARS-CoV-2 variant has been identified as originating in India-the land that gave the world the deadly Delta variant. The new variant identified as the BA.2.75 variant, has a growth advantage over the BA.5 variant by over 921 percent!   https://cov-spectru...
Source: Florida Medical News  Jul 01, 2022  3 years ago
Florida Medical News: Things are no longer seeming normal especially when outbreaks of different pathogens that seem to belong to newer evolved strains tend to be breaking out only in one particular state in the whole of the United States and its beginning to seem like some kind of concerted effort to cause chaos in the state of Florida and also to cause some damage to outstanding Governor Ron DeS...


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