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Healthcare thailand

Source: Medical News  Mar 13, 2022  3 years ago
Already due to suppressed news reporting and concerted concealment by those controlling the COVID-19 narratives who have influence that spans the mainstream media, social media platforms, search engines, medical researchers and scientific journals etc, the masses are unaware of how even an asymptomatic or mild symptomatic exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus will shorten one’s lifespan, giving o...
Source: Emerging BA.2 Variants  Mar 12, 2022  3 years ago
Belgium researchers have announced that a new recombinant variant involving the Omicron variants BA.2 and BA.1.1 has emerged in Belgium and is slowly gaining predominance in circulation.   The study team led by Professor Dr Geert A Martens, Head of molecular diagnostics at AZ Delta General Hospital, Roeselare-Belgium has been paying attention to the new recombinant variant since it was first ...
Source: Thailand Official Fake COVID-19 News  Mar 12, 2022  3 years ago
Thailand Official Fake COVID-19 News: As per the norm in the land of scams where truth is never prevalent, local officials reported that there were only 25,592 New COVID-19 Cases (As confirmed by PCR tests and only if one was able to get access to these test!) and a mere 68 COVID-19 deaths in the last 24 hours despite local doctors and various social media platforms painting a totally different an...
Source: COVID-19 Herbs And Phytochemicals  Mar 11, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19-Herbs: Canadian researchers from Laval University-Quebec City, Université de Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal, Université McGill and the Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie have in a new study found that the phytochemical tannic acid is able to inhibit three key pathways involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection and could be ...
Source: BA.2 And Emerging Subvariants Like BA.2.2  Mar 10, 2022  3 years ago
BA.2 Variant Fast Evolving And Spawning Newer Sub-Variants.   We at Thailand Medical News has been warning for months now that the Omicron variants including the BA.2 are not mild and worse are fast evolving and spawning never subvariants fueled by monoclonal treatments, vaccines, new therapeutics, ‘geolocation genetics’ and by the kinetics of the pandemic. https://www.thailandmed...
Source: Medical News - Pfizer Jabs And Brain   Mar 09, 2022  3 years ago
Research findings involving a vitro study of the effects of COVID-19 mRNA (Pfizer/BioNT) jabs on glial cells of the brain studied by means of Raman spectroscopy and imaging are causing a major concern among researchers and physicians around the world.   The study findings showed that the COVID-19 mRNA (Pfizer/BioNT) jabs causes immunometabolism that alters biochemical profiles that are typi...
Source: SARS-CoV-2-Brain-Damage  Mar 08, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by researchers lead by Professor Dr Gwenaëlle Douaud from the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging (WIN) at University of Oxford-UK has found that even mild SARS-CoV-2 infections can result in brain changes and cognitive decline! This is great news considering that many moronic doctors and ‘experts’ had commented that the extremely transmissible Omicron variant...
Source: Thailand COVID-19 News  Mar 08, 2022  3 years ago
Thailand COVID-19 News: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has in the last few hours issued a warning to all Americans against travelling to Thailand where it has elevated its travel recommendation to "Level Four: Very High" for Thailand based on emerging data it has secured.   Many countries are expected to follow the similar recommendations e...
Source: COVID-19 Research - Hypoaldosteronism  Mar 07, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has found that most hospitalized COVID-19 Patients typically exhibit extreme hypoaldosteronism, a condition characterized by the shortage (deficiency) or impaired function of a hormone called aldosterone.   Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid steroid hormone produced by the ...
Source: Thailand COVID-19 News  Mar 06, 2022  3 years ago
The last week has seen daily new COVID-19 infections In Thailand hover above the 20,000 mark and it’s a sign that the current mask mandates are not helping to prevent COVID-19 infections in the country especially when the new Omicron variants are concerned.   According to local Thailand COVID-19 News sources, the last 24 hours has seen 21,881 new COVID-19 cases and only 59 COVID-19 de...
Source: Medical News - Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome   Mar 06, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from Columbia University Medical Center-USA and University of Buffalo-USA has found that activation of Type 1 dendritic cells such as CD11c+ CD141+ and CLEC9A+m along with exhausted natural killer cells are key drivers of the Post COVID condition known as Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome or MIS which can affect both children (MIS-C) or adults (MIS-A). the study also fou...
Source: Medical News - BA.2 with SI1221T Mutation  Mar 05, 2022  3 years ago
Hong Kong Is currently facing a catastrophic fifth COVID-19 wave with not only exponential daily new infections but also many exhibiting disease severity and causing hospitalizations to overwhelm the public healthcare system.   The situation is so bad that mainland China had to sent in teams of doctors and nurses along with hospital beds and medical equipment to help set up makeshift hospit...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Cancers  Mar 05, 2022  3 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 Cancers: Typically, most viral infections have the potential of increasing the risk of cancer but the occurrences of cancerous tissues and tumors normally happens over a long period of time post infection such as in the case of HPV infections etc.   However, based on numerous physicians reports and emerging observations, SARS-CoV-2 infections have the ability of causing either ex...
Source: Medical News - Immune Cells Associated With COVID-19 Mortality  Mar 04, 2022  3 years ago
A new data analysis tool developed by researchers from Yale University called Multiscale PHATE has found that COVID-19 patients who die typically show CD16hiCD66blo neutrophil and IFN-Gamma Granzyme B+ Th17 cell responses!   While the biomedical community produces datasets that are increasingly complex and high dimensional, there is a need for more sophisticated computational tools to extra...
Source: Medical News - Opportunistic Secondary Infections In Mild SARS-CoV-2  Mar 04, 2022  3 years ago
A new study conducted by researchers from University of Tennessee Health Science Center-USA has found that even mild SARS-CoV-2 infections increase the risk of opportunistic pneumococcal coinfection and in many cases, those affected are unaware till their conditions deteriorates in the late stages.   Typically, secondary bacterial infections can exacerbate SARS-CoV-2 infection, but their pr...
Source: Thailand COVID-19 News  Mar 03, 2022  3 years ago
HILARIOUS! Talk About Incompetency! In Bangkok, Authorities Are Now Asking Those With COVID-19 To Seek Treatments In Nearby Provinces!   Thailand Medical doctors and health experts are the ‘funniest’ in the world! Some made statements in the garbage local media last month that the COVID-19 crisis would end in the country at the end of February 2022.   Today, the 4th of Marc...
Source: U.S. Medical News  Mar 03, 2022  3 years ago
U.S. Medical News: First in mid-February this year, the US.CDC suddenly came up and revealed that there were more than 1 million excess deaths due to COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic. That revelation indicated that almost more than 2 million Americans have died from COVID-19 so far!
Source: COVID-19 Narratives  Mar 02, 2022  3 years ago
While many ignorant people are living in a disillusion that COVID-19 is almost over or that the disease will become endemic, the worse impacts from the ongoing pandemic are yet to come. Many Western countries are in the midst of removing COVID-19 restrictions, lockdowns, border and travel restrictions, mask and vaccine mandates, testing requirements etc (The vaccine mandates, I totally agree shoul...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs - Famotidine  Mar 02, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs: The study findings of a phase 2 clinical trial led by Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research-New York and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory shows that the common heart burn drug Famotidine is effective in treating COVID-19 disease especially for those with in mild to moderate cases.   It should be noted that Thailand Medical News first reported on the potential of using famot...
Source: Long COVID - Peripheral Neuropathy  Mar 02, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital-USA shows that those with prolonged Long COVID will likely suffer from nerve damage and peripheral neuropathy.   To date, majority of so called ‘recovered’ COVID-19 patients report a variety of long COVID symptoms including unexplained fatigue/exertional intolerance and dysautonomic and sen...
Source: Medical News - SARS-CoV-2 Variants  Mar 01, 2022  3 years ago
The findings from two new studies led by researchers from University of Bristol-UK and Max Planck Institute for Medical Research-Germany shockingly indicates that individuals suffering from COVID-19 could have several different SARS-CoV-2 variants hidden away from the immune system in different parts of the body.   The researchers warned that this may make complete clearance of the virus fr...
Source: NeuroCOVID  Mar 01, 2022  3 years ago
NeuroCOVID: Many individuals are simply ignorant and are not aware that already numerous studies have already showed that neurotoxic proteins from the SARS-CoV-2 virus is able to cause a variety of neurodegenerative damage to the human host brain that will ultimately lead to diseases like Alzheimer, Parkinson’s Disease and also Dementia. Among many highly credible medical researchers and ...
Source: COVID-19 Herbs  Mar 01, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Herbs: A new research led by scientists from the University of Colorado School of Medicine-USA and the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata-India has found that the phytochemical compounds extracted from the bark of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), namely the triterpenoids Nimbin And Epinimbin and its various isomers are able to inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 virus and it...
Source: Ukraine Medical News  Mar 01, 2022  3 years ago
Ukraine Medical News: The World Health Organization is warning that medical oxygen supplies in Ukraine is depleting to a critical level as majority of the hospitals there have reported that they have only sufficient supplies that could last the next 24 hours only.   Medical oxygen is essential for patients with a range of conditions, including the more than 1,820 patients in hospital with C...
Source:   Feb 28, 2022  3 years ago
Researchers from Capital Medical University-China, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology-Hong Kong SAR, Tsinghua University-China and Peking University-China have in a new study found that altered microbiomes in SARS-CoV-2 infection pose threat of antibiotic resistance.   Microbiome plays a critical role in modulating the human host metabolism and immune system. Connections and int...
Source: Immunology  Feb 27, 2022  3 years ago
Scientist from La Jolla Institute for Immunology-California-USA have discovered new genes in CD4+ "helper" T cell subset that are linked to risk of autoimmune diseases. Credit: Istock   In immunology, T cells play are extremely important as they play a critical role in helping to fight infections and cancers and they can also drive autoimmune diseases.   However, the impact o...
Source: Medical News  Feb 27, 2022  3 years ago
A new peer reviewed study by Swedish researchers from Lund University published in the journal: Molecular Biology, shows that mRNA injections for COVID-19 by Pfizer reverse transcribes into human DNA in as little as six hours post-exposure!   We were told by these pharma giants and also fact checkers in the past that these COVID-19 injections will neve...
Source: Pediatric COVID-19 - Long COVID Kids  Feb 26, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by German researchers from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg and its University Hospital Erlangen along with experts from Hannover Medical School have found that many pediatric COVID-19 patients continue to develop lung issues and dysfunction despite recovery from COVID-19. Many of these kids still experience persistent sequelae after SARS-CoV-2 infectio...
Source: Medical News - Long COVID  Feb 25, 2022  3 years ago
Thailand Medical News has been reporting and warning about the occurrences and dangers of SARS-CoV-2 viral persistence since late 2020 and that there is actually no such thing as ‘recovered’ COVID-19 patients as a stupid nasal or saliva swab tests are not able to tell you that there is no presence of the SARS-CoV-2 elsewhere in your body. In fact, it has been coming to light more and m...
Source: Medical News - Mitochondria - SARS-CoV-2  Feb 24, 2022  3 years ago
A new international study lead by researchers from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the COVID-19 International Research Team involving more than 25 research institutions spanning 4 countries ie United States, United Kingdom, Brazil and South Korea, has found that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus hijacks mitochondrial transcriptional machinery resulting in organ failure and death. &nbs...
Source: Medical News - SARS-C0V-2 -Cancer  Feb 24, 2022  3 years ago
A startling new research finding by scientist from Jiangsu Cancer Hospital-China and China Pharmaceutical University has revealed that the cell surface protein TMPRSS2 (Transmembrane Serine Protease 2) which plays a key role for SARS-CoV-2 cell entry is also a tumor suppressor!   The study findings bring along worrisome implications about the possible correlation between lung cancer, pneumo...
Source: Long COVID  Feb 23, 2022  3 years ago
Thailand Medical News has finally finished the development and testing of its new 100 percent organic Herbal teas for the Long COVID.   After carefully studying how the SARS-CoV-2 virus, its emerging variants and also its viral proteins affects more than 387 different human host cellular pathways including the dysregulation of various genes and critical proteomes and the way that various ce...
Source: Thailand Medical - Leprosy -SARS-CoV-2  Feb 23, 2022  3 years ago
Indonesian physicians from the Universitas Syiah Kuala and the Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital at Universitas Padjajaran have presented a case study involving a patient with leprosy contracting SARS-CoV-2 in which it was found that the co-infection escalated the necrosis of the glans of the penis.   Several serious extrapulmonary manifestations due to SARS-CoV-2 infection have also been ...
Source: BA.2 Variant  Feb 23, 2022  3 years ago
The WHO (World Health Organization) in the last few hours has once again disseminated premature statements via Agence France-Presse (AFP) that the BA.2 variant is of no threat as it is comparable to the Omicron BA.1!   The WHO statements could have also been influenced by a study rele...
Source: BA.2 Variant  Feb 22, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from Statens Serum Institut-Denmark along with scientists from the University of Copenhagen-Denmark, University of Denmark and Deakin University-Australia have found that previous Omicron BA.1 infection offers no protection against BA.2 variant!   The new Omicron lineage carries numerous mutations in key regions and is associated with increased transmissibility an...
Source: Long COVID - Paracrine Senescence   Feb 22, 2022  3 years ago
Researchers from Osaka University-Japan, have in a new study found that SARS-CoV-2 infection triggers paracrine senescence and leads to a sustained senescence-associated inflammatory response that could also be responsible for a variety of conditions seen in Long COVID.   Importantly the study found that cells infected by SARS-CoV-2 produce soluble mediators that cause neighboring cells to ...
Source: Thailand Medical  Feb 21, 2022  3 years ago
The findings of a new study is causing panic among males around the world including celebrities like Justin Bieber who was just diagnosed with COVID-19.   Justin Always Clutching His Crotch! Should the findings be true, Justin might have nothing to clutch to at his crotch region as according to the study conducted by researc...
Source: Thailand Medical  Feb 21, 2022  3 years ago
In the last 24 hours Thailand reported a total of 18,883 New COVID-19 cases and 32 new COVID-19 deaths, bringing the total number of people who have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus since the start of the pandemic to more than 2.73 million people and a total of only 22,659 deaths out of a total population of about 70 million people.   Compared to most countries, the figures do ...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Viral Persistence  Feb 20, 2022  3 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 Viral Persistence: Italian researchers from the University of Chieti-Pescara “G. d’Annunzio” have in a new case study reported of a corpse of a of a Ukrainian man who died from drowning in Italy testing positive for COVID-19 as many as 28 times in the six weeks after his death!   The case study importantly reflects the presence of viral persistence in dead...
Source: Thailand Medical-NeuroCOVID  Feb 20, 2022  3 years ago
NeuroCOVID: Researchers from the University Hospital Basel and University of Basel-Switzerland have in a new shockingly found that SARS-CoV-2 triggered inflammation leads to increased neurotoxic damage in cortical areas of the human brain!   To date, despite mounting evidence showing that the human host brain is a target of SARS-CoV-2, the consequences of the virus on the cortical regions o...
Source: Medical News - SARS-CoV-2 Research  Feb 19, 2022  3 years ago
Researchers from the Institute for Virology at Liebig University-Germany together with scientists from Austrian Academy of Sciences (IMBA)-Austria, the Public Health Agency of Sweden, Karolinska Institutet-Sweden, University of British Columbia-Canada and the Centre for Infection Research (DZIF)-Germany have in a new study discovered that the Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein 1 (LRP...
Source: U.S. Medical News  Feb 18, 2022  3 years ago
U.S. Medical News: In the last 24 hours, the United States reported more than 104,000 new COVID-19 infections and 3,187 Americans dying from COVID-19. The total number of Americans who have died from COVID-19 so far is 955,497 while more than 79.9 million Americans have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus so far.   In a surprising move, the U.S...
Source: Thailand Medical  Feb 17, 2022  3 years ago
In the last few days, there has been a long of misinformation and fake news being spewed out by clueless so-called Thailand Medical experts that are basically local physicians who mostly graduated from local medical schools and have never been involved in any real SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 research but are simply regurgitating what they might have read elsewhere but maybe not comprehending much due t...
Source: Thailand Medical News - Autonatibodies And Severe COVID-19 Blood Clotting  Feb 17, 2022  3 years ago
A new study funded by the U.S. NIH that involved researchers from the University of Michigan-USA and the U.S. Lung and Blood Institute at Bethesda has found that SARS-CoV-2 antiphospholipid antibodies causes endothelial cell activation and dysfunction that often leads to severe blood clotting in COVID-19 patients. Although endothelial dysfunction has been implicated in the widespread thrombo-in...
Source: Delta AY.127 subvariant  Feb 17, 2022  3 years ago
In the last 24 hours, Hong Kong reported 782 New COVID-19 cases and 3 new COVID-19 deaths, bringing the total number of COVID-19 infections in the territory to 19,881 cases and 227 deaths so far in a population of about 7.1 million people.   The new COVID-19 surge has been driven by not only the Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 variants but also by a new delta subvariant called AY.127 and also th...
Source: Folic Acid -SARS-CoV-2  Feb 16, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from University of Otago-New Zealand, University of California-Davis-USA, University of Alabama at Birmingham-USA, University of Queensland-Australia and Birmingham VA Medical Center-USA has found that that vitamin B9 or Folic Acid supplementation can actually increase risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection by 1.5 times and mortality by 2.6 times compared to those that do not take...
Source: Omicron BA.2 Variant  Feb 16, 2022  3 years ago
A new detailed study on the characteristics of the Omicron BA.2 variant by Japanese researchers from the University of Tokyo, Kobe University, Kumamoto University, Hokkaido University and Kyoto University has alarmingly found that the new variant is completely different from the initial Omicron BA.1 variant and is far more fusogenic and pathogenic and poses a serious health threat as it now spread...
Source: Long COVID  Feb 15, 2022  3 years ago
A new study lead by researchers from Weill Cornell Medicine-New York that also involved scientists and experts from University of Connecticut Health Center, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Harvard University, Harvey Mudd College, Boston Children's Hospital and the Rockefeller University shows that the that SARS-CoV-2 causes epigenetic changes to innate immune cells and their progenitors! S...
Source: Diacetyl-SARS-CoV-2-Susceptibility   Feb 15, 2022  3 years ago
Think before you reach for processed foods like microwave popcorn, potato chips, crackers, corn chips, chocolate, cookies, cocoa-flavor products, gelatin, candy, flour mixes, syrup with flavoring, frostings, chewing gum, ice cream, soft drinks and sauces at your supermarket aisles as most of these products contain a food flavoring called Diacetyl (DA)  which according to a new study by resear...
Source: Emerging Omicron Sublineages  Feb 15, 2022  3 years ago
While the WHO, CDC, ECDC and all those controlling the COVID-19 narratives including the Biden administration are now controlling data about emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants both on online sites sharing genomic sequencings and also the release of such studies into journals, so has to not disrupt their vaccine, monoclonal drugs and ineffective but dangerous antiviral drugs agendas, more SARS-CoV-2 vari...
Source: Long COVID - Male Fertility  Feb 14, 2022  3 years ago
A new study lead by researchers from the Proteomics Core Facility at Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar has identified that the human host proteins SPANXN4, STK25, ATF4, PRKD2, and CHMP3 are targeted by the autoantibodies generated as a result of a SARS-CoV-2 infection. As a result of these proteins being targeted, a variety of health and medical conditions arises in all those infected with the virus, m...
Source: Long COVID Drugs  Feb 14, 2022  3 years ago
Long COVID Drugs: A new American study involving researchers from the Californian biotech company incellDX and doctors from the Chronic COVID Treatment Center In U.S. (, has found that the antiviral drug Maraviroc together with the cholesterol lowering medication Pravastatin, are effective in treating long COVID or PASC (Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID). Maraviroc, sold...
Source: Long COVID - Vagus Nerve  Feb 13, 2022  3 years ago
Spanish medical researchers from the University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol in Badalona claim that in a new study that they have found that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus causes the Vagus nerve of the human host to become dysfunctional, resulting in a variety of issues that are commonly associated with Long COVID.   The study team led by Dr Gemma Lladós and Dr Lourdes Mateu from the I...
Source: Recombinant Variant  Feb 12, 2022  3 years ago
Thailand Medical News has received confidential data that a new recombinant SARS-CoV-2 variant has already emerged in the United States but its emergence is being kept as classified by the Biden administration, the U.S. CDC and American health authorities.   The recombinant SARS-CoV-2 variant is a recombinant variant involving the Delta sub-variant AY.119.2 and the Omicron BA.1.1 and suppos...
Source: Long COVID - Medical News  Feb 12, 2022  3 years ago
To date, more than 408.5 million people have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus globally and more than 5.8 million people have died from the COVID-19 disease according to official figures. In the United States alone, 77.6 million Americans out of a population of 334 million people have been infected with the virus and 918,451 Americans have so far died from the COVID-19 disease. https:/...


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