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Source: Next Lethal SARS-CoV-2 Variant  Jan 12, 2022  3 years ago
There is an extremely high possibility that the next lethal SARS-CoV-2 variant might actually emerge from South East Asia, from one of the countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar or Cambodia. With vaccination rates that are still considered low plus a mix and match of various vaccines including the inferior quality Chinese vaccines and other adenovirus vector based vaccines being ...
Source: Long COVID-19-MAFLD  Jan 12, 2022  3 years ago
Long COVID-19-MAFLD: Researchers from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia-Italy, the Policlinico of Modena-Italy and the University of Alberta-Canada have in a new study found that most Post COVID-19 hospitalized patients irrespective if they had moderate or severe COVID-19 disease will ultimately develop fatty liver disease!   A new initiative is underway to change the traditional d...
Source: COVID-19 Updates  Jan 12, 2022  3 years ago
The first thing that everyone should learn is that the idealistic theory that all humans are equal or are the same is not true, some have evolved while other are still 'lower life forms'! Every human has a different genetic make-up and these genetic factors are also different according to race, ethnicity and even geo-location! Even dietary intakes and specific dietary habits in a particula...
Source: SARS-CoV-2-Airborne  Jan 11, 2022  3 years ago
SARS-CoV-2-Airborne: A new study by researchers from the University Of Bristol shows that the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus loses its ability to infect within minutes in the air subjective to the environment’s relative humidity (RH). In drier or RHs below 50% environments such as offices and malls, a near instant loss of infectivity in 50–60% of the virus is found whereas in higher humidity a...
Source: Long COVID - NEUROCOVID  Jan 11, 2022  3 years ago
It’s really getting to be a mentally orgasmic day as we are rejoicing about more emerging studies showing both the short term and long-term health damages that SARS-CoV-2 infections can cause. With more than 310.5 million people infected as of today from the SARS-CoV-2 infections according to official figures. (In reality, even the WHO and U.S. CDC has admitted that the true figures could be...
Source:   Jan 11, 2022  3 years ago
More great news especially since the world is already full of stupid and ignorant lower life forms ie the pro-vaxxers, the anti-vaxxers, those that believe in ivermectin and fluvoxamine, those that believe in Fauci, those that believe and follow the so called ‘experts’ on twitter, those that think the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus does not exists, those that think the pandemic will resolve to...
Source: SIRT5 Inhibitors As Potential COVID-19 Drugs  Jan 11, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from Buck Institute for Research on Aging-California, Gladstone Institute-California, University of California-San Francisco and the QBI COVID-19 Research Group (QCRG)-California has revealed that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can be inhibited and controlled by downregulating human host SIRT5. The study findings showed that SIRT5 is a proviral factor and that SARS-CoV-2 lev...
Source: China COVID-19 News  Jan 10, 2022  3 years ago
China COVID-19 News: Though China only reported officially 165 new COVID-19 infections and no deaths in the last 24 hours, local doctors and health authorities from major cities on conditions of anonymity are saying than the realistic figures could be at least 4,000 new COVID-19 cases and more than 75 COVID-19 related deaths in the last 24 hours.   China has a notorious reputation for concea...
Source: T-Cells-COVID-19  Jan 10, 2022  3 years ago
T-Cells-COVID-19: A new study by researchers from Imperial College London has shown that non-spike cross-reactive memory t cells produced as a result of common colds also cross-protect against infections by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The study findings also lead to the proposal to include non-spike antigens in second generation COVID-19 vaccines to enhance the vaccine’s efficacy.   Th...
Source: B.1.619 And B.1.620 Variants   Jan 10, 2022  3 years ago
The public should be aware that there is a very high possibility that all genomic data and emergence of new variants and their predominance is likely being controlled by those controlling the COVID-19 narratives primarily being the big pharma companies, the vaccine manufacturers, the Biden administration and certain tech billionaires.   All public open access platforms that are sharing geno...
Source: CVST-Omicron  Jan 10, 2022  3 years ago
CVST-Omicron: Thailand Medical News is again appealing to researchers globally to help look into another growing phenomena that doctors around the world are reporting.   There seems to be sudden increase of diagnosis and admissions of otherwise healthy individuals having Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST). Some had initially tested positive for COVID-19 but only had mild symptoms or we...
Source: COVID-19 Update  Jan 09, 2022  3 years ago
Thanks to the so many medical ‘experts’ and ‘researchers’ especially the ones that can be seen often on twitter seeking fame along with the greedy pharma and corrupted Western politicians, the world has entered a new phase in which on one hand we have not only the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus Omicron variant spreading around exponentially but also various newer Delta subvariants ...
Source: Deltacron Variant  Jan 09, 2022  3 years ago
Health experts and medical researchers in Cyprus have announced the discovery of a new recombinant variant that they have named as Deltacron that is a combination of both a Delta variant and an Omicron variant. ht...
Source: COVID-19 Editorial  Jan 08, 2022  3 years ago
While politicians and medical ‘expert’s with some ulterior agenda are quick to put all blames on the spread of the COVID-19 disease on the unvaccinated, an interesting fact remains, all new cases of Omicron that has been imported into most Asian countries and that later lead to local community transmissions were all from fully vaccinated travelers originating from Africa, Europe especi...
Source: COVID-19-Probiotics  Jan 08, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19-Probiotics: An American randomized clinical trial conducted by researchers from Duke University School of Medicine Durham, North Carolina-USA has shown that daily use of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) probiotic may protect against symptom development in instances when it is used as post-exposure prophylaxis within seven days after exposure to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronaviru...
Source: UK COVID-19 News  Jan 07, 2022  3 years ago
The United Kingdoms’ leading diagnostic specialist centre ie London Medical Laboratory has issued a warning saying that current testing reveals nearly one in five individuals in the United Kingdom still have insufficient COVID antibodies. The laboratory is also questioning the Boris Johnson government’s decision to scrap the PCR tests that provide the most reliable confirmation of late...
Source: SARS-CoV-2-GP73  Jan 07, 2022  3 years ago
SARS-CoV-2-GP73: A new study led by researchers from the Beijing Institute of Biotechnology involving more than 8 other research institutions and  hospitals in China has found that SARS-CoV-2 infection induces the increase of the circulating protein GP73 that causes dysglycaemia, more specifically the GP73 proteins act as a kind of glucogenic hormone contributing to SARS-CoV-2-induced hypergl...
Source: U.S. Medical News  Jan 07, 2022  3 years ago
U.S. Medical News: America broke a new world record as it reported 763,878 New COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours and also 2,143 COVID-19 deaths.   It was also reported that hospitalizations are up and that as on the 6th of January 2022, there are more than 119,650 Americans hospitalized for COVID-19 across the country.   To date, more than 58.5 million Americans have been infected wi...
Source: Omicron - D-Dimer  Jan 07, 2022  3 years ago
Doctors and physicians in the United States and United Kingdom have been reporting of very high D-Dimer levels in blood works of infected Omicron patients irrespective of their initial symptom status or disease severity.   In some cases, the levels of D-Dimer elevations have been so high and never seen before in any known disease conditions!   Many patients who also got their blood wor...
Source: COVID-19-Heart Blocks  Jan 06, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19-Heart Blocks: A new study by researchers from Larkin Community Hospital, Florida-USA has uncovered that heart block is another common cardiovascular occurrence among many COVID-19 patients or those that had been deemed as ‘recovered’ or were even asymptomatic and never knew that they had been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus!   Ever since the initial debut of the...
Source: Bird Flu  Jan 06, 2022  3 years ago
Numerous scientists and experts are sounding warnings and alarms that a new bird flu strain that is transmissible to humans is likely to emerge in 2022 due to present kinetics and the vast number of bird flu variants that has emerged in the last 2 years. Putin With His Bird   Even just yesterday, the health director from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) issued a press statemen...
Source: Fourth Dose  Jan 06, 2022  3 years ago
Initial preliminary study findings on the research of the effectiveness of fourth COVID-19 vaccine doses being conducted at Sheba Hospital in Israel being headed by professor Dr Gili Regev, the director of the Infection Prevention Unit in Sheba has indicated unimpressive results. Despite only about 5 times an increase of antibodies after the fourth dose, the results were not as impressive as after...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Autophagy Disruptions  Jan 06, 2022  3 years ago
A new study by European researchers from Université de Lorraine-France, Universidad de Alcalá-Span and Université de Paris-France has found that the Omicron variant with its unique mutations on the non-structural protein 6 (Nsp6) has a different mode compared to the rest of the SARS-CoV-2 variants in terms of affecting the host immune systems’ autophagy processes with im...
Source: Zero-COVID  Jan 05, 2022  3 years ago
Considering the current kinetics of the COVID-19  pandemic from the number of daily SARS-CoV-2 infections, the R Numbers, the number of daily testing and the quality and reliability of the testing,  the turnover time of testing, the isolation and quarantine rules and strategies and the fact that new Omicron and Delta subvariants are evolving from a conformational aspect even to become mo...
Source: COVID-19-Hypoglycemia  Jan 05, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Hypoglycemia: Researchers from Weill Cornell Medicine - New York City in a new study have found that the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus is able to triggers adipose tissue dysfunction, driving insulin resistance and causing hyperglycemia in infected individuals. In the study involving more than 3,800 COVID-19 patients, almost 50% developed high blood sugar levels.   Should further studies a...
Source: Medical News - WHO's Omicron Warning  Jan 05, 2022  3 years ago
In the last two weeks, we had lots of so called ‘experts’ making unsubstantiated public claims that the Omicron being mild will mark the end of the COVID-19 pandemic or that it will become endemic etc.   However, based on new preliminary data, the WHO or World Health Organization on Tuesday has issued a warning that soaring Omicron cases around the globe could increase the risk o...
Source: COVID-19-Supplements-Melatonin  Jan 04, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19-Supplements: A new study by researchers from Université de Paris-Grance, University Lille-France, University of Lübeck-Germany and DZHK (German Research Centre for Cardiovascular Research) has found that melatonin-based drugs such as agomelatine and ramelteon or even slow-release melatonin supplements can inhibit SARS-Cov-2 entry into the brain and prevent damage of cerebral v...
Source: COVID-19 Booster Shots  Jan 04, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Booster Shots: Worrisome findings were discovered in a new study by researchers from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland in which it was found that among the elderly, the antibody concentrations measured a month after a booster dose was low. Furthermore, not all of the elderly study participants had NAbs against the Beta and Omicron variants!   It should...
Source: COVID-19 Immunology - CD16+ T Cells  Jan 03, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Immunology: Researchers from Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin-Germany and the University of Bonn-Germany have in a new study discovered that SARS-CoV-2 caused complement activation induces excessive T Cell cytotoxicity especially in severe disease.   It has already been known that severe COVID-19 is linked to both dysfunctional immune response and unrestrained immun...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs - Ramatroban  Jan 03, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs: A small clinical study conducted by researchers from the Charak Foundation-California-USA, Regulatory Wisdom-India, the EyeSight Eye Hospital and Retina Centre-India and the University of California Irvine-USA has found that the drug Ramatroban, which is a thromboxane A2 & prostaglandin D2 receptor antagonist can be used to treat COVID respiratory distress and hypoxem...
Source: NEUROCOVID  Jan 03, 2022  3 years ago
NEUROCOVID: A new study by researchers from University of Waterloo- Ontario, Canada has found that roughly 10 percent of post-COVID individuals are like to suffer from executive dysfunction.   Executive dysfunction is a term for the range of cognitive, emotional and behavioral difficulties which often occur after injury to the frontal lobes of the brain or in some cases due to inju...
Source: World COVID-19 News  Jan 03, 2022  3 years ago
World COVID-19 News: Already the first few days of 2022 starts with news headlines around the world highlighting stories about COVID surges and countries breaking new COVID-19 infection records, hospitals being overwhelmed, waning immunity of the vaccines and the need for booster shots and off course the stock market sections are showing the exponential share price increases of various big pharma ...
Source: COVID-19 Supplements - Quercetin  Jan 02, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Supplements: Since the mid of last year, numerous studies have emerged about the potential use of Quercetin supplements as an adjuvant in COVID-19 treatment protocols due to its anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties in preventing cytokine storms. Furthermore, studies also showed that it had antiviral effects in terms of preventing the replication of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus....
Source: COVID-19 Mask And PPE  Jan 02, 2022  3 years ago
COVID-19 Mask And PPE: Disturbing study findings have emerged from a new study by researchers from the University Institute of Tropical Diseases and Public Health of the Canary Islands-Spain (Instituto Universitario de Enfermedades Tropicales y Salud Pública de Canarias) in which it was found that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can remain active and infectious for as long as 5 to 7 days on...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 B.1.640.2 Variant  Jan 02, 2022  3 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 B.1.640.2 Variant: Further to our breaking coverage of the new SARS-CoV-2 variant B..640.2 originating from Cameroon and spreading in Southern France, we have got latest updates that the number of cases in Provence-Alpes-Côte region Azure and also in surrounding areas have swelled to 952 cases as of the 1st Of January 2022.(Last update on 13th of Dec by French health authorities w...
Source: China Medical News  Jan 02, 2022  3 years ago
Alarmingly, the world better start preparing for something major again. Forget about the Omicron variant, if what we are hearing is true, then we are in for a bigger mess.   Initially in mid December 2021, it was reported by Chinese authorities that the city of Xian in Shaanxi province was seeing a new small surge of COVID-19 cases that they claimed was caused by Delta subvariants. The prov...
Source: Coronavirus Research  Jan 01, 2022  3 years ago
Coronavirus Research: Shocking study findings from a new research by scientists from LMU München- Germany and the University of Tübingen-Germany has found that individuals with pre-existing immunity to seasonal coronaviruses have a higher increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and COVID-19 severity!   The study findings contradict all previous rubbish that were fed to us by s...
Source: Omicron Pan-Resistance  Jan 01, 2022  3 years ago
Its amazing that in this 21st century with the latest high-tech and the arsenal of resources we have, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned out of be one of the worst managed health crises in the world’s history!   To date, official figures show that more than 288.5 million people globally have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and more than 5.45 million people have died from t...
Source: Medical News -Omicron And Cathepsins  Jan 01, 2022  3 years ago
We are no longer dealing with the respiratory disease-causing pathogen that debuted in late 2019 in Wuhan but rather the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has evolved into a new pathogen which we are referring to as Omicron variant that has done a complete biological about-face of shifting from gaining entry via cell surface fusion following proteolysis by TMPRSS2 to entry via endosomal fusion after activati...
Source: Medical News - COVID-19 Kidney Damage  Dec 31, 2021  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from the Netherlands And Germany involving research entities like the RWTH Aachen University - Germany and Radboud University Medical Center - The Netherlands have found that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is able to directly infect the human host kidneys and cause tissue scarring which ultimately culminates in kidney damage and failure.   To date, kidney failure is f...
Source; Thailand Medical  Dec 31, 2021  3 years ago
It is amazing that there are actually lots of stupid foreigners that actually think Thailand is superior in terms of affordable healthcare and that its research and biotech industries are also advance and meet international standards. The truth is far from it and so called medical and healthcare accreditation certificates and standards can easily be bought from unscrupulous American and European a...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Induced Autoantibodies  Dec 31, 2021  3 years ago
More good news! A new study led by researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, California-USA has confirmed all preliminary findings and hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 infections irrespective of even mild or asymptomatic will trigger autoantibodies leading to variety autoimmune issues in the human host!   The study team initially planned to focus on the sex-specific autoimmune reactivity to S...
Source: COVID-19-Cardiovacular Deaths  Dec 30, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19-Cardiovacular Deaths: A new study by researchers from Oregon Health & Science University, Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute and the Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University have in a new study found that either symptomatic or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with increased risk of late cardiovascular outcomes and has causal effect on all-cause mor...
Source: B.1.640.2   Dec 30, 2021  3 years ago
French health authorities have reported the spread of a new SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.640.2 that possess 46 mutations and 37 deletions including the N501Y and E484K mutations.   As of press time, a total of 67 patients all displaying moderate and severe conditions of the disease and requiring hospitalization have been identified having been infected with the new SARS-Cov-2 variant B.1.640.2 wh...
Source: COVID-19 Legal Recourse.  Dec 30, 2021  3 years ago
Mexicans have started the initiative of suing China and also the World Health Organization for COVID-19 compensation and many are signing up for an international legal claim promoted by Buenos Aires-based Poplavsky International Law Offices.   It is believed that many other international law firms around the world are also planning to coordinate with each other to start similar programmes in...
Source: COVID-19 Supplements - Selenium  Dec 30, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 Supplements: A new study by researchers from Florida International University, Miami-USA has found that Selenium plays an important role in the human host during viral infections including those by the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus, assisting in redox homeostasis, antioxidant defense, and minimizing oxidative stress.   Pathogenic infections especially viral infections have afflicted human ...
Source: Omicron Diagnostics - Saliva Swabs  Dec 29, 2021  3 years ago
Omicron Diagnostics: Researchers from the University of Cape Town-South Africa in a new study have found that saliva swabs are more effective than nasal mid-turbinate swabs for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based detection of omicron variant of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).   The new emerged Omicron variant is characterized by more than 50 distinct muta...
Source: US Medical News  Dec 29, 2021  3 years ago
The common American people have a lot at stake especially their lives and the lives of their loved ones as all health directives, COVID-19 guidelines, treatment protocols and approved drugs and therapeutics, mandates etc are being controlled by a group of elites that do not have the welfare of the common people at their hearts but rather are more concerned about filling the pockets of themselves a...
Source: Omicron Symptoms  Dec 29, 2021  3 years ago
Omicron Symptoms: Besides the normal symptoms of Omicron infections which are very similar to the common cold such as runny nose, sneezing, chills, headaches, fever, sore throat, body pains, night sweats and fatigue, health experts and doctors in the United Kingdom are also reporting that in the last one week, many Omicron infected patients are also reporting nausea including vomiting and also a l...
Source: COVID-19 Therapeutic Teas  Dec 28, 2021  3 years ago
Thailand Medical News is pleased to extend a special promotion for all readers only in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe (except Sweden), Japan, Middle-East and Singapore from now till the 10th of January 2022.   New updated versions (11th formulation) of our therapeutic teas that are hypoallergenic and have gone through required safety studies are now available for a...
Source: Omicron-Booster-Shots  Dec 28, 2021  3 years ago
Omicron-Booster-Shots: New emerging preliminary data from UK shows booster shot protection against symptomatic COVID-19 caused by the Omicron variant appears to fade in about 10 weeks!   The data was shared by U.K health authorities just before Christmas and was published in the official U.K. Health Security Agency’s SARS-CoV-2 Technical Briefing.
Source: APOE4-COVID-19  Dec 28, 2021  3 years ago
APOE4-COVID-19: Researchers from the University of Helsinki-Finland have discovered in a new study that the APOE4 allele gene more than doubles risk of severe COVID-19 besides increasing cerebral microhemorrhages related to COVID-19. Have A Heart And Do Not Ignore This Appeal For Help! Please help support this website and also our research and community initiatives by making a donation. Your hel...
Source: COVID-19 Supplements - Glycine & N-Acetylcysteine   Dec 28, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 Supplements: A new study by researchers from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston-USA has found that COVID-19 patients especially those that have been hospitalized, typically exhibit increased levels of oxidative stress, oxidant damage and glutathione deficiency. The study findings have implications for the inclusion of Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine (GlyNAC) supplementation into standa...
Source: Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections  Dec 27, 2021  3 years ago
With the Omicron variant spreading across the world and many getting infected or even re-infected despite being double or even triple vaccinated in what are known as Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections, many ignorant individuals are assuming that breakthrough infections are mild and ok as they will not end up developing more severe conditions or even die as a result of ‘brainwashing’ by t...
Source: COVID-19 Research - Androgenetic Alopecia   Dec 27, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 Research: A new study by researchers from Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre-Pakistan, Dr DY Patil Medical College-India University and Medical Center Mainz-Germany has found that individuals especially males who are bald or who are balding have a higher risk of developing disease severity upon infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus or any of its variants.   The study found a cor...


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