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Source: COVID-19 News  Oct 14, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 News: German researchers from the University Medical Center-Hamburg, Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology, German Center for Infection Research, Institute of Neuropathology-Hamburg and the Medical Clinic and Polyclinic-Hamburg have in a new study discovered that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has a high affinity manifesting replicative infection in the carotid arteries of the human hos...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies   Oct 14, 2020  4 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies: A new research recently conducted by scientist from California Institute of Technology (Caltech) which can be described as the first properly detailed SARS-CoV-2 antibody study ever conducted so far has properly identified a series of antibodies that can actually be effective as therapeutics against the COVID-19 disease.   The research findings were published in the j...
Source: COVID-19 Effects  Oct 14, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Effects: The first documented case of sudden permanent hearing loss as a result of COVID-19 infection has been published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) although doctors warn that this is not the first isolated case as many more were reported earlier and more such cases are emerging.   Thailand Medical News had already publishe...
Source: COVID-19 Diagnostics  Oct 14, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Diagnostics: A new study led by resarchesr from University of Michigan and involved an internation collaboration of various scientist and medical institutions from various countries has identified a protein called suPAR or soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor that can be used as a biomarker in blood diagnostics to identify COVID-19 patients who at risk of AKI or acut...
Source: Influenza News  Oct 13, 2020  4 years ago
Influenza News: A new study by researchers from Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center have uncovered a therapeutic called MG53 that is derived from a naturally occurring human protein to treat and stop the raging lung inflammation that can contribute to death from an influenza infection.   In animal vivo studies involving mice, all untreated animals given a lethal dose of influenza di...
Source: Coronavirus News  Oct 13, 2020  4 years ago
Coronavirus Latest: Scientist from the University of North Carolina  (UNC) Gillings School of Global Public Health have in a study uncovered alarming evidence that humans are susceptible to the new emerging swine coronavirus that has recently been alarming the swine industry.   The new study from the Baric Lab at UNC warns that the coronavirus strain, known as swine acute dia...
Source: Vaccine News  Oct 13, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine News: Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson announced on late Monday that it had temporarily halted its COVID-19 vaccine trial because one of its participants had become seriously sick.   A spokesman for Johnson and Johnson told Thailand Medical News, "We have halted further dosing in all our COVID-19 vaccine candidate clinical trials globally due to a particpant...
Source: COVID-19 Reinfections  Oct 13, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Reinfections are on an increase globally with more documented cases emerging not just merely reported incidences.   What’s more alarming is that contrary to claims and preprint studies that were most probably manipulated by the huge pharmaceutical and biotech companies and also by Trump’s administration and the various non-credible American health and regulatory agencie...
Source: Brain-SARS-CoV-2  Oct 13, 2020  4 years ago
Brain-SARS-CoV-2: Swiss, Canadian and Egyptian researchers from the Institute for Regenerative Medicine-Neuroscience Center-Zurich, Division of Neurosurgery, University and University Hospital Zurich, Krembil Brain Institute and Krembil Research Institute-Toronto, Toronto Western Hospital and University of Toronto have in a new study discovered that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus uses brain and brain ...
Source: COVID-19 Excess Deaths   Oct 13, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Excess Deaths in the United States from March to July 2020 compared to historic norms could be in excess of more than 225,000 deaths with approximately two thirds directly attributable to COVID-19 while additional deaths were indirectly related because individuals avoided emergency care during the pandemic according to a new study by researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University Schoo...
Source: COVID-19 Therapeutics  Oct 13, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Therapeutics: According to new research carried out at the University of St Andrews-Scotland, a new inhalation treatment protocol and drug involving synthetic interferons to  prevent the spread of COVID-19 is potentially far more effective than currently existing versions of interferons or inhalation protocols.   The Scottish biotech company, ILC Therapeutics based in Newhouse...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs  Oct 12, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs:  A new vivo study involving animal models by researchers from Hong Kong University show that the cheap stomach ulcer drug ranitidine bismuth citrate (Tritec) is able to inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.   The study team on Monday announced that the anti-microbial drug used to treat stomach ulcers and bacterial infections has shown promise in combatting the coronavirus...
Source: Remdesivir  Oct 12, 2020  4 years ago
Remdesivir: The way things are moving in the United States clearly shows that is it now worse than a third world country and nothing American should be trusted anymore as it has completely lost every ounce of credibility. The biggest losers unfortunately are the struggling common American people who we do sympathize with.   The U.S. NIH and its researchers who all have a vested interest in ...
Source: Post COVID-19  Oct 12, 2020  4 years ago
Post COVID-19:  Researchers from the University of Melbourne-Australia and Burnet Institute-Australia in a new study have discovered that elevated plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 or ACE2 activity still persists months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. The study team reported that the downregulation of cardiac ACE2 is linked to increased plasma ACE2 activity.   The COVID-19 diseas...
Source: Coronavirus News  Oct 12, 2020  4 years ago
Coronavirus News: A new study by scientist from CSIRO, Australia's national science agency, have alarmingly discovered that the SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease can survive for up to 28 days on common surfaces including banknotes, glass surfaces such as that found on mobile phone screens and stainless steel.   In the study survival rates of the SARS-CoV-2 virus w...
Source: COVID-19 Latest  Oct 12, 2020  4 years ago
A new study by researchers from the Department of Microbiology and Infectious Disease Center, Peking University Health Science Center-Beijing has alarmingly identified a growing number mutated strains of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that is antibody resistant.   The research findings were published in the peer-reviewed journal: Nature’s Signal Transduction And Targeted Therapy https://w...
Source: COVID-19 Asean News  Oct 12, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Asean News: A team of Indonesian researchers from the Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta has found that the fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels are tied to poor prognosis in COVID-19 patients.   The research findings are published on a preprint server and have yet to be peer reviewed.   The study team aimed t...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Oct 12, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Research: A new study by scientist from the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center have found that lymphocytopenia (A condition of having a low white blood cell count)  prior to exposure to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus  may be associated with an increased risk of dying from COVID-19 disease.   Lymphocytopenia is c...
Source: COVID-19 Updates  Oct 11, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Updates: A latest research by scientist from Stanford University and Yale University on viral pathogenesis revealed an unexpected new discovery of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA-binding proteins that protect the host from virus-induced cell death.   Utilizing comprehensive identification of RNA-binding proteins by mass spectrometry (ChIRP-MS), the study team identified 309 human host protein...
Source: COVID-19 Help  Oct 11, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Help: While tens of thousands are getting infected daily and thousands are dying each day, millions elsewhere are worried and are trying to find ways to help themselves and their loved ones and the only thing that stupid health authorities and incompetent corrupted governments around the world are doing are giving false hopes by an anticipated COVID-19 vaccine that many think will solve t...
Source: Coronavirus News  Oct 11, 2020  4 years ago
Coronavirus News: A new study led by Japanese researchers from the University of Tokyo along with support by scientist from Hiroshima University, Kyoto University, Tokai University, Ulm University Medical Center-Germany, and University of Glasgow have discovered that ORF3b, a protein encoded by the SARS-CoV-2 is responsible for impairing the immune and interferon responses in COVID-19 patients. ...
Source: COVID-19 Medical Devices  Oct 10, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Medical Devices: California-based Masimo, a  global medical technology company that develops and manufactures innovative noninvasive patient monitoring technologies, medical devices, and a wide array of sensors and a leader in primary pulse oximetry technology has won the U.S.FDA clearance for its Rad-G pulse oximeter, a rugged device developed with the help of The Bill & Melinda...
Source: SARS-CoV-2  Oct 10, 2020  4 years ago
SARS-CoV-2’s viral proteins according to a new study led by researchers from California Institute of Technology and involving scientist from University of Southern California, University Of Vermont, University of California-Los Angeles, University of Glasgow and Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, are able to incapacitate human host cells upon invasion and are further able to disarming the c...
Source: COVID-19 Latest  Oct 10, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Latest: China researchers from the Department of Ophthalmology, General Hospital of the Central Theater Command-Wuhan present yet another case report involving a patient in China who developed an acute glaucoma attack soon after recovering from COVID-19.   In this case study, nucleocapsid protein antigens were detected on the cells of the conjunctiva, iris, and trabecular meshwork ...
Source: Research-COVID-19  Oct 10, 2020  4 years ago
Research-COVID-19: Researchers from Emory University-Altlanta in a new study observing immune cell behavior in COVID-19 patients have discovered that in severe cases of COVID-19, an exuberant activation of immune cells resembling acute flares of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an autoimmune disease is witnessed.   The research findings could lead to new diagnostic tests that could separ...
Source: COVID-19 News  Oct 10, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 News: WHO or the World Health Organization has announced a new daily record high in COVID-19 cases confirmed worldwide, with more than 350,766 infections reported in the last 24 hours (for the 8th of October)   The total number of reported global deaths in the last 24 hours was 6,458 only however but this is expected to rise in the next few days as many are in severe conditions in ...
Source: Guide To Myocarditis And COVID-19 By Thailand Medical News  Oct 09, 2020  4 years ago
Myocarditis-COVID-19: Of late many have been hearing reading about the devastating effects of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on the hearts of those infected irrespective of conditions they endured ie mild, moderate or severe or even if they were asymptomatic or are recovered.
Source: COVID-19 Antibodies  Oct 09, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Antibodies: Canadian researchers led by scientists from Temerty Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto and also from Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute (LTRI) at Sinai Health-Toronto along with expers from numerous other Canadian entities and institutions have in a new study found that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus antibodies can last for only  about three months after a p...
Source: COVID-19 Scams  Oct 09, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Scams?  As anticipated, Eli Lily and Regeneron have applied for emergency approval for their laboratory -produced antibodies against COVID-19 and Donald Trump aka ‘Loony Dump Trump’ has signaled his strong presidential backing based on the fact he was treated with them. (There no proof if he was really infected and the whole thing could have been elaborately staged or is ...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccines   Oct 08, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Vaccines: A group of American researchers from  the Swedish Medical Center-Seattle, University of Washington-Seattle, Stanford University-California, LabCorp-Seattle and the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutch-Seattle after reviewing a case of a patient who got re-infected with a different strain of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus ie the more potent and infectious D614G mu...
Source: Medical Journals  Oct 08, 2020  4 years ago
Medical Journals: In a shocking and unprecedented move, the world’s leading and most  prestigious medical journal: the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on Wednesday published an editorial written by its editors condemning the Trump administration for its response to the COVID-19 pandemic  and calling for the current leadership in the United States to be voted out of...
Source: COVID-19 Disinfectants  Oct 08, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Disinfectants: American researchers from the University of New Mexico and the University of Texas at San Antonio in a new study have demonstrated an alternative approach to long-lasting disinfection agains the SARS-CoV-2  by using cationic phenylene ethynylene polymers and oligomers (i.e., conjugated electrolytes) and visible light or near-UV light irradiation.   With both the...
Source: Research News  Oct 08, 2020  4 years ago
Research News: Scientist from the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory at the University of Oxford have made a startling discovery as to yet another one of the many modes that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is able to evade human host immune responses once it is inside the host cells and replicating. The study team discovered that that the nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus unde...
Source: COVID Research News  Oct 08, 2020  4 years ago
COVID Research News: Swedish researchers from Umea University in a new detailed study have now established what the active agent in the jelly like substance often found in the lungs of COVID-19 patients is.   It was found that in most patients who had died with severe COVID-19 and respiratory failure, a jelly was formed in the lungs. The formation of the jelly in the lungs of COVID-19 patie...
Source: COVID-19 World  Oct 08, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 World: Peru made the worse decision when it decided it decided to purchase 1.6 million antibody tests from China to help rein in the COVID-19 growing threat in March.   Its President, Martin Vizcarra made a huge press event of the decision then as when Peru’s health officials saw that despite PCR molecular tests for COVID-19 being the best option, they did not have the labs, ...
Source: Virus News  Oct 07, 2020  4 years ago
Virus News: Japanese researchers from the Department of Infectious Diseases, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine in a new study have demonstrated that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can survive and linger on human skin much longer than flu viruses can.   The study showed that the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19, remained viable and infectious on samples of human skin for about 9 hour...
Source: Air Purifiers - COVID-19  Oct 07, 2020  4 years ago
Air Purifiers - COVID-19: A new study by German researchers from the Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main-Germany has demonstrated that air-purifiers in enclosed indoor places can help reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission. The research findings are published on a preprint server and have yet to be peer-reviewed.
Source: News-COVID-19  Oct 07, 2020  4 years ago
News-COVID-19: Italian researchers from the University Hospital In Torino report of the first European documented case of viral induced arthritis in a 58 year patient who was infected with the SARS-CoV0-2 coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease.   Arthralgia is a symptom in which there are joint pains and such a viral induced arthritis if common in most viral infections.   The cas...
Source: COVID-19  Oct 07, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19: German researchers from the University Medical Center, Hamburg-Eppendorf and University of Freiburg in a new detailed autopsy study involving 43 deceased COVID-19 patients have discovered shocking findings as to how the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus ‘literally attacks’ the human host brains.   In the early stages of the pandemic, numerous researchers made claims that the SARS...
Source: ACE2  Oct 07, 2020  4 years ago
ACE2: Canadian researchers from the Population Health Research Institute, Hamilton Health Sciences, and McMaster University-Ontario, along with support from experts from Bayer Pharmaceuticals-Germany in a news study have discovered that increased plasma ACE2 (Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2) levels in the blood could indicate a higher risk of major cardiovascular events.   In brief, the stu...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Oct 07, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Research: Scientists from La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI), The University of Liverpool and the University of Southampton in a new international study have discovered that the CD4+ cells are affected by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.   The study is the first to give a detailed perspective of how the body's CD4+ T cells respond to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Among the research fin...
Source: COVID-19 Latest  Oct 07, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Latest: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued an alert to all doctors and healthcare professional warning that the mysterious post-COVID syndrome typically found in children called “multisystem inflammatory syndrome” or MIS-C is now seen manifesting in adults as well.   The condition in adults is now officially termed as “multisystem...
Source: Folic Acid  Oct 06, 2020  4 years ago
Folic Acid: A new study by researchers from University Of California-Davis along with experts from Institute for Pediatric Regenerative Medicine, Shriners Hospitals for Children- California and University College London have found that high levels of folic acid during pregnancy could harm brain development of embryos. Folate is an essential micronutrient required for both cellular proliferation t...
Source: COVID-19 Severity  Oct 06, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Severity: While various researchers around the world are figuring out the various risk factors for COVID-19 severity and mortality, a new study by an Italian Professor, Dr Pasquale Pagliaro from the Department Of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Torino suggests that macrophage class activation is one of the factors that determine the clinical phenotype of a more lethal seve...
Source: COVID-19 Treatments   Oct 06, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Treatments: Australian researchers from The University of Newcastle, Hunter Medical Research Institute-New South Wales, University of Technology Sydney and Chinese scientists from Jilin University-Changchun have in a new study confirmed that the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein subunit 1 can induce a pro-inflammatory signaling pathway (leading to cytokines deployment and epithelial...
Source: COVID-19 Breakthrough  Oct 06, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Breakthrough: Canadian researchers have made a major breakthrough during a study on UPR or unfolded protein response during coronaviruses viral replication leading them to a discovery of thiopurines to stop the viral replication of human coronaviruses including SARS-CoV-2. This breakthrough with further research could lead to a new and effective broad-spectrum therapeutic antiviral that c...
Source: COVID-19 Insights  Oct 06, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Insights: President Trump ‘sudden recovery’ and his stunning appearance at the White House  and removal his mask along with his gibberish speech that he has learnt a lot about COVID-19 and that one can fight the disease easily  reminded many of the conman potrayed by Steve Martin in the movie ‘Leap Of Faith.”   His announcement that he tested with ...
Source: COVID-19  Oct 06, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19: A Harvard led research on what can be termed as the world’s first detailed HLA-I immunopeptidomesStudy of SARSCoV-2-infected human cell lines while giving new insights into immune responses has also proven alarmingly details that the SARS-CoV-2 SARS-CoV-2 infection interferes with cellular pathways that may impact HLA-I peptide processing and presentation and immune signaling. &n...
Neuro-COVID-19  Oct 06, 2020  4 years ago
Neuro-COVID-19: A new study by researchers from Department of Neurology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine-Chicago reveals concerning new findings: Neurological symptoms occur in 8 of 10 hospitalized COVID-19 patients or about 80 percent of all such patients.   Typical manifestations include muscle pain, headaches, dizziness, encephalopathy and "brain fog."  ...
Source: Global COVID-19 News  Oct 05, 2020  4 years ago
Global COVID-19 News:  The Global COVID-19 reported death rates have now reached 1,037,585 and while the total number of COVID-19 infections has now approached 35,189,128.   Russia Health authorities in Russia reported on Monday a record a rise in coronavirus cases close to the maximum level in May but the country has stopped short of reimposing strict lockdown measures.   Now th...
Source: Trump and COVID-19  Oct 05, 2020  4 years ago
Trump-COVID-19: The president’s personal physician has now acknowledged delivering an overly rosy picture of his illness a day earlier to please his notoriously sensitive patient but declined to comment on the actual status of his patient, adding more confusion to the developing situation. Health experts after analyzing details of the briefing on Sunday coupled with previous press briefin...
Source: COVID-19-News  Oct 05, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 News: A new study led by British researchers from University Of Surrey along with scientist from University of Manchester, Aston University, University of Leicester and the Frimley Health NHS Trust Hospital have found that most individuals infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease are likely to develop dyslipidemia and changes in their sebum lipodomes that ...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 News  Oct 05, 2020  4 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 News: Researchers from the University of Barcelona-Spain; Xiamen University0China; and IHU-Méditerranée Infection and CNRS-France provide more new evidence to dispute the hypothesis that pangolins were the intermediate animals in SARS-CoV-2 transmission to humans.   Their research findings are published in the peer-reviewed journal: Infection, Genetics and Evolution...
Source: COVID-19 Test  Oct 05, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Test: A large multidisciplinary group of researchers from University of California-San Francisco, J. David Gladstone Institutes-San Francisco, University of California-Berkeley, Monash University-Australia and  Chan Zuckerberg Biohub-San Francisco have developed an amplification-free CRISPR-based mobile phone assay for direct detection of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronav...
Source: COVID-19 Latest  Oct 05, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Latest: Researchers from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), by detail analysis of the airway cell transcriptome have identified an activated immune axis that could pinpoint the COVID-19 patients who will most benefit from targeted therapies.   The study team re-analyzed published scRNA-seq data of COVID-19 patient bronchoalveolar lavage fluid...


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