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Source: COVID-19 And Fatty Liver Disease  Sep 04, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 And Fatty Liver Disease: Researchers from the University of Minnesota and John Hopkins School of Medicine in a new observational study reveal that individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and steatohepatitis have increased odds of hospitalization due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19); conversely, metabolic surgery was found to be protective against the admission of inf...
Source: COVID-19 And Metformin  Sep 04, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 And Metformin: A new study comprising researchers from China, America and UK have shown that metformin as a diabetic drug for COVID-19 patients with type 2 diabetes was associated with higher incidence of acidosis which could lead to kidney complications but it was not associated with higher mortality rates.   The study findings were published in the journal: Cell Metabolism https:...
Source: COVID-19-Heart  Sep 04, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19-Heart: Despite early reports and studies that showed the heart was affected by a variety of ways by the SARS-CoV-2 infection including just recent studies that showed the SARS-CoV-2 was able to attack the heart tissues directly and despite so many numerous articles that that showed that the emerging impact of the COVID-19 on heart health, in the last few days doctors and researchers are r...
Source: Thailand News  Sep 03, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand News: Thailand will soon impose a compulsory COVID-19 insurance for all foreign visitors to the Kingdom as the country starts to open up the country gradually starting next month.   In was reported in the local media that a spokesman for Thailand’s State Insurance Commission said all foreign arrivals into the Kingdom will need to have insurance cover for COVID-19 starting wit...
Source: COVID-19 Pediatrics  Sep 03, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Pediatrics: Researchers from the Children’s National Hospital in Washington DC in a new study on the kinetics of viral clearance and antibody production across age groups in SARS-CoV-2 infected children found that the virus and the corresponding antibodies can co-exists simultaneously raisng lots of questions and possible implications.   The study is available on a preprint f...
Source: COVID-19 Bradykinin Storms  Sep 03, 2020  5 years ago
By detailed analysis of data on more than 40,000 genes , 17,000 genetic  and 2.5 billion genetic combinations samples linked to COVID-19, researchers from Oak Ridge National Lab in Tennessee have managed by using the world’s second fastest computer called the Summit supercomputer have come up with a hypothesis as to how the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus affects the human host dubbed the &...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Sep 03, 2020  5 years ago
A new COVID-19 Research study published the JAMA Journal that involved an international collaboration of huge magnitude has shown that widely available corticosteroids improved the survival rates of COVID-19 patients experiencing severity and in critical conditions.   Researchers and medical experts pooled data from 121 hospitals in ...
Source: Cancer And Hair Dyes  Sep 03, 2020  5 years ago
A cohort study by researchers from Harvard Medical School on women in the United States who use permanent hair dye products to color their hair at home has found that most do not experience greater risk of most cancers or greater cancer related mortality.   The study findings were published in the British Medical Journal.   Although the study f...
Source: COVID-19 And Plasmin  Sep 03, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in an attempt to answer a question as to why the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus more dangerous in individuals with comorbidities have managed to propose a hypothesis that an extracellular protease called plasmin might be responsible for aiding the accelerating the virus activities at the furin sites. The team also proposed that the widely a...
Source: Polio Vaccine  Sep 02, 2020  5 years ago
Vaccines are basically meant to protect individuals against a disease but in some cases the things could go wrong and backfire especially when proper studies are not conducted and things are expedited over monetary concerns.   The WHO or World Health Organization finally admitted that  a new polio outbreak in Sudan is linked to an ongoing vaccine-sparked epidemic in Chad, a week after ...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccine  Sep 02, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Vaccine researchers from UK and Taiwan have demonstrated the potential of a new candidate vaccine called RBD-SpyVLP against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in animal models.   In vivo trials involving animal models such as mice and pigs, low doses of the vaccine triggered a potent neutralizing antibody response that was stronger than the response induced by serum taken from patients who...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus News  Sep 02, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus News: Thailand celebrated its 100 Days without any local COVID-19 cases or transmissions. The country has been lucky as it was only exposed to the milder strains of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus since the epidemic plus it is speculated that due to epigenetic changes as a result of the excessive usage of herbs in Thai cuisines and dietary habits, Thais have developed a robust and ...
Source: COVID-19 And Diabetes  Sep 02, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 related diabetes being found in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients who were previously healthy and never had the disease before is causing a dilemma among the medical community as studies are showing that ACE-2 expression is not found in the pancreatic beta cells although it is found in other areas of the pancreas and to date no SARS-CoV-2 virus particles were ever detected in the pancreas...
Source: COVID-19 Spread   Sep 02, 2020  5 years ago
A new study of COVID-19 spread via airborne mode is published in the journal: JAMA Internal Medicine provides new evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can simply spread in the air.   In the incident in China, an infected individual on a poorly ventilated Chinese bus caused the COVID-19 spread to nearly two dozen o...
Source: COVID-19 T Cells  Sep 01, 2020  5 years ago
Even a strong T Cell response against the spike, membrane, and nucleocapsid SARS-CoV-2 proteins is not associated with recovery in critical COVID-19 patients according to a new study by German researchers from Marien Hospital and the department of Virology of Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) as well as the Clinic for Infectious Diseases, the Clinic of Anesthesiology and the Institute for Virolog...
Source: COVID-19 Herbs-Prunella Vulgaris  Sep 01, 2020  5 years ago
A research on herbs that can treat COVID-19 by Canadian researchers from the Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba-Canada has shown the extracts from the herb  Prunella Vulgaris is able to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus entry into cells in a vitro study.   The research findings are published on a preprint server and are currently bein...
Source: Epigenetics  Sep 01, 2020  5 years ago
Epigenetics changes linked to aging was observed in people who eat a lot of industrially processed junk food as they are  likely to exhibit a change in their chromosomes linked to ageing, according to study by researchers from University of Navarra in Spain.   The study found that three or more servings of so-called "ultra-processed food" per day doubled the odds that st...
Source: Oxytocin and Gastroenterology  Sep 01, 2020  5 years ago
Oxytocin which is also known as the love hormone, plays an important role in stress' disruption of digestion such as bloating, discomfort, nausea, and diarrhea according to a new study by researchers from Penn State University- College of Medicine that was sponsored by a grant from the U.S. National Institute of Health.   The study findings are published in The Journal of Physiology. ht...
Source: COVID-19 Disinfectants  Sep 01, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Disinfectants: Researchers from Virginia Polytechnic Institute State University, George Mason University-Virginia and SINTX Technologies Inc-Utah in a new study have demonstrated that the synthetic compound silicon nitride, which is used in medical implants and high mechanical performance engineering applications, is capable of inactivating the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus at varying concentrat...
Source: Coronavirus-COVID-19  Sep 01, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus-COVID-19: Eight months down the road we have already hit 25.5 million people globally infected with COVID-19 disease according to official reports with a realistic figure being at least ten fold due to issues of insufficient testing, figures being concealed etc. Forget about the recovery, it is a very arbitrary term. Once you are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus you might &lsqu...
Source: Eye-Problems-COVID-19  Sep 01, 2020  5 years ago
Eye-Problems-COVID-19: A study by Chinese researchers from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan have showed that although most children developed eye symptoms later after contracting COVID-19 disease and as the disease progresses, there is a also growing occurrence of ocular issues appearing as the first sign of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children.   The study findings we...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccine  Aug 31, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Vaccine: New studies are showing that T cell immunity is necessary to provide robust and durable protection against reinfection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. This implies that the epitopes specific to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus which are capable of eliciting this type of response across a huge number of individuals need to be identified.   An epitope, also known as ant...
Source: Neuro-COVID  Aug 31, 2020  5 years ago
Neuro-COVID: Spanish researchers from Universidad Complutense- Madrid reported two cases studies in which COVID-19 patients were manifesting new neurological conditions not witnessed before in COVID-19 patients.   One 50 year old  male patient from the University Hospital “Príncipe de Asturias,” Alcalá de Henares-madrid was reported to exhibit the neurological...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Aug 31, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: German Researchers from the Goethe University In Frankfurt have discovered that inhibiting growth factor receptor(GFR) signaling using prominent anticancer druglike  pictilisib, omipalisib, RO5126766, lonafarnib, and sorafenib prevented SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus replication in vitro.   The study findings were published in the journal: Molecular Cell.
Source: COVID-19 Vaccine  Aug 31, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Vaccine: The chief of the US Food and Drug Administration, Dr Stephen Hahn raised the possibility that a vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus might be given emergency approval even before the end of trials designed to ensure its safety and effectiveness.   However such a request for extraordinary approval would have to come from the vaccine developer, Dr Stephen Hah...
Source: COVID-19 News  Aug 31, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 News: Indians are being warned to avoid consuming raw milk unless boiled or pasteurized as a safety precaution as a new German study has shown that cows can get infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. India is one of the few countries in the world where many still consume raw milk or use raw milk for yoghurt production or for other food products.   Though they are no studies to v...
Source: Twitter  Aug 31, 2020  5 years ago
Our twitter account has been compromised since Saturday and we are still unable to get into the account as Twitter keeps on asking for a code that they say they will send via our mobile number but they never call. We can still access to change our passwords via codes twitter sends by sms but we cannot regain control of the account till they send a code via calling us! There has been no respond fr...
Source: COVID-19 Treatments  Aug 31, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Treatments: Researchers from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School reports the potential of a new class of drugs called CAR NK cells, which could be used off-the-shelf to treat COVID-19.   Their research findings were published on a preprint server and have yet to be peer-reviewed.   Present medical interventions in COVID...
Source: Coronavirus News  Aug 31, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus News: Malaysian researchers from the International Medical University-Kuala Lumpur and also involving another Malaysian researcher from the University of Huddersfield-UK have found from a study involving meta-analysis of data of more than 9000 COVID-19 patients that statin usage  was associated with a reduced risk of a severe or fatal course of COVID-19 by about 30%. The study fi...
Source: COVID-19 Warnings  Aug 30, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Warnings: There have been more case reports and studies emerging globally of COVID-19 patients who had initially only experienced mild symptoms or in some cases were simply asymptomatic despite testing positive from SARS-CoV-2 later developing chronic heart conditions.   It was already known that ‘recovered’ hospitalized COVID-19 patients were often at risk of cardiovas...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Aug 30, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: A study led by researchers from  University of Tennessee, Amcyte Pharmaceutical Inc, 3LogixBio Inc and researchers from Argentina have demonstrated the antiviral effects of three candidate nasal spray formulations against  the SARS-CoV-2, the agent that causes the COVID-19 disease that were based using a seaweed extract called Iota-Carrageenan and also Xylitol an artif...
Source: Heart Attacks:   Aug 30, 2020  5 years ago
Heart Attacks: It is already a known fact that a heart attack can leave parts of the heart permanently scarred and stiff, resulting in prolonged disability and potential progression toward heart failure. Medical researchers have studied various ways to repair or regenerate such damaged heart tissue with only limited success.   However a new study led by chemist Dr Matthew Disney, Ph.D., fro...
Source: Coronavirus Latest News  Aug 30, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus Latest News: Researchers from the Children’s National Hospital and Research Institute-Washington DC and the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in an editorial review published in the JAMA Pediatrics journal are warning that numerous studies are showing that in majority of children infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, even though they might on...
Source: World COVID-19 News  Aug 29, 2020  5 years ago
World COVID-19 News: Despite comments from certain authorities and agencies around the world that the COVID-19 pandemic is slowing down, there is no statistical proof of that except in countries that are concealing figures or countries that are in the midst of doing so such as the United States with its new regulations and guidelines on COVID-19 testing and also reporting methods. In fact, if we c...
Source: COVID-19 Supplements  Aug 29, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Supplements: A new study by researchers from University of Louisville School of Medicine indicate that Vitamin B1 or Thiamine could be used as an adjuvant in COVID-19 treatment protocols as it can help reduce Th17 cell proinflammatory response and also help in various neurological issues that COVID-19 patients might face. The research findings were published on a preprint server and have...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Aug 29, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: A detailed study of ACE2, the gateway receptor for SARS-CoV-2 led by Dr Walter Lukiw, Ph.D., Professor of Neuroscience, Neurology and Ophthalmology at LSU Health New Orleans' Neuroscience Center of Excellence and School of Medicine, may help explain the wide variety of symptoms and organs involved with SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19.   The study results suggest tha...
Source: COVID-19 Diagnostics  Aug 29, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Diagnostics: Genomic and biotech researchers from the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub-San Francisco, and collaborators have warned against only targeting one viral gene when carrying out reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).   The study team conducted a study showing that a mutation had arisen in th...
Source: COVID-19 Symptoms And Clinical Care  Aug 29, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Symptoms And Clinical Care: A new study led by researchers from University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, and also from other medical schools and institutions have  discovered that in certain infected COVID-19 patients, typical symptoms of the disease might not manifest itself but the individuals will instead normally develop acute pancreatitis first prior to diseas...
Source: COVID-19 News  Aug 28, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 News: A new research from the University of Milan have identified the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in the heart tissue of deceased COVID-19 patients who had died from respiratory failure, without showing any signs of cardiac involvement.   The study showed that the SAR-CoV-2 coronavirus was present in the cardiomyocytes of all six deceased patients who had gone through autopsy, and that ...
Source: Myanmar COVID-19 News  Aug 28, 2020  5 years ago
Myanmar COVID-19 News: The COVID-19 crisis is gradually rising as health authorities in Myanmar on Thursday reported 22 new covid-19 cases bring the total in the country to 602 within a eleven day period. The highest number of COVID-19 cases was recorded the day before with 106 new infections.   What is concerning however is that most of the cases are the new of the new variant SARS-CoV-2 s...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs  Aug 28, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs: Canadian researchers from the University of Alberta are preparing to launch clinical trials of a drug called GC376 ( A prodrug of the parent drug called GC373) used to cure a deadly disease caused by a coronavirus in cats and they expect will also be effective as a treatment for humans against COVID-19 after successful vitro studies.   The study findings or the vitro trials ...
Source: Acne Treatments  Aug 27, 2020  5 years ago
Acne Treatments: Acne has always been a nightmare for teenagers and also young adults for literally every decade and despite the vast amount of brands and product ranges of skin cares items; most often have to revert back to a dermatologist to get a dose of oral and topical antibiotics to get rid of the bacteria aggravating the condition. However, dermatologists do not have much of range of antibi...
Source: Biotech News  Aug 27, 2020  5 years ago
Biotech News: MIT (Massachusetts Institute Of Technology) biotech engineers have developed a temporary film that could deliver drugs or aid in digestion and may help treat diabetes, infections, and other conditions. Postdoctoral associate Junwei Li, lead author of the study, holds an example of a capsule containing their enzyme. Credit: Image by Melanie Gonick/MIT Utilizing enzymes found in the...
Source: Nitric Oxide For COVID-19  Aug 27, 2020  5 years ago
Nitric Oxide For COVID-19: According to researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), inhaled nitric oxide (NO) can be a valuable adjunct respiratory therapy for pregnant women with severe and critical COVID-19. It was found that the delivery of the therapeutic gas to six COVID-19 pregnant patients admitted to MGH, resulted in a rapid and sustained improvement in cardiopulmonary function...
Source: Medical Innovations  Aug 27, 2020  5 years ago
Medical Innovations: A new study by Japanese Conglomerate Panasonic in collaboration with Dr Mayo Yasugi, Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Science, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University has verified and demonstrated the inhibitory effect of the hydroxyl radicals contained in water (nano-sized electrostatic atomized water particle) on...
Source: COVID-19 Antigen Test  Aug 27, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Antigen Test: The US FDA today announced that it has issued an emergency use authorization for the first antigen test where results can be read directly from the testing card, a similar design to some pregnancy tests.   This easy use but simple design test kits are fast and efficient for healthcare providers and patients and does not need the use of an analyzer.   Dr Jeff Shur...
Source: Human Genes  Aug 27, 2020  5 years ago
Human Genes: A new international collaborative study shows that human host genes also play a role in the COVID-19 infections, symptoms and also progression of the disease. The study findings were published on a preprint server and have yet to have been peer-reviewed.   COVID-19 causes a broad spectrum of symptoms from none at all...
Source: COVID-19 Disinfectants  Aug 27, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Disinfectants: A natural chemical compound called Citriodiol which is obtained from the essential oil of the lemon-scented gum consisting of citronellal from the eucalyptus citriodora tree had been found to be able to destroy the strain of coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease according to a preliminary study by Britain's defense laboratory. https://assets.publishing....
Source: COVID-19 Clotting  Aug 27, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Clotting: It has been found that a major complication occurring in most critically ill COVID-19 patients is clotting in the lung's small blood vessels which leads to low oxygen levels in the body. Understanding why blood clots occur and how to treat them is key to treating severe cases of COVID-19. A new study by researchers from Lawson Health Research Institute and Western Univers...
Source: COVID-19 Diagnostics  Aug 27, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Diagnostics: Researchers from Lawson Health Research Institute and Western University in a news study have identified six molecules that can be used as biomarkers to predict how severely ill a patient will become.   The research findings were published in the Journal: Critical Care Explorations, the official journal of the Society Of Critical Care Medicine
Source: COVID-19 Treatments  Aug 27, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Treatments: Despite an early initiative by researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine to show that anticoagulation therapy was associated with improved survival among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, many questions remained such as the size of the potential benefit, and about what dosage of this therapy might be more effective.   A new observational study by the same the resear...
Source: Pancreatic Cancer  Aug 26, 2020  5 years ago
Pancreatic Cancer: One of the most difficult cancers to treat and one that has a high mortality rate is pancreatic cancer. One of the reasons is for is that   pancreatic cancer is rarely detected at its early stages because symptoms often do not present themselves until after the cancer has progressed. Very often by the time the cancer is detected, invasive procedures such as surgery, ch...
Source: Nutrition and Health  Aug 26, 2020  5 years ago
Nutrition and Health: Medical researchers from the University of North Carolina recently published an analytical report in the British Medical Journal arguing for increased implementation of "food is medicine" interventions in the health care system. Dr Seth A. Berkowitz, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of medicine at the University of N...
Source: Medical News  Aug 26, 2020  5 years ago
Medical News: Estradiol, the estrogen steroid hormone might confer a certain degree of protection to females claims a new study by European and American reseachers. According to a new study by researcher from Universitätsmedizin Berlin-Germany,  Sapienza University of Rome-Italy,  Sant’Andrea University Hospital-Italy and University of Virginia-USA, it appears that wome...
Source: Coronavirus Treatments  Aug 26, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus Treatments: Japanese researchers from Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases are banking their hopes on an inhaled steroid called ciclesonide as the drug has both antiviral and also anti-inflammatory properties against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. In a recent study, the study team reports the in vitro suppression of both the MERS coronavirus and also the SARS-Cov-2 cor...


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