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Source: Metformin and Diabetes  May 30, 2020  5 years ago
Metformin: The US FDA has issued warnings that many brands and versions of the drug Metformin that is used by diabetics in the US and around the world have been found to be contaminated with a carcinogenic compound called N-Nitrosodimethylamine.   The U.S. health regulators have started telling five drugmakers to recall their versions of a widely used diabetes medication after laboratory te...
Source: Blood Banks  May 30, 2020  5 years ago
Blood Banks: Though medical experts are still have no proof that SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can be transmitted by blood transfusion, considering the many anomalies of this new virus researchers have decided to still proceed to find ways to make sure that blood stocks are safe.   Medical researchers from Colorado State University used existing technologies to show that exposing the SARS-CoV-2 co...
Source: Respiratory Infections  May 29, 2020  5 years ago
Respiratory Infections: Finnish researchers are warning against the use of glucocorticoids or corticosteroids to treat respiratory infections caused pathogens and more so to treat acute respiratory distress syndrome conditions including in Covid-19. Their research findings are published in the medical journal: Intensive Care Medicine. ...
Source: COVID-19 Research  May 29, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: A new research by University Of Massachusetts Medical School lead by Dr Sean P Ryder, a Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology has demonstrated that there are numerous emerging genomic variants of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and that some of these with changes on certain of parts of the structure of the genome, he warns could lead to drug resistance.   Dr Ryder ...
Source: Diabetes  May 29, 2020  5 years ago
Diabetes: The world’s first study of COVID-19 to specifically analyze the effect of the diabetes in hospitalized patients has found that one in ten patients dies within 7 days of hospital admission, and one in five is intubated and mechanically ventilated by this point.   The study is published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabete...
Source: Covid-19   May 29, 2020  5 years ago
Covid-19: A new study by Chinese researchers indicate that about 16% of discharged so called ‘recovered’ COVID-19 patients still test positive on an RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 that was conducted later. The study has been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on the 28th Of May. Medica...
Source: Cancer Diagnostics  May 29, 2020  5 years ago
Cancer Diagnostics: Biotech and medical researchers from the University of Birmingham are developing a new type of diagnostic test that uses complex sugars to detect prostate cancer earlier and with greater accuracy.   The new diagnostic test works by identifying sugars, known as glycans, in blood. These sugars are attached to protein molecules called PSA and are known to undergo ...
Source: COVID-19 Fatalities  May 29, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Fatalities: A recent study by researchers from Syracuse University-New York and SUNY Upstate Medical University indicates that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are more likely to die from COVID-19 than those without IDD.   The disparity is likely related to a higher prevalence of comorbid diseases among those with IDD, and/or a higher percentage of...
Source: COVID-19 Prevention  May 29, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Prevention: The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic has caused an increased demand for antimicrobial treatments that can keep surfaces clean, particularly in health care settings.   Though some surfaces have been developed such that can combat bacteria, what has been lacking is a surface that can also kill off viruses.   However Australian researchers From the Queensland Universit...
Source: High Blood Pressure -Hypertension  May 28, 2020  5 years ago
High Blood Pressure: Based on a new study Harvard Medical School Brigham and Women's Hospital, a hormonal condition known as aldosteronism could be contributing to the growing number of individuals suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension without them or their doctors knowing of it.   This frequently not detected hormonal condition called primary aldosteronism, arises when the...
Source: Cardiology  May 28, 2020  5 years ago
Cardiology: According to a new medical research by cardiologists from the University of Alberta and Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute, it was found that  pairing a blood-thinning drug with aspirin daily for patients who have an angioplasty with a stent can contribute to better health outcomes, including lower risk of death, than just alone. The research study led by Dr Kevin Bainey, a Uni...
Source: Alzheimer And Other Neurodegenerative Diseases  May 28, 2020  5 years ago
Alzheimer: According to a recent research by neurodegenerative disease experts from  Massachusetts General Hospital, neurofilament light chain or NfL performs well and is promising as a potential blood-based biomarker for Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative disease.   The research team said that neurofilament light chain (NfL) has great potential as a diagnostic biomarker for e...
Source: Coronavirus Latest  May 28, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus Latest: Pathologists and medical researchers from Louisiana State University have performed the first series of COVID-19 autopsies on African Americans who died from COVID-19 in New Orleans. The significant findings from these autopsies could provide new insights in the cardiopulmonary aspects of the disease while providing new and critical information to guide patient management. &n...
Source: COVID-19  May 28, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19: Medical researchers and respiratory experts from the University of São Paulo's Medical School say that blood clotting disorders may explain some of the worst symptoms of COVID-19, including respiratory failure and pulmonary fibrosis and that the focus should be on treating COVID-19 as a thrombotic disease caused by a virus. Their research findings and reports were published...
Source: COVID-19 Research  May 28, 2020  5 years ago
Covid-19 Research: A new research study by medical scientists from the University of Cincinnati and three Italian medical institutions involving the detailed review of neuroimaging and neurological symptoms in patients with COVID-19 may shed light on the SARS-Coronavirus's impact on the central nervous system.   The research results, published in the medical journal Radiology, reve...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs  May 28, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs: Spanish researchers from the Rovira i Virgili University Department of Cheminformatics and Nutrition have identified that the anti-inflammatory drugs carprofen and celecoxib could have antiviral properties against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes the deadly COVID-19 disease, by inhibiting replication of the virus.   The research study has been published by the Int...
Source: Diabetes  May 27, 2020  5 years ago
Diabetes: According to medical researchers from the  University of Buffalo, a century old drug used to treat sleeping sickness, could be  been repurposed to fight oral mucositis and diabetic foot ulcers.   The rec...
Source: COVID-19 Diagnostics  May 27, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Diagnostics: Medical researchers from John Hopkins based on new study findings are warning about the accuracy of current RT-PCR Diagnostic platforms being used globally to detect those infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and also about false negatives.   The research findings were published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.
Source: Brain Cancer  May 27, 2020  5 years ago
Brain Cancer: Researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center and Institute of Molecular Medicine (VIMM) have reported that lumefantrine, an FDA-approved drug used to treat malaria has demonstrated effectiveness to enhance existing treatment protocols to treat Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), an aggressive form of cancer in the brain that is typically fatal.   The resea...
Source: COVID-19 Research  May 27, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: According to a new breakthrough study by Chinese researchers, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus emulates the HIV strategy to remove marker molecules on surface of an infected cell that are used to identify invaders, in a manner to evade attack from the human immune system. This new discovery also has vast potential implications that Sars-CoV-2 may be around for some time according to t...
Source: COVID-19 Research  May 27, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: Medical researchers from the Francis Crick Institute, King’s College London and Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, have conducted a detailed analysis of the composition of immune cells in COVID-19 patients’ blood to fully understand how the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus affects the immune system in order to help doctors predict at an early stage who might ne...
Source: Breast Cancer  May 26, 2020  5 years ago
Breast Cancer: Oncology researchers from University Of South Australia have made a significant breakthrough by discovering how an obscure protein causes breast cancer to develop and grow more quickly.   According to Associate Professor Dr Michael Samuel, a senior University Of South Australia researcher in the Centre for Cancer Biology (CCB), who spearheaded this research with co-lead scien...
Source: Covid-19 Research  May 26, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research:  Medical researchers from Boston Children's Hospital have discovered that disulfiram, a US FDA-approved drug commonly used for treating alcoholism, blocks a key gatekeeper protein involved in inflammation, hence effectively inhibiting the inflammation process.   Typically, inflammation is the alarm system by which cells first respond to potential danger. But in e...
Source: Coronavirus Severity  May 26, 2020  5 years ago
Coronavirus Severity: According to medical researchers from Shanghai, human host factors rather than viral genetic differences caused by mutations appear to influence disease outcomes among COVID-19 patients.   The research has been published in the medical journal Nature.   The Chinese researchers examined clinical, molecular, and immuno...
Source: Dementia and COVID-19  May 26, 2020  5 years ago
Dementia: Medical Researchers from the University of Exeter Medical School and the University of Connecticut School of Medicine have announced that their recent study shows a link between individuals possessing a faulty gene associated with Dementia and the risk of developing severe conditions upon contracting COVID-19 disease.   The researchers meta-analyzed data from the UK Biobank, and f...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccines  May 26, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Vaccines: As there has been to date no effective drugs that can treat COVID-19 so far, the world is putting most of its hope on a possible vaccine. The problem is that by even by expediting protocols and clinical trials, a proper, safe and effective vaccine would still need at least 24 months to develop from the original 4 years.   While there are more than 128 different entities a...
Source: Ophthalmology And Eye Disease  May 26, 2020  5 years ago
Ophthalmology: With close to about 485 million people around the world having diabetes and the current incidence rate of diabetics developing diabetic retinopathy standing at about 21%, retinal damage due to diabetes is now considered the most common cause of blindness in working-age adults.   In a new study carried out by scientists from the University of Bonn-Germany together with ophthal...
Source: Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine  May 26, 2020  5 years ago
Hydroxychloroquine:  The WHO or World Health Organization announced on Monday(25th May 2020) that  it had suspended all clinical trials of hydroxychloriquine as a potential treatment for COVID-19 being carried out across a range of countries as a precautionary measure.   The announcement came after a study was published in the medical journal The Lancet which indicated tha...
Source: Neurodegenerative Diseases  May 25, 2020  5 years ago
Polyglutamine Disease: Japanese researchers from Osaka University, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, and Niigata University have identified the natural amino acid arginine as a novel potential approach to attenuate symptoms, as well as the molecular pathogenesis of Polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases.   Polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases are inherited neurodegenerative diseases such as fa...
Source: Cytokine Storms  May 25, 2020  5 years ago
Cytokine Storms: Researchers from Howard Hughes Medical Institute at John Hopkins say that alpha-blockers like prazosin might prevent cytokine storms in COVID-19 patients and are planning a new clinical trial to test these drugs. The clinical trial will be led by medical investigator Dr Bert Vogelstein. He and his team at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine are currently recruiting ind...
Source: Inflammation  May 25, 2020  5 years ago
Inflammation:  Medical researchers from Pennsylvania State University say that adding a variety of spices to one’s meal is a sure way to make it more tasty while also increasing its health benefits such as reducing inflammatory cytokines in the body.   Scientists used a blend of turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon, basil, coriander, cumin, bay leaf, ginger, oregano, parsley, red pep...
Source: Lyme Disease  May 25, 2020  5 years ago
Lyme Disease: The Canadian Medical Association is warning doctors and the general public about unusual clinical manifestations of Lyme Disease and has published three articles in its journal CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) to better illustrate this new emerging symptoms and clinical manifestations.   Some of these diverse symptoms include heart abnormalities, atypical skin lesio...
Source: Diets And Nutrition  May 25, 2020  5 years ago
Ketogenic Diets: Medical researchers from the University of California-San Francisco in a small cohort  study demonstrated that low-carbohydrate, high-fat ketogenic diets helps in lowering inflammation, promoting weight loss and heart health and also impacts the microbes residing in the human gut in a positive manner.   The researchers also conducted research in animal models (mice) th...
Source:Gut Microbiota  May 25, 2020  5 years ago
Gut Microbiota: According to Chinese researchers from Westlake University in Hangzhou, the composition of the gut microbiome could partially explain the difference in susceptibility of COVID-19 patients. As more evidence gathers on the gut microbiota’s role in this disease, it could lead to effective diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic options   The study published on the preprint ...
Source: AI And COVID-19  May 24, 2020  5 years ago
AI And COVID-19: Researchers from Princeton University have developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI)  based diagnostic tool to analyze chest X-rays for patterns in diseased lungs. The AI Based platform could give physicians valuable data about an individual's condition, quickly and cheaply, at the point of care.   Professor Jason Fleischer from the faculty  of electrical engi...
Source: COVID-19  May 24, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Research: Thailand Medical News is starting a new weekly series of articles on various pre-print research studies that have been published on numerous servers but have yet to have bee peer-reviewed. Most will warrant further research but these are some of the selected studies that we feel need to be explored in detail further.   1. Study shows that ACE2 and TMPRSS2 receptors which ...
Source: COVID-19 Treatments  May 24, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Treatment: To date there are still no proven effective drugs or antivirals to treat COVID-19 or some of its accompanying  symptoms such as the cytokine storms, blood clotting issues and the damage to epithelial cells etc. sweet wormwood or Artemisia annua. The public and medical community has been flooded with lots of misinformation that has been orchestrated by governments a...
Source: COVID-19 Editorial  May 24, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Editorial: Its Sunday 24th Of May and the official global death toll is now 343 852 while 5.4 million people are officially infected. (America’s death toll is 98,692 conservatively, in reality the number could be as high as 135,000 as deaths in nursing homes, and many deaths where individuals were not tested were not included to deliberately keep the figures low.) There is very litt...
Source: Immune System  May 23, 2020  5 years ago
Immune System: A protein found in mother’s milk called Lactoferrin has been found to demonstrate antiviral activity in preclinical trials. It impedes viral binding to cell membranes, while activating immune defenses.   Viral infections are a major cause of disease and death globally, from the common cold and flu to newer threats such as the SARS-CoV-2 coronavi...
Source: Nephrology And Kidneys  May 23, 2020  5 years ago
Kidney Stones: Medical researchers from Penn State and Stanford University have developed a faster, results in 30 minutes improved urine-testing system for people suffering from kidney stones. The current conventional have a turnaround time of a week or more.   The research findings an development was published in the journal Science Advances.
Source: COVID-19   May 23, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19: As the official global death toll from COVID-19 climbs to about 341,000 (this is not even accurate as new reports are emerging that in certain countries like in UK, the figures were higher at almost 42,000 for UK alone while in countries like Russia, Ecuador, Iran and Pakistan, the figures are much higher. It is estimated that perhaps up to a million people globally could have already di...
Source: COVID-19 Disinfectants  May 23, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Disinfectants: The Singapore National Environment Agency has issued an advisory after a study conducted by its Environmental Health Institute (EHI) showed that not all disinfectants are effective against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus despite some claiming to be able to eradicate the virus.
Source: Boosting Immune System  May 22, 2020  5 years ago
Boosting Immune System: Dr Cristina Palacios, an associate professor in the Department of Dietetics and Nutrition at the Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work at Florida International University and a team of international experts recently released a nutritional guide for the Latin American Society of Nutrition (SLAN) that offers recommendations to frontline workers on how to b...
Source: Thailand Diabetes News  May 22, 2020  5 years ago
Diabetes: Canadian medical researchers have isolated metabolites in the blood that can accurately predict whether a female will develop type 2 diabetes after experiencing a transient form of illness during pregnancy.   This breakthrough could lead to a diagnostic test that would aid physicians identify females at greatest risk and help them potentially avert the disease through intervention...
Source: COVID-19 News  May 22, 2020  5 years ago
Asthma: According to researchers at Rush University Medical Center, asthma is associated with longer time on ventilators for hospitalized younger individuals with COVID-19.   The study showed that patients with COVID-19 between the ages of 20 and 59 years old who also had asthma needed a ventilator to assist with breathing for five days more on average than non-asthmatic patients with COVID...
Source: COVID-19 News  May 22, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 News:  Medical researchers from Harvard Medical School’s Brigham and Women's Hospital say that autopsies of deceased covid-19 patients reveal distinctive lung features primarily being damage on the various pulmonary blood vessels.   In a research which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), senior researcher, Dr Steven J. Mentzer, MD, a tho...
Source: COVID-19 Misinformation  May 22, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Misinformation:  Thailand Medical News would like to warn readers about online misinformation circulating around on a few subject matters.   First is about Ozone. While we featured an article about using Ozone to disinfect areas against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in February 2020,
Source: COVID-19 Latest  May 22, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 Latest: Medical researchers  from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai based on a new study, say that  enlargement of one of the heart's four chambers ie the right ventricle is the best predictor of which patients with severe Covid-19 infections were most likely to die.   The research team looked at the health records of 105 COVID-19 patients hospitalized at Mount ...
Source: COVID-19 News  May 21, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19:  Italian medical researchers from the University Hospital Of Pisa say that COVID-19 infections may also cause subacute thyroiditis in certain patients.   The research and report was published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.   Typically, subacute thyroiditis is an infla...
Source: COVID-19 News  May 21, 2020  5 years ago
COVID-19 News:  The chief of the European Union health advisory body on infections on Thursday warned of an imminent second wave of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections, as countries across the continent ease tough lockdown measures.   The director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Dr Andrea Ammon said that  it was not a question of if there will be a renewed...
Source: Arrhythmia  May 21, 2020  5 years ago
Arrhythmia:  Genetic and cardiology researchers from Queen Mary University of London and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have discovered hundreds of new links between people's DNA and the heart's electrical activity in a study involving almost 300,000 individuals.   The study findings might eventually lead to advanced screening methods to discern who is at greatest risk ...
Source: Medical Innovations  May 21, 2020  5 years ago
Medical Innovations:  A research team from the University of California-San Diego has developed a wearable, non-invasive Vitamin C sensor that could provide a novel highly personalized option for users to track their daily nutritional intake and dietary adherence. First-author Juliane Sempionatto, a PhD Candidate in nanoengineering in Joseph Wang’s lab at the UC San Diego Jacobs Scho...
Source: Immune System  May 21, 2020  5 years ago
Immune System: Danish researchers from Aarhus University have identified how viruses avoid the body’s immune system and cause infections and diseases.   It has long been known that viruses have an exceptional ability to circumvent the body’s immune system and cause diseases.   Although the majority of individuals recover from a viral infection such as influenza, t...
Source: HPV  May 21, 2020  5 years ago
HPV: Medical researchers from Queensland University Of Technology-Australia have developed the world’s first saliva test for detecting oropharyngeal cancer caused by human papillomavirus-16 or HPV-16 .   The new diagnostics is able to detect such cancer even in asymptomatic individuals.   The research findings and the development of the new saliva based diagnostics has been publi...
Source: Thailand Cannabis News  May 21, 2020  5 years ago
Cannabis: Medical researchers from the University Of University of Lethbridge in Canada say the plant-based CBD may provide resistance to SARS-CoV-2. Their preliminary findings are part of broader research into the use of medicinal cannabis in treating cancer.   The hunt for drugs that can treat COVID-19 and its various symptoms have taken researchers down both traditional and less traditio...


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