For All The Latest Medical News, Health News, Research News, COVID-19 News, Dengue News, Glaucoma News, Diabetes News, Herb News, Phytochemical News, Cardiology News, Epigenetic News, Cancer News, Doctor News, Hospital News
Source: Thailand Medical News & American Academy of Ophthalmology Oct 13, 2019 5 years ago
New Study Confirms Earlier Reports That Elmiron, A Drug Used To Treat Bladder Conditions Linked To Serious Retinal Damage Of The Eye.
Elmiron, the brand name for Pentosan, which is sodium pentosan polysulfate (PPS), a prescription medication that has been used to treat pain caused by interstitial cystitis, commonly known as “painful bladder syndrome” for decades. T...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 12, 2019 5 years ago
A new study by University of Strathclyde has led to a promising blood test that doctors may soon use to accurately detect brain cancer. The patented technology uses infrared light to produce a "bio-signature" of a blood sample and applies artificial intelligence to check for the signs of cancer.
According to the National Cancer Institute, around 0.6% of people will ...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 12, 2019 5 years ago
A medical study by the Ottawa Hospital and the University of Ottawa offers a new insight on how ovarian cancer forms and suggests how it might be prevented. The findings of that study is the first to show that the natural stiffening of the ovaries called fibrosis occurs with age. It also suggests that the diabetes drug metformin may be able to halt this process. The study was published in Cli...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 11, 2019 5 years ago
California which can be considered as one of the most progressive states in the US, with a progressive Governor that truely cares for the people, became the first state to allow people to buy HIV prevention drugs at pharmacies without a prescription.
Around 1.4 million Americans currently live with HIV, an incurable disease that develops after an individual is infected with the HIV virus. In...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 11, 2019 5 years ago
Medical researchers from across the Netherlands have discovered that using organoids derived from patient tumors can be used to help determine how well a cancer patient will respond to chemotherapy.
In their paper published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, the group describes growing organoids from tumor tissue and testing them with chemo drugs.
Organoids are organs grown art...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 10, 2019 5 years ago
The ASCO Breakthrough Summit 2019 which is a global event showcasing oncology innovations will be opened in Bangkok tomorrow and will be last for three days.
The Breakthrough summit will showcase the latest in cancer care and highlight how rapidly evolving science, technology and research are transforming cancer care with new treatments and therapies.
Featuring a host of distinguished spea...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 10, 2019 5 years ago
Typically as tumor cells multiply, they often generate tens of thousands of genetic mutations. Analyzing which ones are the most promising to target with immunotherapy is like finding a few needles in a haystack. Now a new model developed by researchers in the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania hand-picks those needles so they can be leveraged in more effective, cus...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 10, 2019 5 years ago
Princ Hospital Paknampo is the only hospital in Thailand to achieve a Stage 7 EMRAM Certification from HIMSS Analytics .The delighted management executives received the awards during the recent HIMSS Asia Pacific Conference held in Bangkok on the 7th of October 2019 at Centara Grand Hotel. There are only two other hospitals in Thailand with a stage 6 EMRAM Certification.
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 10, 2019 5 years ago
Taking into consideration Thailand’s current position as a Medical Hub of the Asia Pacific region coupled with the Thai Government’s Economic and Social Digitization Initiative ie Thailand 4.0. , HMISS has announced the intention to enter into a Memorandum Of Undertanding (MOU) with True Digital Group, a subsidiary of True Corporation , a leading communications conglomerate in Thailand...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 10, 2019 5 years ago
It’s a billion dollar market out there with fake claims to keep your baby’s skin and heath as perfect as possible. The unsurprising irony is that none of these baby skincare products is necessary. Your baby’s skin is far better off with minimal intervention. The fewer soaps, shampoos, lotions and products that one apply to the little one’s incredible new skin, the healthier...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 10, 2019 5 years ago
The Findings Of A Research Study That Was Published By The Annals Of Internal Medicine, A Journal Of The America College Of Physicians Is Now Thought To Be Tainted As One Of The Authors Has Been Linked To The Meat Industry.
A new scandal is emerging in the medical circles after a research that claimed all previous studies linking red meat to diseases such as cancer and heart disease...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 09, 2019 5 years ago
A collaborative research between Spain’s Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and The Rockefeller University in New York, have identified a possible treatment for Alzheimer disease. The medical researchers have shown that treatment with the oral anticoagulant dabigatran delays the appearance of Alzheimer disease in animal models and the discovery could pave the way for ...
Sourec:Thailand Medical News Oct 08, 2019 5 years ago
The biotech industry, research facilities, major hospitals and also the stock markets in US and Europe were in a state of shock about the news of the German genetic testing company disclosure of a reversal of its genome sequencing strategy and also the resignation of longtime CEO Peer Schatz.
Qiagen's Ex CEO Peer Schatz.
Qiagen the maker of diagnostic kits for cancer and tuberculosis and al...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 08, 2019 5 years ago
Largest study ever that expanded over 3 decades and involved 36,000 participants indicates that an antioxidant found in mushrooms, L-ergothioneine lowers the risks of prostate cancer.
Medical Researchers From Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan have discovered through a long term study that involved more than 36,000 Japanese men, that eating mushrooms effectively lowered the risk of prostate ...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 07, 2019 5 years ago
Globally, pulmonary embolism or PE, a blood clot lodged in one of the pulmonary arteries in the lungs, is the third leading cause of cardiovascular-related deaths.Typically are treated with anticoagulants (commonly known as blood thinners) but of late the rise of the use of new interventional devices that remove or dissolve clots in the lungs has significantly increased in recent years.
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 06, 2019 5 years ago
Since an initial study that was published in February 2017 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that showed rates of colorectal cancer have increased for every generation born since 1950, newer studies are emerging each year showing the worrisome trend and with headlines like: “If you’re under 30, your risk for colon cancer just doubled.” “Study finds colore...
Thailand Medical News Editorial Oct 06, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand is one of the few countries in the world where antibiotics are not properly controlled by the public healthcare authorities or the various medical organization. Though its not an OTC (over the counter) drug, you can still walk into any pharmacy and ask for any antibiotic and the pharmacists on duty will not even wink an eye and ask you what you are planning to take it for. Even worst, Tha...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 05, 2019 5 years ago
Research Scientists led by Dr David Fairen-Jimenez, from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge have developed a platform that uses nanoparticles known as metal-organic frameworks to deliver a promising anti-cancer agent to cells. The research shows that metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) could present a viable platform for delivering a potent anti-can...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 05, 2019 5 years ago
The US FDA has approved second PrEXp (pre-exposure prophylaxis) drug, Descovy (emtricitabine 200 mg and tenofovir alafenamide 25 mg) to help prevent HIV infections. The drug is for in at-risk adults and adolescents weighing at least 35kg for HIV-1 pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to reduce the risk of HIV-1 infection from sex, excluding those who have receptive vaginal sex. Descovy is not indicated...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 05, 2019 5 years ago
A lot of individuals often experience symptoms associated with abdominal bloating and although 30% of the time is just a minor occurrence that goes away but on the other hand it could also signal something more serious or an underlying medical condition. Abdominal is a feeling of fullness and tightness in the abdomen (tummy). It is a common problem affecting 30-70% of individuals sometime or...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 05, 2019 5 years ago
An ability to master more than one languages may help reduce the risk of developing dementia according to recent study. Researchers from the University of Waterloo conducted a study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, to explore the association between multilingualism and dementia risk.
The novel research, led by Dr Suzanne Tyas, a public health professor at Waterloo, exam...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 05, 2019 5 years ago
When fungus get into the Gut and other digestive tract organs like the pancreas, it indirectly triggers cancer and other ailments.
With pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer and also inflammatory bowel diseases on the rise, a team of medical researchers from New York University (NYU) School of Medicine decided to pursues studies focusing on the cause of pancreatic cancer an ddiscovered that a...
A Thailand Medical News Exclusive Oct 04, 2019 5 years ago
More studies needed especially on its unknown effects on human health.
On an average 62 percent of the words population is carrying the herpes virus according to WHO with a rate of 35 million new infections per year! In Thailand, its estimated that about 84 percent of the population is carrying the virus. Though most people only know that it is a sexually transmitted disease that erupt...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 04, 2019 5 years ago
Heart Cooling Technology has been another buzzword for the year in both the medical and biomedical engineering sectors including the race to get a new medical device to accomplish the procedure effectively in the market within the next 5 to 7 years. There are currently 3 clinical trials starting and 5 groups of teams from around the world working on such a device including Thailand but the race se...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 04, 2019 5 years ago
Medical and Healthcare professionals are calling for more actions not just in the UK but also globally as the number of incidences neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson disease are spiraling out of control globally. Neurodegenerative diseases are becoming more common as people live longer, but they are not an inevitable consequence of normal ageing as what most people ...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 03, 2019 5 years ago
Cohort study by Harvard University, Boston University and Columbia University shows that aspirin lessens the effects of air pollution on lung function.
Considering the air pollution levels that most parts of Thailand is facing at moment due to forest fires from Indonesia which is also affecting Malaysia and Singapore as well, the latest medical findings might provide some relieve in the sense that...
Source:Thailand Medical News Oct 03, 2019 5 years ago
A study involving thousands of patients with severe asthma by the Amsterdam University Medical Centre found that more than a third of them are taking harmful doses of oral steroids. The study was presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress that is currently ongoing in Spain.
A majority of these patients could avoid taking oral steroids by improving their adhere...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 02, 2019 5 years ago
To some the topic might seem a laughing matter but the sad truth, in 2018 alone there was 167 deaths reported due to botched penis enlargements surgeries in China and India. . These were cases that were reported, there are hundreds more that are not. 98 of them were foreigners going there for the procedures off which 23 were Caucasian males, showing that the issues are not confined to Asian ...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 02, 2019 5 years ago
Researchers from the Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University have been selected as the finalists for two categories at the Prestigious Asia Pacific HIMSS-Elsevier Digital Healthcare 2019 Awards which are held annually.
The awards are recognitions to organizations that have effectively used information and technology to successfully improve quality of health and care and patient safety.T here ar...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 02, 2019 5 years ago
Unknown to many, fructose is not just used extensively in the processed foods industry but also in the common foods found in bakeries, dessert shops, restaurants and even street foods. Fructose contrary to common thinking, it not just used for its sweeting properties rather it is used as a food enhancer to improve the properties of foods. Hence fructose can be found in all your various sauces at y...
For Immediate Release
Healthcare and Information Management Systems Society Asia Pacific (HIMSS APAC) and Elsevier are proud to announce the finalists for the Asia Pacific HIMSS-Elsevier Digital Healthcare Award, which identify organizations that have effectively used information and technology to successfully improve quality of health and care and patient safety.
The achievements of the organi...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 01, 2019 5 years ago
Medical Researchers from University of California and Harvard University have demonstrated for the first time that cooking food fundamentally alters the microbiomes of both animal models and humans, a finding with implications both for optimizing our microbial health and for understanding how cooking may have altered the evolution of the our microbiomes during human prehistory.
The recent study ...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 01, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Health Supplements
Major Study ever undertaken using meta-analysis involving 13 trials and more than 127,000 participants globally. Results endorsed by American Heart Association and published in the Journal Of American Heart Association.
The issue of whether Omega-3 Fish Oil supplements could help in cardiovascular diseases have been debatable for many years with clinical studies that pr...
Source: Thailand Medical News Oct 01, 2019 5 years ago
Last week at a Medical briefing at a Medtech event, we were told by a told by an Asst Professor from Chulalongkorn University that between one out of four to five taxi drivers in Thailand are infected with Tuberculosis .(TB) . We were originally skeptical of the figure and tried doing some digging around with various agencies and research entities and organizations. The data we obtained was somewh...
Source: Healthcare IT News Sep 30, 2019 5 years ago
Grahame Grieve is FHIR Product Director at HL7 International and is often regarded as the as the ‘Founder of FHIR’. A seasoned healthcare interoperability consultant, he has a background in laboratory medicine, software vendor development, clinical research, open source development and has also conceived, developed and sold interoperability and clinical document solutions and products ...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 30, 2019 5 years ago
Medical Thailand
US FDA and other regulatory bodies in Europe and Canada are warning that Allopurinol and Febuxostat used to treat Gout found to be inked to rising number of cardiovascular and kidney incidences.
Gout is a common type of arthritis that causes intense pain, swelling, and stiffness in a joint. It usually affects the joint in the big toe.
Gout attacks can come on quickly and k...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 30, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Cancer
New highly accurate single blood tests is not only fast and economical but also has a high degree of accuracy plus it can even distinguish the type of cancer, the stage of cancer and the organs or tissues involved unlike conventional diagnostics.
Medical researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston have developed a new blood test that has shown ability to screen for n...
Source:Thailand Medical News Sep 30, 2019 5 years ago
H.E. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha should be praised for the leadership of drafting this declaration and pushing it globally at the UN.
H.E. PM Prayut Chan-O-Cha played a very important global role in supporting the UN and World Health Organization ‘s push to have all member countries of the UN adopt the Universal Healthcare Coverage for all their citizens by 2030 in the...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 29, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Anti-Aging
The male menopause is unlike the female menopause where ovulation ends and hormone production plummets during a relatively short period of time. In men, production of testosterone and other hormones declines over a period of many years and the consequences aren't necessarily clear. Andropause is a more apt term for male menopause. It describes age-related changes in male h...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 29, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Biotech News
Startup focuses on developing minute and nano molecule drugs that directly target RNA to treat a variety of diseases
South Carolina based Ribometrix, an early stage biotechnology startup that is exploring and developing small molecule drugs to treat a variety of human diseases, has raised US$$7.8 million in funding to advance its RNA-targeting drug discovery platfo...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 29, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Health Tips
New sleep research suggests sleeping in on weekends might be a good idea after all, but medical researchers still insists that a consistent sleep schedule is still best healthiest option.
In the current day and age, many of us are not sleeping as much as we should: We stay up late, working late or studying (or streaming the midnight Netflix or the must have networking...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 29, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Gastroenterology
Ulcerative colitis(UC) is one of many immune-mediated diseases with a rising prevalence globally. Previously there were no treatments available to cure the condition but recently a number of drugs were introduced. However researchers from Mount Sinai conducted two separate clinical trials to evaluate three specific biologic agents: adalimumab, vedolizumab, and ustekinuma...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 28, 2019 5 years ago
New Study Shows Energy Efficient Washing Machines Are Totally Bad When It Comes To Caring For the Health Of Your Loved Ones.
A study by researchers from the University Of Bonn, Germany has revealed that has lower temperatures used in 'energy saver' washing machines may not be killing all pathogens and are in fact not only being reservoirs but can help spread the bacteria. The ...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 28, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Flu
Typically in Thailand unlike most temperate countries, the flu season comes twice a year once in around January to March and the second during July to October, however for this year, the flu season is expected to start late in October and prolong into the cooler months of December or even merge with the next season.
According to statistical data, in the first flu season of th...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 28, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Health Supplements.
Studies undertaken by medical researchers from the University Of Arizona have showed that a longterm dietary intakes of choline holds the propects to prevent Alzheimer's disease (AD). Choline is a relatively safe and easy to consume nutrient that is naturally present in some foods and can be used as a dietary supplement.
The team at the ASU-Banner Neurodegenerat...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 27, 2019 5 years ago
Medical researchers from Queen Mary University of London have created an AI based platform that could open the way to earlier identification of people at risk of heart failure and to the development of new treatments.
The team applied an artificial intelligence (AI) technique to analyse the heart MRI images of 17,200 healthy UK Biobank volunteers. They found that genetic ...
Source:Thailand Medical News Sep 27, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Neurodegenerative Diseases
Despite affecting an estimated 26 million people worldwide, Lewy body dementia(LBD) is still relatively unfamiliar to the public and even to most doctors.
If Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases teamed up to combine their most unpleasant features, the result might look a lot like Lewy Body Dementia, a progressive, in...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 27, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Gastroenterology
A large cohort study conducted jointly by medical researchers from Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine in Korea and Johns Hopkins Medical Institution in Maryland, USA have indicated that the use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) contributes to increased risk of cholangitis.
is an inflammation of the bile duct system. The bile duct system ca...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 26, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Fertility And Reproductive Medicine
Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital and Vejthani Hospital are the two top centres for Reproductive Medicine and Fertility Procedures in Bangkok.
In the cosy waiting room of Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital Fertility Centre, one of the world’s leading centres of in-vitro fertilization (IVF), some 40 people are seated, of which only about 4 coupl...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 26, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Infectious Diseases
The first extensively drug-resistant (XDR) strain of Salmonella typhimurium, called ST313 sublineage II.1, has evolved in the African Continent and is slowly spreading towards other worldwide locations. This new form of bacterial infection fails to respond to any of the antibiotics that are commonly used except for ciprofloxacin. But what is alarming is that ...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 25, 2019 5 years ago
Results of a study published in The Lancet Digital Health journal confirmed that Artificial intelligence (AI) appears to detect diseases from medical imaging with similar levels of accuracy as health-care professionals if not better, according to the first systematic review and meta-analysis, synthesising all the available evidence from the scientific literature.
However, only a minute stud...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 25, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Medical News is pleased to present this simple guide with regards to essential micronutrients, health supplements and herbal products for people living with HIV. It is not mean for anyone to abstain from their prescribed antiretroviral therapies and before commencing any consumption any of these products, always consult your doctors first.
All vitamins and minerals are ...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 25, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Health Supplements
Curcumin a brightly colored yellow herbal spice from the Turmeric plant that has been extolled with numerous health benefits such being anti-inflammatory and even anti-carcinogenic based on numerous medical studies that were done in the past. In the last 5 years, curcumin supplements became big seller with many prestigious brands of health supplements havin...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 25, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Aesthetics
Hair loss is a very common condition that can affect both men and women at some time in their lives. It is estimated that 55% males by the age of 55 and 40% of females by the age of 65 will experience hair loss. It is often caused by testosterone metabolites in genetically susceptible hair follicles. While testosterone is at the core of the balding process, DHT is thought to be...
Source: Thailand Medical News Sep 25, 2019 5 years ago
Thailand Hypertension/High Blood Pressure
The number of individuals globally suffering from high blood pressure is growing at a very rapid rate. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a risk factor for stroke, heart disease and other dangerous conditions including kidney diseases and also certain neurodegenerative issues, but it offers no early warning signs or physical symptoms. It is very imp...