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Healthcare thailand

Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 08, 2020  5 years ago
For the last few weeks many queries were flooding so called ‘health and medical experts’ with regards to how long can the coronavirus survive on surfaces outside of a human host? Other questions included : Do they persist on surfaces such as door handles or hospital bedside tables or in lifts or toilets and if so for how long? Also many asked what methods can be used to kill them effec...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 08, 2020  5 years ago
As of Saturday morning, 9am Beijing time, the death toll in China due to the coronavirus stands at 725 with more than 34,557 confirmed infected cases and 6,118 in critical condition according to reports by China health authorities. (as far as we are concerned, none of these figures are credible! Also note that all online sites like WHO, John Hopkins etc are all fed data from the Chinese health aut...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 07, 2020  5 years ago
Research led by Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists reveal a natural compound found in many well-known and widely consumed vegetables can also be used to fight fatty liver disease. The new study demonstrates how non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD, can be controlled by indole, a natural compound found in gut bacteria and in cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower a...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 07, 2020  5 years ago
The number of passengers  onboard a British-American cruise docked in Japan, that are have tested positive for coronavirus has now escalated to 61 with many more onboard getting sick and awaiting tests.   All 3700 odd passengers are facing a 14 day quarantine while those infected have been moved to hospitals.   Health authorities from Japan have so far tested 273 people on board t...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 07, 2020  5 years ago
Since the emergence of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV was made public, healthcare professionals and biotech researchers have been having a frantic time developing test kits for diagnosing the presence of the coronavirus in suspected individuals.   One of the major obstacles faced was that test samples used were sputum taken from the infected patients. The viscosity and sticky nature of sputu...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 07, 2020  5 years ago
The sudden emergence of the respiratory coronavirus in China has once again got global biotech and medical researchers rushing to develop a vaccine against the fast spreading and deadly disease. However no one can predict when it would materialize as there are so many factors affecting its development.   Immediately after researchers and health officials from China disseminated the genetic ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 07, 2020  5 years ago
More and more cases of individuals being infected with the coronavirus are emerging in Singapore over the last few days with more of them now being local human to human transmissions. Free mask being handed out In Singapore by the Singapore Government, Pic Credit; Straits Times  Two more new cases were reported yesterday including a Singaporean who contracted it while attending a business ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 07, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Medical News is appealing to WHO, Government and Health Official Worldwide and doctors have to take note of a trend occurring in the last few weeks that have numerous ramifications.   As a result of easy access to medical information online (we at Thailand Medical News are to be blamed too), numerous Chinese citizens who are unable to gain access to hospitals or get immediate medic...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 07, 2020  5 years ago
Wuhan Central Hospital has confirmed that Ophthalmologist Dr Li Wenliang had died from a coronavirus related infection at 2.58 am on Friday, February 7th despite Chinese authorities trying to silence the death. Dr Li Wenliang was admitted to a hospital in January and later confirmed to have the coronavirus, according to a post on his social media account. PHOTOS: WEIBO Dr Li was among the ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 06, 2020  5 years ago
Medical Researchers from  Duke University in North Carolina have managed to reformulate an existing cocaine vaccine with a new ingredient to make it more effective to treat addiction. The new ingredient added to a current cocaine vaccine appears to enhance its effectiveness in blocking the drug's "high" when tested in mice, according to the research findings.   The novel ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 06, 2020  5 years ago
Health officials in Wisconsin confirmed the state's first case of coronavirus Wednesday, raising the total number of cases in the U.S. to 12. The patient is an American white male who had travelled to Wuhan, China and returned.   Health authorities described his condition as mild and that he is currently recuperating at a hospital.   Earlier during the night, hundreds more American...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 06, 2020  5 years ago
The number of coronavirus infections in China continues to surge without any signs of slowing down and more cities are closing and being placed on lockdowns on a daily basis even without warnings. The virus is now present in every single province and the numbers sick with symptoms are phenomenal.   The Chinese officials constantly issues death and infected figures twice a day but everyone i...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 06, 2020  5 years ago
News is emerging that a viral infection that was last seen about 10 years ago has now emerged in the country of Mali as of the Ist Of February. So far 7 people have been confirmed dead and about 20 confirmed infected with many more suspected of being infected as a result of the virus outbreak.   CCHF or Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever is a viral disease. Symptoms of CCHF may include&n...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 06, 2020  5 years ago
Researchers from the Institut Pasteur in France had been very well prepared when news first emerged about the breakout of the new coronavirus in China as they had been instrumental in many discoveries and protocols during the SARS and MERS outbreaks.   On Friday, January 24, 2020, the very day that the first cases were confirmed, the virology researchers began the process of culturing the s...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 06, 2020  5 years ago
A new research involving a randomized trial conducted by researchers from the University of Helsinki showed that the administration of zinc acetate lozenges to common cold (influenza)  patients did not shorten colds or help recovery.   Previously, eight controlled trials reported that zinc lozenges reduced the duration of the common cold, but several other trials did not show that neit...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 06, 2020  5 years ago
The Diamond Princess cruise ship that is anchored at Yokohama, near Tokyo, with 1,046 crew and 2,667 passengers onboard including 428 Americans have reported that another ten more passengers on board have been tested positive for the coronavirus bringing the total to now 20.   There are another 39 passengers that have started displaying symptoms and are awaiting test results. Japan hea...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Feb 06, 2020  5 years ago
Almost more than 400 million people globally use over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to treat pain. At the same time each year worldwide, NSAID use is attributed to approximately 1.4 million hospitalizations and more than 350,000 deaths.(far more than the coronavirus death toll), yet there is very little media coverage of even public awareness of these data. NSAIDS inclu...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 06, 2020  5 years ago
China health authorities are saying that despite the increase in the daily number of deaths and infected due to the coronavirus, they seem to have the situation under control as most cases are only from Hubei and not from other provinces.   The death toll from the coronavirus had risen to 563, with total number of confirmed infections at 28108, and those in critical conditions at 2395. All ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 05, 2020  5 years ago
Chinese doctors and researchers from Wuhan General Hospital, The Pasteur Institute at Shanghai and Institute of Virology At Hubei are all concerned that the coronavirus seems to be evolving and becoming virulent and stronger. Some of the observations by doctors from Wuhan General Hospital was that in the initial patients, once the symptoms manifested, it took some time before the disease progre...
Source : Thailand Medical news  Feb 05, 2020  5 years ago
Update: 31s March 2020: An Urgent Appeal: Please help support this website and also our initiatives in propelling research and developments by making a donation via paypal. Your gestures are greatly appreciated. It is also digusting that a certain American company selling ozone generators is using our article to sell their merchandise but have n...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 05, 2020  5 years ago
First it was a British-American luxury cruise liner than had more than 3700 people on board that had to dock urgently at Yokohama , Japan after it was discovered that one male passenger was exhibiting symptoms of the coronavirus infection and was in a critical state.   Subsequently testing on passengers and crew onboard the Diamond Princess Cruise ship, who had contact with the infected ind...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 05, 2020  5 years ago
Individuals, travellers or tourists and companies facing problems due to disruption caused by the coronavirus epidemic in China, risk meeting a cold shoulder from insurers, many industry experts warn. From travel to health insurance to even business insurance, there are lots of  fine print that excludes epidemics such as the current coronavirus epidemic.   Many insurers are saying...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Feb 05, 2020  5 years ago
German medical researchers from the Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine (ISRM) at the medical faculty of Heinrich Heine University-Duesseldorf under the directorship of Prof. Dr. James Adjaye have developed a protocol for the reproducible isolation and characterization of kidney stem cells ie urine derived renal progenitor cells (UdRPCs) from donors of distinct ages, gender ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 05, 2020  5 years ago
According to research findings by medical researchers from Van Andel Institute in Michigan, United States, significantly reducing dietary levels of the amino acid methionine could slow onset and progression of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis in high-risk individuals. Methionine Rich Food To Avoid To Slow Onset Of Auto-Immmune Diseases   The study findings wa...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 05, 2020  5 years ago
UPDATED Health experts are now advising people stay away from conferences and exhibitions in Asia especially those that have international participants or exhibitors after an incident in Singapore. Accordingly, a business conference that took place in Singapore at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, located at downtown Orchard Road , which is a major shopping and tourists district sometime in January became ...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Feb 05, 2020  5 years ago
Initial comments by many so called experts including some from WHO and The US CDC saying that the coronavirus is not mutating has now been gradually proved to be wrong.   On the 27th Of January, Dr Nancy Messonnier, head of respiratory diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) commented that coronavirus was not mutating. (Source: Medical Express)   Dr Kristian An...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 05, 2020  5 years ago
China coronavirus death toll as of 7.15am Beijing time stood at 492 with the number of individuals  infected at 24,395 and more than 2,720 in critical condition. (Note that this are figures released by Chinese health officials with their standard reporting protocol of only adding in deaths and  those infected after people have had the diagnostic test done to confirm that they afflicted w...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 05, 2020  5 years ago
The coronavirus is fast spreading all over China with nothing that resembles a country whose government has got things under control. Certain International organizations are also making fake statements that things are under control in China when in reality just ask any doctor or health professional or any person on the street in any province. Alibaba HQ Literally all 33,427 hospitals in China a...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 04, 2020  5 years ago
Photo therapy or light therapy, consisting of daily exposure to bright, artificial light, is already a recognized line of treatment for people affected by seasonal and nonseasonal depressive disorder.(also known as seasonal affective disorder or SAD)   However till now, not much was known about the potential benefits of light therapy for people with bipolar disorder, one of the le...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 04, 2020  5 years ago
The WHO (World Health Organization) announced on Tuesday that the outbreak of the deadly novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV which has spread from China to more than two dozen countries, does not yet constitute a "pandemic" just yet.   Dr Sylvie Briand, head of WHO's Global Infectious Hazard Preparedness division, told reporters in Geneva, "Currently we are not in a pandemic,&qu...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 04, 2020  5 years ago
Thai health authorities announced on Tuesday afternoon during a media conference that 6 more individuals in Thailand were infected with the coronavirus. This bring the total to 25, which many epidemiology experts consider to be very low since the numbers of Chinese nationals that had travelled to Thailand between December 2019 to January 2020 were phenomenal, including the numbers from Wuhan. &n...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 04, 2020  5 years ago
Singapore has reported 6 new cases bringing the total infected in the country with the coronavirus to 24. Of the 6 new cases, 4 were local transmissions as these individuals had never travelled to China in the last 6 months.   The new cases constitute "limited local transmission", the Singapore Health Ministry said on Tuesday.   "There is however no widespread evidence o...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 04, 2020  5 years ago
A recent research study indicates that having general anesthesia in a cesarean delivery is linked with significantly increased odds of severe postpartum depression requiring hospitalization, thoughts of suicide or self-inflicted injury. The findings from research conducted at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and Columbia University Irving Medical Center are published online in&n...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 04, 2020  5 years ago
South Korean authorities have confirmed that a female South Korean tourist who had visited Thailand had contracted the coronavirus. She had never visited China prior to this nor was she in contact with any Chinese nationals. She becomes South Korea's 16th case of those infected with the coronavirus.   Many are however doubting the credibility of this report as Thailand has taken extreme...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 04, 2020  5 years ago
It is extremely irresponsible for any educated medical or healthcare professional or so called expert to publicly make comparisons between the 2019-nCoV coronavirus and the human influenza virus.  Its one thing for politicians and government officials along with ignorant journalist to do so but not from those trained in science.   Of late many “experts’ are saying that the ...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Feb 04, 2020  5 years ago
According to a new study by a University of Alberta researchers, pregnant women diagnosed with diabetes who have elevated fasting (pre-meal) blood sugar levels are more likely to face complications than those who have only elevated post-meal glucose levels.   Cardiology Professor Dr Padma Kaul, who is also an adjunct professor in the School of Public Health told Thailand Medical News, "...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 04, 2020  5 years ago
Individuals with chronic kidney disease have a higher risk for heart disease and heart-disease death. Now, for the first time in humans, research led by Dr Navkaranbir Bajaj, M.D., of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, has identified a pathological change that appears to link kidney disease to progressive heart disease. The new discovery offers a potential treatment target, which could ha...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 04, 2020  5 years ago
Hong Kong reported its first death from the coronavirus this morning. The dead patient was identified as a 39 year old male from China who had lived prior to hospitalization at Whampoa Gardens in Hong Kong.   He was the 13th confirmed case of the virus in Hong Kong out of the 15 cases there.   His death marks the second death out of China, with the other reported in Philippines a day ago...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 04, 2020  5 years ago
UPDATES: As Of 15 minutes ago, 9.25 Bangkok Time, Chinese Health Officals In Beijung contacted us to say the the figures told to us in the morning were wrong as their staff had apparently got figures mixed up! The official death toll remains at 426, but the numbers infected should be only 20,442 according to them , 23,214 are the numbers of suspected infected cases and that there are another 221,0...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 04, 2020  5 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus news team from Medical Spheres was interested to know and dispel any fake news about the possibility of the coronavirus mutating and claims that it only affects the elderly, hence they explored the topic with various experts in the field and got a variety of conflicting answers.   The CDC, WHO and numerous other health experts and officials are stating that the virus on...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 03, 2020  5 years ago
Researchers from Pennsylvania State University have concluded that a plant-based diet may be key to lowering risk for heart disease. The researchers determined that diets with reduced sulfur amino acids which occur in protein-rich foods, such as meats, dairy, nuts and soy, were associated with a decreased risk for cardiovascular disease. The team also found that the average American consumes almos...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 03, 2020  5 years ago
WHO or the World Health Organization is working with Google to ensure that people get facts from WHO first when they search for information about the new coronavirus that recently emerged in China. WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the opening of WHO's executive board meeting on Monday that social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Tencent and TikT...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 03, 2020  5 years ago
Chinese virology researchers have discovered that genetic material of the new coronavirus strain, 2019-nCoV was discovered in the stools and rectal swabs of patients confirming that the virus also can be transmitted through the digestive tract.   The new finding was made by scientists from the Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University and the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 03, 2020  5 years ago
Scientifically, it is now confirmed that the new coronavirus can spread person to person, even if someone is showing no symptoms. The next in line can continue to pass it on. The incubation period is so long that people may not know where or when they picked it up. Dr. Anthony Fauci, US National Institutes of Health's Infectious Disease Chief   New details that emerged last week about t...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 03, 2020  5 years ago
Contrary to all the rumors, allegations and fake news circulation in the social media, Thailand’s preparedness for any possible local coronavirus outbreaks has been to date topnotch, due to concerted efforts by the government and also the private sector.   It must be noted that Thailand has numerous JCI accredited hospitals all over the country and has among the best medical intuition...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 03, 2020  5 years ago
Medical researchers from the University of Birmingham and Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research have discovered that  giving progesterone to women with early pregnancy bleeding and a history of miscarriage could lead to prevention of more than half a million global miscarriages a year.   The research team has published two new studies evidencing both the scie...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 03, 2020  5 years ago
Over the weekend, many countries had reported new cases of confirmed 2019-nCoV coronavirus infections with thousands more of suspected cases merging all over the world.   As of Monday morning, the number of countries that have confirmed infected cases stands at 31 with a total of 185 infected individuals.   The US, Germany South Korea,Hong Kong, India and UAE all reported new cases ove...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 03, 2020  5 years ago
UDATE: At  9.00 am Beijing Time, China Health Authrorities revised the figues from those released an hour earlier. The death toll is 362, Infected are 17,250 and Critcal 2,128) Despite assurances by the Chinese Government and WHO that they have things under control, there seems to be no respite from the deadly coronavirus that is on a “rampage’ in China. Current death tolls are n...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 02, 2020  5 years ago
In the last three weeks, most media have been abuzz with stories about the coronavirus and so much paranoia has arisen has a result. The truth of the matter is that the mortality rate of the coronavirus for now is only about 2%, unless it mutates. The SARS virus has a mortality rate of 8% while influenza or flu has a mortality rate of between 11 to 17%! Its easy to see that a lot of fuss is going ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 02, 2020  5 years ago
Already at the start of the coronavirus outbreak in late December 2019, Chinese medical researchers and doctors were already treating coronavirus infected patients with a HIV antiviral called Aluvia, also known as Kaletra, which is is a combination of lopinavir and ritonavir and is produced by pharmaceutical company AbbVie. (simply goggle online and you can see that many medical sites were already...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 02, 2020  5 years ago
In the last few weeks as a result of the coronavirus outbreak in China that is fast spreading worldwide, many individuals have been in a panic state but fail to realize that in actual reality, the coronavirus is even milder than the common influenza that affects millions each year and also kills far more people. The coronavirus only has a 2 percent mortality rate so far, whereas the mortality rate...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 02, 2020  5 years ago
The newly emergence of the Wuhan coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has put the world on high alert for transcontinental transmission, reminiscent of the outbreak of SARS, also a coronavirus in 2002-2003. Decade-long structural studies by Dr Fang Li of the University of Minnesota, et al. have shown how the SARS virus  (SARS-CoV) interacts with animal and human hosts in order to infect them. The me...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 02, 2020  5 years ago
It could not get worst for China, Bird Flu has struck the Hunan province that neighbors the province of Hubei, the epicenter for the 2019-nCoV coronavirus outbreak.   The outbreak was reported by Chinese officials in the city of Shaoyang in Hunan province on Saturday evenning. Initially about 4,500 chickens died from the H5N1 infection on Saturday while local authorities decided to cull anoth...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 02, 2020  5 years ago
As of Sunday morning, the number of countries that now have confirmed coronavirus infection cases besides China stands at 32, with the total number of infected cases outside of China hovering at 178 confirmed cases. There are more than 20,000 suspected cases stretching across 92 countries with about 1, 620 that have taken a diagnostic test and are awaiting results.   Certain countries still...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 01, 2020  5 years ago
A novel modeling research, published in The Lancet, estimates that up to 75,800 individuals in the Chinese city of Wuhan may have been infected with 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) as of January 25, 2020. The findings of the study could infer many implications as to the actual dire situation the world is in right down along with what possible future scenarios could be. Major routes of ou...


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