Thailand Medical News - For All The Latest Breaking Medical News, Health News, Research News, COVID-19 News, Outbreak News, Dengue News, Glaucoma News, Diabetes News, Herb News, Phytochemical News, Heart And Cardiology News, Epigenetic News, Cancer News,


Healthcare thailand

Nikhil Prasad  Aug 05, 2024  1 month ago
H5N1 News: A 16-Year-Old Girl Confirmed as Latest Case Cambodia is grappling with an increasing number of H5N1 bird flu cases, with the latest patient being a 16-year-old girl from the southeastern province of Svay Rieng. This case, confirmed by the National Institute of Public Health on Saturday, brings the total number of cases to nine since the beginning of 2024.
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 05, 2024  1 month ago
COVID-19 News: A Dramatic Increase in Hospitalizations In a surprising turn of events, South Korea experienced a sharp rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations throughout July. According to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), the number of hospitalizations climbed steadily: from 63 in the last week of June to 91 in the first week of July, 145 in the second week, and a staggering 225 ...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 05, 2024  1 month ago
Ophthalmology Updates: Introduction to a Breakthrough A groundbreaking study has recently revealed the potential of Peptain-1 in preventing retinal capillary degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss. This Ophthalmology Updates news report delves into the study conducted by researchers from the University of Colorado, Aurora-USA, focusing on how Peptain-1 can protect against retinal damage. ...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 05, 2024  1 month ago
Medical News: Researchers have long sought reliable biomarkers to predict the development and progression of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease (CAD). A recent systematic review conducted by a team from various Malaysian institutions sheds light on the role of Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases (TIMPs) in this context. This Medical News report delves into the findings of this compreh...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 05, 2024  1 month ago
Medical-News: Neuroactive steroids, a group of naturally occurring compounds in the brain, have been found to play a crucial role in various aspects of health and disease. This Medical News report delves into the latest findings on neuroactive steroids, highlighting their significance and potential therapeutic applications. The study's findings shed light on the diverse roles of these compound...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 05, 2024  1 month ago
Medical News: Researchers from the University of Turku in Finland and Medipol University in Turkey have uncovered fascinating insights into how systemic factors such as hyperglycemia, pregnancy, aging, and vitamin usage affect the expression of human beta-defensins (hBDs) in the oral cavity. This Medical News report delves into their findings and highlights the significance of these antimicrobial ...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 05, 2024  1 month ago
Medical News: In the ongoing battle against diseases, our body’s immune system serves as a remarkable frontline defense, particularly against RNA viruses like SARS-CoV-2, Ebola, and Zika. These pathogens pose significant threats due to their ability to cause epidemics and pandemics. A recent study conducted by researchers from Université Paris Cité in France and Universit&eacut...
James Josh  Aug 04, 2024  1 month ago
Thailand Medical: Rising Influenza Cases in Lower Northeastern Provinces The Disease Control Office 9 in Nakhon Ratchasima has issued a stern warning regarding the significant outbreak of influenza in the lower northeastern region of Thailand. Reports indicate that a total of 25,457 cases have been identified across four provinces. Thailand Medical authorities are urging people, especially those ...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 04, 2024  1 month ago
COVID-19 News: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a myriad of symptoms, both expected and unexpected. Among these, a surprising and painful issue has emerged: orofacial pain. This COVID-19 News report delves into a recent study exploring the increase in orofacial pain among individuals infected with COVID-19, particularly during the Omicron variant surge in Fujian Province, China. The study uncover...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 04, 2024  1 month ago
Medical News: The New Face of an Ancient Disease Cholera, a waterborne disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, has plagued humanity for centuries, with pandemics causing massive mortality and societal disruption. The recent resurgence of cholera, combined with new research, highlights the evolving dynamics of this disease in the context of global climate change. This Medical News report ...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 04, 2024  1 month ago
Cancer Updates: Introduction to Liver Cancer and Tryptophan Liver cancer, specifically Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC), is a formidable disease and the third leading cause of cancer mortality globally. Despite various treatments, the five-year survival rate remains around 30%. Recent research has uncovered a fascinating link between liver cancer growth and the amino acid tryptophan. This Cancer Up...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 04, 2024  1 month ago
Anti-Aging News: Researchers from Multiple Institutions Unveil the Health Benefits of Ginger A recent comprehensive review conducted by an international team of researchers has highlighted the promising health benefits of ginger (Zingiber officinale) in combating age-related disorders and promoting longevity. This Anti-Aging News report delves into the extensive research findings that demonstrate...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 04, 2024  1 month ago
COVID-19 News: Scientists from the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Comenius University have uncovered a promising new weapon against COVID-19: lactoferrin, a protein commonly found in milk. This COVID-19 News report highlights how lactoferrin binds to the virus responsible for COVID-19, offering potential new treatments and preventive measures against the disease. Researchers from Slovakia reveal...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 04, 2024  1 month ago
Medical News: Official Death Toll and Case Numbers in Gujarat Gujarat state officials have updated the official toll of deaths caused by the Chandipura virus to 66, with 153 lab-confirmed cases reported as of Saturday.   Alarming rise in Chandi...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 04, 2024  1 month ago
Colon Cancer News: A groundbreaking study from researchers at the University of Messina, the National Institutes of Health, and the University of Genoa has revealed crucial insights into how immune cells behave in patients with colon cancer. This discovery may pave the way for new therapeutic strategies to combat this prevalent and deadly disease. This Colon Cancer News report delves into the key ...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 04, 2024  1 month ago
Cancer News:  A Revolutionary Discovery In a groundbreaking study, researchers from the Department of Pharmacy at China Medical University in Taichung, Taiwan, have unveiled a promising natural compound that might turn the tide against multidrug-resistant (MDR) cancers. This Cancer News report delves into their discovery, which has the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment. Formon...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 04, 2024  1 month ago
Sepsis: COVID-19 has had a staggering global impact, with millions affected and a broad spectrum of symptoms ranging from mild respiratory issues to severe pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). One of the critical complications that have emerged is COVID-19-associated sepsis, a life-threatening condition that disrupts the normal function of multiple organ systems, leading to in...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 03, 2024  1 month ago
U.S. Medical News: As the summer progresses, Arkansas is witnessing a concerning increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. The rise in infections has sparked renewed discussions about public health measures and the potential strain on the state's healthcare system. This U.S. Medical News report delves into the latest statistics, the factors contributing to this surge, and the implicatio...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 03, 2024  1 month ago
Herbs And Phytochemicals: In a groundbreaking study conducted by researchers from the School of Basic Medical at Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine-China, the potent effects of Astragalus polysaccharides (APS) in combating neurodegenerative diseases have been brought to light. This Herbs And Phytochemicals news report delves into the comprehensive review of APS's molecular mech...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 03, 2024  1 month ago
Medical News: The Heartbreaking Side of COVID-19 In a groundbreaking study, researchers have uncovered how different variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, affect heart cells, known as cardiomyocytes, in both laboratory settings and living organisms. This Medical News report delves into the fascinating findings from scientists at the University of Hong Kong, Chinese Universit...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 03, 2024  1 month ago
COVID-19 News: Sudden Vision Loss Post COVID-19 Infection In a compelling case from Japan, a 53-year-old woman experienced a sudden decrease in visual acuity just days after contracting COVID-19. This COVID-19 News report explores the findings of researchers from the National Defense Medical College in Saitama, Japan, detailing the patient's journey and the intricate immune responses observed....
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 03, 2024  1 month ago
TCM News: Researchers Highlight Sheng Mai San's Anti-inflammatory Potential In a recent groundbreaking study, researchers from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hangzhou Normal University have demonstrated the potential of Sheng Mai San (SMS), a traditional Chinese medicine formula, in treating inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This TCM News report delves into the significant findings ...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 03, 2024  1 month ago
Latest Diagnostics: Understanding the Role of NT-proBNP A new study reveals that NT-proBNP, a protein released by the heart during stress, could be a game-changer in diagnosing hidden heart issues, particularly atrial fibrillation (AF), in patients who have suffered cryptogenic strokes. This Latest Diagnostics news report delves into the groundbreaking findings of a study by researchers from vari...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 03, 2024  1 month ago
Supplements: A Potential Shield Against Stroke Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide, with alarming statistics showing an increase in cases. Every year, approximately 795,000 strokes occur, leading to one death every three minutes and thirty seconds. The survivors often face severe disabilities requiring long-term rehabilitation and chronic care. This Supplements News report...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 03, 2024  1 month ago
COVID-19 News: The Challenge of Post-COVID-19 Vaccination Syndrome The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges, and vaccines have played a crucial role in controlling the virus's spread. However, some individuals have reported persistent neurological symptoms following vaccination, a condition now referred to as post-COVID-19 Vaccination Syndrome (PCVS). This COVID-19 News report d...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 03, 2024  1 month ago
U.S. Medical News: San Diego's COVID-19 Positivity Rate Near Record High San Diego County is witnessing a significant resurgence in COVID-19 cases, with the positivity rate nearing its highest recorded levels. The county's current seven-day test positivity rate stands at 20.5%, just below the peak of 29% seen in January 2022. This alarming trend underscores the ongoing challenges posed by...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 03, 2024  1 month ago
Thailand Medical: Osteoarthritis, a common and debilitating condition affecting millions worldwide, often leads to significant pain, inflammation, and reduced mobility. While conventional treatments such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are available, they come with a host of side effects. This Thailand Medical news report explores a fascinating study on the traditional Thai medic...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 02, 2024  1 month ago
Ophthalmology News: As the world continues to grapple with the effects of COVID-19, researchers are uncovering new ways the virus impacts our health. A recent study sheds light on how even mild cases of COVID-19 can affect the optic nerve, providing crucial insights into the broader implications of the virus on eye health. This Ophthalmology News report delves into the findings of this study, whic...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 02, 2024  1 month ago
Influenza News: In an exciting breakthrough, researchers have discovered that inhibiting the RAN protein can significantly reduce the replication of the Influenza A virus (IAV). This Influenza News report explores this new finding and its implications for future antiviral treatments. Inhibiting RAN protein could be key to stopping Influenza A virus The Role of RAN in Influenza The RAN pro...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 02, 2024  1 month ago
Medical News: Rising Cases and Hospitalizations Southwestern Ontario is currently grappling with an alarming outbreak of Legionnaires' disease that bears resemblance to the current outbreak in Melbourne, Australia.   Southwestern Ontario also witne...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 02, 2024  1 month ago
Medical News: The city of Melbourne is grappling with a severe outbreak of Legionnaires' disease, which has resulted in one confirmed death, 60 infections, and hundreds of suspected cases. The outbreak has raised significant public health concerns, prompting swift action from health authorities to contain the spread and protect the population. Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in Melbo...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 02, 2024  1 month ago
Medical News: A groundbreaking study has brought exciting news: a noninvasive colorectal cancer screening test that can be done at home can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer death by an impressive 33%. This Medical News report delves into the details of this revolutionary research and its potential implications for making cancer screening more accessible. Non-invasive home-based screening ...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 02, 2024  1 month ago
Medical News: In a groundbreaking study, medical researchers have uncovered new insights into the brain's response to ischemic stroke. This Medical News report delves into the fascinating world of cellular responses and the potential for new treatments that could revolutionize stroke recovery. The study was conducted by scientists from MedUni Vienna, Innsbruck Medical University, and the Unive...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 02, 2024  1 month ago
COVID-19 News: As France hosts the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, the country is grappling with a significant surge in COVID-19 cases. The incidence rate has reached 55 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, leading to around 36,935 new cases. This resurgence poses challenges not only for public health but also for the smooth conduct of the international sporting event. COVID-19 surge in France amid ongo...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 02, 2024  1 month ago
Thailand Medical News: Researchers Explore Potential of Plant-Derived Compound in Enhancing Vaginal Immunity In an exciting breakthrough, a team of researchers has discovered that ellagic acid, a natural compound found in many fruits and plants, can significantly enhance the body's innate immune response in the vaginal region. This Thailand Medical News report delves into the study's find...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 02, 2024  1 month ago
TCM News: Insomnia affects millions worldwide, with the World Health Organization estimating that about 35% of people globally suffer from this condition. In China alone, approximately 38% of the population, including around 300 million middle-aged individuals, struggle with sleep disorders. The lack of effective and safe treatment options has made it crucial to explore new remedies. This TCM News...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 02, 2024  1 month ago
Herbs And Phytochemicals: Researchers from institutions across the globe have uncovered a new potential weapon in the battle against multidrug-resistant oral cancer. This Herbs and Phytochemicals news report delves into their groundbreaking study, which reveals how solanine, a natural compound found in certain plants, can inhibit the growth and spread of drug-resistant cancer cells. Solanine ...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 01, 2024  1 month ago
Vaccine News: A groundbreaking study conducted by Taiwanese researchers has discovered that all types of COVID-19 vaccines can potentially lead to a serious kidney condition known as Vaccine-Associated Glomerular Disease (CVAGD). This Vaccine News report explores the study’s findings and what they mean for the millions of people who have received COVID-19 vaccinations. All types of COVI...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 01, 2024  1 month ago
U.S. Medical News - Surge in Positivity Rate As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, Nebraska has seen a significant increase in its positivity rate. As of August 15, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services reported that the positivity rate for COVID-19 tests reached 18.4 percent for the week ending July 20, 2024. This marks a 2.4 percent increase from the previous week, reflec...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 01, 2024  1 month ago
Rising Concern Amidst the Rainy Season As the rainy season intensifies in Thailand, medical authorities have raised concerns about a surge in Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) infections. This alert is particularly directed towards parents with young children and the elderly, urging them to be vigilant about symptoms related to respiratory illnesses.   Vulnerable Groups: Young Children and...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 01, 2024  1 month ago
COVID-19 News: Understanding the HLA-G Gene and COVID-19 In an intriguing study, researchers have discovered a genetic variant that may play a critical role in how some people recover from severe COVID-19. This COVID-19 News report focuses on the HLA-G 14-bp variant and its association with exercise-induced oxygen desaturation in post-COVID-19 patients. The study was conducted by scientists from t...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 01, 2024  1 month ago
Medical News: A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers from the University of Cambridge has unveiled crucial insights into the persistent heart issues experienced by individuals recovering from COVID-19. This research covered in this Medical News report, provides a comprehensive analysis of the long-term cardiac complications linked to COVID-19, highlighting the role of immune dysregulation...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 01, 2024  1 month ago
H5N1 News: H5N1 Bird flu, or avian influenza, has long been a threat to both animal and human health. The highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) H5N1 subtype is particularly concerning due to its potential to cause severe disease and its ability to spread across species. A recent investigation into the presence of H5N1 on dairy farms in Texas has revealed alarming findings about the virus...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 01, 2024  1 month ago
COVID-19 News: In an exciting development, scientists from Korea have discovered a promising new compound that could potentially halt the entry of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, into human cells. This COVID-19 News report will delve into the groundbreaking findings of a study conducted by researchers from Chungnam National University, the Institute for Basic Science, and the Korea...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 01, 2024  1 month ago
COVID-19 News: Quebec is currently experiencing a significant increase in COVID-19 cases, primarily driven by the highly transmissible KP.3 variant. The province's positivity rate has surged from 2.3% in March to a staggering 16.3% by early July. This spike has been attributed to a combination of factors, including summer gatherings, increased travel, and the relaxed public health measures tha...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 01, 2024  1 month ago
Nephrology News: In a groundbreaking new study, researchers from Hunan Provincial People's Hospital and The First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal University have uncovered an intriguing relationship between cholesterol-lowering medications known as PCSK9 inhibitors and their impact on kidney health. This Nephrology News report delves into the study, which explores both the potential risks ...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 01, 2024  1 month ago
Medical News: Alarming Flu Surge in Queensland - A New Health Crisis Unfolds Queensland is currently grappling with an unexpected and severe health crisis as influenza cases surge to unprecedented levels, surpassing COVID-19 hospitalizations. This alarming trend has put immense pressure on the healthcare system and raised concerns among health authorities and the public alike. Queensland in Aust...
Nikhil Prasad  Aug 01, 2024  1 month ago
Mpox News: In recent developments, both Kenya and the Central African Republic (CAR) have reported new outbreaks of the Clade 1B Mpox strain, which is the more lethal strain that originated in Congo, marking a significant public health concern. The resurgence of mpox, a viral disease known for its pox-like skin lesions, has prompted swift responses from health authorities in these regions and rais...
Nikhil Prasad  Jul 31, 2024  1 month ago
COVID-19 News: A Rising Concern in Europe A newly identified sub-lineage of SARS-CoV-2, KP.3.3, has emerged with a distinctive mutation ORF1a:I1367L is raising alarms among experts across Europe. SARS-CoV-2 KP variants seems to be evolving towards causing chronic infections. KP.3.3 with ORF1a I1367L debuts in Europe This sub-lineage, which was first sequenced in Luxembourg on May 13, 2024 (EPI_I...
Nikhil Prasad  Jul 31, 2024  1 month ago
Medical News:  A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, the IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna, and the University of Bologna has unveiled alarming findings about the potential neurotoxic effects of coronaviruses. This Medical News report delves into their discovery that the human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43) can infect...
Nikhil Prasad  Jul 31, 2024  1 month ago
U.S. Medical News: Rising Hospitalizations Amid Summer Surge Connecticut is currently witnessing an increase in COVID-19 cases, marking a significant change from the previous summer. According to Ulysses Wu, chief epidemiologist at Hartford Healthcare, the state has seen a considerable rise in hospitalizations this summer. “It’s a lot more than we would expect at this time in the summe...
Nikhil Prasad  Jul 31, 2024  1 month ago
Cardiology Updates: Researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and Massachusetts General Hospital have made groundbreaking discoveries about the impact of transthyretin (TTR) levels on heart disease. This Cardiology Updates news report explores how TTR levels, influenced by genetic factors, can predict heart failure and mortality, offering new avenues for prevention and treatme...
Nikhil Prasad  Jul 31, 2024  1 month ago
Thailand Herbs News: In a groundbreaking study, researchers from several esteemed institutions in Taiwan have uncovered new insights into eugenol, a compound derived from clove oil, which may offer significant benefits in preventing blood clots and treating cardiovascular diseases. This Thailand Herbs News report dives into the exciting potential of eugenol as highlighted in a study recently publi...
Nikhil Prasad  Jul 31, 2024  1 month ago
Thailand Dental News: Researchers from Austria have made significant strides in the fight against gum disease with the discovery that N-chlorotaurine (NCT), a naturally occurring antiseptic, can effectively combat bacteria associated with periodontal diseases. This Thailand Dental News report delves into the study's key findings and potential implications for dental health. N-Chlorotaurine S...
Kittisak Meepoon  Jul 31, 2024  1 month ago
Thailand Medical: Thailand's battle against dengue fever has taken a promising turn with the discovery that extracts from the traditional medicinal plant Clinacanthus nutans Lindau can inhibit the dengue virus. This exciting development stems from extensive research conducted by scientists from Chiang Mai University and Kasetsart University. This Thailand Medical news report delves into the st...


Jul 24, 2024  2 months ago
Nikhil Prasad
Jun 10, 2023  1 year ago
COVID-19 News - DNA Methylation - Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections
Sep 08, 2022  2 years ago
Source- Medical News - COVID-19 Research - Impaired Pain Modulation
Aug 04, 2022  2 years ago
Source: Medical News - SARS-CoV-2 & Cancer
Aug 13, 2020  4 years ago
Source: Supplements For COVID-19

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