Thailand Medical News - For All The Latest Breaking Medical News, Health News, Research News, COVID-19 News, Outbreak News, Dengue News, Glaucoma News, Diabetes News, Herb News, Phytochemical News, Heart And Cardiology News, Epigenetic News, Cancer News,


Influenza or Flu

A new section on Influenza, Flu or the common cold,with all the latest research and developments about Influenza or Flu and the common cold. It also includes all the various kinds of viruses associated with Influenza or Flu and ways to prevent Influenza or Flu. Also there are article on how to treat Flu or Influenza symptoms and all the latest drugs available for Flu or Influenza and the common co...
H5N1 News - Bolivia  Mar 06, 2023  2 years ago
H5N1 News: Bolivian government authorities have announced that about a dozen people could be possibly infected with the H5N1 Avian Flu virus as a result of handling infected birds and poultry.   Health officials from the Eastern province of Nor Chichas in Bolivia reported than about a dozen individuals from the town of Cotagaitilla in the Potosi District were possibly infected with the H5N1...
H3N2 News - India Outbreak  Mar 06, 2023  2 years ago
H3N2 News: The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has officially reported that the current mysterious respiratory disease affecting many locals across the country is due to the virus called Influenza A subtype H3N2.   In the last 5 weeks there has been growing cases of individuals reporting contracting flu but with more seriou...
H5N1 News - South Kalimantan Indonesia  Mar 04, 2023  2 years ago
H5N1 News: The Indonesian Ministry of Health is investigating a suspected outbreak of H5N1 bird flu among local citizens in South Kalimantan after local authorities from the province reported that not only poultry in farms and markets were dying but a few people were stricken by a unknown respiratory disease with one already hospitalized due to severity.
H5N1 Avian Flu News - China  Mar 02, 2023  2 years ago
H5N1 Avian Flu News: Health authorities in Jiangsu, an eastern province in China have confirmed that a 53-year woman has tested positive for bird flu after developing symptoms for a few days as a result of exposure to dead chickens in her farm.   According to Chinese health officials, the woman developed s...
H5N1 Avian Flu News - Chile  Mar 02, 2023  2 years ago
H5N1 Avian Flu News: Many are speculating that there is a major coverup taking place in the region of Valparaíso in Chile as a result of intervention by certain International and Western health agencies and groups with vested interest in vaccine developments and manufacturing. Speculations are adrift that certain clandestine vaccine clinical trials are now being conducted in the vicinity du...
H5N1 Avian Flu News - Houseflies and Mosquitoes  Feb 27, 2023  2 years ago
H5N1 Avian Flu News: While current safety guidelines issued by the WHO and U.S. CDC are warning that people should not directly touch any dead wild birds, chickens or any other animals as a result of the H5N1 Avian Flu virus that is currently circulating around in many countries, many are unaware that houseflies and other insects such as mosquitoes, blow flies and beetles can also act as vectors f...
H5N1 Avian Flu News - Reassortant Strain  Feb 27, 2023  2 years ago
H5N1 Avian Flu News: Forget about the more than 20 sub-lineages of the SARS-CoV-2 XBB variant that is predominant in many geolocations across the world as they are unlikely to drive disease severity except those in the vulnerable groups or about the rather isolated incident of a girl dying from the H5N1 Avian Flu virus in Cambodia, rather researchers are warning us that we should be more concerned...
H5N1 Avian Flu News  Feb 26, 2023  2 years ago
H5N1 Avian Flu News: Below are summaries of latest about the H5N1 Avian Flu Threat.   Genome Sequencing Reveals That H5N1 Virus Found In Cambodia Belongs To Clade   It has been reported that genome sequencing of the H5N1 Avian Flu virus that killed a Cambodian girl and infected a few others belonged to the Clade that has been endemic in South-east Asia for the last ...
H5N1 Avian Flu News - Thailand's DDC On Bird Flu Alert  Feb 25, 2023  2 years ago
H5N1 Avian Flu News: Thailand’s Department of Disease Control has issueed an alert about the H5N1 Avian Flu Disease in the last few hours following the death of an 11-year-old girl in neighboring Cambodia a few days ago from the bird flu virus. &...
H5N1 Avian Flu News - Cambodia Find 12 More Cases  Feb 24, 2023  2 years ago
H5N1 Avian Flu News: Cambodia health authorities announced to the media in the last few hours that 12 more individuals have been infected with the H5N1 Avian Flu Virus but are pending laboratory diagnostics results.   At the same time another 37 individuals who have been suspected of having also contracted the virus are also being quarantined pending further investigations.   All the i...
H5N1 Avian Flu News - Girl Dies In Cambodia  Feb 23, 2023  2 years ago
H5N1 Avian Flu News: Cambodia’s Ministry of Health's Communicable Disease Control Department in the last few hours announced that a 11-year-old girl from the village of Roleang in Cambodia's southeast province of Prey Veng had died of H5N1 Avian Flu virus.   According to Cambodian health authorities, the girl fell ill on 16th February 2023 with the symptoms of a high temperatu...
H5N1 Avian Flu News  Feb 09, 2023  2 years ago
H5N1 Avian Flu News: In the last two months, mainstream media has been abuzz about the H5N1 Avian flu virus that is wreaking havoc in poultry farms across the world, causing a shortage of not only poultry products but also eggs. Reports have also emerged that the H5N1 Avian flu virus is also infecting various mammals extensively and that it is only a mater of time before the virus effectively evol...
Outbreak News: Avian Flu H5N6  Jan 12, 2023  2 years ago
Outbreak News: Scientist are warning that more sporadic cases of human infections of avian flu H5N6 can be expected in 2023 after cases emerged in Ecuador and China.   H5N6 is a subtype of the species Influenza A virus, often referred to as bird flu virus as it typically infects birds, chickens and other fowl. Infected birds shed the virus in their saliva, mucous, and feces.   The H5N6...
Strep A News - UK  Dec 23, 2022  2 years ago
Strep A News: The UKHSA has admitted that the current outbreak of invasive Group A strep (iGAS) infections seems to be spiraling out of control after it found that there has been massive underreporting of actual strep A infections due to a variety of reasons including lack of proper testing capacities and facilities.   The UKHSA has admitted that since 12 September to December 11 2022, the ...
Source: Medical News - New RSV Variants  Nov 21, 2022  2 years ago
In early November, Thailand Medical News had called for various international research teams to look into the possibility of new respiratory syncytial virus or RSV variants emerging that could be causing anomalous manifestations in the current RSV surge that is affecting many countries globally especially the United States as there has not been any studies done in the last two years since the emer...
Source: Medical News - Amoxicillin - United States  Nov 15, 2022  2 years ago
Due to the sudden shortage of the antibiotic Amoxicillin as oral tablets, powder suspension and especially in liquid form for intravenous use in the United States, Thailand Medical News has arranged for free disbursement of stocks to any hospitals, clinic or individuals needing it in the United States as our way of helping the American healthcare community.   A post-COVID-19 surge in upper ...
Source: health News - RSV Infections Surge  Nov 05, 2022  2 years ago
Health News: RSV or respiratory syncytial virus infections are currently rising across the globe along with Influenza and also COVID-19 infections. While to date, most of the hard hit are children, it is a fallacy to assume that RSV does not affect adults. In fact, not only can adults contract the virus but usually when adults get it, it is often severe.   Research has shown that RSV infect...
Source: Medical News - New Pathogen  Oct 25, 2022  2 years ago
Researchers from MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research, School of Infection and Immunity – United Kingdom have identified a new pathogen that can evade the human host immune system, The new pathogen is hybrid virus comprising of fused viral particles from the RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and the IAV (influenza A virus) viruses.   To date, it is already known that in...
Source: Medical News - Flu Shots  Oct 22, 2022  2 years ago
Its already clearly showing that the Influenza season has started not only in the Northern hemisphere but also in parts of the Southern hemisphere.   In America, the flu season started earlier than expected.   The flu season this year is being dominated by the H3N2 strain that has been previously associated with more s...
Source: Bird Flu  Jan 06, 2022  3 years ago
Numerous scientists and experts are sounding warnings and alarms that a new bird flu strain that is transmissible to humans is likely to emerge in 2022 due to present kinetics and the vast number of bird flu variants that has emerged in the last 2 years. Putin With His Bird   Even just yesterday, the health director from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) issued a press statemen...
Source: H5N8 Avian Flu  Feb 21, 2021  4 years ago
Just as the world is beginning to deal with the threat of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants globally, Russia announced on Saturday that its scientists had detected the first cases of transmission of the H5N8 strain of avian flu to humans and had alerted the World Health Organization.   Russian health authorities had discovered the first human cases of the highly infectious H5N8 bird flu vir...
Source: Influenza News  Dec 29, 2020  4 years ago
Influenza News: Researchers from the University of Chicago  and Icahn School of Medicine-Mount Sinai in a new study found that an individuals's antibody response to influenza viruses is dramatically shaped by their pre-existing immunity, and that the quality of this response differs in individuals who are vaccinated or naturally infected. Their results highlight the importance of receivin...
Source: Influenza News  Dec 13, 2020  4 years ago
Influenza News: A new study by researchers from the University of Chicago suggests that an individual’s antibody response to influenza viruses is dramatically shaped by their pre-existing immunity, and that the quality of this response differs in individuals who are vaccinated or naturally infected. The study team found that infection-induced antibodies reacted to non-neutralizing epitopes o...
Source: Swine Flu  Nov 05, 2020  4 years ago
Swine Flu: On Wednesday, Canadian health authorities reported the country's first case of a human infected with the H1N2 virus, a rare strain of swine flu. A Chinese pig being tested for swine flu. Credit: Honglei Sun   The isolated case was case detected in the western province of Alberta in mid-October and although Canadian authorities are refusing to divulge the details of the infect...
Source: Influenza 2020/2021  Oct 15, 2020  4 years ago
Influenza 2020/2021: Two different studies one by Chinese researchers and another led by British scientists show the high risk involved with sequential infection of influenza followed by COVID-19.   In the first study by Chinese scientist from State Key Laboratory of Virology, College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University-Wuhan, team shows that infection with the Influenza A virus or IAV actua...
Source: Influenza News  Oct 13, 2020  4 years ago
Influenza News: A new study by researchers from Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center have uncovered a therapeutic called MG53 that is derived from a naturally occurring human protein to treat and stop the raging lung inflammation that can contribute to death from an influenza infection.   In animal vivo studies involving mice, all untreated animals given a lethal dose of influenza di...
Source:Influenza-Flu  Sep 22, 2020  4 years ago
Influenza-Flu: Researchers from St Jude Children's Research Hospital have found in a study that eradicating certain types of nasal bacteria actually helps to cut down the risk of contracting viral influenza strains. Dr Stacey Schultz-Cherry, Ph.D., and Dr Jason Rosch, Ph.D., both of St. Jude Infectious Diseases, led the respiratory bacteria research. Credit: St. Jude Children's Research ...


Jul 24, 2024  2 months ago
Nikhil Prasad
Jun 10, 2023  1 year ago
COVID-19 News - DNA Methylation - Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections
Sep 08, 2022  2 years ago
Source- Medical News - COVID-19 Research - Impaired Pain Modulation
Aug 04, 2022  2 years ago
Source: Medical News - SARS-CoV-2 & Cancer
Aug 13, 2020  4 years ago
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