Thailand Medical News - For All The Latest Breaking Medical News, Health News, Research News, COVID-19 News, Outbreak News, Dengue News, Glaucoma News, Diabetes News, Herb News, Phytochemical News, Heart And Cardiology News, Epigenetic News, Cancer News,



Latests Medical News from around the world and also Thailand, bringing you updates, discoveries, studies and findings on various aspects and diseases in the medical world. Most of these articles are not only meant for Doctors In Thailand or Hospitals In Thailand but also for any patients or health conscious individuals wanting to know more.
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 28, 2019  5 years ago
Thailand Health Supplements. Studies undertaken by medical researchers from the University Of Arizona have showed that a longterm dietary intakes of choline holds the propects to prevent Alzheimer's disease (AD). Choline is a relatively safe and easy to consume nutrient that is naturally present in some foods and can be used as a dietary supplement. The team at the ASU-Banner Neurodegenerat...
Source:Thailand Medical News  Sep 27, 2019  5 years ago
Thailand Neurodegenerative Diseases Despite affecting an estimated 26 million people worldwide, Lewy body dementia(LBD) is still relatively unfamiliar to the public and even to most doctors.   If Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases teamed up to combine their most unpleasant features, the result might look a lot like Lewy Body Dementia, a progressive, in...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 26, 2019  5 years ago
Thailand Infectious Diseases The first extensively drug-resistant (XDR) strain of Salmonella typhimurium, called ST313 sublineage II.1, has evolved in the African Continent and is slowly spreading towards other worldwide locations. This new form of bacterial infection fails to respond to any of the antibiotics that are commonly used except for ciprofloxacin. But what is alarming is that ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 25, 2019  5 years ago
Thailand Hypertension/High Blood Pressure The number of individuals globally suffering from high blood pressure is growing at a very rapid rate. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a risk factor for stroke, heart disease and other dangerous conditions including kidney diseases and also certain neurodegenerative issues, but it offers no early warning signs or physical symptoms. It is very imp...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 24, 2019  5 years ago
Expressing your real feelings is not only healthy for your mental health, but it could also be critical for your physical health. A new study from conducted by researchers from University Of Pittsburgh associates selfsilencing (inhibiting one’s self-expression) with greater carotid plaque buildup which could ultimately lead to a stroke and other cardiovascular problems or even death.  ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 24, 2019  5 years ago
The Trial and also emerging reports will tarnish France’s Medical and Pharmaceutical Industries and its credibility. Areas including its medical research, medical devices and biotech sectors will also suffer a major blow.     A major legal trial involving pharmaceutical firm Servier for causing the deaths of thousands of patients and also the French drug regulator, the Agence Nati...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 24, 2019  5 years ago
A study conducted by medical researchers from the University of Surrey have discovered that a natural antioxidant , epigallocatechin (EGCG) commonly found in green tea can help eliminate antibiotic resistant bacteria. The findings  of  the study was published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology. The study found that epigallocatechin (EGCG) can restore the activity of aztreonam, an a...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 23, 2019  5 years ago
Mark Punyanitya, a Thai by birth and currently a US National is a globally recognized medical researcher that has published more than 46 research papers on body composition imaging and its applications in various therapeutic areas. A Biomedical Engineer with advanced degrees in Applied Physiology & Applied Clinical Trials, Mark has more than 20 years of experience overseeing global and multi-c...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 22, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto have discovered that certain drugs used to treat retinal eye diseases are excreted into breast milk, raising possible safety concerns for developing infants. The medications in the spotlight was ranibizumab (trade name Lucentis) and aflibercept (trade name Eylea.) Medications Containing Anti-VEGFs Can Affect An Infant’s Devel...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 22, 2019  5 years ago
With lesser regulatory controls and a more conducive environment for research, China is stepping ahead of the gene-editing game and is now doing extensive research and trials in using the CRISPR Gene-editing platform to find possible cures for a variety of diseases and ailments including a recent trial in which gene-editing was applied to try to cure a patient who had HIV and also leukemia. Though...
Thailand Medical News  Sep 20, 2019  5 years ago
Thailand Medical Industry over the last few years has earned itself a pride as being among the best and the cheapest places in the world for a variety of medical procedures and treatments. With the most number of JCI accredited hospitals with international standards never seen elsewhere and the most number of specialized  doctors  and the cheapest drug costs in the world, even surpassing...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 19, 2019  5 years ago
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Philippines free from the wild polio virus in 2000, seven years after its last case was monitored in the country. But new cases are emerging just this week in two areas including Manila and Davoa, a southern province. Health officials are putting some of the blame on mistrust stoked by a dengue fever vaccine scandal and lack of education about the n...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 18, 2019  5 years ago
Medical researchers from George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences have demonstrated in a latest study that adopting a plant-based diet could well relieve the swollen joints and pain of  rheumatoid arthritis (RA).   Rheumatoid Arthritis is autoimmune disease caused by the inflammation of the joints causing a cluster of joint pains. It affects millions of people...
Source: Thailand Medical news  Sep 17, 2019  5 years ago
Since 2016, an XDR (extensively drug resistant) group of related typhoid organisms (known as a clade) has emerged in Pakistan and has been reported as resistant to all first-line antibiotic agents. The diseases is also rapidly emerging in countries like Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia and Philippines with several cases being reported of foreign travelers from England, Germany, US and Australia and ev...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 16, 2019  5 years ago
5G wireless technology is gradually making its way across the world and while many governments and telcos say that radiofrequency waves have no effect on human health, new and emerging studies are saying otherwise.   5G refers to the fifth generation of mobile technology that promises faster browsing, streaming, and download speeds, as well as better connectivity. 5G is like a natural evolu...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 15, 2019  5 years ago
The University of California San Diego and its commercial medical tech company called Ventrix, has successfully conducted a first-in-human,US  FDA-approved Phase 1 clinical trial of an injectable hydrogel that repairs damaged heart tissue and restore cardiac function in heart failure patients who previously suffered a heart attack. The hydrogel is a revolutionary material that is capable of r...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 14, 2019  5 years ago
The US FDA has issued an alert as of yesterday that compound that causes cancer has been found in some ranitidine heartburn and gastric reflux and ulcer medicines, including the brand-name drug Zantac, and that investigations are underway. Patients anywhere in the world taking Zantac or Ranitidine are advised to contact their doctors or hospitals immediately. Preliminary tests found low levels ...
Source:Thailand Medical News  Sep 13, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from the University Of Texas Southwestern Medical Center have developed a potential treatment for polycystic kidney disease, a genetic disorder that causes the kidneys to swell with multiple cysts and eventually lead to organ failure. To date there has been  no possible treatments for this disease until this latest development. Dr Vishal Patel   Photo Credit: UTSW The...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 12, 2019  5 years ago
Discovered only in 2009, Candida Auris is multidrug resistant and also fatal Growing number of cases worldwide especially in countries like Japan, Korea and China. New cases emerging of it causing blindness due to panophthalmitis   Candida Auris ie a new fungal disease that was only discovered in 2009 and to date not much research has been focused on it despite the growing number of case...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 11, 2019  5 years ago
Medical Scientists from University of Columbia have shown for the first time a link between fluoroquinolones, the most commonly prescribed classes of antibiotics and two types of heart problems. The study in partnership with the Provincial Health Services Authority's (PHSA) Therapeutic Evaluation Unit found that users of fluoroquinolone antibiotics, such as Ciprofloxacin or Cipro, face a 2.4 t...
Source:Thailand Medical News  Sep 10, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from Stanford University and Stanford Medical Centre in California along with the support of various Institutions in the US and Canada, have found supporting evidence that suggests recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) can reverse epigenetic aging in humans based on a study that was recently conducted.   Aging is a normal process linked to specific patterns and changes in the ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 08, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from the University of Glasgow report that laser ablation and surgery appear to be better options than ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy in a study that spanned 5 years and involved 600 patients. Varicose vein is a chronic condition and new veins often occur after treatment. The treatments for varicose veins shunt blood from the affected veins to others. When this happens, the ve...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 07, 2019  5 years ago
Medical Scientists from Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) have developed a compound that successfully promotes rebuilding of the protective sheath around nerve cells that is damaged in conditions such as multiple sclerosis. Trials in animal models has already been proven successful and the plans are underway to initiate human trials.   In the research study, the team from OHSU dis...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 06, 2019  5 years ago
Patented Heart Cooling Technology could be worth trillions of dollars considering that CVDs (Cardiovascular Diseases) is the number one killer in the world with about more than 425 million people affected each year and about more than 18.05 million deaths resulting from it each year.   Collaboration with Thai Medical Institutions and Corporations will put Thailand in the frontier ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 06, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from the American Cancer Society have conducted a new extensive global study with results that are very alarming. The study finds that colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence is increasing exclusively in young adults in high-and middle income countries spanning six continents. The study, appearing in the journal Gut, finds the rising rates are in contrast to stable or declining trends i...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 05, 2019  5 years ago
A Study conducted by researchers from University of Minnesota show that people who suffered a financial, housing-related, or job-related hardship as a result of economic slowdowns were more likely to show increases in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and problematic alcohol and drug use. The research findings, published in Clinical Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psych...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Sep 04, 2019  5 years ago
Two teams of researchers from John Hopkins University School Of Medicine in Baltimore have discovered through a systemic review study of haloperidon and other second-generation antipsychotics that were prescribed for patients for the prevention or treatment of delirium for hospitalized patients or out-patients, that the drugs did not have any effect nor even treat the condition in any way.  ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 03, 2019  5 years ago
Anabolic steroids, also known more properly as anabolic–androgenic steroids, are steroidal androgens that include natural androgens like testosterone as well as synthetic androgens that are structurally related and have similar effects to testosterone. Although its usage should only be administered by qualified endocrinologists, many illicit performance-enhancing steroids has found its way i...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Sep 01, 2019  5 years ago
The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that many are advocating as good for weight lost and also for other medical conditions of which there are no substantial supporting studies. But new research  conducted by the University of Southern California (USC)  is showing that many on the Keto diet are developing a serious liver condition known as nonalcoholi...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 31, 2019  5 years ago
An international research collaboration led by the University Of Oxford and involving Big Data analysis of over 100,000 female patients with breast cancer from 59 epidemiological studies worldwide, has found that using Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and  increased risk persists even for more than a 12 years after usage is stopped. The fi...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 30, 2019  5 years ago
The current trend of individuals moving towards vegan or vegetarian based diets inorder to save the planet etc is a commendable initiative but doctors and healthcare professional are getting worried. The reason being is that in countries like Britain, US, Australia and India, medical researchers are discovering a connection that as more people switch to such diets, the is a corresponding increase ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 29, 2019  5 years ago
In Asia, about 72 percent of the populations have sensitive skin without knowing that they are having so while in the US, the figure is about 40 percent. For Asians, the hot and humid weather, air pollution and long periods of time in the air-cons at offices, shopping malls or homes, often puts the skin under a lot of stress. Unfortunately many are ill informed through advertising and media tha...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 28, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from Aarhus University, Denmark have discovered a new form of immunotherapy that has so far been tested on animal models  that makes it probable that oncologists in the future may be able to treat some of the patients who are not responding to existing types of immunotherapy. Instead of attacking the cancer cells directly, the new technique targets and removes a subtype of immune ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 27, 2019  5 years ago
A breakthrough cancer protocol involving fourteen of the first 15 prostate cancer patients  treated in a clinical trial of the gold nanoparticle-based, focal therapy showed no detectable signs of cancer a year after treatment, crossing a milestone in a decades long quest to develop a treatment that destroys tumors without the debilitating side effects of chemotherapy, invasive surgery and rad...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 26, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from Keele University and the Quadram Institute in a new study has provided evidence that antibiotic usage is associated with an increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common type of autoimmune arthritis. It is caused when the immune system is not functioning properly. RA causes pain and swelling in the wrist and small joints ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 25, 2019  5 years ago
A variety of studies conducted by the McMaster University in Canada, Tehran University of Medical Sciences  and also University of Birmingham , all indicate that using a combination of our cheap generic drugs can reduce cardiovascular risk by about 80%. The cheap daily pill regimen that contained two blood pressure drugs, a cholesterol medicine and aspirin cut the risk of heart attacks, strok...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 24, 2019  5 years ago
A research team from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst has demonstrated that fried foods and also frying oil, when consumed, exaggerated colonic inflammation, enhanced tumor growth and worsened gut leakage, spreading bacteria or toxic bacterial products into the bloodstream. The team was lead by key author and Ph.D. student Jianan Zhang, Associate Professor Guodong Zhang, and Professor a...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 23, 2019  5 years ago
EDITORIAL The Thailand Medical Industry has great potential to help uplift  the local economy over the next few years if more attention and also collaboration is under taken by the various government agencies in a more concerted effort. Thailand has to date more than 1,840 hospitals in the country with more than 37 percent of these being private hospitals, of which 70 percent of these are...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 23, 2019  5 years ago
Dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common disorder that is caused by damage to the macula,the part of the eye that is responsible for our sharpest vision. It is the the leading cause of blindness and dry AMD, has no cure to date. Dry AMD It can take years for signs of dry AMD to be found in the eye and often by the time it is diagnosed the disease is irreversible. Even if ophthalmo...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 22, 2019  5 years ago
Multiple myeloma is a cancer that forms in a type of white blood cell called a plasma cell. It is the second form of mostly diagnosed type of blood cancer and very often becomes resistant to various existing treatments and become untreatable. Fortunately, Mount Sinai researchers have found a new type of therapy to be effective for patients with this particular type of blood bone marrow can...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 21, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden and Harvard University, Boston, US have discovered through a study that lipophilic statins were associated with significantly reduced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) incidence and mortality. Approximately 1.5 million cases of HCC are diagnosed worldwide each year, related primarily to chronic infection with hepatitis B virus or hepatit...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 20, 2019  5 years ago
The US FDA has approved the first ever clinical trial involving the use of cold plasma technology to treat cancer using equipment designed by a leading aerospace engineer. Cold plasma is a partially ionised gas comprising ions, electrons, ultraviolet photons and reactive neutrals such as radicals, excited and ground-state molecules but only about one particle out of 1 ∙ 109 is ionized. ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 19, 2019  5 years ago
Loperamide, sold under the brand name Imodium, is a oral medication used to decrease the frequency of diarrhea. It is often used for this purpose in gastroenteritis and also in inflammatory bowel disease. Loperamide or Immodium (In Thailand there are many generic versions of it with various packagings and brands) Unfortunately, the drug is not regulated and easily available at pharmacies withou...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 18, 2019  5 years ago
The US FDA has made announcements warning the public against purchasing or consuming a bogus but dangerous product sold online known as Miracle Mineral Solution(MMS)  as a result of a high number of cases of health issues that arose from consumers who bought and drank it across several states the last few months. There has already been a number of cases of fatality and police are already inve...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 17, 2019  5 years ago
A new study shows that Medical Doctors have not been paying sufficient attention to blood uric acid levels and perhaps they should, considering that about 20 percent or more of the global population have elevated levels of uric acid in their blood. Few people ever get their blood uric acid levels measured and in most routine blood tests for glucose and cholesterol, doctors and hospitals never even...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 15, 2019  5 years ago
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 14, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from the University Of Amsterdam have discovered that a drug used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) appears to affect the development of the brain's signal-carrying white matter in children who have prescribed the drug. The brain's white matter is important for learning and brain functions and coordinating communication between different brain region...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 13, 2019  5 years ago
Recent phase 1 clinical trials  of a vaccine called CTH22 by Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen, Denmark , which acts against genital chlamydia has proven to be positive with the vaccine being effective, safe and also immunogenic in healthy women participants.   The vaccine is administered either as an adjuvanted intramuscular vaccine or unadjuvanted intransal vaccine booster, and do...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 12, 2019  5 years ago
There is currently no cure for the more than 62 million people in the world  living with Crohn's disease (CD) and its symptoms, including abdominal pain, intestinal distress and severe weight-loss. CD is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in which the body's own immune system attacks the gastrointestinal tract, and treatment is focused on controlling the symptoms of the diseas...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 11, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers at the University of Eastern Finland have recently concluded a study that showed that dietary intake of phosphatidylcholine is associated with a reduced risk of dementia and enhanced cognitive performance. The main dietary sources of phosphatidylcholine were eggs and meat. The new study indicated  that the risk of dementia was 28% lower in males with the highest intake of dieta...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 10, 2019  5 years ago
A study conducted by DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology) has discovered that chronic stress causes autophagic death of adult hippocampal neural stem cells (NSCs).   In an exclusive interview with Thailand Medical News, Professor Seong-Woon Yu from the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at DGIST commented,” "It is clearly apparent from our study tha...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 09, 2019  5 years ago
The German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) recently conducted a study and benefit assessment commissioned by the German Federal Joint Committee (G-BA)  and found that individuals with a history of coronary heart disease (CHD) or acute coronary syndrome (ACS) benefit more from treatment with a statin in combination with ezetimibe than from statin monotherapy. Car...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 08, 2019  5 years ago
A new potential medication that works with an HIV-infected person's own body to further suppress the ever present but silent virus that available HIV treatments are unable to combat has been discovered by a team of medical scientist from University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.   In an exclusive interview with Thailand Medical News, lead author Assistant Professor Haito Hu comme...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 08, 2019  5 years ago
A new type of liquid biopsy called TARDIS (TARgeted DIgital Sequencing) which is more than a hundred times sensitive than other blood based cancer monitoring tests has been developed jointly by the Mayo Clinic in Arizona and Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), for the detection and management of breast cancer. The new blood tests could help avoid thousands of unnecessary surgeries an...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Aug 07, 2019  5 years ago
Medical scientists and researchers from Imperial College London have developed a new hormone-based protocol that can help patients with diabetes and obesity loose body weight (as much as between 4.5 to 6 kilos) within a period of 4 weeks without much efforts. The treatment also leads to substantial improvements in the blood glucose of the patients with most reverting back to normal levels. Obes...


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