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Latests Medical News from around the world and also Thailand, bringing you updates, discoveries, studies and findings on various aspects and diseases in the medical world. Most of these articles are not only meant for Doctors In Thailand or Hospitals In Thailand but also for any patients or health conscious individuals wanting to know more.
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 14, 2019  5 years ago
Time-Restricted eating is becoming the buzzword in the diet, nutrition and now the medical industry as well as more and more clinical studies are showing the health merits of its protocol. Compared to Intermittent fasting which is more difficult for people to adhere to, time-restricted eating is easier and safer. A new study published in the journal Cell Metabolism confirms the...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Dec 13, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from Duke University have developed a new saliva tests to detect mouth and throat cancers. For a long time now, cancers that occur in the back of the mouth and upper throat are often not diagnosed until they become advanced, partly because their location makes them difficult to see during routine clinical exams. The research team utilized acoustofluidics, a new non-invasive method that...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 13, 2019  5 years ago
A new Penn State study suggests that lack of hydration in older adults may also relate to cognitive performance, not just the typical effects of feeling sluggish and having a headache. The medical researchers investigated whether hydration levels and water intake among older adults was related with their scores on several tests designed to measure cognitive function. They fo...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 13, 2019  5 years ago
An British analysis of records from primary care practices in the country found that many children with kidney disease are prescribed medications that may be toxic to their kidneys. The findings, which appear in an upcoming issue of CJASN, suggest that research is needed to determine whether these medications are necessary and appropriate, or if alternatives could be prescribed instead. Fo...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 13, 2019  5 years ago
To date, the the herpes simplex virus, commonly known as the cold sore virus, is a devious microbe that is hard to destroy and eradicate in infected humans. The virus enters the body through regions lined with mucous membranes ie mouth, nose and genitals but quickly establishes lifelong viral hideouts inside nerve cells. After initial infection, the virus lurks dormant only to be...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 13, 2019  5 years ago
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH),which is basically  high blood pressure in the lungs,  is a potentially fatal disease caused by obstruction of blood flow in the lungs. A new study in The American Journal of Pathology sheds light on the pathology underlying PAH and shows that dofetilide, an FDA-approved KV11.1 channel blocker for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias (brand...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 13, 2019  5 years ago
Results from a Phase III clinical trial  reported in the New England Journal of Medicine and presented concurrently at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2019 show the combination of the investigational drug tucatinib with standard of care treatment including the drugs trastuzumab and capecitabine nearly tripled one-year progression-free survival (33 percent vs. 12 perc...
Source: Thailand Medical New  Dec 13, 2019  5 years ago
A type of artificial intelligence, deep learning,  can boost the power of MRI in predicting attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a study published in the journal Radiology: Artificial Intelligence. Researchers said the approach could also have applications for other neurological conditions.  Human brains are basically complex sets of networks. Advances in functi...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 13, 2019  5 years ago
Worldwide, an estimated 30% of adults experience insomnia, and a new study by researchers at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons suggests that diet may be partly to blame. The study found that postmenopausal women who consumed a diet high in refined carbohydrates particularly added sugars were more likely to develop insomnia. Females  whose diet in...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 12, 2019  5 years ago
In animal models of Alzheimer’s disease, the investigational drug candidates known as CMS121 and J147 improve memory and slow the degeneration of brain cells. Salk researchers have shown how these compounds can also slow aging in healthy older mice, blocking the damage to brain cells that normally occurs during aging and restoring the levels of specific molecules to those seen in younger bra...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 12, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers led by Dr Benoît Chassaing, Inserm researcher at Institut Cochin (Inserm/CNRS/Université de Paris), have a developed a vaccine for animals that modify the the composition and function of the gut microbiota, providing protection against the onset of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases and certain metabolic disorders, such as diabetes and obesity. Their next step is to devel...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 12, 2019  5 years ago
More than 100 million individuals worldwide are affected by Psoriasis a skin disorder. Its economic impact is more than $10 billion annually in the U.S. alone. Affected skin becomes thickened, red, and covered with silvery scales, while changes to the nails and deforming inflammation of the joints may also occur in up to one-third of affected individuals. The underlying cause of psoriasis remains ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 12, 2019  5 years ago
According to a new study by Loughborough University,England, Fish oil supplements can significantly improve 'night vision'. The researchers  wanted to know whether docosahexanoic acid (DHA), a polyunsaturated fatty acid found in fish oils, improved 'dark adaptation capabilities'  ie the process the eyes go through when adjusting to new light levels.   Doc...
Source: Thailand Medical   Dec 12, 2019  5 years ago
560 million people or 8% of the world population comprising mostly of East Asians from countries like China, Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Hong Kong are at a higher risk of developing Alzheimer due to a  presence of a mutated gene. The risk is even aggravated by alcohol consumption. According to a new study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine, a common mutation in a key...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 12, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from Queensland University of Technology, Australia (QUT) have discovered that a drug used to treat high blood pressure may alleviate anxiety induced by long-term heavy alcohol use, and also halt the damage such drinking can cause to the brain’s ability to grow new cells. The research findings, from a study conducted in adult mice, have been published in the journal Frontie...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 12, 2019  5 years ago
A team of  international medical scientists led by the University of Bath have made drug-like molecules inspired by a chemical found in a tropical flower, that they say could in the future help to treat deadly pancreatic cancer. Medical researchers from the University of Bath have made three new molecules similar to Grandifloracin, a chemical found in the tropical Thai plant Uvar...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 12, 2019  5 years ago
Medical researchers from Australia and the US have discovered and identified the genetic cause of a previously unknown human autoinflammatory disease. The scientific team determined that the autoinflammatory disease, which they termed CRIA (cleavage-resistant RIPK1-induced autoinflammatory) syndrome, is caused by a mutation in a critical cell death component called RIPK1. The study team was led b...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 11, 2019  5 years ago
A German study shows that individuals who play drums regularly for years differ from unmusical people in their brain structure and function. The results of a study by researchers from Bochum suggest that they have fewer, but thicker fibers in the main connecting tract between the two halves of the brain. In addition, their motor brain areas are organized more efficiently. This observation and c...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Dec 11, 2019  5 years ago
With growing metabolic syndrome related diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases on the rise, labeling food and drink with the amount and type of exercise needed to burn off the calories in it might be a more effective way of encouraging people to make 'healthier' dietary choices, indicates research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. M...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 11, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from the United States and India has shown that probiotic yeasts derived from fruits and food are able to reduce the virulence of, and even prevent infections by, several types of fungi that are responsible for life-threatening infections in hospitalized and immune-compromised individuals, including the multi-drug resistant Candida auris, which was recently listed as an urgent thr...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 10, 2019  5 years ago
Phase II of a multi-institutional, study led by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center showed that pairing standard chemotherapy azacitidine (AZA) with a drug called enasidenib (ENA) measurably boosts complete remission in patients newly diagnosed with a specific form of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Study results from the randomized, open-label study were presented at the recently he...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 10, 2019  5 years ago
MR Guided Focused ultrasound is a safe and effective way to target and open areas of the blood-brain barrier, potentially allowing for new treatment approaches to Alzheimer's disease, according to initial study results presented at the recent annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Presently, there is no effective treatment for Alzheimer's disease, the most c...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 10, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from the Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Department at the Institut Pasteur have concluded a study that sheds light on the mechanisms of senescence, by identifying a key protein known as CSB that associated with ageing. Currently, ageing is a dramatic public health issue in the face of the current demographic changes: the proportion of 60 and over in the world's population w...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Dec 10, 2019  5 years ago
Medical researchers from Wake Forest School of Medicine, North Carolina have identified a dead probiotic that reduces age-related leaky gut and inflammation in older animal models. The results from the study is published in the journal GeroScience. Past research has indicated that leaky gut, in which microbes and bacteria in the gut leak into the blood stream through holes or cr...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 10, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers from University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio along with medical scientists from Florey Institute for Neuroscience and Mental Health in Melbourne have discovered an inflammatory biomarker called sCD14 that is related to brain atrophy, cognitive decline and dementia, according to a study of more than 4,700 participants from two large community-based heart studies. The stud...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 09, 2019  5 years ago
Imperial College London researchers have shown how the chaotic electrical signals underlying irregular heart rhythms lead to the failure of standard treatments. By modelling how electrical signals on the inside and the outside of the heart move across the muscle, the researchers  have suggested why corrective surgery is not currently always beneficial. The new insight could improve surgery...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 09, 2019  5 years ago
In a joint study conducted by researchers from Harvard University and University of Tokyo, it was found that even light to moderate alcohol consumption was associated with elevated cancer risks in Japan. In the study published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, the overall cancer risk appeared to be the lowest at zero alcohol consumption. In the...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 09, 2019  5 years ago
Both neurodegenerative diseases, Parkinson’s Disease and Multisystem Atrophy (MSA) are associated with the accumulation of alpha-synuclein proteins in the brain. Researchers at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (MPI-BPC) have investigated the molecular makeup of these protein deposits finding structural diversity. E...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Dec 09, 2019  5 years ago
A team of Stanford University School of Medicine scientists have developed a new blood diagnostic platform that functions as a kind of physiological clock: monitoring the levels of 373 proteins circulating in one’s blood. If the protein levels are out of the recommended levels, it can indicate critical issues about a person’s health and stage of biological aging. Dr Tony Wyss-Coray,...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 08, 2019  5 years ago
A must for every hospital, Siemens Healthineers has released a couple of AI-driven and cloud-based software applications, one for the brain and one for the prostate, that automate a great deal of the manual tasks that radiologists have to perform. Both of the applications can be used with data coming from any MRI machine, so they can be deployed by just about any facility using an MRI scanner and...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 08, 2019  5 years ago
Of the 46 different brands of metformin, a diabetes medication that is available in most South-East Asian countries, three versions are being recalled after they were found to contain unsafe levels of an impurity called NDMA that can potentially cause cancer. The Singapore Health Sciences Authority (HSA) tested all 46 locally marketed metformin medicines and the remaining 43 are not affected. The...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Dec 07, 2019  5 years ago
A new research by University of Liverpool warns that common first-line treatment approach of using fluconazole for cryptococcal meningitis in low-income countries is being compromised by the emergence of drug resistance. The study findings highlight the need to develop new drugs and treatment regimens for the lethal brain infection, which kills around 180,000 people each year. The results fi th...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 07, 2019  5 years ago
It’s the next wave, cultured meats or in vitro meat, also called "clean meat" by its supporters, is meat produced in a laboratory using bioengineering techniques that will be appearing in supermarkets and restaurants as early as 2020. Dr Mark Post, professor at Maastricht University, presented the first hamburger in 2013 made of cultured meat. ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 07, 2019  5 years ago
Though traditionally, Multiple Sclerosis has always been a sickness associated with adults, doctors worldwide are witnessing a phenomena of more teenagers especially girls developing the disease over the last 6 years especially in developed countries. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system). In MS, the immune system a...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 07, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers From Southern Methodists University (SMU) have discovered that the drug oleandrin derived from the Nerium oleander plant could prevent the HTLV-1 virus from spreading by targeting a stage of the reproduction process that is not currently targeted by existing drugs. This is significant discovery because there is currently no cure or treatment for the virus of a lesser-known "c...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 07, 2019  5 years ago
In Asian populations, despite biliary tract cancer being a type of cancer that is considered rare globally, its growing incidence rate is becoming a worrisome trend. In countries like Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, China, Korea and Japan, the incidence of bile duct cancer has been rising at an exponential rate. Currently Thailand* has the highest incidence rate in the world with an estimate...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 06, 2019  5 years ago
A new research suggests it's about time to consider that possibility that a clock could do  a better job than a scale at promoting weight loss, improving sleep and preventing diabetes. By exploring the benefits of daily fasting in humans, researchers have found that people who are at high risk of developing diabetes improved their health in myriad ways when they ate all of their meals ov...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 06, 2019  5 years ago
Medical Scientists from 22 prestigious institutions, are recommending early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of severe chronic inflammation to reduce the risk of chronic disease and death worldwide. Chronic Inflammation leads to a varierty of medical conditionsincluding neurodegenerative disease, cancer, autoimmune issues, etc. The collective group of international experts, which also includ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 06, 2019  5 years ago
According to a study published in JAMA Network Open, Aspirin use three or more times per week is associated with reductions in all-cause, any cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, and colorectal cancer (CRC) mortality among older adults. Dr Holli A. Loomans-Kropp, Ph.D., M.P.H., from the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Maryland, and colleagues examined the correlation of aspirin use wit...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 06, 2019  5 years ago
Thailand HIV News By reengineering a peptide called CP24, the new compound called  IBP-CP24 has the potential to be further developed as a long-acting anti-HIV drug that can be used alone or in combination with a broad neutralizing antibody for the treatment and prevention of HIV-1 infection, according to a study published December 5 in the open-access journal PLOS Pathogens by Lu ...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Dec 06, 2019  5 years ago
Heart health impact by sugars depends on the dose and type of sugar consumed, suggests a new study led by researchers at St. Michael's Hospital. The research team, led by Dr. John Sievenpiper, a staff physician in the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism and a scientist at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, examined the relationship between total and added sugars that contain fructose...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Dec 06, 2019  5 years ago
-Real exposure levels to the endocrine disruptor and carcinogenic chemical could be as could be as high as 44 times more, raising questions as to whether it was a deliberate attempt. Washington State University researchers have developed a more accurate method of measuring bisphenol A (BPA) levels in humans and found that exposure to the endocrine-disrupting chemical is far higher than previous...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 06, 2019  5 years ago
Individuals with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a chronic liver disease and a leading cause for liver transplantation in the world, currently lack an approved drug therapy, but this may soon change. A large Phase III clinical trial designed in collaboration with Virginia Commonwealth University is the first to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of an oral medication to treat ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 05, 2019  5 years ago
According to a new study presented yesterday at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), the use of high-dose-rate brachytherapy to treat elderly patients with common skin cancers offers excellent cure rates and cosmetic outcomes. SCC or Squamous cell carcinoma and  BCC or basal cell carcinoma are the most common types of skin cancer, affecting 3 million Amer...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 05, 2019  5 years ago
The human gut has long been suspected to play a role in autoimmune disease. A research team has now identified evidence of a potential mechanism. Which factors in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) act as a trigger for the immune system to attack the brain and spinal cord is still not understood or known. A potential factor is described by a research team in the journal Procee...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 05, 2019  5 years ago
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center researchers   have developed a new "virtual biopsy" that allows them to definitively diagnose cysts in the pancreas with unprecedented accuracy. This means they can eliminate precancerous cysts and potentially save lives. Conventional standard involves testing the fluid inside the cysts. It correctly identifies them as benign or...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 05, 2019  5 years ago
A recent study conducted by scientists from the US National Institute of Health found that females who use permanent hair dye and chemical hair straighteners have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than women who don't use these products. The study published online Dec. 4 in the International Journal of Cancer and shows that breast cancer risk increased with more frequent u...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 05, 2019  5 years ago
The incidence of heart failure globally is about 39.4 million cases per year and is a leading driver of health care costs in the world. The "stiff heart" heart failure variant accounts for about half of all cases and the vast majority of such patients take beta-blocker medications despite unclear benefit from their regular use. A new medical publication in JAMA ( The Journal of...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 05, 2019  5 years ago
A breakthrough clinical approach has been developed combining new diagnostic techniques to detect a leaking blood-brain barrier (BBB) with a new anti-inflammatory drug that for the first time slows or reverses age-related cognitive decline. In two related studies published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and the Universi...
Source : Thailand Medical News  Dec 05, 2019  5 years ago
MIT medical researchers have developed an oral contraceptive that only has to be taken once a month, which could reduce unintended pregnancies that result from forgetting to take a daily dose. This kind of monthly contraceptive could have a significant impact on the health of women and their families, especially in the developing world, the researchers say. Currently, oral contraceptives a...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 04, 2019  5 years ago
The controversial gene editing performed on Chinese twins last year meant to immunize them against HIV may have failed in its purpose and created unintended mutations, scientists said yesterday after the original research was made public for the first time.  Dr He Jiankui  Selected excerpts from the manuscript were released by the MIT Technology Review for the purpose of showing how C...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 04, 2019  5 years ago
Medical researchers at Karolinska Institutet have developed an online cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program for the difficult-to-treat pain syndrome fibromyalgia. In her doctoral thesis, Maria Hedman-Lagerlöf shows that patients who receive the treatment experience fewer symptoms and enjoy better quality of life. Licensed psychologist Dr Maria Hedman-Lagerlöf, doctoral student at...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 04, 2019  5 years ago
Researchers at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB) of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) have identified the protease MT1-MMP as a possible future target for drugs to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The study was led by Dr. Alicia G Arroyo and is published today in EMBO ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 04, 2019  5 years ago
Cardiovascular (CV) disease has become the leading cause of death worldwide. Vascular regeneration is one of the many  promising treatments for cardiovascular disease. Remodeling the endotheliumi.e., forming a confluent vascular endothelial cell monolayer on the lumen plays a vital role in this process. However, rapid endothelialization poses challenges, however, when using existing ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Dec 03, 2019  5 years ago
Although there are a number of drugs to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), they can have some pretty serious side effects. Researchers in Singapore at the country’s Institute of Mental Health (IMH), Duke-NUS (National University of Singapore) Medical School, and A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), have developed a system that combines neuromonitoring wit...


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