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Latests Medical News from around the world and also Thailand, bringing you updates, discoveries, studies and findings on various aspects and diseases in the medical world. Most of these articles are not only meant for Doctors In Thailand or Hospitals In Thailand but also for any patients or health conscious individuals wanting to know more.
Source: University of Montreal  Dec 07, 2018  6 years ago
A team of researchers at the Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC) at Université de Montréal has demonstrated that a cancer vaccine can work. Not only that, it could become an extremely effective, non-invasive and cost-effective cancer -fighting tool.   The team's work was published yesterday in Science Translational Medicine.The discovery repres...
Source: University of Tennessee Health Science Center, US.  Dec 06, 2018  6 years ago
Scientists have identified a key player in blood pressure regulation and have shown that switching it off reduces blood pressure in mice.Their study ends much uncertainty about the contribution this molecule makes to high blood pressure and could lead to the development of new drugs. High blood pressure affects millions worldwide and is a leading cause of heart attack and stroke.   Blo...
Source: University of Maryland School of Medicine  Dec 05, 2018  6 years ago
The Institute of Human Virology (IHV) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) announced today the discovery that DnaK, a protein of the bacterium mycoplasma, interferes with the mycoplasma-infected cell's ability to respond to and repair DNA damage, a known origin of cancer.   Little or no mycoplasma DnaK DNA sequences were found associated with the tumor, which was ful...
Source: Tuff University  Dec 04, 2018  6 years ago
A research team led by Tufts University engineers has developed a non-invasive method for detecting bladder cancer that might make screening easier and more accurate than current invasive clinical tests involving visual inspection of bladder. In the first successful use of atomic force microscopy (AFM) for clinical diagnostic purposes, the researchers have been able to identify signature features ...
Source: University of Chicago Medical Center  Dec 03, 2018  6 years ago
An international phase-2 trial of a CAR-T cell therapy—to be published on-line Dec. 1 in the New England Journal of Medicine (and presented at the ASH annual meeting in San Diego)—found that 52 percent of patients responded favorably to the therapy; 40 percent had a complete response and 12 percent had a partial response. One year later, 65 percent percent of those patients w...
Source: University Of Alabama at Birmingham  Dec 02, 2018  6 years ago
Preclinical experiments by University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers suggest the cancer drugs vorinostat, belinostat and panobinostat might be repurposed to treat infections caused by human papillomaviruses, or HPVs. HPV infections caused an estimated 266,000 deaths from cervical cancer worldwide in 2012, according to the World Health Organization. Routine screening by Pap smears or HPV D...
Source: University Of Montreal  Dec 01, 2018  6 years ago
Of the 50 million people around the world infected with HIV, less than one per cent have immune systems strong enough to suppress the virus for extended periods of time. These special immune systems are known as "elite controllers." But how do they actually fight HIV? Canadian scientists think they've found an important clue. TRIM5 Alpha protein Working in collaboration with a team...
Source: University Of Zurich  Nov 30, 2018  6 years ago
Stem cell transplantation is effective against leukemia. In many cases, however, the transferred immune cells of the donor also attack the recipients' healthy tissue—often with fatal consequences. Researchers at the University of Zurich have now identified a molecule that plays a key role in this process. Blocking this molecule could significantly improve the outcome of patients receivin...
Source: Northwell Health’s Feinstein Institute for Medical Research  Nov 29, 2018  6 years ago
Scientists have uncovered that an emerging gene therapy for Parkinson's disease creates new circuits in the brain associated with improved motor movement. These findings, published today in Science Translational Medicine by Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Professor David Eidelberg, MD, and his team, explain the therapeutic mechanisms involved in the emerging Parkinson's ...
Source: Johns Hopkins University Of Medicine  Nov 28, 2018  6 years ago
Researchers at Johns Hopkins have identified two patients with HIV whose immune cells behave differently than others with the virus and actually appear to help control viral load even years after infection. Moreover, both patients carry large amounts of virus in infected cells, but show no viral load in blood tests. While based on small numbers, the data suggest that long-term viral remission migh...
Source: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center   Nov 27, 2018  6 years ago
A new study has identified a novel molecular driver of lethal prostate cancer, along with a molecule that could be used to attack it. The findings were made in laboratory mice. If confirmed in humans, they could lead to more effective ways to control certain aggressive types of prostate cancer, the second-leading cause of cancer death for men in the world. Men whose  prostrate cancer tumor...
Source: University of Minnesota  Nov 26, 2018  6 years ago
A new study by University of Minnesota biomedical engineers shows how they stopped cancer cells from moving and spreading, even when the cells changed their movements. The discovery could have a major impact on millions of people undergoing therapies to prevent the spread of cancer within the body. After targeting the "motors" that generate forces in cancer cells to move, the cancer ce...
Source: VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology)  Nov 25, 2018  6 years ago
Scientists from the VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research identified the mechanisms by which the bacterial pathogen Clostridium difficile kills intestinal epithelial cells (IECs), thus destroying the protective mucosal barrier of the intestinal tract. The researchers demonstrate the physiological relevance of this process during infection and have published their findings in Nature Commu...
Source: University Of Manchester  Nov 23, 2018  6 years ago
An international study lead by University of Manchester scientists has discovered the identity of genes that predispose people to chronic kidney disease. The discovery is a major advance in understanding of the significantly under-diagnosed disorder which, if left undetected, can lead to failing kidneys that need dialysis or kidney transplantation.    The discovery of 35 kidney &n...
Source: Ministry Of Foreign Affairs (Thailand)  Nov 22, 2018  6 years ago
 On 21 November 2018, the Prince Mahidol Award Foundation under the Royal Patronage (PMAF) held a joint press conference at Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, to announce the 27th Prince Mahidol Laureates for 2018 in the field of Medicine and Public Health. Ms. Busadee Santipitaks, Director-General of the Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, in the capacity of the ...
Source: Cancer Research UK  Nov 22, 2018  6 years ago
Mannose sugar, a nutritional supplement, can both slow tumour growth and enhance the effects of chemotherapy in mice with multiple types of cancer. This lab study is a step towards understanding how mannose could be used to help treat cancer.    The results of the study, which was funded by Cancer Research UK and Worldwide Cancer Research, are published in Nature.   Tumours ...
University Of Queensland  Nov 21, 2018  6 years ago
A world-first clinical trial of a new cellular immunotherapy for multiple sclerosis (MS) has improved symptoms and quality of life for the majority of patients. This electron microscopic image of two Epstein Barr Virus virions (viral particles) shows round capsids—protein-encased genetic material—loosely surrounded by the membrane envelope. Credit: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0030430.g...
Source: University Of Leeds   Nov 20, 2018  6 years ago
Both aspirin and a purified omega-3, called EPA, reduce the number of pre-cancerous polyps in patients found to be at high risk of developing bowel cancer, according to new research. A clinical trial, led by the University of Leeds, found that both aspirin and EPA reduced the number of bowel polyps in patients one year on from a screening colonoscopy (large bowel camera test), although they did ...
Source: British Medical Journal  Nov 19, 2018  6 years ago
Based on results of an observational  study published earlier this week in The BMJ, angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors were associated with an increased risk of lung cancer, compared with a similar, but distinct type of blood pressure medication known as angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs). Researchers evaluated patients from a U.K. primary care database and identified ove...
Source: Karolinska Institutet  Nov 16, 2018  6 years ago
A multidisciplinary team of researchers led from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have developed an anti-inflammatory drug molecule with a new mechanism of action. By inhibiting a certain protein, the researchers were able to reduce the signals that trigger an inflammation. The study is published in Science and was done in collaboration with the University of Texas Medical Branch, Uppsala...
Source: TMN Staff Writer  Nov 15, 2018  6 years ago
Yet another blood pressure drug has been recalled because of fears of impurities added by a lab in China. Drug company Sandoz says it has recalled one lot of losartan  potassium hydrochlorothiazide tablets. The impurity, known as NDEA, was found in the drug’s key ingredient made by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co. in China. NDEA is found naturally in certain foods, drinking wa...
Source: Georgetown University Medical Center   Nov 14, 2018  6 years ago
A defining feature of Parkinson's disease is the clumps of alpha-synuclein protein that accumulate in the brain's motor control area, destroying dopamine-producing neurons. Natural processes can't clear these clusters, known as Lewy bodies, and no one has demonstrated how to stop the build up as well as breakdown of the clumps—until perhaps now.   A team of neurologists at...
Source: University Of Minnesota  Nov 13, 2018  6 years ago
Researchers from the University of Minnesota, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the University of Toronto have discovered a possible path forward in preventing the development of cancers tied to two viruses, including the virus that causes infectious mononucleosis—more commonly known as mono or the "kissing disease"—that infects millions of people around the globe each...
Source: NIH/National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences(USA)  Nov 11, 2018  6 years ago
The National Toxicology Program (NTP) concluded there is clear evidence that male rats exposed to high levels of radio frequency radiation (RFR) like that used in 2G , 3G and 4G cell phones developed cancerous heart tumors, according to final reports released today. There was also some evidence of tumors in the brain and adrenal gland of exposed male rats. For female rats, and male and female mice...
Source: Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  Nov 10, 2018  6 years ago
The management of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV), an autoimmune disorder that cripples the immune system by attacking healthy cells, remains a major global health challenge in developing countries that lack infrastructure and trained medical professionals. Investigators from Brigham and Women's Hospital have designed a portable and affordable mobile diagnostic tool, utilizing a cellphone...
Source: University of Edinburgh  Nov 08, 2018  6 years ago
A pioneering technique designed to spot differences between immune cells in tumours could speed the development of cancer treatments, research suggests.   Scientists say the approach could be used to help doctors choose the best treatments for individual patients and predict which tumours are likely to respond to a particular therapy. It could help target the use of immunotherapy -- a new ...
Source: Medical University Of South Carolina  Nov 07, 2018  6 years ago
Mitochondria are responsible for supplying the cell with energy in the form of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation. There is a group of rare, autosomal recessive disorders, known as Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndromes (MTDPS), which causes a significant reduction in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and ATP production. There is no treatment for MTDPS, and it is typically fatal during infancy as a resu...
Source: University of Otago  Nov 01, 2018  6 years ago
University of Otago researchers have used high-resolution electron microscopy images to reveal how an anti-cancer virus interacts with tumor cells, increasing its potential to save lives. Seneca Valley Virus (SVV), a newly discovered virus which infects cancer cells but not normal tissue, has become a main research project in the New Zealand laboratory of Dr Mihnea Bostina, Academic Director of ...
Source: National News Bureau Of Thailand  Oct 25, 2018  6 years ago
Chulalongkorn University’s faculty of medical science has successfully produced a cancer treatment of equivalent efficacy to internationally available drugs in a test tube, and has committed to developing it over the next eight years to serve as an affordable choice for Thai citizens.  Dr. Trairak Pisitkul,Head of Chulalongkorn University’s Systems Biology Center  The rese...
Source: University Of Vienna  Oct 24, 2018  6 years ago
Researchers monitored a group of participants from 8 countries across the world with results showing that every single stool sample tested positive for the presence of microplastic and up to 9 different plastic types were identified. Microplastics have been found in the human food chain as particles made of polypropylene (PP), polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) and others were detected in human sto...
Source: Stanford University Medical Center  Oct 16, 2018  6 years ago
The most common source of a bloodstream infection acquired during a hospital stay is not a nurse's or doctor's dirty hands, or another patient's sneeze or visitor's cough, but the patient's own gut, Stanford University School of Medicine investigators have found.    Most patients who spend longer than a few days in a hospital acquire infections. In particular, upward ...
Source: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center  Oct 02, 2018  7 years ago
Physicians who specialize in a devastating and aggressive immune disorder called hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) report in a new study that extra care should be taken to ensure an HLH diagnosis doesn't obscure possible underlying cancers. Because HLH is dangerously aggressive in its progression and attack on vital organs—often causing death—doctors frequently pursue immed...
Source:University of Illinois at Chicago  Sep 18, 2018  7 years ago
Clinicians, scientists and public health professionals should proudly "declare victory" in their efforts to extend the human lifespan to its very limits, according to University of Illinois at Chicago epidemiologist S. Jay Olshansky. In an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Olshansky writes that the focus should shift to compressing the "red ...
Source: Case Western Reserve University  Aug 28, 2018  7 years ago
Researchers from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have discovered a way to stop immune cell death associated with multiple diseases, including sepsis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and arthritis.       The findings, published in Science Immunology, identify a chemical that potently inhibits inflammatory cell death. Cells often perforate their own membranes...
Source: Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research  Aug 08, 2018  7 years ago
New anti-cancer drugs put cancers to sleep—permanently In a world first, Melbourne scientists have discovered a new type of anti-cancer drug that can put cancer cells into a permanent sleep, without the harmful side-effects caused by conventional cancer therapies.   Published today in the journal Nature, the research reveals the first class of anti-cancer drugs that work...
Source: American Heart Association  Jul 19, 2018  7 years ago
Stem cells from umbilical cords may improve heart function and symptoms. Stem cells from umbilical cords show promise as a treatment for heart failure, based on a recent study published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation Research.   Known as the RIMECARD trial, this study tested stem cell therapy in 30 patients living with chronic heart failure. The goal was t...
Source: Reuters, Staff Writer, TMN  Jul 23, 2018  7 years ago
Scandal erupts over vaccine safety in China after standards violated A scandal over faulty vaccines in China has sparked anger on social media, underscoring the difficulties regulators face in rebuilding trust after years of food and drug safety scares. The incident is a major blow for Beijing's efforts to push domestically made vaccines and for China's drug regulator, which has been str...
Source: Zydus Cadila  Jul 19, 2018  7 years ago
Zydus Cadila gets USFDA approval for arthritis drug,Piroxicam.   Zydus Cadila has received final approval from the US health regulator for Piroxicam capsules, used for the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. According to a BSE filing, Zydus Cadila will market Piroxicam Capsules USP in the strengths of 10 mg and 20 mg. The drug will be produced at the group’s manufa...
Source: Columbia University  Jul 16, 2018  7 years ago
Researchers from Columbia University have looked into the possibility of using far ultraviolet-C (far-UVC) light as a possible tool for the flu virus’s eradication.   According to the researchers, who were led by Dr. David Brenner, continuous low doses of far-UVC light can be enough to kill the airborne flu virus that has been causing problems for th...
Source: Cancer Immunology Research  Jul 13, 2018  7 years ago
A type of therapy that harnesses the immune system is giving new hope to people battling a once hopeless cancer -- melanoma that's spread to the brain.   Brain Melanoma Development New research involving more than 2,700 U.S. patients is confirming what specialists in the field have long known -- that "checkpoint blockade" treatment can beat back these ...
Staff Writer, TMN  Jul 12, 2018  7 years ago
The infection can be mistaken for chlamydia, but it's become resistant to traditional antibiotic treatments.     Doctors are warning about a sexually transmitted infection that could become the next hard-to-treat superbug, thanks to its increasing resistance to traditional antibiotics. They say that the infection, called Mycoplasma genitalium(also known as M. genital...
Source: USFDA  Jul 11, 2018  7 years ago
A new device, the Zephyr Endobronchial Valve (Zephyr Valve), has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of breathing difficulties associated with severe emphysema.     Valve has been approved after review of data from trial involving 190 patients with emphysema   During a procedure in a hospital setting, the Zephyr Valves are placed into the diseas...
Source: Intermountain Medical Center  Jul 16, 2018  7 years ago
A novel treatment offers kidney failure and kidney transplant patients with a rare disorder new hope. The treatment allows targeted elimination of plasma cell clones producing abnormal proteins that deposits in the kidneys and leads to kidney failure, according to new research.   This is the first time this new approach has been used successfully anywhere in the world for the disorder, known ...
Source: Loyola Medicine  Jul 13, 2018  7 years ago
Three Loyola Medicine urologists, Marcus Quek, MD, Gopal Gupta, MD, and Alex Gorbonos, MD, are co-authors of the study. First author is Dipen Parekh, MD, of the University of Miami.   Loyola is among 15 centers that participated in the nationwide trial of 350 patients, who were randomly assigned to undergo robotic surgery or open surgery to remove cancerous bladders.   A...
Staff Writer, TMN  Jul 14, 2018  7 years ago
Thailand's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Saturday issued an order to recall some batches of valsartan, a medicine used to control blood pressure and help prevent heart failure, after it was found to contain certain impurities, in doing so, Thailand joins a lists of more than 22 countries that has been doing so in the last 48 hours. The press statements was issued by Dr Wanchai Sattayaw...
Source: Multiple  Jul 11, 2018  7 years ago
Abnormal accumulations of a protein called tau can collect inside neurons, forming tangled threads and eventually harming the synaptic connection between neurons. Credit: National Institute on Aging. UT Southwestern   Scientists ID genesis of disease, focus efforts on shape-shifting tau. Scientists have discovered a "Big Bang" of Alzheimer's disease – the precise point a...
Source:  Jul 01, 2018  7 years ago
Use of Bio-Kult led to a 69% decrease in abdominal pain, and improved Quality of Life scores.   Results of a new clinical trial confirm the use of Bio - Kult a multi-strain probiotic formula with 14 bacterial strains and 8 billion colony-forming units per day—is safe and superior to placebo in improving GI symptoms in patients with IBS-D (diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel synd...
Source:  Jul 10, 2018  7 years ago
Using high energy ultrasound beams to destroy prostate cancer tumours may be as effective as surgery or radiotherapy, but with fewer side effects. Ultrasound therapy destroys cancer cells in the prostate (illustrated) Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK, with around 47,000 cases every year. Treatments include surgery to remove the gland, or radiotherapy, which uses radia...
Source:  Jul 09, 2018  7 years ago
Using catheter-based ablation instead of medications alone reduces the risks of death and stroke in patients with the common form of heart arrhythmia known as atrial fibrillation, or AFib, new research from UC Davis physicians shows. Cardiologist Uma Srivatsa led a new comparative outcomes study of patients with atrial fibrillation Ablation is currently only recommended when AFib medications do...
Source:  Jul 08, 2018  7 years ago
A novel nuclear medicine approach is showing great promise for precision treatment of solid tumors in many types of cancer--including lung, breast, pancreas and ovarian in adults and glioma, neuroblastoma and sarcoma in children. The research was presented today at the SNMMI 2018 Annual Meeting, June 23-26 in Philadelphia.   In 2017, researchers from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Cente...
Staff Writer, TMN  Jul 07, 2018  7 years ago
Among patients with breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy, those who underwent scalp cooling were significantly less likely to experience chemotherapy-induced hair loss than those who did not receive scalp cooling, a study published in JAMA has shown.1   Although scalp cooling devices have been used to prevent alopecia caused by chemotherapy, its efficacy has ...
Staff Writer, TMN  Jul 06, 2018  7 years ago
About 10 million Americans suffer from a tremor disorder such as Parkinson's disease. Insightec is an Israeli company backed by the Koch brothers that has developed a focused ultrasound technology to treat tremors. The company is in Phase 3 trials with the FDA for its technology to treat Parkinson's disease. Roughly 10 million people in the United States suffer from some s...
Source:  Jul 05, 2018  7 years ago
Using a radial artery graft as a second conduit in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery results in a significantly lower risk of heart attack and repeat revascularization at 5 years than using a saphenous vein graft, according to the results of a meta-analysis recently published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Using a radial artery graft instead of a saphenous vein graft i...
Staff Writer, TMN  Jul 04, 2018  7 years ago
A viral immunotherapy using a herpes virus to treat brain tumors has been shown to be safe and well-tolerated in a pediatric study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The findings, presented today at the International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology in Denver, also showed preliminary evidence of effectiveness in killing malignant tumor cells.   The virus, known as G207, i...
Staff Writer, TMN  Jul 03, 2018  7 years ago
Scientists have developed a swallowed capsule packed with tiny electronics and millions of genetically engineered living cells that might someday be used to spot health problems from inside the gut. This undated photo provided by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Engineering in May 2018 shows a capsule packed with electronics and genetically engineered living cells in Cambridge...


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