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Vaccine News

Vaccine iNews is a new segment dedicated to progress about about COVID-19 vaccines. and other vaccines. Currently there is a lot of controversy and issues surrounding COVID-19 vaccines and this new segment will not only address these but also provides updates about COVID-19 vaccines developments and progress. There are almost close to 168 COVID Vaccines being developed but 3 of the main covid-19 ...
Source: Pfizer COVId-19 Vaccine  Oct 09, 2021  3 years ago
In a surprising new development, the elites controlling the narratives of the COVID-19 pandemic allowed the study findings of a two vaccine research investigations, one by scientists from Qatar and the second by researchers from Israel that alarmingly indicated that protection from the US COVID-19 vaccine by Pfizer may wane after only two months!    The studies were published in the pee...
Source: Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine  Oct 05, 2021  3 years ago
Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine:  A new study by researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center-Boston-US, University of Montreal-Canada, M Tufts University-Massachusetts-USA, Oregon Health & Sciences University-USA, Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard-USA has found that the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine Ad26.COV2.S not only prevents SARS-CoV-2 induced thrombos...
Source: Intramuscular Injections  Sep 29, 2021  3 years ago
The COVID-19 vaccines are meant to be injected intramuscularly and there is a safe technique in which when the needle is inserted, the syringe should be pulled back a bit to see if there is blood and if there is blood, then that means that a vessel has been penetrated and the needle should be withdrawn and re-injected again to another site, always making sure that that no vessels are penetrated an...
Source:Hypertension And mRNA Vaccines  Sep 18, 2021  3 years ago
A study by researchers from Lausanne University Hospital-Switzerland has found that an extremely small percentage of otherwise healthy individuals who receive the mRNA vaccines such as those by Pfizer or Moderna, run the risk of developing stage III hypertension upon vaccination. The study findings were published in the peer reviewed journal: Hypertension (A Journal of the American Heart Associat...
Source: COVID-19-Myocarditis  Sep 16, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 and Myocarditis: A new study by researchers from the Drug Safety Research Unit, Southampton-UK and the School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Portsmouth-UK warns about the occurrences of myocarditis and pericarditis in men following mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination. Though considered rare events, the number of cases being reported worldwide is of a concern.   The s...
Source: Mu or B.1.621 variant  Sep 08, 2021  3 years ago
New alarming study findings by Japanese researchers from the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Chiba University and Tokai University have shown and confirmed  that convalescent and vaccine sera has little or no effect on the fast globally spreading Mu SARS-CoV-2 variants.   The study findings were published on a preprint server and are currently being peer reviewed.
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant  Sep 08, 2021  3 years ago
The largest ever and detailed study led by researchers from the University of Cambridge along with scientists and experts from University College London-UK, National Centre for Disease Control-India, CSIR Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology-India ,Imperial College London-UK,Sri Ganga Ram Hospital-India, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital-India.  The Genotype to Phenotype Japan (G2P-Japan)...
Source: IBD and COVID-19  Sep 07, 2021  3 years ago
IBD-COVID-19: A new study by researchers from Israel has found that patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) taking tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α inhibitors will experience decreased COVID-19 vaccine efficacy.   The study findings were published on a preprint server and are currently being peer reviewed.   It is already known that IBD patients treated with immunomodulatory d...
Source: China's COVID-19 Vaccines  Sep 05, 2021  3 years ago
Doctors and medical researchers from the Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi-UAE have reported instances of individuals experiencing various adverse ocular events as a result of having taken the China’s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine.   A total of 9 patients presented with ocular complaints 5.2 days after administration of the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine by Sinopharm.   The cli...
Source: BCG or bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine and COVID-19  Sep 02, 2021  3 years ago
A new study led by researchers from the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH claims that the bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine could offer protection against COVID-19 disease severity and mortality based on study findings involving mice models. According to the study team, early events in the host response to SARS-CoV-2 are thought to play a major role in det...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Aug 31, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 Research: A new study published in the peer reviewed journal: Allergy (The European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology) warns that about 20% of individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 or even having received full vaccine doses will not develop immune protection against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus!   Accor...
Source: COVID-19 Pandemic  Aug 27, 2021  3 years ago
A new study by Israeli researchers from Maccabi Healthcare Services, Samson Assuta Ashdod University Hospital and Tel Aviv University has shockingly found that recovered COVID-19 patients with natural immunity are 13 times less likely to get infected with the current predominant circulating delta variants than individuals who had got fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccines! Soon Children Too Wi...
Source: Myocarditis and COVID-19  Aug 27, 2021  3 years ago
Alarmingly a new study by researchers from Clalit Research Institute-Israel, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva-Israel, Harvard Medical School-USA and Boston Children’s Hospital-USA has found that the Pfizer- BioNTech BNT162b2 shot was associated with a threefold increased risk of myocarditis!   The study findings were published in the peer reviewed New England ...
Source: Astrazeneca Versus Pfizer  Aug 19, 2021  3 years ago
While the world is already suffering from the escalating COVID-19 pandemic thanks to the incompetency of the WHO, vaccine wars are breaking around the globe with country being nationalistic and claiming that their own manufactured vaccine is better than the next country’s vaccine.   The Chinese have been claiming that their Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines are good while the Russian are ...
Source: COVID-19 Pandemic  Jul 26, 2021  3 years ago
As the more potent Delta variant is fast becoming the dominant strain and is fast spreading around the various populations globally, along with more potential dangers from other emerging variants, it is important for everyone to stay safe and to play their part in trying to control the pandemic. ???   The WHO, U.S. CDC, various governments, numerous researchers , doctors, media and vaccine ...
Source: COVID-19 News  Jun 20, 2021  3 years ago
There is viral news circulating around various online news sites and communities about the deaths of 4 British Airways pilots with some making claims that the 4 pilots died as a result of developing blood clots while on flight after having been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines. One twitter thread was also making these claims and there was statements from an official British Airways account co...
Source: Vaccine News  May 29, 2021  3 years ago
German scientists from the Goethe-University of Frankfurt and Ulm University-Helmholtz have in a new study uncovered that the COVID-19 vaccine blood-clot issues are actually caused as a result of side effects by adenovirus vector used in the vaccine delivery mechanism and that these issues can be fixed.   In the last few months, many countries have started the innoculation of millions ...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccine News  May 13, 2021  3 years ago
A new study published by researchers from MIT and also from Immersion Health, Portland raises the alarm about possible unintended consequences of the mRNA vaccines currently being deployed against the COVID-19 disease.   The study findings were published in the peer reviewed journal: International Journal Of Vaccine Theory, Practice And Research.
Source: Vaccine News  Apr 28, 2021  3 years ago
Despite an extensive PR campaign and paying off researchers and even research institutions, media and social medial platforms to boost about the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines, emerging data is now showing that the vaccines do not have the efficacy that was claimed by manipulated studies.   The U.S. CDC said that individuals who have been vaccinated against coronavirus have become infect...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccines  Mar 18, 2021  4 years ago
The study results of a research on the efficacy of Astrazeneca’s ChAdOx1 COVID-19 vaccine published in the peer reviewed New England Journal of Medicine shows that the vaccine has only about 10% efficacy against the B.1.351 South Africa Variant.   The study findings showed that two doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine were found to h...
Source: mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines  Mar 11, 2021  4 years ago
The leading prestigious medical publication: The British Medical Journal is raising concerns about the integrity of mRNA molecules used in COVID-19 vaccines after documents leaked from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) following a cyber-attack in December show that some early commercial batches of Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine had lower than expected levels of intact mRNA molecules. &...
Source: Vaccine News  Feb 01, 2021  4 years ago
Vaccine News: We at Thailand medical News are typically skeptical about all the various COVID-19 vaccines being promoted currently due to the fact that many were developed in such a rush, bypassing standard testing and procedures, lack of transparency  coupled with the fact that the past track record of coronavirus vaccines have not been very successful, often causing more problems for the te...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Variants  Jan 29, 2021  4 years ago
A new study led by scientists  from Columbia University shows warning signs that recently emerged SARS-CoV-2 variants such as the B.1.1.7, B.1.351, and B.1.1.28 variants have become worryingly resistant to monoclonal antibody therapies, plasma from convalescent patients and sera from vaccinated individuals. This new study findings contradict earlier studies the last few days published by cer...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccine Contest  Jan 28, 2021  4 years ago
COVID-19 Contest: In a spirit of getting more involvement from our readers, we are organizing a simple contest for all our readers around the world, simply read the recently published preprint study by researchers from Moderna and the US NIH and tell us the flaws and hidden facts from the study claiming that its vaccines work on the new SARS-CoV-2 variants.   The preprint study can be found...
Source: Vaccine News  Jan 27, 2021  4 years ago
Vaccine News: Media outlets are abuzz in the last 24 hours about a warning letter sent to the US FDA and Pfizer by a leading immunologist cum scientist in Pennslyvania, Dr  Hooman Noorchashm.   The letter warns about the immunological danger of COVID-19 Vaccination in recently convalescent and asymptomatic carriers most especially to those who are elderly, frail or have significant car...
Source: Vaccine News  Jan 26, 2021  4 years ago
Vaccine News: A new study by researchers from University of East Anglia, Norwich-UK led by Professor Dr Alastair Grant and Professor Dr Paul R Hunter indicates that the current COVID-19 vaccines will not be able to attain herd immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.   While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to claim thousands of lives each day and cause severe disruptions to ordinary lif...
Source: Vaccine News  Jan 22, 2021  4 years ago
Vaccine News: A new research by scientists from Cambridge Institute of Therapeutic Immunology & Infectious Disease (CITIID)-University of Cambridge, University College London, University of Kent and Addenbrookes Hospital-UK shows that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine exhibits reduced neutralization potential against SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 variant.   The new study findings contradicts Pfizer&rsqu...
Source: Vaccine News  Jan 16, 2021  4 years ago
Vaccine News: A new breaking development has emerged with a total of 23 deaths being reported by the Norwegian Medicines Agency in connection with the Pfizer’s /BioNTech vaccines. To date 13 of these cases have been assessed so far and confirmed as linked to the vaccines.   Norway Reports 23 ...
Source: Vaccine News  Jan 13, 2021  4 years ago
Vaccine News: At least three Democratic members of the House of Representatives despite having been vaccinated with the Pzifer/BioNtech vaccine were tested positive after the violent intrusion of Capitol by Trump supporters who were instigated to do so by the President himself! The three house representatives despite being masked themselves had to shelter for hours in tight proximity with Republic...
Source: Vaccine News  Jan 06, 2021  4 years ago
Vaccine News: While the world is foolishly thinking that the COVID-19 vaccines are going to get things back to normal quickly, more concerning findings are emerging about the real efficacy of these vaccines that were basically initiated by the Trump administration (the same group that gave us scams like hydrocholoroquine, remdesivir, then Eli lily’s monoclonal antibodies and also Regeneron c...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccine News:  Jan 06, 2021  4 years ago
COVID-19 Vaccine News: About 9 hours ago, the Norwegian Medicines Agency announced that two inmates in a nursing home died few days after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine made by the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech that is owned by a Turkish muslim national, Uğur Şahin.
Source: Vaccine News  Dec 26, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine News: Individuals who have cosmetic facial fillers be it in their lips, nose, eye contours or elsewhere in their face will likely develop swellings and inflammation on those areas after having a dose of the Moderna’s vaccine.   This was observed during initial clinical trials and also in certain individuals as the vaccines rolled out   Also the U.S.FDA advisory committee ...
Source: Vaccine News  Dec 17, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine News: An American health worker from Alaska had a serious allergic reaction after getting a Pfizer Inc and BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine shot and was hospitalized, but is now stable, U.S. public health authorities said on Wednesday.   The health worker with no known allergies suffered adverse reaction minutes after taking the Pfizer shot on Tuesday.   Similar cases were rep...
Source: Vaccine News  Dec 16, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine News: A new preliminary study led by researchers from Oxford University and includes scientists from University College London, Université de Strasbourg-France and University of Birmingham-UK shows that a natural compound called spermidine, which helps immune cells self-clean, may improve vaccine protection in older adults.   According to the study abstract, older adults are ...
Source: Vaccine Updates  Dec 14, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine Updates: America has just crossed the 300,000 COVID-19 deaths milestone a few minutes ago and more than 16.2 million Americans have been infected with the COVID-19 while in the United Kingdom, the situation is just as bad but we are unable to report any figures as most official figures are unreliable as a result as a result of a concerted effort by certain authorities to mask the real...
Source: Vaccine News  Dec 13, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine News: It was officially announced by Peru health authorities on Friday that the government has temporarily suspended clinical trials of a COVID-19 vaccine made by Chinese drug giant Sinopharm after detecting neurological problems in one of its test volunteers.   It was reported that a participant had developed a neurological condition known as Guillain-Barre syndrome.   The Per...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccine News  Dec 09, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Vaccine News: The U.S. FDA has warned that four participants in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trials had developed facial paralysis while UK regulators have issued yet another warning that individuals with allergies should avoid the COVID-19 vaccine.   The U.S FDA commenting on the incident of the 4 individuals developing facial paralysis after having the Pfizer’s COVID-19 ...
Source: Vaccine News  Dec 07, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine News: Scientists from the U.S. National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) have reported that Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA-1273, caused the human immune system to produce potent antibodies that endures for at least three months.   The research findings were published in the peer reviewed New England Journal of Medicine.
Source: COVID Scams  Dec 03, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Scams: The purpose of the COVID-19 vaccines trials were to determine the safety of the vaccines, whether they elicited relevant and effective antibodies and T-cells and whether they offered protection to the recipients of the vaccines against the various SARS-CoV-2 strains in circulation. (Please also note that having antibodies and T cells elicited does not mean that one is protected as ...
Source: COVID-19 Scams  Dec 01, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Scams: Kinda sick of reading about so called ‘experts’ and leaders in various industries complaining that there is a lot of misinformation online and that people are lacking confidence to accept the new COVID-19 vaccines as result of that. However they themselves failed to reassure the public with proper facts and assume that the masses are really stupid. (Well maybe in certai...
Source: COVID-19 Scams  Nov 26, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Scams:  While most of the moronic and non-credible media and ignorant individuals were celebrating AstraZeneca’s so called vaccine trial results including supposedly experts with huge vested business interest in the pharma industry like Dr Anthony Fauci, it has now come to light that there was a huge error in the manufacturing process of these vaccines which even AstraZeneca an...
Source: COVID-19 Alerts  Nov 24, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Alerts: A new research that is among many that is emerging is indicating that natural deletions in the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein is driving antibody escape and many of the current vaccine candidates may end up being useless or worse even contribute to the phenomenon of ADE or antibody-dependent enhancement.   The new research by scientist from the University of Pittsburg and Ha...
Source: Antibody Resistant SARS-CoV-2  Nov 22, 2020  4 years ago
Antibody Resistant SARS-CoV-2: A new study and modeling platform created by researchers and scientist from Harvard Medical School, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston Children’s Hospital, University of Washington, Fractal Therapeutics,-Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Microsoft Research, Mark S. Hixon Consulting and  Boston University alarmingly indicates that due to t...
Source: Vaccine News  Nov 19, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine News: New alarming study findings based on a research by scientist from the University of Oxford-UK has now put numerous vaccines that are under development and soon to be used on masses under a new spotlight.   The study team has revealed that site-specific glycosylation differs between spike proteins derived from SARS-CoV-2 and a viral vector-based vaccine candidate. A significant...
Source: COVID-19 Scams  Nov 16, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Scams: While the majority of the stupid people are still placing their hopes in COVID-19 vaccines with more ‘bribed’ Western journalists and media still extolling merits on these vaccines, various pharmaceutical and biotech executives from companies like Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax are quickly cashing out on their shares while the going is good.   We even have some media i...
Source: Coronavirus News  Nov 15, 2020  4 years ago
Coronavirus News: Even if any of the current COVID-19 vaccines under development is able to offer only short-term protection against certain strains of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus without causing any long term adverse effects such as ADE (Antibody-dependent enhancement) or other issues, the vaccines will need to be constantly reformulated as emerging studies show that the coronaviruses are constant...
Source: Vaccine News  Nov 10, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine News: Another latest development in the trillion dollar COVID-19 vaccine sector that is plagued with scams, lies, cover-ups and greed as Brazil announces a sudden suspension of all clinical trials involving the Chinese COVID-19 vaccine called Coronavac made by Sinovac Biotech.   24 hours ago, Brazil's health regulator said it had suspended clinical trials of a Chinese-developed ...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccine  Nov 10, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Vaccine: American headquartered pharmaceutical giant Pfizer spend a fortune on a PR conference and paying off numerous unethical media writers and media to do an elaborate piece about its vaccine which it claims is more than 90 percent effective. In the last few hours its stocks were rallying and God knows who is going to make millions but the key issue is that there were no published stu...
Source: Vaccine News  Nov 04, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine News: As an individual that has been observing with skepticism the vaccines and therapeutic programs initiated in America under the corrupted and incompetent Trump administration and Dr Anthony Fauci with so many other scammers in play including a group of clandestine businessmen and billionaires headed by Tom Cahill and Nick Ayers, an aide of Mike Spence, it shocking to see that the trill...
Source: COVID-19 Scams  Oct 22, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Scams: Associate Editor at the British Medical Journal (BMJ) Professor Dr Peter Doshi, in a daring but truthful revelation yesterday warned that vaccine trials currently underway are not designed to tell us if they will save lives.    Although several COVID-19 vaccine trials are now in their most advanced phase 3 stage, but what will i...
Source: Vaccine News  Oct 22, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine News:  Brazil's health authority Anvisa reported that Brazilian volunteer participating in clinical trials of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca has died on the 18th of October.   It was unclear whether the volunteer had received the vaccine or a placebo and in countries like Brazil, the organizers can easily switch the facts in or...
Source: Vaccine-COVID-19  Oct 16, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine-COVID-19: As more studies are showing that antibodies will ultimately only provide short term optimal protection of anything between 10 to 16 weeks and while at the same time other studies are also showing that many AAV (Adeno Associated Virus) vector RNA vaccines that are currently being developed and are in phase 3 trials might actually cause certain adverse effects https://www.thailandm...
Source: Vaccine News  Oct 13, 2020  4 years ago
Vaccine News: Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson announced on late Monday that it had temporarily halted its COVID-19 vaccine trial because one of its participants had become seriously sick.   A spokesman for Johnson and Johnson told Thailand Medical News, "We have halted further dosing in all our COVID-19 vaccine candidate clinical trials globally due to a particpant...
Source: COVID-19 Help  Oct 11, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Help: While tens of thousands are getting infected daily and thousands are dying each day, millions elsewhere are worried and are trying to find ways to help themselves and their loved ones and the only thing that stupid health authorities and incompetent corrupted governments around the world are doing are giving false hopes by an anticipated COVID-19 vaccine that many think will solve t...
Source: COVID-19 Vaccines   Oct 08, 2020  4 years ago
COVID-19 Vaccines: A group of American researchers from  the Swedish Medical Center-Seattle, University of Washington-Seattle, Stanford University-California, LabCorp-Seattle and the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutch-Seattle after reviewing a case of a patient who got re-infected with a different strain of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus ie the more potent and infectious D614G mu...


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Source- Medical News - COVID-19 Research - Impaired Pain Modulation
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Source: Medical News - SARS-CoV-2 & Cancer
Aug 13, 2020  4 years ago
Source: Supplements For COVID-19

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