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COVID-19 News - 2023  Dec 28, 2022  2 years, 1 month, 4 weeks, 1 day, 2 hours, 52 minutes ago

2023 To Start With More 740 New SARS-CoV-2 Sub-lineages And Recombinant Variants In Circulation, Most Will Not Kill Immediately But Rather Slowly!

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2023 To Start With More 740 New SARS-CoV-2 Sub-lineages And Recombinant Variants In Circulation, Most Will Not Kill Immediately But Rather Slowly!
COVID-19 News - 2023  Dec 28, 2022  2 years, 1 month, 4 weeks, 1 day, 2 hours, 52 minutes ago
COVID-19 News: The year 2023 will start with more than 740 new SARS-CoV-2 variants, sub-lineages and recombinant variants in circulation globally. We now have more than 654 new Omicron sub-variants that have the right viral fitness and are in circulation in varying percentages across the world while there are more than 37 different recombinant variants and also more than 13 different Delta sub-variants still in circulation and the rest are interesting variants that virologist are still in the midst of deciphering their lineages as their sequences keep on popping up as samples are analyzed.
In reality, there are like thousands of new SARS-CoV-2 variants and sub-lineages along with recombinant variants being spawned every day but most do not have the necessary viral fitness to spread around.

In the history of virology, never has there ever been a virus that is evolving and spewing out mutations at the such a rapid phase as what we are witnessing today.
Off course there are many factors leading to this ie the initial usage of convalescent plasma therapy, the usage of monoclonal therapeutics, the COVID-19 shots, the usage of drugs like molnupiravir, the usage of various repurposed drugs, the immunocompromised, certain human host factors and also the kinetics of the COVID-19 pandemic.,-more-antibody-resistant-sars-cov-2-virus-strains-would-emerge -coronavirus-evolves-to-survive
(Please use the internal search function on Thailand medical News Site and simply type in mutations to find lots of material supporting what we have just mentioned above)
When Thailand Medical News in our various COVID-19 News coverages warned as early as February and March 2020 that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was mutating and that the usage of antibody-based therapeutics was not the right approach but rather what was needed was a combination of effective antivirals, we were ridiculed by the racist white Western ‘experts’ and virologists that the SARS-CoV-2 was not mutating and even if it did, it would simply die off. No one was interested in genomic surveillance then and some of the so-called white trash who are these days appearing as “variant experts’ on twitter these days keep on making derogatory statements about our site etc while many of their own people are dying like flies in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. (And many will continue to do so in the weeks, months and years ahead!),-one-more-aggressive--researchers-believe-that-virus-has-mutated-
(As mentioned earlier, use the search function on our site and you can track all the coverages we have done on various issues in the past 3 years on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, our site is a repository of more than 230,000 articles on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 research and some on our own hypothesis, we do not allow goggle crawl on all of our contents and we have certain parts of the site that is only accessible to physicians and researchers affiliated with us.)
We were also the first to highlight issues about how the SARS-CoV-2 affects T cell immunity and also B cells, and also causes immune dysfunctions and COVID-19 induced immunodeficiency and the same goes for the virus ability to cause heart issues, kidney issues, liver issues, various neurological issues, how it affects the male reproductive system, and even about it being able to catalyze cancer and tumor formation and also cause epigenetic changes in the human host but again as usual most of the Western bastards will take credit for all these.
Our current hypothesis is that majority exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 will ultimately die withing the next 5 to 8 years irrespective of whether they were initially asymptomatic upon infection or experienced only mild or moderate symptoms. Based on our own metanalysis of more than 4600 studies, we believe that the virus is able to cause damage or disruptions to more than 392 cellular pathways, genes, critical host proteases besides cells, tissues and organs. Reinfections and coinfections will only help shorten their remaining lifespans. Many will not exhibit physical long COVID-19 symptoms but will die rapidly or suddenly from a variety of causes including heart failures, kidney failures, other organ failures,aneurysms, strokes, sepsis and also ‘aggressive accelerated cancers’.
One thing that everyone should take note of is all the new SARS-CoV-2 variants that are in circulation at present and some that will become predominant in coming weeks, are all more immune evasive and are even better adapted to disarm all human host immune responses and also evade all kinds of human host strategies, hence while most do not seem to cause disease severity in the masses except for those in the vulnerable groups.(ie the aged, the young the obese, those with existing comorbidities, the immunocompromised and those with certain genetic make-ups.)they are better adapted for viral persistence and hence will kill slowly rather than immediately. Viral persistence is a main issue that has not been addressed properly yet from the aspects of diagnostics to even treatment.,-u-s-nih-warns-sars-cov-2-viral-persistence-is-a-serious-issue-that-is-also-affecting-long-covid,-infections-pass-71-8-million-why-are-authorities-downplaying-viral-persistence
It should also be noted that while most of the current new SARS-CoV-2 variants do not cause immediately deaths, many have been found to be more pathogenic and each have their own specific tropisms and also target specific host areas.
For instance, a latest study found that the BA.5 variant and its sub-lineages to be more neurovirulent.
Others are thought to target the endothelial and gut cells more aggressively.
Not much research has been devoted to the specific pathogenesis and tropisms of each specific SARS-CoV-2 variant and sub-lineages due to lack of resources and time. With co-infections involving two or more variants or sub-lineages becoming the new norm, we can expect the human host be more badly affected over time.
With literally no more effective therapeutics or prophylactics around to deal with the continuous onslaught of new variants and sub-lineages, we can expect to see more excess deaths and sudden deaths in many in 2023 and the years thereafter.
Happily, we are already seeing more younger adults and otherwise healthy individuals dying from sudden heart failures, strokes and aneurysms and that trend should continue to rise in 2023 especially in the Western countries and soon in China too, where SARS-CoV-2 infections and reinfections are very high due to stupid methods of managing the pandemic.
We at Thailand Medical News are not so worried as we have developed our own prophylactic and treatment protocols and also developed some updated therapeutics to deal with the various aspects of long-term health issues as a result of exposure the SARS-CoV-2 virus such as neuroinflammation, cardiac damage, endothelial damage, clotting issues, immunodeficiency etc. However, we are not yet ready to share any of this information publicly as we do not want to be once again ‘screwed’ by the Western unethical opportunists or the greedy Chinese and rather just keep the knowledge to our own inner circles.
We wish all a Happy 2023 and hopefully the newer SARS-CoV-2 variants will deal with all our critics, competitors and all that have been nasty to us along with their loved ones in 2023.
For the latest COVID-19 News, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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