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Source: Thailand Medical News  Mar 02, 2020  5 years, 4 weeks, 1 day, 17 hours, 53 minutes ago

3044 Deaths, 88,581 Infected, 7,365 Critical, 71 Countries Affected, More Than A Million Suspected Cases, Welcome To A New Coronavirus Era That Is Here To Stay.

3044 Deaths, 88,581 Infected, 7,365 Critical, 71 Countries Affected, More Than A Million Suspected Cases, Welcome To A New Coronavirus Era That Is Here To Stay.
Source: Thailand Medical News  Mar 02, 2020  5 years, 4 weeks, 1 day, 17 hours, 53 minutes ago
Editorial : When Thailand Medical News started coverage of the coronavirus outbreak in early January, we were accused by many ignorant non-medical professionals of stoking paranoia and fear. (Mostly on LinkedIn and were professionals who were concerned about their specific industry that were experiencing the negative fallout from the coronavirus outbreak such as individuals in the hospitality and tourism industry, those in the events and PR industry etc)

As we started releasing studies on the various aspects of the coronavirus to debunk false information being disseminated by medical authorities around the world and medical entities, we were even faced with death threats.
Our intentions were purely non-commercial and merely to let the masses know what not being told to them. We also wanted to serve as a site that provides free information to both the public and also the medical professionals.
We were even disappointed that most of the social media platforms did not promote full exposure of our feeds despite a huge traffic as they were only concerned about advertising revenues. (we are a verified medical news site by the way). Most of the social media platforms managed regionally by the Thai or Singapore offices and staff are despicable as they are only interested in monetary gains with no intention to help disseminate information that can save lives. (They would do so if you were a big corporate company paying huge dollars to them.) I believe that ‘bad karma’ would come back to haunt them and their loved ones in this crisis. We even got rejected by Line Japan to be a content provider for them as they were they more interested in KPop and Celebrity news than providing medical and health news.
But with monthly traffic of almost 2.1 million unique visitors that are of a higher caliber, we are  positive about what we are doing.
The reality that most people cannot deal with is the fact that the coronavirus is most likely going to be a new of type endemic in which the virus stays in the general population, but with a difference. Unlike viruses like Herpes or HPV or Influenza, this is one virus that is going to possibly wreak havoc in stages. (we are not trying to create fear or paranoia here but simply explaining a possible view)
The coronavirus will first affect individuals and those that have a low immunity system due to a variety of factors such as age, underlying chronic disease etc will succumb.
In our view, for those that ‘recover, the dormant viral loads in their bodies will continue to wreak havoc in stages (there is no confirmed studies on this yet and it is merely our view but emerging studies on the genomic studies, the coronavirus mode of actions and pathological studies that are coming out from China are all pointing to this.) This is also an area that is most important, as more studies need to be done to truly understand what this new coronavirus can do to the body in the short, mid and long term.(read also:,000-times-more-potent-< ;/a>)
Reinfections will only be a small part of the problem. The way that the residual reservoirs of the virus in our bodies affect us will be of greater significance. It could affect mortality rates and life spans of the human race.
In fact, there is a possibility that all medical annals and information will have to be restudied and rewritten as the coronavirus will become that new factor that could affect and play a role as to how every other disease from diabetes, kidney problems to heart problems and cancer etc is managed.
In two pathological studies done in Wuhan on cancer patients that contracted the Covid-19 diseases, the doctors in attendance felt that the coronavirus had actually hep the prgression of the cancer. (This was not documented though but the team is doing further research to prove this).
Though China is claiming the coronavirus epidemic is peaking and figures are falling, strangely it is building more hospitals all over nationwide including additional ones in Hubei. It has mandated two new companies in Shanghai to start increasing its test-kits production capacity to as high as 18,000 kits per day and also resumed production in factories concerned with medical supplies. (This is all meant for domestic consumption not for exports!)
Despite the low figures of confirmed infections globally, it is expected to rise significantly in the next 3 months even in countries that have experienced so called ‘peak stages’.
In reality, it is actually pointless to spend money and resources to try to contain the spread through border closes, travel restrictions, quarantines or lockdowns when dealing with a virus that has so many anomalies.
Rather, we have to embrace that the spread and fatalities is going to be inevitable. Instead of containment, governments and health authorities will need to boost up healthcare to be able to accommodate these increased cases while resources are also channeled into research.
The global economy and even our social lives will be changing as the new virus takes charge of our daily lives.
Meanwhile though there is also a lot of fake news and misinformation on the net that needs to be curtailed, many health authorities and professionals are also using the excuse of the ‘infodemic’ to spew unscientific or unstudied garbage themselves to boost their PR coverage while putting down the views of others.
This article merely represents my view, but let’s review the situation in three months’ time and say who was wrong.


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