Announcement! Founding Members, Collaborators Wanted For The Inaugural Of The Alliance Of Advocates Of New Therapeutics For COVID-19 And Long-COVID
Source: COVID-19 Alliance Aug 27, 2021 3 years, 5 months, 4 weeks, 18 hours, 55 minutes ago
The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a new turn with the emergence of various new sub-lineages of the current SARS-CoV-2 VOCs and also VOIs and also with newer variants including arising recombinant and reassortant strains. Contrary to what certain government authorities around the world along with American and British mainstream media and social media platforms are saying that the COVID-19 situation is under control and might become as a milder endemic infection just like flu in a few years’ time, emerging scientific data is showing the contrary.
We at Thailand
Medical News strongly believe that the pandemic is expected to not only worsen with more surges in coming months but we will witness much more deadly outcomes due to the phenomena of viral priming and also because of new pathogenesis patterns of these new emerging variants. To add to the coming miseries, there are to date more than 215 million humans officially recorded as having had been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (Realistic figures as proposed by both the WHO and also the U.S. CDC are that it could be eightfold!), most of them will continue to suffer more emerging health and medical conditions which are at present collectively termed as Long COVID-19. Even latest study findings are showing that individuals will be afflicted with these conditions for years and not just months.
To date, data is showing that the efficacies of the present COVID-19 vaccines are waning and many of the newer variants are evolving towards immune evasion.
We at Thailand Medical News also believe that the continued focus on antibody based therapeutics is not the answer to solving the COVID-19 crisis as it will only keep on generating worst outcomes and the usage of such therapeutics including monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies is only going to drive the variants to become even more immune resistant.
To date none of the therapeutics including antivirals that been deployed by health authorities around the world have demonstrated true efficacy against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the emerging variants. What is worst that in some cases, drug resistant strains have actually emerged as in the case of remdesivir and even ivermectin!
Data has already emerged that the usage of dexamethasone to prevent or control cytokine storms is actually backfiring as it leads to the development of other more fatal conditions including opportunistic fungal infections etc.
Research studies are also showing that the newer variants are more potent and tolerant against many of the existing drug protocols used and even the usage of certain supplements and herbs that Thailand Medical news had supported their usage as adjuvants in treating COVID-19 in the past are now demonstrating lost effects.
In terms of Long COVID, there is currently not a single product that can help to treat the various conditions.
We are calling for medical and pharmaceutical researchers, doctors, collaborators, generic drug companies, biotech companies, AI and IT specialists, herbalists, phytochemical specialists and sponsors to join our alliance that
focuses on a new range of therapeutics to combat both COVID-19 and also various conditions associated with Long COVID.
To date we already have research teams and doctors from countries like U.S., U.K, Germany, France, China, Spain, Japan, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Iran, Colombia, Israel and Sweden who voiced support for this endeavor and we are on the lookout for more.
This new alliance will not support the usage of drugs like remdesivir, tocilizumab(actemra), molnupiravir, favipiravir, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, dexamethasone, monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies and antibody based therapeutics.
We have already isolated a number of other currently approved drugs that can be repurposed to not only treat COVID-19 but in some cases also act as a prophylaxis. Along with that we have also identified a number of herbs, phytochemicals and also supplements that could be used as adjuvants to treat COVID-19 and also Long COVID.
This new alliance is profit based and will be a commercially run as I openly state that my main intention is to profit from this new endeavor. However all study data and also protocols developed will not be opened to the public or for access to any media groups, government agencies or regulatory bodies as we are allowing not more than 200,000 individuals to be allowed access to the alliance thru a variety of closed fragmented community platforms. All platforms will involve paid subscriptions that are highly priced and subscribers will be carefully screened.(Subscription packages starts at US$3,000 per entry)
Doctors, researchers and certain key collaborators will not be charged any fees but they will have to abide by certain confidentiality and legal conditions and also no studies or data from any works will be published on any open platforms.
For certain collaborators that are involved in the commercial aspects of their products, they will be charged a flat fee of US$250,000 to participate in this alliance.
Sponsors (Minimum sponsorship packages starts at US$10,000) will be eligible for a number of benefits similar to that for our paying subscribers.
The alliance is more of a community for educated and high net value individuals who really want to survive the COVID-19 pandemic that is expected to only worsen. We have access to privileged data and also findings that many joining our exclusive community would be surprised.
For those interested, kindly send details about yourselves to: (Note that we do not accept anonymous email accounts such as gmail, hotmail, yahoo mail, etc as we will not response to these, Only use official email accounts linked to your instituition or company or business etc.Also include a contact landline telephone number and also the country code).
You will be contacted with a list of questions and be subjected to background checks and then directed to our enrollment site. No time wasters please. If we do not answer your email, it unfortunately means that we might not be able to include you at this stage and there will be no need to write to us again.)