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COVID-19 Drugs - Prophylactic - Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Sublineages  Jul 21, 2023  1 year, 8 months, 6 days, 17 hours, 50 minutes ago

BREAKING! Cheap Generic Drug Could Be Repurposed As An Effective Prophylactic Against Threat From Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Sublineages And COVID-19 Surges!

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BREAKING! Cheap Generic Drug Could Be Repurposed As An Effective Prophylactic Against Threat From Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Sublineages And COVID-19 Surges!
COVID-19 Drugs - Prophylactic - Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Sublineages  Jul 21, 2023  1 year, 8 months, 6 days, 17 hours, 50 minutes ago
Thailand Medical News Exclusive: An existing approved generic drug with an already proven safety track record could be used as a prophylactic and also therapeutic drug against SARS-CoV-2.

COVID-19 Drugs: While new COVID-19 surges are once again wreaking havoc in countries like Japan, South Korea, parts of Brazil and also China, and also in Australia and New Zealand, COVID-19 cases are also staring to rise in many other parts of the world including the United Kingdom, United States, Singapore, Israel, Vietnam etc

Some of the SARS-CoV-2 sub-lineages like XBB.1.16, XBB.2.3 along with the newer sub-lineages like EG.5.1, FL.1.5, and XBB.1.16.6. and also their spawns are expected to lead to the rise in COVID-19 surges across the world in the next few weeks.
While these strains are more transmissible and also more immune evasive, some of the spawns of these newer sub-lineages are also speculated to be more pathogenic and are driving disease severity and also COVID-19 hospitalizations as seen in Japan, South Korea and China at the moment.
While the WHO and health authorities in various countries keep on insisting that the COVID-19 situation is under control and that there have the ‘tools’ to deal with the COVID-19 crisis, and are always focusing on vaccines and boosters, we are still witnessing significant amount of COVID-19 deaths and also rising excess death rates although the real figures are being concealed and many human beings have now become insensitized to the death rates and are under the fallacy that it will not happen to them or to their loved ones.
As a result of numerous requests from many readers as to what drugs, supplements and herbs or phytos they can take and protocols they can adhere to inorder protect themselves, we are gradually releasing a series of about 83 articles covering over 147 products and 8 prophylactic and therapeutic protocols catering to specific groups that we have developed and we are saving the best at the end. We will however not release data on 27 products that are at the moment only exclusive to 117 of our top supporters. We hope that readers will keep these to themselves and their loved ones and not share it online as we do not want the knowledge to fall into the hands of certain groups like the FLCC etc as we do not want to lose once again with many of the Western garbage stealing our ideas and promoting it as their own and they receiving lots of donations etc from the public but we ending up with nothing! We are not funded by any government agencies, corporations or pharma companies and our readers do not contribute or donate to us to help us run our sites. We are not interested in pathetic contributions of just a dollar or ten dollars from just a few readers who will end up sharing the data with thousands as what happened in the past. Please also note that in many cases, we have also used our own monies to either fund some of the research or have influenced the researchers to investigate the concerned products. Should we find the same thing happening again, we will simply stop this series of articles.
Also note that we are only focusing on prophylactics and therapeutics that can work with the newer SARS-CoV-2 sub-linages. Unlike many charlatans online, we focus constantly on the virus evolution and also the development of drug resistance etc and also safety issues of using these compounds especially with regards to medical conditions already arising in SARS-CoV-2 infections. (For example..SARS-CoV-2 infections are already known to be affecting the heart in more than 17 different ways and hence we will not advocating the usage of SSRI inhibitors which are also known to aggravate heart conditions! We let the charlatans do that and maybe kill the stupid followers who listen to them!)
Hence with focus on the Mpro mutations, mutations in the spike mutations and also various accessory proteins like the ORFs, we have found that many of the COVID-19 Drugs, supplements, herbs and phytos used in the early part of the pandemic as prophylactics and therapeutics are simply obsolete!
We start the series with a very easily available generic drug that is affordable and can be used as an effective prophylactic.
Ursodeoxycholic acid, a drug used to treat liver disease, gallstone disease (cholelithiasis) and for biliary sludge that has emerged as an interesting drug candidate that can be repurposed to act as a effective prophylactic against the new emerging SARS-CoV-2 sub-lineages.
The drug is sold under various tradenames across the world such as under multiple trade names, including Ursetor, Udikast, Actibile, Actigall, Biliver, Deursil, Egyurso, Udcasid, Udiliv, Udinorm, Udoxyl, Urso, Urso Forte, Ursocol, Ursoliv, Ursofalk, Ursosan, Ursoserinox, Udimarin, Ursonova, and Stener. In countries like India, Pakistan, Turkey and Vietnam, a pack of 60 tablets of Ursodeoxycholic acid only cost as low as US$14!
We first highlighted Ursodeoxycholic acid  as a potential prophylactic in December 2022.
That Cambridge study found that Ursodeoxycholic acid or UDCA could be used to ‘inactivate’ the ACE2 receptors from binding to the spike proteins of the of the SARS-CoV-2 via an intermediate molecule known as FXR or farnesoid X receptor.
A Chinese clinical study in May 2023 showed that Ursodeoxycholic acid or UDCA protected existing liver disease patients from contracting COVID-19.
An American study in March/April this year also showed that Ursodeoxycholic acid or UDCA prevented SARS-CoV-2 infections in patients with cirrhosis and also prevented disease severity in those that did not take it as a prophylactic but contracted COVID-19.
Numerous other studies have also extolled the merits of Ursodeoxycholic acid or UDCA as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent against SARS-CoV-2 infections.
It should be however be noted that like all existing drugs, supplements herbs and phytos, Ursodeoxycholic acid or UDCA efficacy is variant or sub-lineage dependent.
It was found not to work on the BA.5.2 variants.
The good news however is that 3 clinical trials involving a large cohort currently underway in China with results to be published soon has showed that it Ursodeoxycholic acid or UDCA is effective as both a prophylactic and a therapeutic drug against the current various SARS-CoV-2 XBB sub-lineages in circulation.
A recent Japanese study which unfortunately is behind a paywall has also found that Ursodeoxycholic acid or UDCA is also effective as both a prophylactic and a therapeutic drug against the current sub-lineages and certain earlier Omicron variants.
There are also 5 other clinical trials currently underway including in Brazil, Japan and Australia with positive findings to be published soon as well.
It should be noted that that Ursodeoxycholic acid or UDCA also exhibits immumodulating properties and anti-inflammatory effects, further adding its usefulness in the COVID-19 context.
Ursodeoxycholic acid or UDCA also exerts chemopreventive effects by inducing cellular differentiation and/or cellular senescence in colon epithelial cells, hence preventing cancer and tumors.
As a pharmaceutical drug, Ursodeoxycholic acid or UDCA has very good safety profile and a good track record having been in used for decades.

Please do not attemp to take the drug with consulting a medical doctor first and also do your due diligence first with regards to the drug as there are adverse effects and also contraindications and it might not be suitable for people with certain existing medical conditions. Furthermore it has been found that a small minority of patients may simpy have a wide range of adverse effects to the drug and may make them feel worse despite no proper medical answers as to why. This is always the case with any pharmaceutical preparation, Always no the needy of checking things properly  before attempting to take any pharmaceutical drugs.
We will be publishing more data on Ursodeoxycholic acid or UDCA as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent  against the newly emerging SARS-CoV-2 sub-lineages in coming weeks aside from the installment of the other 82 other articles. We will also stop the series if we find like we have less than 3000 views or less than 100 likes on twitter as it shows that people are not interested as in the series of 25 articles we wanted to do about why people should not conceive in the age of COVID-19, our first few articles were well received but the last article had less than 1000 views, Hence we stopped!
For the latest on COVID-19 Drugs, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.
We would appreciate if any kind readers can help us with ideas as to how to raise funds so that we can get more websites and data up with regards to Long COVID and also about various types of cancers etc . We have like 20 paintings of Kittie Bruneau and also thousands of pkts of our herbal prophylactics and therapeutics ready but want to find the right ways and platforms to raise funds. We do not want to ask for donations nor ask for subscriptions as it does not work. We are trying to raise US$120,000 within the next 2 months.


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