BREAKING! Claims That BA.2.86 Variant Found In Waste Samples From 5 Locations In/Near Bangkok! Urgent Validation Needed From Thailand Medical Authorities!
Nikhil Prasad Fact checked by:Thailand Medical News Team Sep 05, 2023 1 year, 6 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 14 hours, 43 minutes ago
Thailand Medical: A latest update by scientist claims that the BA.2.86 variant has been found in four locations in and near Bangkok besides an earlier location that was reported in late August.
On 23
rd August 2023, a leading Thai doctor, Dr Leshan Wannigamma had reported the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 BA.2.86 variant in waste water samples in Thailand.
Since then, new reports have emerged from other scientists that waste water samples taken from four other locations in Thailand have also showed the presence of the BA.2.86 variant.
The claims were made based on samples of waste water taken in and near Bangkok that showed positivity for the BA.2.86 variant:
Including the initial sample, this brings to a total of five locations in which the BA.2.86 variant has been found in and near Bangkok.
According to a map showing the locations where the waste water samples were procured from, Bang Yai, Sai Mai, Lat Krabang, Samut Prakarn and Samae Dam were identified as the five locations in which the waste water samples tested positive for the BA.2.86 variant in Thailand.
However, readers should be aware that these claims have yet to be verified as no official statements have to date been issued by any
Thailand Medical authorities or government figures so far. We are not sure why?
Also, none of the local mainstream news has reported any BA.2.86 News coverages about the discovery of the BA.2.86 variant in Thailand as they are either more interested in promoting their sponsored content or focusing on stories concerning Thaksin, the former prime minister who has been convicted of crimes but most probably will escape any more time served due to Thailand’s strange policies or are focusing on the latest gossip and celebrity news!
Locals and expats in the country should not panic as there is no evidence just yet as to whe
ther or not the new BA.2.86 variant causes any disease severity as so far these has been conflicting reports on this online.
Furthermore, based on the COVID-19 reporting by official sources, it seems that there is no COVID-19 crisis or any medical crisis in Thailand at the moment although most private hospitals in the country are reporting increases in COVID-19 and dengue cases and some private hospitals are even turning away patients as they are overwhelmed and short of staff. We cannot comment as to the situation in the public hospitals.
In the meanwhile, we strongly recommend readers who are in Thailand to take more preventive measures against both COVID-19 and also dengue and to also keep on masking, washing hands, practicing social distancing and also to take measures against mosquito breeding in their premises.
For the latest about the COVID-19 situation in Thailand, keep on logging to
Thailand Medical News.