BREAKING! Donovanosis, A ‘Flesh-Eating’ Sexually Transmitted Disease Now Rampant Among Filthy Promiscuous Brits Might Be The Next Global Health Crisis!
Source: STD News-Donovanosis Nov 07, 2021 3 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, 5 days, 17 hours, 14 minutes ago
Medical experts around the world are warning that as countries lift lockdowns and more international travel is being encouraged, a relatively unknown ‘flesh -eating’ sexually transmitted disease (STD) called Donovanosis (granuloma inguinale) that now going rampant among a lot of British nationals, could be the next global health crisis unless a proper educational and preventive campaign is launched globally.
Potential human vectors of Klebsiella granulomatis? Lol! Boris has been married and divorced twice, and is currently engaged to his girlfriend who is about three decades younger than him, the couple welcomed their first child together, a son, just last year. Their marriage is set for June 2022.
Donovanosis which also called granuloma inguinale is a genital ulcerative disease caused by Klebsiella granulomatis, an intracellular gram-negative bacterium.
This flesh-eating infection, which can be transmitted sexually, is characterized by ulcerative lesions on the genitals or perineum, which are painless but highly vascular and often bleed. The lesions of oral cavity are usually secondary to active genital lesions.
Health authorities in the United Kingdom recently gave warnings it was found that more and more locals were contracting the disease. Most were found to be white Brits that were promiscuous and had low personal hygiene like not washing up properly after any kind of sexual practices etc.
To make matters worse, many Brits often do not go for health check-ups or even seek treatments if they notice any slight strange symptoms occurring in their private parts and even worse is the fact that they do not even sexually abstain when they suspect that something is wrong.
According to various published medical literature, if left untreated, the lesions caused by donovanosis can result in tissue destruction and scarring. This is how the STD got its “flesh-eating” descriptor.
However, the disease tends to have a good prognosis if treatment is started early which is seldom the case in Britain.
Accordingly, the first donovanosis diagnosis was recorded in India and, while it’s been considered an STD since 1947, there are rare cases of infection without sexual contact. That said, rates of infection are highest among groups with increased sexual activity.
The U.S. CDC STD guidelines says that Donovanosis infections can extend beyond the genitals to the pelvis, intra-abdominal organs, bones, anus, hands or the mouth. In some cases, lesions can develop a secondary bacterial infection, and donovanosis can coexist with other STDs.
Numerous cases have been described in India, South Africa, and South America, and the disease was once endemic in Australia, although it has nearly been eradicated in that country.
However, in Britain, the caseloads are now growing
and medical experts are worried that there could be thousands of undiagnosed individuals walking around as human vectors. Worst, with international travel being promoted and lots of jobless Brits trying to find jobs in countries like the United States, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and elsewhere under the guise of being tourists, they could be indirectly spreading the disease to these countries and elsewhere. Countries like Thailand that is famous for its underground sex industry could be the next transmission hub for this STD once more Brits start coming there as the Thai government is desperately trying to get more tourists into the country for monetary purposes.
It was reported that standard donovanosis lesions eventually develop a “beefy-red” hue, with edges that are sometimes described as “snake-like” in appearance. Self-inoculation can occur, with lesions spreading to parts of the body that often touch each other.
Typically, there are also three other types of donovanosis lesions beyond the aforementioned “classic ulcerogranulomatous lesions,” which are non-tender ulcers and can bleed easily. Some patients develop hypertrophic or verrucous lesions, which are drier and have irregular edges; some patients present with necrotic lesions, which are deep ulcers that emit a foul odor and can cause tissue destruction. The final type includes sclerotic or cicatricial lesions, which are most likely to result in scarring.
Often the painless genital ulcers are mistaken for syphilis. The ulcers ultimately progress to destruction of internal and external tissue, with extensive leakage of mucus and blood from the highly vascular lesions. The destructive nature of donovanosis also increases the risk of superinfection by other pathogenic microbes.
A wide variety of complications can occur, including the development of neoplasms, pseudo-elephantiasis, polyarthritis, vaginal bleeding, penile bleeding, anal bleeding and others.
Cases that led to partial autoamputation of the penis have also been reported.
It was reported by local British physicians that most patients are often embarrassed or distressed by lesions, which means they tend to delay seeking help and commonly present with more progressed lesions.
The primary method for diagnosing the disease is the “visualization of dark-staining Donovan bodies on tissue crush preparation or biopsy.” Before obtaining a sample, the lesion should be cleaned with a dry cotton swab (using saline can lead to insufficient sample collection).
The diagnosis is based on the patient's sexual history and on physical examination revealing a painless, "beefy-red ulcer" with a characteristic rolled edge of granulation tissue. In contrast to syphilitic ulcers, inguinal lymphadenopathy is generally mild or absent.
Tissue biopsy and Wright-Giemsa stain are used to aid in the diagnosis. The presence of Donovan bodies in the tissue sample confirms donovanosis. Donovan bodies are rod-shaped, oval organisms that can be seen in the cytoplasm of mononuclear phagocytes or histiocytes in tissue samples from patients with granuloma inguinale.
They appear deep purple when stained with Wright's stain. These intracellular inclusions are the encapsulated Gram-negative rods of the causative organisms. They were discovered by Charles Donovan.
Upon the disease being identified and verified, treatment is fairly simple. The standard of care is 1 g of azithromycin, followed by 500 mg daily. Alternatives include: 100 mg of doxycycline twice a day, 750 mg of ciprofloxacin twice a day, or 500 mg of erythromycin four times a day (which is the best medication for pregnant patients), and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim twice per day.
Treatments should be continued until all lesions are healed but doctors warn that relapses can still occur 6-18 months after treatment appears to have been successful. In some cases of extensive tissue destruction, surgery may also be required.
However, what is even more worrisome is that strains of antibiotic resistant Klebsiella granulomatis bacteria have now appeared in the UK, making things even more compicated.
Data from Public Health England (PHE) indicate that cases of donovanosis are increasing and the disease is alarmingly becoming more common.
But what is worrying is that many are not even aware that they are infected with the disease and are still being sexually active.
Frequent STD screening for those who are sexually active has fallen in the UK due to the COVID-19 crisis and sadly many young white Brits are not practicing safe sex.
Cases are also starting to see an uptick in the United States with roughly about 100 cases of donovanosis reported in the United States in the last 3 years, mostly occurring in Americans who have traveled to the United Kingdom and other countries where the disease is more prevalent. (Source: US National Library of Medicine)
Using condoms, sexually transmitted disease testing before beginning a sexual relationship, and avoidance of these sexual contacts are effective preventative measures for donovanosis. Extreme personal hygiene is also an essential measure.
Countries openning up their borders for international travel should impose stringent health screenings on arrivals from Britain.
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