BREAKING! Germany Facing Critical COVID-19 Crisis As SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Hospitalizations And Deaths Rises. Average Of More Than 170,000 Daily Infections!
Source: COVID-19 Crisis In Germany Oct 08, 2022 2 years, 5 months, 2 weeks, 5 days, 21 hours, 26 minutes ago
COVID-19 Crisis In Germany: While the German government continues to downplay the seriousness of the current COVID-19 crisis, daily COVID-19 cases are going up with more than 174,112 new COVID-19 cases reported for just the 6
th Of October along with 117 new COVID-19 deaths.
Hospitalization figures are also up with 3,359 new hospital admissions reported for just the 6
th of October and 254 new cases were admitted to the ICU bring the total number of patients in ICU to 1,361!
The German government has brought back masking in public transportation and major cities but experts are saying the measures came late and are not enough.
Literally no mainstream media around the world are reporting about the situation in Germany neither do their own media. One media report dated on the 1
st of October was buried deep in the media’s site.!5885070/
Doctors also complained that the recent Oktoberfest celebrations with no preventive measures in place also contributed to the increase in cases.
While the BA.5 variant and its earlier sub-lineages are still responsible for the bulk of new infections, the newer emerging Omicron sub-lineages like BP.1, BN.2, BN.2.1, BR.2, BL.1.1, BS.1, BF.16, BJ.1, BW.1, BZ.1, BQ.1.3, BS.1.1 and also the recombinant lineages such as XBB, XAW, XAY, XAW, XAY and XBC that are causing the rise in hospitalizations and deaths. (click on sequences over time and not table)
Though these newer Omicron sub-lineages are still low in circulation, the current situation predicts what we are are expected to see in coming weeks and for winter ie a number of new sub-lineages dominating the surges with increased hospitalizations and deaths!
Interestingly, the Mu variant ie B.1.621 has also made a re-appearance in Germany!
COVID-19 Crisis In Germany will accelerate in coming weeks with the public healthcare infrastructure is expected to collapse and mortuaries overflowing not only with bodies of the old but also of that of young adults and children. The newer Omicron sub-lineages do not discriminate!
It should be noted that none of the existing monoclonal therapeutics such as Evusheld or Bebtelovimab works on these newer Omicron sub-lineages and the same goes for the U.S. FDA and ECDC approved antivirals such as Paxlovid, Molnupiravir and Remdesivir.
For those dreaming that ivermectin or fluvoxamine or quercetin etc is going to help, they are in for rude shock!
But the good news is that most of the newer Omicron sub-lineages only
causes mild deaths ie typically people infected might only suffer mild symptoms for the first few days and then their condition typically jumps into a very severe stage within hours and they typically deteriorate very fast over the next 8 to 48 hours, often dying while being unconscious under sedation as most will need intubation in the last few hours!(I cannot say whether this will be the case in the United States in coming winter as already the country has reported of a shortage of sedatives for intubation!) This will really help the hospitals and the ICU wards as the fast turnover would help ease insufficient beds.
Interestingly, whatever predictions we made for 2022 at the beginning of the year is coming true with the exception that the deaths rates as what we anticipated might be even more as it is now expected that November and December2022 are going to be months where we are going to see death rates due to COVID-19 shoot up exponentially and break new historic hallmarks!,-new-delta-subvariants,-the-new-ihu-or-b-1640-2-variant-and-new-reassortant-strains
For most of the people in Europe, we strongly suggest that they start their thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations much sooner as it is going to be the last festivities for a significant percentage of the population!
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COVID-19 Crisis In Germany, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.