Breaking! John Hopkins Researchers Discover Two Blood Metabolites Associated With Coffee Consumption That Increases Kidney Disease Risk
Source: Coffee-Kidney Disease Nov 06, 2021 3 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 11 hours, 59 minutes ago
Coffee-Kidney Disease: Contrary to past studies that claim moderate coffee drinking can help maintain kidney health, researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, along with experts from Tulane University School of Medicine and University of Texas Health School of Public Health have found that two metabolites associated with coffee consumption ie
O-methylcatechol sulfate and 3-methyl catechol sulfate can actually increase the risk of kidney disease.
Moderate coffee consumption has been associated with lower risk of chronic kidney disease or CKD; however, the exact biologic mechanisms underlying this association are unknown. Metabolomic profiling may identify metabolic pathways that explain the association between coffee and CKD. The goal of this study was to identify serum metabolites associated with coffee consumption and examine the association between these coffee-associated metabolites and incident CKD.
The study findings detected 20 unique serum metabolites associated with coffee consumption in both the ARIC study and the Bogalusa Heart Study, and three of these 20 candidate biomarkers of coffee consumption were associated with incident CKD. One metabolite (glycochenodeoxycholate), a lipid involved in primary bile acid metabolism, may contribute to the favorable kidney health outcomes associated with coffee consumption.
However alarmingly, two metabolites (O-methylcatechol sulfate and 3-methyl catechol sulfate), both of which are xenobiotics involved in benzoate metabolism, may represent potential harmful aspects of coffee on kidney health.
The study findings were published in the peer reviewed Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN).
Typically, food and beverages may have important effects on kidney health, but the potential biological mechanisms involved are often unclear.
This new
Coffee-Kidney Disease research identifies several metabolites in the blood whose levels are altered by coffee consumption and may affect the risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Dr Casey M. Rebholz, Ph.D., MS, MNSP, MPH (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) and her colleagues examined 372 blood metabolites in 3,811 participants in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study, a prospective community-based cohort and found that 41 metabolites were associated with coffee consumption.
However, when the study team analyzed these metabolites in an additional 1,043 adults in the Bogalusa Heart Study, a community-based long-term epidemiological study, 20 of the 41 metabolites were also associated with coffee consumption in this group.
Interestingly higher levels of 3 of these coffee-related metabolites were significantly associated with higher risks of developing CKD: glycochenodeoxycholate, O-methylcatechol sulfate, and 3-methyl catechol sulfate.
However, glycochenodeoxycholate, a lipid involved in primary bile acid metabolism, may contribute to potentially beneficial effects of coffee consumption on kidney health.
On the other hand, O-methylca
techol sulfate and 3-methyl catechol sulfate, which are involved in metabolism of the preservative benzoate, may represent harmful aspects of coffee on the kidneys.
Dr Rebholz told Thailand
Medical News, "A large body of scientific evidence has suggested that consuming a moderate amount of coffee is consistent with a healthy diet. We were able to identify one metabolite that supports this theory. There were 2 other metabolites associated with coffee that surprisingly were associated with a higher risk of incident chronic kidney disease. These compounds were also associated with cigarette smoking, which may in part explain why these compounds were associated with higher risk of kidney disease."
The study team suggested that with more research on the metabolic underpinnings of the coffee-kidney relationship, these metabolites may point to processes that are relevant for preventing kidney disease through dietary modifications.
It was also noted that an accompanying editorial in the same journal on the study findings notes that it would have been interesting to see how the study's results on metabolites associated with kidney disease after accounting for participants' self-reported consumption of coffee.
The authors of the editorial said, "Integrating these data types should provide a better understanding of the role coffee and other diet factors play in the development of CKD or other diseases.”
For more on the health hazards of coffee consumption, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News. (Unless off course Starbucks decides to sponsor us…lol!)