BREAKING NEWS! China Losing Battle To Contain Coronavirus, , Death Toll Now 908, Infected 40,553 Critical 3,732
Source: Thailand Medical News Feb 10, 2020 5 years, 3 weeks, 5 days, 46 minutes ago
Chinese health authorities announced this morning that the death toll from the
coronavirus is now 908 while the numbers confirmed infected are 40553 and those in critical condition are about 3,732.
Officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who
collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan.Image Credit: AFP
Despite media announcements by the Chinese government and also by WHO’s leadership that the situation is stabilizing in China, medical researchers and also Chinese researchers and medical experts on ground zero and also at other Chinese provinces are saying that the government lockdown policies are not working to contain the spread. The
coronavirus is now creating sporadically new smaller epicenters all over nationwide while provinces like Zhejiang, Chongqing and Jiangxi now resemble Hubei, with masses being infected and hospitals unable to cope. Although the Chinese government is now also rapidly building new hospitals in these provinces just what they did in Wuhan, it is a bit too late according to Chinese doctors.
It is also significant to note that according to a new study published in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), it is said that hospital-associated transmission of the
coronavirus accounted for about 41 percent of all cases in Wuhan during the initial stage of the epidemic.
The World Health Organization, which has been feeding the world with ‘positive news’ about the China
coronavirus epidemic with constant statements like “China has the situation under control” or statements like the “virus is mild” or” that the situation is stabilizing” based on information it is fed by China health authorities, is for the first time actually having a team of medical , virology and epidemiology experts fly in to Beijing to assess and help with the epidemic after finally getting approval from the Chinese government. It must be noted that for the last two months, there has actually been no official international observers to the situation in China.
However Chinese doctors have said not to expect anything much from WHO as the team is only flying in to Beijing and it will be a whitewashed PR event and even if taken to ground zero, all preparations have been undertaken for it to be more of a media event. The team is unlikely to be exposed to the actual conditions in Hubei or the rest of China or even fed the right and true information about the extent of the
coronavirus epidemic.
Already new data has emerged from tech giant Baidu and also from various epidemiology experts in UK and US along with Chinese researchers at Shanghai who are confirming that the
/strong> situation can no longer be controlled in China.
It was revealed yesterday that with the new and existing data and also meta-analysis and feedback from ground doctors and researchers, it is estimated that close to at least 2 million individuals are now carrying the
coronavirus in China alone and by the end of February, if and when more testing is done, China will see massive spikes of confirmed infected rates and death rates nationwide.
Test kit shortages still remains an issue despite even other countries donating supplies to China. To date a total of only about another 60,000 test kits has been sent to China from various countries but considering China’s population of 1.4 billion and the numbers who are sick now and clogging every single hospital in the country, these numbers are totally negligible. China’s own production capacity for these kits out of 4 different licensed facilities is only about 180,000 test kits per month but that too, they are having problems fulfilling those figures and actually only started production around the 21
st of January.
Meanwhile, there are so many reports and allegations emerging about human rights violations and cases involving contravening medical ethics and international regulatory standards on patient rights after it was discovered that many Chinese patients are being used as ‘guinea pigs’ for drug experiments to treat the
coronavirus without their consent and some are being conducted in the most inhumane way with patients dying.
So far no international media or international organization has taken up the initiative to investigate if these allegations are true or not.
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