BREAKING NEWS! Covid-19 Prevention: New Study Proves That Social Distancing Of 1 to 3 Meters Is Nothing But Fake News and Misinformation
Source: Covid-19 Prevention Apr 01, 2020 4 years, 10 months, 3 weeks, 16 hours, 49 minutes ago
Covid-19 Prevention: Many are still wondering who is the charlatan who came the idea that social distancing of 1 to 3 meters would suffice to prevent the spread of the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus despite no official scientific studies to show that it true and is fully safe.
To make matters worse, since the beginning of this Covid-19 breakout, we have allowed government authorities, health officials, unreliable medical experts and academics, social media platforms and search engines and also health organizations to get away with fake news and misinformation. Many of these ignorant charlatans have been advocating social distancing and misleading the public that it is safe as long as distances of between 1 to 3 meters is maintained although there are no supporting scientific studies to say it works.
We at
Thailand Medical News have always favoured stringent lockdowns, self-isolation, frequent testing as the main strategies to curtail the spread. Now with more studies emerging that social distancing really does not work, we strongly advocate that individuals and the public worldwide start taking legal actions and class suits against all sites, experts and authorities advocating social distancing of between 1 to 3 meters as these ignorant buffoons are actually endangering the lives of many.
A new research by qualified experts in their field from the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) lead by Dr Lydia Bourouiba, an Associate Professor at MIT, have researched the dynamics of exhalations (coughs and sneezes, for instance) for years at The Fluid Dynamics of Disease Transmission Laboratory and found exhalations cause gaseous clouds that can travel up to 27 feet (8.2 meters).
The new research is published in the Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA).
DOI: 10.1001/jama.2020.4756
The new research could have implications for the global Covid-19 pandemic, though measures called for by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization call for six and three feet (0.9 m and 1.8 m) of space, respectively.(It should be noted that The WHO from day one has failed to prevent the global spread of the Covid-19 that originated from China plus they were the very same entity that advocated no border closures and no stopping of travel along with a lot of other misinformation that have resulted in the predicament that the world is in and yet no one has started any actions against any of these individuals while the US CDC is the hopeless entity that messed up on the diagnosing criteria and also on arranging of sufficient test kits that has resulted in the mess that the United Sates is in today yet no one from the entity has done the right thing of stepping down due to their incompetency. The American public and the world should never forget these two entities and the names and individuals associated.)
Dr Bourouiba told
Thailand Medical News, "There's an urgency in revising the guidelines currently being given by the WHO and the CDC on the needs for social distancing and also protective equipment, particularly for the frontline health care workers.”
Dr Bourouiba's research calls for b
etter measures to protect health care workers and, potentially, more distance from infected people who are coughing or sneezing. She said current guidelines are based on "large droplets" as the method of transmission for the virus and the idea that those large droplets can only go a certain distance.
In the research study, Bourouiba said peak exhalation speeds can reach 33 to 100 feet per second (36 km/h and 110 km/h) and "currently used surgical and N95 masks are not tested for these potential characteristics of respiratory emissions."
The dangerous idea being propagated by many that social distancing of between 1 to 3 meters based that droplets "hit a virtual wall and stop there and after that we are safe," is not based on evidence found in her research, Dr Bourouiba said, and also not based on "evidence that we have about COVID transmission."
Dr Bourouiba argued that a "gaseous cloud" that can carry droplets of all sizes is emitted when a person coughs, sneezes or otherwise exhales. The cloud is only partially mitigated by sneezing or coughing into your elbow.
She added, "In terms of the fluid regime on how the exhalations are emitted, the key point that we have shown is that there's a gaseous cloud that carries droplets of all sorts of sizes, not 'large' versus 'small' or 'droplets' versus 'aerosols.'"
Professor Dr Paul Pottinger, an infectious disease expert at the University of Washington School of Medicine, said questions remain about the distances at which the virus is effective.
He said, "For me, the question is not how far the germs can travel, but how far can they travel before they're no longer a threat. The smaller the germ particles, the lower the risk that they might infect somebody who would breathe them in or get them stuck in their nose or their mouth.”
He added, "The biggest threat we think with the coronavirus is actually the larger droplets. Droplets of saliva, snot, spit. Droplets that almost look like rain, if you will, when someone sneezes. Those droplets are large enough that gravity still acts on them. Usually, within about six feet of leaving somebody's body, those larger, more infectious droplets will drop to the ground. That's where the six-foot rule comes from. But it is the smaller and minute droplets that can be propelled by air and wind that is off a concern"
When questioned about this new study, the hopeless World Health Organisation (WHO) referred to a recent scientific brief on the methods of transmission, which recommended "droplet and contact precautions for those people caring for COVID-19 patients." The CDC did not respond to an emailed request for comment.
WHO however said later in a statement, "WHO carefully monitors emerging evidence about this critical topic and will update this scientific brief as more information becomes available. WHO welcomes modeling studies, which are helpful for planning purposes. WHO teams work with several modeling groups to inform our work."
As the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus were effective at ranges of up to 27 feet (8.2 meters), as Bourouiba contends in her research, Dr Pottinger said he believes more people would be sick and more could have been affected as a result of the previous misinformation.
He added, "It takes a certain number of viral particles, we call them 'virions,' or individual viruses, it takes a certain number of individual viruses to actually get a foothold inside the body and cause that infection to get going.”
He further added, "Now, we don't know exactly what that number is, but it's probably more than a single virus. But we do know that this SARS-CoV-2 virus travels very efficiently by air.”
Dr Bourouiba said she wants to see recommendations made based on current science not "policies based on supply, for example, because we don't have enough PPE (personal protective equipment)." It's well-known PPE is in short supply nationwide and health care workers have been desperately trying to find effective ways to deal with shortages.
She added, "Although there remains a lot of questions to be addressed about how much virus is at a given distance or not, we have no answer one way or another at this time. Therefore, the precautionary principle should drive the policies to state that we should have high-grade respirators used for health care workers."
She stressed, "Once that's decided, that's the thrust that's needed to now mobilize most effectively the kind of tremendous high production level that is possible to reach in a great country like the United States. This thrust is not happening."
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PS: We do not apologise for the name calling nor apologise for lowering professional standards for such actions as we are pained by the lost of some of our close medical and healthcare professionals and colleagues that we personally know in countries like Italy, Spain, the United States and elsewhere. They are hundreds dying by the hour and millions soon too. Its time to stop being politically correct and even hypocritical and its time for people to start being vocal and proactive. People need to be told the truth and medical sites with the right information should not be stopped by threats or even being financially threatened by corporate entities that are being controlled by governments.
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