BREAKING NEWS! COVID-19 Symptoms: Enanthem Or Mouth Rash Emerging As Another Clinical Symptom Of COVID-19
Source: COVID-19 Symptoms Jul 16, 2020 4 years, 8 months, 1 week, 6 days, 6 hours, 7 minutes ago
COVID-19 Symptoms: Although various skin rashes and breakouts are already being associated with COVID-19 now doctors in Spain doctors are reporting that rashes on the inside of the mouth are also occurring in some cases.
The study findings reporting this new emerging clinical symptom is published in the latest edition of the journal: JAMA Dermatology (Journal Of The American Medical Association)
These rashes are clinically known as enanthem, and it is not surprising that they are showing up with COVID-19, said a U.S. dermatologist unconnected to the new study.
Dr Michele Green, a dermatologist who practices at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City explained to Thailand Medical News, "An enanthem is a rash typically small spots that are either reddish or white on the mucous membranes.It is very common in patients with viral infections like chickenpox and hand, foot and mouth disease. It is characteristic of many viral rashes to affect mucous membranes."
Spanish researchers led by Dr Juan Jimenez-Cauhe, of University Hospital Ramon y Cajal in Madrid, examined 21 patients diagnosed in early April with COVID-19 and associated skin rashes.
Interestingly, of these patients, six patients (29%) had enanthem on the inside of their mouths. The affected patients ranged in age from 40 to 69, the team said, and four of the six were women.
These mouth rash appeared anywhere from two days before the onset of other COVID symptoms to 24 days after, with an average time of about 12 days after onset of symptoms.
Furthermore, the enanthem did not appear to be tied to any medicines the patients were taking, further strengthening the notion that it was illness with the new coronavirus causing the reddish spots to appear.
However just how widespread this symptom is with COVID-19 is still unknown, since "owing to safety concerns, many patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 do not have their oral cavity examined," Jimenez-Cauhe's group noted.
But the researchers pointed out ha many doctors who did conduct oral cavity examinations in various other parts of the world are also reporting manifestations of these mouth rashes.
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