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Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 19, 2020  5 years, 2 weeks, 2 days, 20 hours, 36 minutes ago

Breaking News! Israel Bans All Non-Citizens Arriving From Thailand, Singapore, Macau And Hong Kong, Upgrading Measures From Earlier Travel Restrictions.

Breaking News! Israel Bans All Non-Citizens Arriving From Thailand, Singapore, Macau And Hong Kong, Upgrading Measures From Earlier Travel Restrictions.
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 19, 2020  5 years, 2 weeks, 2 days, 20 hours, 36 minutes ago
Israel has issued a ban of all non-Israeli’s arriving from Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Macau due the coronavirus.
This was an upgrade from the initial travel restrictions imposed earlier in which all travellers from these four countries were supposed to undergo a compulsory 14 day quarantine.
In addition to the new ban, all Israelis coming back from the 4 countries and other high risk countries will be required to undergo a 14 day quarantine period.
According to sources at the Israeli Interior Ministry, the sudden drastic changes were made based on new intel that was received.
Israel is the second country besides Russia which the mention of new intel emerging about the coronavirus epidemic but has refrained from divulging details.
Israel had already previously banned all travel to and from China.
India, UK, Australia, Canada and various Middle-east countries are expected to issue further travel restrictions and bans within the next 48 hours.
Despite China’s and WHO’s constant remarks that the situation is under control, that the virus is mild and that the coronavirus epidemic is peaking ad slowing in China, there seems to be something amissed as more a lot of development studies about the coronavirus, about actual city shut downs in China, and even about other coronavirus progress has been seemingly “silenced” in the last 48 hours by China media, and international media especially UK and US based media and also by various social media platforms.
Imperial College researchers from the MRC (Medical Research Council) Infectious Unit who are also collaborators with the World Health Organization in terms of coronavirus research published a report that indicated the situation in China might be more worse than reported with estimation that the number of infected and dead could be as high by 19 times, implying that there could be about 1.5 million infected individuals in China! (refer to:
Thailand Medical News will continue to report on coronavirus developments covering all aspects despite attempts of being being curtailed by certain social media platform out of the US for not advertising with them


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