BREAKING NEWS! New Flu Pandemic Really Brewing In China. Up To 15 Percent Of Pig Farmers Infected With New Swine Flu G4 EA H1N1 And Fast Spreading
Source: Flu Pandemic Sep 16, 2020 4 years, 5 months, 1 week, 3 days, 21 hours, 5 minutes ago
Flu Pandemic: According to new reports by American scientist and even army intelligence, China is facing a new outbreak of Swine Flu called
G4 EA H1N1 that it trying hard to control and at the same time conceal from the rest of the world. Report of the new viral swine flu strain first emerged in media in June and July but was played down as usual by WHO and also The Chinese authorities.
Subsequently a study was published in the journal: Proceedings of the National Academies of Science by Chinese scientist from the China Agricultural University warned that pigs in China are increasingly becoming infected with an influenza virus dubbed G4. The virus is said to be a hybrid of strains found in European and Asian birds: the H1N1 strain that caused the 2009 pandemic, and a North American H1N1 strain that has genes from avian, human, and pig influenza viruses. The
PNAS study then states that 10.4% of "swine workers" had tested positive for G4.
Local Chinese media in late August reported of a few deaths linked to this new swine flu outbreak mainly in far rural communities in Shanxi.
However a speaker at an Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) news conference last week warned that the number of pig farmers in China being infected by a new, virulent strain of influenza A that they contracted from their swine, is increasing drastically.
Dr Leonard Mermel, professor of medicine at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and medical director of the Department of Epidemiology and Infection Control at Rhode Island Hospital in Providence
warned that latest repost are showing that more than 15% of Chinese pig farmers have tested positive for antibodies to the new disease and more are being infected in rural cities and the disease is fast moving to the cities in China.
Dr Mermel added, "Unfortunately, this influenza strain has all the attributes to cause a pandemic. It's easily taken up by human cells. It can be spread in an animal model ferret to ferret through respiratory secretions. The ferrets that get infected have worse outcomes than seasonal influenza."
He further warned, “This unique strain is more virulent and more infectious and has worse outcomes than human influenza A."
Dr Mermel stressed that in light of the information about the new swine flu, work on a universal influenza vaccine should be accelerated.
He added, "A worst-case scenario would be if this started spreading in the fall, at the time when we're concerned about COVID-19. We have got to get a universal flu vaccine before this virus, which is locked and loaded and ready to go, spreads from Chinese pig farmers to other parts of Eurasia and other parts of the world."
A universal flu which would prevent infection by most influenza A and some influenza B viruses, is currently in stage 1 testing at the National Institutes of Health, Dr Jeanne Marrazzo, MD, a professor of medicine and director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Univer
sity of Alabama at Birmingham, said during the IDSA conference.
Dr Mermel further added that this is not the only non-COVID pandemic threat, another new influenza virus called H7N9 is also fast spreading in some parts of China and "has a very high associated morbidity and mortality."
Dr Marrazzo said that one new reason to get flu shots is that "you need every protection you can get against COVID-19. You also don't want to be exposed to COVID-19 when you're sick from another virus. Immunosuppression will make it harder to fight COVID."
When asked by the media about how likely it would be to get infected with COVID-19 and influenza at the same time and what the result might be, Dr Mermel replied, "At Rhode Island Hospital, we had a low number of coinfections by influenza and COVID-19 in the last flu season."
Studies and medical literature indicates that such co-infections can occur, but it is unclear as to whether they lead to worse outcomes than occur with COVID-19 alone, he added.
It should be noted that the flu season in the Southern Hemisphere particularly in South Africa and Australia was milder than normal this year.
A reason might be that some countries adopted strict mitigation polices for COVID-19, which also limited the spread of influenza, he said. However, he noted, the flu season in the United States might be quite severe, especially if some Americans continue to resist mitigation measures, such as mask-wearing and social distancing.
Dr Marrazzo added that a big part of the difference between the United States and other nations in this respect is related to messaging from national leaders,
She added, "We haven't had a consistent national message for almost any aspect of pandemic control, whether it relates to how severe the illness is, whether masks are important. If we could have anything positive for this winter season, it would be to have a reliable, trusted, consistent national message from trusted, scientifically informed leaders to get us through this. That's what we need."
Many medical experts familiar with the various flu strains emerging from China are warning that besides just the normal strains already circulating around, these potential dangerous and fast spreading newer strains from China could cause a major catastrophe in the coming cooler season.
For more about this emerging
Flu Pandemic, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.