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COVID-19 News: Increased Mortality Rates - Outpatient Surgeries!  Jun 08, 2023  1 year, 9 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 6 hours, 17 minutes ago

BREAKING NEWS! Recent US Study Reveals Alarming Link Between COVID-19 and Mortality Rates in Outpatient Surgeries!

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BREAKING NEWS! Recent US Study Reveals Alarming Link Between COVID-19 and Mortality Rates in Outpatient Surgeries!
COVID-19 News: Increased Mortality Rates - Outpatient Surgeries!  Jun 08, 2023  1 year, 9 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 6 hours, 17 minutes ago
Best To Postpone Ambulatory Surgeries For At Least 45 days After Testing Positive For COVID-19!
COVID-19 News: In a news study conducted by the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UT Health) and the University of Arkansas Medical Center, researchers have uncovered a shocking association between recent COVID-19 infection and increased mortality in the ambulatory surgery population.

The findings of this study have sent shockwaves through the medical community, urging doctors and patients alike to reconsider the timing of elective surgeries.
Ambulatory surgery, commonly known as outpatient surgery, refers to planned operations that do not require hospital admission. These procedures are generally considered safe and convenient, allowing patients to recover comfortably in the comfort of their own homes. However, the latest research indicates that a history of COVID-19 diagnosis significantly elevates the risk of all-cause mortality following ambulatory surgery.
To arrive at these compelling results, the study team analyzed data from the Optum dataset, which included a staggering 44,976 US adults who underwent ambulatory surgery between March 2020 and March 2021. The patients were tested for COVID-19 up to six months before their surgeries, and their mortality rates were compared between those who tested positive and negative for the virus. The study's primary outcome, termed the Testing to Surgery Interval Mortality (TSIM), examined the mortality risk in different time intervals from COVID-19 testing to the surgery date.
The findings were nothing short of alarming. Among the patients included in the analysis, 4,297 tested positive for COVID-19, while 40,637 tested negative. The study team discovered that COVID-19 positive patients who underwent ambulatory surgery faced a significantly higher risk of all-cause mortality compared to their COVID-19 negative counterparts. The odds ratio (OR) was a staggering 2.51, indicating a substantial increase in mortality risk for COVID-19 positive patients.
Furthermore, the study revealed that the risk of mortality remained high for COVID-19 positive patients who underwent surgery within 45 days of their diagnosis. Astonishingly, specific types of surgeries, such as colonoscopy and plastic and orthopedic surgery, showed lower mortality rates among COVID-19 positive patients. For instance, the odds ratio for colonoscopy was 0.21, and for plastic and orthopedic surgery, it was 0.27, suggesting a potential protective effect of these procedures.
In light of these groundbreaking findings, the medical community is now urging caution and consideration when it comes to elective ambulatory surgeries in patients with recent COVID-19 infections. Postponing such surgeries for at least 45 days from the date of testing positive for the virus should be seriously contemplated to mitigate the heightened mortality risk. However, the study team emphasizes the need for further prospective studies to validate these observations and provide more comprehensive insights.
This study has far-reaching implications for patients and healthcare providers worldwide. The revelation that a recent COVID-19 infection can significantly impact post-operative outcomes in outpatient surgeries under scores the importance of thorough risk assessment and timely decision-making. As the world grapples with the ongoing pandemic, this new knowledge serves as a clarion call to prioritize patient safety and reevaluate surgical timelines in the face of COVID-19.
The medical landscape is ever-evolving, and this new research is a testament to the tireless efforts of scientists and healthcare professionals striving to unravel the mysteries of COVID-19. As we continue to navigate these uncertain times, let us remember that knowledge is power, and it is through studies and COVID-19 News articles like this that we inch closer to a safer and healthier future for all. Stay informed, stay safe, and stay vigilant in the face of this relentless adversary.
The study findings were published in the peer reviewed Journal of Clinical Anesthesia.
For the latest COVID-19 News, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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