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Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 18, 2020  4 years, 6 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 11 hours, 25 minutes ago

Breaking News : Wuhan’s Leading Hospital’s Director At The Coronavirus Epicenter Dies, Realistic Condition In China Is That The Disease Is Beyond Control

Breaking News : Wuhan’s Leading Hospital’s Director At The Coronavirus Epicenter Dies, Realistic Condition In China Is That The Disease Is Beyond Control
Source: Thailand Medical News  Feb 18, 2020  4 years, 6 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 11 hours, 25 minutes ago
State television in China has announced that Dr Liu Zhiming, the director of Wuhan Wuchang Hospital, died at 10.30am (February 18th), due to the new coronavirus.He is  second prominent Chinese doctor to have succumbed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes the Covid-19 disease.

Only  yesterday another report was published by the Chinese CDC that refuted the Federal governments claims that only 1,700 medical personnel got infected by the coronavirus. The reported stated at as of February 11th, more than 3, 109 medical personnel had contracted the disease while 1,688 were in critical condition and more than 827 had since died. The researchers also said that the cases are rising exponentially over the last week contrary to China government reports and said that more medical personnel are now affected.
More in the Chinese medical community are getting upset with the Chinese government handling of the coronavirus crisis and are now submitting reports and data directly to foreign entities at the risk of being detained by the Chinese government.
One leading researcher at the Chinese Academy Of Sciences office in Shanghai who wished to remain anonymous said that said a more realistic figure of the numbers affected by the coronavirus would be in the range of more than 560,000 confirmed infected nationwide out of a population of 1.4 billion and more than 42,000 deaths as of the 9th of February.(he further said that anyone wishing to confirm this needs to carefully analyze data at the centralized registry of deaths in Beijing and hospital admission figures nationwide not just Hubei.) Thailand Medical News cannot comment whether this figures are real or fake but it seems to tally what 3 other sources in China that had mentioned similar figures a week ago.
Only this month, millions in China mourned the death of Dr Li Wenliang, a doctor who was previously reprimanded for issuing an early warning about the coronavirus.
Despite WHO’s director general, Ethiopian national  Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus again making a comment only yesterday, this time saying that “It appears that Covid-19 is not as deadly as other coronaviruses, including Sars and Mers, WHO officials are starting to get a clearer picture of the outbreak”. As usual he was basing all its comments on data given to him by the Chinese government whom he is always praising about. Only on February 11th , he made a statement that the coronavirus is more deadly that the Ebola and that the coronavirus is airborne. (refer to.,-china-and-europe)
Many heal thcare professionals and government figures worldwide are saying that WHO has lost every ounce of credibility and many are not listening to them anymore.
One interesting point is that the WHO has been trying to adopt China strategies of media control and censorship by roping in social media platforms and also search engines to censor news on the coronavirus and other sites and only promote it own news and site. Many leading British and American news platforms and also wire agencies are also supporting WHO in this stance of ensuring that the public only receives what they wish to disseminate online.



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