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Source:   Nov 27, 2020  4 years, 2 months, 4 weeks, 1 day, 16 hours, 16 minutes ago

BREAKING! Randomized Multi-Center Clinical Trial Shows That Ivermectin Is Effective To Treat COVID-19

BREAKING! Randomized Multi-Center Clinical Trial Shows That Ivermectin Is Effective To Treat COVID-19
Source:   Nov 27, 2020  4 years, 2 months, 4 weeks, 1 day, 16 hours, 16 minutes ago
Ivermectin-COVID-19: Finally the results of a randomized trial has emerged to show the effectiveness of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 despite numerous attempts by various big American and European pharmaceutical companies and their governments to try to suppress Ivermectin research due to greed and financial scams.

The clinical trial study was led by Iranian researchers from Qazvin university of medical sciences and involved a 45-days randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter, phase 2 clinical trial that was designed at five hospitals. A total number of 180 mild to severe hospitalized patients with confirmed PCR and chest image tests were enrolled. The radiographic findings, hospitalization and low O2 saturation duration, and clinical outcomes such as mortality and variables of blood samples were analyzed using standard statistical analyses in SPSS (V20).
Average age of the participants was 56 years (45-67) and 50% were women. The primary and secondary results showed significant changes between day zero and day five of admission (∆ 0/5) in terms of ΔALC5/0, ΔPLT5/0, ΔESR5/0, ΔCRP5/0, duration of low O2 saturation, and duration of hospitalization (CI = 95% ). Risk of mortality was also decreased significantly in the study groups.
The study findings concluded that Ivermectin as an adjunct reduced the rate of mortality, low O2 duration, and duration of hospitalization in adult COVID 19 patients. The improvement of other clinical parameters showed that the ivermectin, with a wide margin of safety, had a high therapeutic effect on COVID-19.
The study findings were published on a preprint server and are currently being reviewed for publication into a prestigious medical journal by next month.
Numerous observational studies have already emerged to show its effectiveness to treat COVID-19 and even studies to show it effectiveness as a prophylactic drug for front line healthcare workers.

However there were concerted efforts by certain pharma groups and also clandestine business groups  headed by billionaires with close ties with the Trump administration to suppress research and adoption of drugs like ivermectin, famotidine, colchine, melatonin, various herbs etc to treat COVID-19 as they rather had people be forced to take overpriced, toxic drugs with no efficacy such as remdesivir, bamlanivimab tocilizumab and the casirivimab/ imdevimab antibody cocktail along with some of the questionable soon to be approved  COVID-19 vaccines. It is also speculated that Trump and his cronies including individuals like Tom Cahill etc have made billions from all these scam deals that used the no longer credible U.S. FDA to grant regulatory approvals. In some cases even the dubious Dr Anthony Fauci was said to be involved in some of these scams ie remdesivir.

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The participants were randomly allocated to six arms including common regimen based on Iran health ministry (Hydroxychloroquine 200mg/kg twice per day), placebo plus common regime, single dose ivermectin (200mcg/Kg, 1 pill per day), three low interval doses of ivermectin (200, 200, 200 mcg/Kg , 3 pills in 1, 3 and 5 interval days ), single dose ivermectin (400mcg/Kg, 2 pills per day), and three high interval doses of ivermectin ( 400, 200, 200 mcg/Kg, 4 pills in 1, 3 and 5 interval days).
For all arms, radiographic findings, hospitalization time, clinical outcomes such as mortality, and clinical parameters such as account oxygen saturation testing and blood sampling absolute lymphocyte count (ALC), C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood cells (WBC), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), thrombocyte count (PLT), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine (Cr) were examined on days zero and five. Assessment of gas exchange requires knowledge of fractional inspired oxygen tension (FiO2 ); unless the patient is breathing room air. Hence, all peripheral capillary oxygen saturation was measured in breathing room air at rest.
The majority of patients had favorable outcomes and Mann-Whitney U Test and χ 2 test were used to analyze and compare the variables at the day one and five of admission (∆ 0/5). As reported , complete blood count ( CBC ) evaluation of the patients among the standard and placebo and ivermectin treated (arms 3 to 6) showed that ivermectin had a good effect on blood biomarkers and improved other clinical parameters such as ALC, CRP, PLT , ESR , LDH, BUN, and Cr.
The majority of patients had desired consequence and were discharged from the hospitals. The results of preclinical consequences indicate a reduction in mortality rate in patients receiving ivermectin treatment to 0, 10, 0 and 3.3% for arms 1- 4 respectively, compared to the standard and placebo plus standard arms which was 16.7% and 20% respectively. Moreover, the decrease in hospitalization and low O2 saturating terms was significant in ivermectin treated 1-4 arms compared to the two untreated controls (P=0.006 and P=0.025 respectively). The lowest mortality rate (0%), hospitalization duration (5days), and duration of low O2 saturation (2days) was observed arm 3 with single dose of 400mcg/kg ivermectin. The risk of mortality for comparison between ivermectin treated and untreated groups with CI: 95%. The estimation confirmed 15% reduction of the mortality with risk ratio of 0.18.
The risk base estimation with CI: 95% confirms 15% reduction of mortality or about 5.5 folds increase of the mortality rate in control groups. These results are in line with Rajter et al. who reported a 40% drop in mortality of critical COVID-19 patients after oral administration of ivermectin at least in one dose (200mcg/Kg).
Despite the positive results in this randomized trial along with numerous other studies showing the effectiveness of ivermectin and even other repurposed drugs, supplements and herbs to treat COVID-19, most will not be officially approved or accepted as standard protocols due to the corruption that exist in organizations like the WHO and the various regulatory agencies in America and also in many European countries.
Countries elsewhere should stop adopting any recommended therapeutics and protocols from America and Europe that are now reputed for scams and instead do their own research and develop their own protocols and meanwhile watch as millions get infected and die in America and the various European countries. It is up to the locals in these countries to stand up and go against such establishments and individuals in their own  through whichever means to protect their lives and that of their loved ones.
For more on Ivermectin-COVID-19, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.

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