BREAKING! Small Study By Stellenbosch University Shows That Omicron Variant Is Still Breaking Through Booster Shots Despite Claims By The West!
Source: Omicron News Dec 18, 2021 3 years, 2 months, 1 week, 1 day, 15 hours, 13 minutes ago
Omicron News: The alarming study findings from a small research involving only seven research candidates by researchers from Stellenbosch University- South Africa has demonstrated that the Omicron variant is still breaking through booster shots despite contradicting claims by the vaccine manufacturers, WHO, the Biden Administration including its key adviser Dr Anthony Fauci that booster shots are effective against the Omicron variant.
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The study findings will be released on a preprint server in coming days although there are emerging reports that there are now attempts to stop the dissemination of this study findings that was released by the Reuters offices in South Africa. Apparently, some of the higher ups controlling the COVID-19 narratives find that the dissemination of this study findings in the mainstream news outlets might not benefit their own agendas!
The small study of seven COVID-19 cases in South Africa shows the Omicron variant can break through booster vaccine shots, one of the key scientists involved said late Thursday.
The study involved a group of seven German tourists visiting Cape Town, aged between 25 and 39, who were infected at some point in late November or early December with genomic sequencings confirming cases of the Omicron coronavirus variant.
It was reported that all suffered only mild to moderate symptoms initially and none required hospitalization then.
Interestingly of the group, six were fully vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, of whom five had also had a booster Pfizer shot while the sixth had received a booster dose of the Moderna vaccine.
It was reported that the seventh patient had received an initial dose of AstraZeneca's vaccine, followed by a second and then third booster dose of Pfizer.
It was also noted that none had reported past infection with COVID-19.
The study findings showed that the infections occurred between one and two months after receipt of the booster shot.
Dr Wolfgang Preiser, a virologist at Stellenbosch University and one of the study's co-authors, told
Omicron News media that the study was currently under peer review.
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Dr Preiser said the study showed infection was possible and caused symptomatic disease even after boosted immunization.
Interestingly a much bigger real-world study of 581 people in Britain showed booster vaccines significantly restore protection against mild disease caused by the Omicron variant, in part reversing an otherwise steep drop in vaccine effectiveness, the UK Health Security Agency said last week. It is not known if the study findings and data in that study was manipulated in whatever means.
Meanwhile many researchers and scientists are now warning that as it is suspected that Omicron is more transmissible, given its rapid spread, it is premature and too early for definitive conclusions on the severity of the disease it causes.
A new study released by Imperial College London has actually indicated that the disease severity caused by the Omicron is the same as the Delta and but the transmission rate for Omicron is about 3 times more than that of the Delta and the risk for reinfection is about five fold.
Doctors and health authorities however say that vaccination is still an essential tool in the fight against the current COVID-19 pandemic which quiet honestly many are clueless about!
Dr Preiser added, "At least, it still protects against severe disease and death, we are quite sure about that."
He warned however, "The picture emerging is that this virus is very capable of undermining the immune response ... (so) it's clear that we will need an updated vaccine."
Many other researchers are warning that the Omicron is still also rapidly evolving with many new sub-lineages observed with minor but could be potentially impactful mutations found on them. Interestingly not many researchers, authorities, research institutions or even genomic sequencing labs are talking about the rapidly arising Omicron sub-variants or sub-lineages. Thailand Medical News will be covering on these in coming days.
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