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Source: Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections  Dec 27, 2021  3 years, 2 months, 4 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, 47 minutes ago

BREAKING! Study Shows That Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections Increase Risk Of Health Problems And Mortality, Contrary To Common Assumptions!

BREAKING! Study Shows That Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections Increase Risk Of Health Problems And Mortality, Contrary To Common Assumptions!
Source: Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections  Dec 27, 2021  3 years, 2 months, 4 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, 47 minutes ago
With the Omicron variant spreading across the world and many getting infected or even re-infected despite being double or even triple vaccinated in what are known as Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections, many ignorant individuals are assuming that breakthrough infections are mild and ok as they will not end up developing more severe conditions or even die as a result of ‘brainwashing’ by those controlling the COVID-19 narratives and the manipulated news by the Western mainstream media.

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In actual reality, such an assumption is really far from the truth.
A new study by researchers from Washington University School of Medicine and VA Saint Louis Health Care System has alarmingly found that breakthrough COVID-19 infections in fact raises a variety of health problems and even increases the risk of mortality when the post-acute sequelae of breakthrough COVID-19 is carefully analyzed.
To date whether breakthrough COVID-19 (that is the disease that ensues following vaccine breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection) results in post-acute sequelae is not yet clear.
The study team used the national healthcare databases of the US Department of Veterans Affairs to characterize 6-month risks of incident post-acute sequelae in people with breakthrough COVID-19 who survived for at least 30 days after diagnosis.
Surprisingly, the study findings showed that compared to individuals with no evidence of COVID-19, beyond the first 30 days of illness, people with breakthrough COVID-19 exhibit a higher risk of death and broad array of incident post-acute sequelae in the pulmonary system, as well as extrapulmonary sequelae that include cardiovascular disorders, coagulation disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, general disorders (e.g., fatigue), kidney disorders, mental health disorders, metabolic disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, and neurologic disorders.
The study findings involving the analyses by care setting of the acute phase of the disease show that individuals who were not hospitalized during the first 30 days after diagnosis with breakthrough COVID-19 exhibit a small but not insignificant increase in risk of death and post-acute sequelae; the risks are further increased in people who were hospitalized during the acute phase of the disease.
Although the study findings show that individuals with breakthrough COVID-19 exhibit lower risks of death and post-acute sequelae than people with COVID-19 who were not previously vaccinated for it; analyses among individuals who were hospitalized during the acute phase of the disease, people with breakthrough COVID-19 exhibit higher risks of death and post-acute sequelae than people with seasonal influenza.

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The study findings show increased risks of death and post-acute sequalae in people with breakthrough COVID-19; the risks are evident among those who were not hospitalized during the acute phase of the disease.
The study team said, “Our comparative approach provides context for understanding the risks in relation to COVID-19 without prior vaccination and seasonal influenza. The study findings will inform the ongoing effort to optimize strategies for prevention of breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections and will guide development and optimization of post-acute care pathways for people with breakthrough COVID-19.”
The study findings were published on a preprint server and is currently being peer reviewed.
COVID-19 is generally less severe in vaccinated patients but that does not mean breakthrough infections will be benign, the large study shows.
The study team analyzed data collected by the U.S. Veterans Affairs from 16,035 survivors of breakthrough infections, 48,536 unvaccinated COVID-19 survivors, and nearly 3.6 million uninfected people.
Interestingly, at six months after infection, after taking their risk factors into account, individuals with breakthrough infections had lower rates of death and long-term lingering health problems than COVID-19 patients who had not been vaccinated.
However alarmingly when compared to individuals who never had COVID-19, those who had breakthrough infections had a 53% higher risk of death and a 59% higher risk of having at least one new medical condition, particularly problems affecting the lungs and other organs.
The study fining showed that even when breakthrough infections did not require hospitalization, the increased risks of death and lasting effects were “not as trivial as assumed.”
The study team concluded, “The overall burden of death and disease following breakthrough COVID-19 will likely be substantial.”
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