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Source: Medical News - Pediatric Long COVID  Aug 11, 2022  2 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 17 hours, 44 minutes ago

BREAKING! U.S. CDC Reports High Incidences Of Kidney Failure, Clots, Diabetes And Heart Issues In Post-COVID Children And Teenagers!

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BREAKING! U.S. CDC Reports High Incidences Of Kidney Failure, Clots, Diabetes And Heart Issues In Post-COVID Children And Teenagers!
Source: Medical News - Pediatric Long COVID  Aug 11, 2022  2 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 17 hours, 44 minutes ago
Pediatric Long COVID: Parents need to spend extra vigilance on the health and developing conditions on their children who have been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus as despite many experiencing either asymptomatic or mild symptomatic infections, a new study by researchers affiliated with the U.S. CDC has alarmingly found that many Post-COVID children and teenagers are at a higher risk of kidney failure, clots, diabetes and also heart issues!

The Pediatric Long COVID study found that when compared with patients aged 0–17 years without previous COVID-19, those with previous COVID-19 had higher rates of acute pulmonary embolism (adjusted hazard ratio = 2.01), myocarditis and cardiomyopathy (1.99), venous thromboembolic event (1.87), acute and unspecified renal failure (1.32), and type 1 diabetes (1.23), all of which were rare or uncommon in this study population.
The study team lead by Dr Lyudmyla Kimpaniyets who is part of the CDC COVID-19 Emergence Response Team conducted the research utilizing large medical claims databases in order to assess nine potential post-COVID signs and symptoms and 15 potential post-COVID conditions among children and adolescents aged 0–17 years with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 (patients with COVID-19) compared with 2,344,257 U.S. children and adolescents without recognized COVID-19 (patients without COVID-19) during March 1, 2020–January 31, 2022.
A total of 781,419 pediatric patients matching the age criteria with COVID-19 and 2,344,257 patients aged 0–17 years without COVID-19 were identified. The median age of both patients with and without COVID-19 was 12 years, and 50.0% in both groups were female; 72.2% of patients with COVID-19 were enrolled in Medicaid managed care, compared with 70.6% of patients without COVID-19. Patients without COVID-19 had a higher prevalence of previous hospitalization (4.5%) and complex chronic disease (15.6%), than did patients with COVID-19 (3.6% and 11.7%, respectively).
The study findings showed an increased incidence rates of several symptoms and conditions during the 31–365 days after a diagnosis of COVID-19 among children and adolescents aged 0–17 years. The highest aHRs were associated with potentially serious conditions, such as acute pulmonary embolism, myocarditis and cardiomyopathy, venous thromboembolic event, acute and unspecified renal failure, and type 1 diabetes. These conditions with the highest aHRs were rare or uncommon among children and adolescents in this analysis.
Worryingly, some of the study’s findings are consistent with previous evidence of elevated risk for new onset of diabetes, myocarditis, and certain symptoms, whereas other conditions (acute pulmonary embolism, venous thromboembolic event, acute renal failure, coagulation and hemorrhagic disorders, and cardiac dysrhythmias) have not been previously reported as post-COVID conditions among children and adolescents.
Numerous symptoms and conditions (respiratory signs and symptoms, mental health symptoms and conditions, neurological conditions, muscle disorders, and sleeping disorders) were less likely to occur among pediatric patients with COVID-19 than among pediatric patients without COVID-19.
According to the study team, reasons for these observed associations are likely multifactorial, and might be, in part, because patients without COVID-19 were selected from a cohort of patients with a health care encounter possibly related to COVID-19 and were less healthy than were patients with COVID-19 at baseline. Although most of the symptoms and conditions selected for the analysis were based on those observed in previous post-COVID studies, they are not unique to patients with a history of COVID-19, and many are common among children and adolescents.
A study conducted in United Kingdom study found a high prevalence of poor mental health and wellbeing among all children and adolescents aged 11–17 years during the pandemic, but no difference among those with positive and negative SARS-CoV-2 test results.
Respiratory signs and symptoms were less likely to occur among patients with COVID-19 than among those without in the main cohort. The opposite result was found in a subset of children aged 2–4 years and in a cohort of children and adolescents with no previous symptoms or conditions of interest; new respiratory signs and symptoms were more likely to occur among children and adolescents who had COVID-19, compared with those without a history of COVID-19.
The study findings were published in the U.S. CDC’s journal: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
The study findings can be used to apprise health care professionals and caregivers about new symptoms and conditions that occur among children and adolescents in the months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. COVID-19 prevention strategies, including vaccination for all eligible persons aged ≥6 months, are critical for preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection and subsequent illness and for reducing the public health impact of post-COVID symptoms and conditions.
Thailand Medical News would like to also like to add that more emerging preliminary data is showing that children exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus despite initially showing better resilience and ‘recovery’ are in reality even more badly impacted than adults as many are unaware of the health issues arising in them as time goes by. More attention and routine health screenings are essential and parents, teachers and physicians need to ‘wake up’ and realize this as they have been misled in the past by Western ‘experts’ that the COVID-19 disease does not impact children and teens as much as adults or the aged.
For more on Pediatric Long COVID, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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