Can SARS-CoV-2 Especially The Omicron Variant Cause HPV And Oncogenic HPV Reactivation? Urgent Studies Warranted Based On Growing Incidences!
Source: SARS-CoV-2 - HPV Dec 23, 2021 3 years, 3 months, 5 days, 2 hours, 13 minutes ago
SARS-CoV-2-HPV: In the last 3 weeks we have been receiving reports from a numerous physicians in the United Kingdom, South Africa, United States, Australia and even Thailand of incidences of individuals who had tested positive for COVID-19 but in most cases only displaying asymptomatic or mild symptoms, reporting days later of developing genital and anal warts that later tested positive for the HPV virus (human papillomavirus
) via DNA test. Some had also developed the usual symptoms associated with warts caused by HPV including pain, irritation and in some cases bleeding. The incidences were seen in both otherwise healthy women and men.
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In some case rare cases, warts were also reported on the hands (only a few of the 100 odd HPV strains and only a few are responsible for such occurrences!)
Some researchers when asked suggested that as the various SARS-CoV-2 variants are able to disrupt and damage the human immune host system and cause a degree of immunodeficiency, it is little wonder that the HPV virus that are dormant could be reactivated.
Already there has been numerous studies showing that SARS-CoV-2 reactivates a variety of dormant pathogenic infections including Tuberculosis (TB), Herpes (HSV) and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). The reactivation of EBV is what is responsible for the Guillain-Barré syndrome in some cases.
Most people do not even know that they have dormant HPV virus in their bodies.
But what is worrisome is already there are studies showing that SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections could reactivate certain dormant oncogenic viruses such as the Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (
There are more than 15 different oncogenic HPV strains and should SARS-CoV-2 infections be able to reactivate these, we will see an increase of cervix, anal, penile, neck and oral cancers.
Interestingly, statistical data is also showing that these cancers are indeed rising in 2020 and early 2021.
There is also a growing hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 disruption and damage of the various cellular pathways in the human host actually leads to enhanced proliferation of such oncogenic viruses.
Coupled with the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 literally disrupts CD8 cells production and also their damage, and along with a wide variety of damage to the host immune system causing a degree of immunodeficiency, the various dormant HPV viruses are in a perfect situation for accelerated replication and growth.
There is also a growing suspicion that the Omicron variant is likely to cause more cases of various dormant pathogen reactivation in the human hosts based on emerging preliminary data that has yet to be published that are showing it is truly adapt at switching off and damaging the human host immune system coupled with the fact that more such cases of HPV reactivation has been observed and reported in South Africa and the United Kingdom in recent weeks, corresponding with the growing onslaught by the Omicron variant.
Thailand Medical News is collaborating with researchers in Australia and the United Kingdom to look into this and we also are appealing for more researchers globally to get involved in studies confirming as to whether SARS-CoV-2 is reactivating HPV viruses and other oncogenic viruses in a much more enhanced and accelerated manner.
Thailand Medical News will be providing more updates on this soon.
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SARS-CoV-2-HPV Research, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.
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