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Source: Medical News - Bubonic Plague - China  Jul 20, 2022  2 years, 7 months, 3 weeks, 15 hours, 50 minutes ago

China Detects Bubonic Plague In Northwestern Region Of Ningxia And Raises Public Alert To Level 4 With Border Lockdowns!

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China Detects Bubonic Plague In Northwestern Region Of Ningxia And Raises Public Alert To Level 4 With Border Lockdowns!
Source: Medical News - Bubonic Plague - China  Jul 20, 2022  2 years, 7 months, 3 weeks, 15 hours, 50 minutes ago
In the last 15 hours, China had detected the first cases of bubonic plague in the country’s Northwestern autonomous region called Ningxia and also issued a level IV emergency response on plague prevention and control. All borders surrounding the region has also been sealed and no movement is allowed in and out the region.

As of the last hour, another 2 suspected cased have been isolated and more than 5 individuals are awaiting test results while being quarantined in Ningxia.
However, conflicting reports are emerging that other cases have been detected in other parts of the country. (Thailand Medical News will report on these once we get the actual facts.)
Bubonic plague is the most common form of plague and is caused by the bite of an infected flea. The bacteria, Plague bacillus, Y. pestis, enters at the bite and travels through the lymphatic system to the nearest lymph node where it replicates itself. The lymph node then becomes inflamed, tense and painful, and is called a ‘bubo’. At advanced stages of the infection the inflamed lymph nodes can turn into open sores filled with pus. Human to human transmission of bubonic plague is rare. Bubonic plague can advance and spread to the lungs, which is the more severe type of plague called pneumonic plague.
Pneumonic plague, or lung-based plague, is the most virulent form of plague. Incubation can be as short as 24 hours. Any person with pneumonic plague may transmit the disease via droplets to other humans. Untreated pneumonic plague, if not diagnosed and treated early, can be fatal. However, recovery rates are high if detected and treated in time (within 24 hours of onset of symptoms).
The plague is a severe infectious disease that is highly transmissible and has a high fatality rate. It is a Class A infectious disease, the highest classification under China's Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases.
Plague-infected rodents are also another key source of the spread of the disease.
Yersinia pestis, a zoonotic bacterium is also usually found in small mammals besides fleas.
Bubonic plague can be a very severe disease in people, with a fatality ratio of 30 to 60 percent for the bubonic type and is always fatal for the pneumonic kind when left untreated, according to the WHO.
The first case of bubonic plague in Ningxia was detected on Tuesday night.
The case is believed to have originated in another region of the country, local authorities said in a notice, without detailing specific places.
It was reported that under the level IV warning, Ningxia will treat the patient with all its efforts and implement relevant epidemic measures to ensure there will not be further spread and transmission.
The plague is a severe infectious disease that is highly transmissible and has a high fatality rate. It is a Class A infectious disease, the highest classification under China's Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases.
Earlier in August 2021, Ningxia also reported a confirmed case of bubonic plague in its capital city Yinchuan. The case was traced back to Inner Mongolia, with the patient in critical condition, tr iggering a level IV emergency response on plague prevention and control.
For more on the Bubonic Plague, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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