China’s 2019-nCoV Virus Updates: Death Toll Now 26 With More Than A Thousand Infected and New Cases In Vietnam and Singapore.
Source:Thailand Medical News Jan 24, 2020 5 years, 1 month, 2 weeks, 13 minutes ago
Virus Spreading Globally While WHO Still Dragging
New cases of individuals being infected with
2019-nCoV virus are emerging in countries like Vietnam, and Singapore. To date so far the
virus has emerged in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, Thailand, US and Mexico. In the UK, fourteen cases are being investigated. Many are also concerned about the Philippines where the healthcare conditions and precautions are deplorable and many suspect that the virus is already spreading rapidly there, as authorities there are so lax and many Chinese are travelling there as a safe haven to escape stringent conditions back home.
To date, the WHO is still procrastinating about declaring a global health emergency although more cases are emerging around the globe.
Also, there has still been not much data about the new strain of
coronavirus itself as there has not been much concerted efforts by the international community to initiate more detailed studies about the
virus and to combine all available research facilities and efforts. Currently all studies are being done sporadically by different smaller entities with no data being shared collectively.
Chinese New Year Celebrations Cancelled. More Cities In Lockdown
China, the government has already declared it a National Emergency with all Chinese New Year Celebrations cancelled and 4 cities are already in lockdown (
Wuhan, Huanggang, Ezhou and Chibi) with more to follow in the next few hours. One death out of the epicenter of
Wuhan has been reported as of this morning. The
virus has spread all over
China now with cases in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chongqing and Guangdong on the increase. It is expected that certain parts of Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai and also Chonqing will be placed in lock down next.
Most Likely Death Rates To Be Higher Than 26 and Those Infected To Be Far More Than Being Reported.
Although as of 8am.Bangkok time the official death toll in
China given by Chinese officials was 26 with about 904 infected, however many Chinese doctors at hospitals that are overflowing throughout the country are estimating that the number infected could now be as high as more than 10,000 all over
China with death rates far more than what was being reported.
In lock down cities, both local and foreign media are now prohibited from reporting on any happenings there and photography and video recording is strictly prohibited.
Virus Incubation Period Data Required
Also disturbing is unconfirmed reports that are emerging that the virus is displaying
incubation rates of between 3 to 10 days ie the period that a person is infected and before symptoms starts to materialize. This could have many implications including the fact that airport screenings might be an ineffective deterrent in controlling the spread of the
Also disturbing is that the
virus seems to be <
strong>mutating and becoming more potent. In one hospital in
Wuhan, 14 healthcare professionals were infected by a single patient despite all the preventive measures.
Earliest Vaccine Could Only Materialize By July 2020
Meanwhile, three separate research teams are to start work on developing potential
vaccines against the new
coronavirus that is causing a disease epidemic in
China, a global coalition set up to fight diseases said on Thursday (Jan 23).
The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which is co-funding the emergency projects, said the plan was to have at least one potential
vaccine in clinical trials by July 2020.
The research will be conducted by drug and
vaccine developer Moderna, working with the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the US firm Inovio Pharma, and a team at the University of Queensland, Australia.
However the team said that the earliest that a possible
vaccine could even materialize would be sometime by July this year taking into consideration several factors.
Countries Now Issuing Travel Advisories.
Countries like Hong Kong and Macau has also officially cancelled all Chinese New Year Celebrations.
Meanwhile, More than 22 countries are now issuing travel advisories against travelling to
China and also other high risk Southeast Asian countries.
General public in other countries are advised to wear mask, and use hand sanitizers and to avoid crowded places where there are lots of Chinese tourists.
Thailand Medical News will be providing round the clock updates on the China's 2019-nCoV virus epidemic.