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Source: Thailand Medical  Feb 17, 2022  3 years, 1 month, 1 week, 3 days, 21 hours, 46 minutes ago

Clueless Thailand Medical ‘Experts’ Keep Spewing Out Rubbish In Garbage Mainstream Media That BA.2 Is Mild And That Long COVID Resolves In Three Months!

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Clueless Thailand Medical ‘Experts’ Keep Spewing Out Rubbish In Garbage Mainstream Media That BA.2 Is Mild And That Long COVID Resolves In Three Months!
Source: Thailand Medical  Feb 17, 2022  3 years, 1 month, 1 week, 3 days, 21 hours, 46 minutes ago
In the last few days, there has been a long of misinformation and fake news being spewed out by clueless so-called Thailand Medical experts that are basically local physicians who mostly graduated from local medical schools and have never been involved in any real SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 research but are simply regurgitating what they might have read elsewhere but maybe not comprehending much due to their limited knowledge of the English language coupled with their limited intellectual capabilities.

It even more worrisome that many local garbage mainstream news media do not even fact check such garbage being spewed by these physicians, mostly seeking to be in the limelight, as some of these misinformation can cause loss of lives.
We had local physicians telling the local media that despite the Omicron BA.2 variant increasing in circulation in Thailand, there was no need to worry as it was just as mild as the original Omicron BA.1 variant! This is definitely not true as latest published studies have showed otherwise. Not only is the BA.2 variant more transmissible, but it replicates more rapidly in the lungs and is also more fusogenic and also pathogenic, hence being able to cause disease severity more easily!,-pathogenic-and-causes-severe-ou
We had another doctor saying in various stupid local media that Long COVID was not worrisome as it typically resolves within 3 months from initial infection! This is totally fake news as so many published studies have shown that long COVID is can last for months to years and can also result in variety of serious medical and health conditions arising including some with fatal outcomes. Some of these fatal medical outcomes include heart failures, strokes, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis or CVST, organ failure especially kidneys and sepsis etc. For more about long COVID, check out
We also had even doctors who behave like fortune tellers predicting that the current COVID-19 surge will end by the end of this month in Thailand despite not having any clear evidence to back up any statements.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had many scams and the spread of medical misinformation by so called Thailand Medical ‘experts’. (Kindly note that there are no real experts on SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 nor Long COVID in Thailand just yet! Also, we do not have any properly qualified virologists who have been following in detail with regards to the SARS-CoV-2 virus ie covering all aspects from its genomic structures, manners of evolution, its detailed pathogenesis and how it affects the various human host cellular pathways and genes, etc. We are willing to enter into a public debate with such an individual with a panel of real international experts if anyone says otherwise!)
One of the best notable scam that was even covered in numerous international media was that a local team of do ctors had said that they had discovered the cure for COVID-19 in the early days of the pandemic during a press conference and was covered by many local stupid media.  These doctors even said that a published study of their cure would appear in a medical journal…..this never happened and the whole fiasco was simply hilarious!
We had two teams of local experts that said that they developing local COVID-19 vaccines and had raised lots of monies from stupid locals. To date, no news has emerged about these vaccines.
Then we had local Thailand Medical experts saying that a single local herb could treat COVID-19 and some half baked studies were even conducted, However even this died done as it was later found that the use of the single herb was not only not effective but there was also some cases of adverse effects from the recommended doses of the herb! A foreign news group had even labelled the usage of the herb as fake news!
Interestingly, in Thailand, the drug teratogenic drug favipiravir was incorporated in the treatment protocols for COVID-19 despite the fact that studies conducted by the US CDC, US FDA and ECDC showed that it was not effective to treat COVID-19 and could actually cause long term adverse effects. Hilariously no one questioned these Thailand Medical experts and in fact many stupid so called foreign and locally educated STEM graduates would only demand for the drug when they were diagnosed with COVID-19! It would be fun to see the long- term adverse effects in these morons!,-lopinavir,-ritonavir,-chloroquine-has-no-effects,-effectiveness-questionable,-lopinavir-ritonavir,-hydroxychloroquine-
It was also reported that millions had been siphoned from the budgets by local ‘experts’ to manufacture a locally made version of the drug favipiravir so that prices could be kept low and also the sale of the drug to other Asian and foreign countries would be lucrative for the country. To date, there is no news as to what happened to that project or its monies!!
The latest scams are long COVID clinics being set up by various private hospitals that have local physicians that have no clue even about how the many hundreds of cellular pathways and processes are disrupted and made dysfunctional by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its viral proteins or how many genes and human host proteins are either upregulated, downregulated or even destroyed during infection. If you do not know the basics how the hell are you going to be treating long COVID? Prescribing overpriced drugs to treat the symptoms or asking for irrelevant overpriced diagnostic tests?
Thailand Medical ‘experts’ should learn to keep their mouths shut if they are not well acquainted with a particular medical topic and they can only impress the ignorant and stupid subsets of the local population with their misinformation but not the rest!


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