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Source: Medical News - COVID-19 Research  Oct 10, 2022  2 years, 5 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes ago

COVID-19 And Long COVID Researchers In A Dilemma As Fundings For Such Research Has Been Cut Or Reduced Drastically In Many Countries!

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COVID-19 And Long COVID Researchers In A Dilemma As Fundings For Such Research Has Been Cut Or Reduced Drastically In Many Countries!
Source: Medical News - COVID-19 Research  Oct 10, 2022  2 years, 5 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes ago
When Thailand Medical News contacted many researchers and labs that had been involved last year and early this year with studies on the properties, characteristics and pathogenesis of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta and early Omicron variants to see if they had any updates on the latest emerging Omicron sub-lineages, we were shocked to find that most had already stopped such research since June and July 2022 as they cited lack on fundings on such COVID-19 related research!

Most of these researchers are from prestigious labs and institutions in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Brazil, South Africa and Australia Japan, Sweden and South Korea.
One lab ran by a prestigious HIV specialist and virologist in the United Kingdom who churned out lots of groundbreaking data on the early Omicron variant said that there is literally no money in such research except if one was into the COVID-19 jab research that showed the efficacy of the current COVID-19 jabs through whatever means!
Most said that procuring government fundings or research grants were turning out to be nearly impossible as it seems many governments from these countries have discreetly put a stop to funding such research though they will not make official statements!
Apparently it was also alleged that the WHO, U.S. NIH, U.S.CDC and U.S.FDA that have access to huge funds are being pressured by huge donors and private foundations to only focus on studies that keeps on showing the merits of the COVID-19 jabs or the currently approved antivirals such as a remdesivir, molnupiravir and paxlovid despite the fact that many clinicians and physicians have seen that these do not work on COVID-19 patients and rather causes more complications due to their cardiotoxic, hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic properties and also mutagenic properties in the case of molnupiravir.
It was also alleged that a certain foundation owned by a tech billionaire and the many other research associated entities it controls directly or indirectly are setting the rules and standards as to what studies can and cannot be done and are influencing the various government and international bodies involved with medical research funding.
We are entering a very dangerous time as with the emergence of so many new SARS-CoV-2 variants and sub-lineages, we blindly navigating the surges with insufficient data that can also help in not only treatment protocols but also in development of real proper vaccines and also new monoclonal or polyclonal therapeutics. There is an urgent need for proper prophylactics that can protect the vulnerable and also the urgent need for real effective antivirals that can work against the new SARS-CoV-2 variants and sub-lineages.
We were also further surprised when we contacted research teams that were involved in Long COVID research. Shockingly despite claims by both the WHO and also by the current U.S. government a few weeks ago to invest more funds into Long COVID research, the teams and institutions are also facing the same issues of money running out and no new grants or funds are being allocated.
Many of the current Long COVID studies are conducted by researchers either by smalls funds allocated by their own educational institutions or else by the study team themselves and in some cases with small fundings from contacts of the research teams themselves!
Researchers are also complaini ng that certain philanthropists and private organizations are also refusing to support certain research works due to political affiliations with certain current governments and their agenda.
Thailand Medical News itself can vouch that since June 2021 when we tried to secure fundings for various sources for new research into the usage of phytochemicals for COVID-19 and also Long COVID, for prevention of brain neuroinflammation and repair or for heart repair etc, we literally could not get funding from anywhere and had to resort to what we have been doing since the start of the pandemic, ie mortgaging or selling our own assets to pay for some of these studies along with help from certain kind researchers for the United States, Japan and most of all from China.
In fact, China is one of the few countries that is currently doing lots of extensive research into the new variants, on COVID-19 treatments and also on Long COVID.
We at Thailand Medical News have learnt the hard way that it is no longer worthwhile to share data on phytochemical therapeutics to prevent or treat COVID-19 and Long COVID as some groups especially in the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Spain and India would take such data or leads from us and capitalize from it without us benefitting in any way. We do not even get support from our readers for our website.
We have been holding on to a lot of such data and in coming weeks, treatment protocols to deal with the new variants/sub-lines, prophylactics and also the various phytochemicals that can help with Long COVID or COVID-19 induced neuroinflammation and also the COVID-19 induced hyper-coagulability and COVID-19 induced cardio issues will be made public but only through a new premium platform that involves a high subscription rate starting at US$1500 alongside with free products etc.
We really hope that more media coverages come out to highlight the dilemma that many prestigious and credible researchers are having in terms of securing fundings for research concerning SARS-CoV-2 variants, the COVID-19 disease and Long COVID.

While many unscruplous governments are claiming that they are alocating monies for COVID-19 and Long COVDI studies, the researchers are not seeing any such monies! The common people need to be aware of these and something done fast!
For the latest COVID-19 Research News, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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