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Source: COVID-19 Crisis  Apr 23, 2020  4 years, 10 months, 3 days, 18 hours, 52 minutes ago

COVID-19 CRISIS: Situation To Worsen Exponentially, Experts Have To Accept That SARS-CoV-2 Is Smartly Evolving And Mutating As It Moves From Host to Host

COVID-19 CRISIS: Situation To Worsen Exponentially, Experts Have To Accept That SARS-CoV-2 Is Smartly Evolving And Mutating As It Moves From Host to Host
Source: COVID-19 Crisis  Apr 23, 2020  4 years, 10 months, 3 days, 18 hours, 52 minutes ago
COVID-19 Crisis -EDITORIAL: As of Thursday (23rd April, 0800 hours Bangkok), there are more than to 2.6 million confirmed infected with the COVID-19 disease while another 184,220 people have died from the disease. So far about 23 million people globally have been tested for the COVID-19 disease.

By the end of the April, we should record about 200,000 deaths over the 4 month period since the SARS-CoV-2 made its debut in Wuhan, China. Thanks to the incompetence and cover ups by the Chinese Government and the WHO, the world in a turmoil with billions of lives disrupted and at stake.
Of the 23 millions who have been tested, it must be noted that almost all are using the PCR NAT diagnostic platform, with lots of faulty test kits and reagents coupled with the fact that many of  these kits are not able to pick up certain strains that have mutated codons on them. The rate of false negatives are also extremely high.
For a long while now, many genomic and virologist experts belonging  to the ‘dinosaur school of thoughts’ have extolled in many researchers that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was not mutating and that even if it did , it was minor and that the virus might eventually lose its potency.
Some were comparing and applying the same principles as to the HIV virus manner of developing various strains or subtypes but still possessing almost the same characteristics and properties.
However, the fact is that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is unlike any other virus known to mankind and it exhibits a wide range of anomalous characteristics compared to other viruses.
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Till medical experts and researchers and also authorities accept that, all efforts are going to be futile in term of drug research to vaccine developments. A broad spectrum vaccine or drug approach will also not work in the case of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. It will not be one drug that can treat the COVID-19 disease but a combination of many.
The approach to lump all the strains as one disease is going to be catastrophic for humankind and will post a major defeat to the medical and research fields.
We at Thailand Medical News since the beginning (please look at our archives) have been warning researchers about the mutations and asking for more research attention to be paid to these evolutionary mutating branches and their responding strains and behavior.
Despite thousands of genomic sequencings done and even Artificial Intelligence deployed, may researchers claimed that there was no mutations or that there was only there major strains with slight differences.< ;br />  
The problem arises because many genomic researchers have been brainwashed by the old school of thoughts that minute or tiny changes were a norm and as long as it was not a major codon or SNP changes, these could be discounted.
The truth is that unlike any other viruses, for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, every tiny change on its genome as it passes from host to host, represents a smart way of evolving and strategic manner to destroy its host and to ensure its continued survival.
It is not just the modes of attacking and binding to the human-host cells that will be enhanced each time, but it is also evolving smartly as every change to its genome affects the way that it reacts with the other human critical  proteins in the body .
The virus though simple in structure, has evolved ways in which once inside a host, it has set its own’ bio-monitoring’ and ‘clock systems’, for instance should the viral load reach a certain level, only then it starts to affects the other critical proteins in a host cell cells to start other destructive reactions in tangent with the host own regulatory and response systems.
So far researchers have only paid attention to the virus as it infects humans but little has been paid to those who have so called ‘recovered’ or those that are asymptomatic. Many of these are still shedding the virus quietly and infecting tons more but we are still not sure what a long term ‘silent infection’ or having residual amounts or dormant amounts of the virus in the body result in and if these dormant viruses could be reactivated by what conditions.
One genomic expert on conditions on anonymity warned us that not be surprised to see if we have cases of ‘strange chronic conditions’ and ‘accelerated cancers’ manifesting in many patient soon. Though sounding preposterous, we cannot discount that this could indeed be the case until more studies are done. We are only in about 4 months since the virus came along and there are still so many unknowns.
However, if anyone is really thinking that the pandemic is peaking in certain countries and that things are going to be back to normal, they are going to be in for a rude shock. As we have mentioned many times, we are only in the dry run stages, the first wave has not even started yet.
The key approach and strategy for dealing with the COVID-19 disease is to develop proper diagnostics that can identify each strain and to research each strain and to develop a respective treatment protocol and vaccine for each strain. The variations in what we are witnessing in different countries as the disease strikes will to a certain degree support such an approach.
For more on the COVID-19 Crisis, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News
We desperately need your kind help! Please help support our site and our initiatives to propel and aid research by making a donation to help sustain the site. We are also trying to raise funds to help poor undocumented refugees who have no access to public healthcare during the COVID-19 crisis.  Donations are accepted via paypal:
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