COVID-19 Drugs: French Entity Plans To Starts Clinical Trial On Ivermectin To Treat COVID-19
Source: COVID-19 Drugs Apr 19, 2020 4 years, 10 months, 1 week, 20 hours, 8 minutes ago
COVID-19 Drugs: According to sources, a French research entity is planning to start a clinical trial on Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 disease soon.
A lot of medical professionals are now coming out in support of using Ivermectin as a experimental drug while the many clinical trials are underway may pave the path for its official repurposing as a COVID-19 drug.
The interest started when Australian researchers recently created a lot of interest in Ivermectin as they found it could zap COVID-19 in vitro. Numerous French doctors have come out in support of more testing of the anti-parasitic drug, which they believe could be more effective against COVID-19 than chloroquine.
Australia’s Monash University’s Biomedicine Discovery Institute and Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity at Royal Melbourne Hospital published the results of a study revealing that the drug, an approved anti-parasitic available worldwide, may actually treat against SARS-CoV-2at least when applied to an infected cell culture in a laboratory. The results were very promising as they found after 48 hours the drug was found to have reduced the viral load of the novel coronavirus from 5,000 units to just one unit representing a reduction of 99.98%.
This got the attention of clinical investigators from a French pharmaceutical research venture who decided to further pursue research and clinical trials into Invermectin.
Strategically assessing the current crisis, Professor Jean-Paul Stahl, head of the infectious diseases unit at Grenoble CHU hospital, said, “Ivermectin is an old medicine. Like chloroquine, it is an anti-parasitical drug, but they are not all the same chemical compound. Taking the urgency into account, it would be impossible to create a new drug against COVID-19. This would take at least three years minimum. This drug Ivermectin already exists and is available. So why not try it?”
The research entity reported recently on their website that they have published data revealing that long-acting formulations of Ivermectin can be designed with varying doses and durations and is already landing a program aiming at developing a 3-month product to fight malaria.
The French venture has launched a research initiative on a long-acting formulation of Ivermectin and the group believes that it could have a role to play in COVID-19 management. They note that future clinical studies must confirm the action of Ivermectin on the COVID-19 virus, and the potential effectiveness on its prevention and therefore breaking the chain of transmission. Should the results be positive from their clinical study, Ivermectin offers a rapidly deployable and affordable solution for a global pandemic.
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WARNING: Individuals should refrain from buying ivermectin meant for animals and livestock and consuming it as it can be dangerous and fatal. Ivermection for animals and humans are different!
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