COVID-19 News: After JN.1, Expect New Spawns JN.1.1, JN.1.1.1, JN.8, JN.9 And Spawns With T572I Mutation To Continuously Reinfect Till Lethal Strain Emerges!
Nikhil Prasad Fact checked by:Thailand Medical News Team Dec 31, 2023 1 year, 2 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 6 hours, 10 minutes ago
COVID-19 News: For those thinking that 2024 is going to be a good year and that the COVID-19 saga will probably end..I seriously advice you to look at all the existing facts and data.
Expect A Variety Of JN.1 Spawns To Continue The Surges!
With the JN.1 being the most transmissible strain so far and with very little known about its pathogenesis and tropism though preliminary emerging data that is yet to be published shows worrying mid-term to long term health issues, we can expect that as the JN.1 variant affects tens of millions globally, causing asymptomatic, mild or moderate symptoms in the majority, we can expect to see many individuals in 2024 to not only be sick but will also develop serious health and medical conditions in the mid to long term. We can expect to see a rise in strokes, brain clots, gastric and gastrointestinal ischemia, splenic infarction, sepsis, organ failures, lung, heart, kidney and liver fibrosis, various heart and cardiovascular issues and also the rise of various cancers and also secondary opportunistic infections. We also also find that SARS-CoV-2 induced neurodegenerative issues, neuropsychiatric and mental issues will also rise exponentially.
While many might not die immediately during acute infection phases, we will see an exponential rise of deaths thereafter... after so called “COVID-19 recovery.” Hence expect phenomenal excess mortality rates in 2024. Constant reinfections will also contribute to this exponential rise in excess mortalities.
However, rest assured that those controlling the COVID-19 narratives will continue to conceal and downplay the seriousness of the current surges and there are unlikely to be no
COVID-19 News coverages by mainstream media detailing on what is actually happening.
Unknown to many, the JN.1 variant is spawning hundreds of new sub-lineages with various mutations on them as the variant is evolving fast to evade all kinds of immunity... be in innate or adaptive or those elicited by the vaccines or previous exposures.
It is also evolving against various antivirals and drugs being used against it and is clearly using conformational changes to evade environmental issues including fluctuating temperatures, humidity,ph and UV exposure and even exposure to disinfectants etc.
While many of these new sub-lineages may not have the right viral fitness to become predominant just yet, they are still evolving fast.
Already some of the JN.1 spawn
s are showing the potential to continue with non-stop surges such as the JN.1.1, JN.1.1.1, JN.1.2, JN.2, JN.4, JN.6, JN.8 and Jn.9 sub-lineages.
Do not be surprised by the anomaly that even infections by the JN.1 variant will provide no protection against infections by its spawns!
Most of these newer JN.1 spawns are even more immune evasive than JN.1!
The JN.1.1 will be the next to become predominant as it is already exhibiting an interesting growth potential and is fast catching up in spread.
Though there is some speculations that have yet to be validated that the JN.1.1 is driving disease severity as most sequences are from hospitalized individuals, we should be more focused on the threat posed by the new spawns with the T572I spike mutation on them.
Some of the newer JN.1 spawns like JN.1.1.1 spots the spike mutation T572I mutation.
There are also many newer JN.1 spawns spotting the T572I mutation.
According to experts the spike mutation T572I helps to enhance binding to the ACE2 receptor.
Hence not only are these new variants expected to be more infectious but they are likely to have enhanced pathogenesis and likely to cause more health and medical issues.
But looking on the bright side, while COVID-19 surges will continue the next few months with increase in infections and hospitalizations and excess death rates, we can expect changes sometime between March to May 2024 as hopefully by them, a more lethal strain is projected to emerge that will likely help eradicate about 25 to 30 percent of the world population while other subsequent strains will help finished up the intended depopulation outcomes.
Medical News will be happily providing more updates on the coming catastrophe.
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