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COVID-19 News - Africa  Jul 04, 2023  1 year, 8 months, 3 days, 1 hour, 25 minutes ago

COVID-19 News Briefs: Claims That COVID-19 Waves Never Did Affect Countries In Africa Turning Out To But Fallacies And Lies!

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COVID-19 News Briefs: Claims That COVID-19 Waves Never Did Affect Countries In Africa Turning Out To But Fallacies And Lies!
COVID-19 News - Africa  Jul 04, 2023  1 year, 8 months, 3 days, 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
COVID-19 News: In the last three years, while many countries were facing serious impacts from the various COVID-19 waves triggered by various SARS-CoV-2 variants and sub-lineages, many assumed that the various countries in Africa seems spared from the COVID-19 crisis. The absence of any reports about the COVID-19 situation in many of these countries in the various mainstream media and international wire agencies due to lack of actual data from the health authorities in many these countries further fueled these fallacies.

However newer data and emerging studies are showing that this was never the case. Many countries in Africa were in reality never really spared from the COVID-19 waves.
For example, there were literally not much reports or COVID-19 News coverages about the impact of COVID-19 in Zambia in 2020 but a team of researchers from both London and Zambia recently analyzed data including burial registrations, SARS-CoV-2 prevalence based on data from hospitals and clinics for Lusaka ie the capital of Zambia and found that excess deaths were high and actual data showed that the infection and mortality impact during COVID-19 waves in 2020 in just Lusaka alone was comparable to that of many other countries around the world. The study was published in the peer reviewed journal: Nature Communications.
The implications from this study findings not only reflects on the actual true situation in many countries in the African continent with regards to the COVID-19 waves but also reflects on the performances and credibility of the WHO!
Many similar studies and reports are gradually emerging. Some of the factors that lead to underreporting or lack of reporting was that many of these sub-Sahara countries had ‘primitive’ healthcare infrastructures and there was no proper collation of data along with incompetent health authorities and in some cases, governments that were concealing data or simply never bothered!
Even in South Africa, where so called ‘leading researchers’ and health experts said that the Omicron surges did not have much impact there, there are now claims emerging that this was never the case! (more documented proof of these will be published in coming days.)
Keep on logging to Thailand Medical News, for more COVID-19 News Briefs.


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