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COVID-19 News - China - Variants - West  Jan 08, 2023  2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 1 hour, 1 minute ago

COVID-19 News: China’s COVID-19 Crisis Is Going To Hit The West Hard. Travel Restrictions Are Not Enough. Total Global Travel Ban Needed For 4 Months!

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COVID-19 News: China’s COVID-19 Crisis Is Going To Hit The West Hard. Travel Restrictions Are Not Enough. Total Global Travel Ban Needed For 4 Months!
COVID-19 News - China - Variants - West  Jan 08, 2023  2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 1 hour, 1 minute ago
COVID-19 News: The way that current COVID-19 pandemic is being handled by so called ‘experts’ is really laughable and mankind is really going to pay for hefty price if nothing is done fast. 2023 is indeed going to be a fun year by the way things are unfolding.

Because of the incompetency of many ‘experts’ and authorities coupled with the pseudo and fake science that are being provided by greedy and filthy American and European scientists and pharmaceutical companies with regards to the sub-standard prophylactics and therapeutics that is being peddled, we are in a scenario where there are now more than 740 SARS-CoV-2 variants, sub-lineages and recombinant variants in circulation with varying degrees of predominance in circulation across the globe, each with its uniqueness in terms of transmissibility, immune evasiveness and pathogenesis.,-more-antibody-resistant-sars-cov-2-virus-strains-would-emerge gt;
(There are hundred more articles in Thailand Medical News that details how we stupidly got here, please use the search function of our site)
While some of the ‘suddenly emerged’ virologists and variant trackers that are ‘dancing’ around on twitter these days along with their stupid fan clubs are talking about mutations like F486P mutations etc, Thailand Medical News in our various COVID-19 News articles had covered as early as November 2020 on studies that have identified the key mutations to look out for with regards to immune evasion, enhanced transmissibility and also increased pathogenicity.,-mayo-and-harvard-scientist-identify-new-48-sars-cov-2-rbd-mutations-resistant-to-antibodies,-k417n-and-n501y-mutations-in-new-variants-can-lead-to-immune-evasion-and-reinfections
Exactly a year ago, Thailand Medical News predicted that we will be in a position where no known antibodies will be able to deal with the evolving SARS-CoV-2 virus and its merging variants and sub-lineages.
Across the world, from the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Japan, South Korea etc, COVID-19 infections are going up and excess death rates keep increasing and newer variants and sub-lineages are emerging but as any real credible virologist and variant trackers have seen, most of these new variants and sub-lineages emerging in these countries to date, are not virulent and are not driving disease severity or increased mortality upon initial infection except for those in the vulnerable groups. Yes, there are more immune evasive and more transmissible but they are not causing fast deaths except for the aged with existing comorbidities. (Please note that these groups will always be susceptible to any variants and also other respiratory pathogens.) I cannot however comment of the long-term effects of these variants and sub-lineages but for sure they will all cause long term issues and contributing to excess deaths and shorter lifespans for most.)
However, what is worrisome is that the new SARS-CoV-2 variants and sub-lineages emerging from China currently are not only more pathogenic and also seemingly displaying enhanced tropism for the lung alveolar cells and tissues but they are also causing hypercytokinemia in many that is contributing to enhanced disease severity.
On the other hand, otherwise younger adults and also those that have been vaccinated with the Chinese vaccines, though are not displaying disease severity upon infection, are developing silent lung damages and are also seemingly remaining infectious for longer periods of time and shedding infectious virions over a longer period of time! Urgent studies are needed to understand this anomaly.
Thailand Medical News strongly believes that once the variants and sub-lineages that have emerged in China including the BF.7.14 and BA.5.2.48 along with many others start to spread to Europe, Canada, United States and also Australia, the White Caucasian races because of a different genetic make-up will face an unprecedented onslaught of increased disease severity and also increased mortality that has yet to be seen before!,-hence-border-controls-are-cr,000-years-ago,-symptoms-and-disease-progression-according-to-international-study
(Again please use the search function on our site as there are a few hundred articles detailing about how human genes and mutated human genes contributes to SARS-CoV-2 severity and mortality and a simple metanalysis will show that White Caucasians are at a disadvantage especially when confronted by SARS-CoV-2 sub-lineages from East Asia that have unique mutations on the ORF7, ORF8 and ORF9 proteins arising because of the genetic makeups of the East Asian hosts. The same can happen to variants emerging in South Asia like the case of the Delta variant from India. The Western experts will once again most probably ridicule me…but time will tell!...and as usual when I am right…they will take credit for it!...hopefully they do not make in the coming onslaughts!)
Current travel restrictions to prevent the Chinese vectors from spreading the virus will not help as some countries like Thailand that are in dire need for the tourist dollar are having criteria that is totally nonsensical ie requiring proof of vaccination and health insurance but not requiring negative COVID-19 test, could serve as transit hubs for the Chinese variants!
We already know that the vaccines do not stop spread and transmission nor do they guarantee viral clearance or prevent viral shedding or viral persistence!
Already reports are showing that many Chinese travelers arriving at various countries are now having COVID-19 positivity rates of between 30 to 100 percent!
Hence a country like Thailand could become a transit hub for the Chinese variants where not only infected Thais travelling out can spread the Chinese variants but also the many other foreigners coming into Thailand once they return back home or travel elsewhere.
Already media reports are showing that more than 5 million Chinese are planning trips to Thailand now and the next few weeks!
While the greedy and filthy Sino-Thai entrepreneurs and hoteliers, Thai-Indian and Thai-American hoteliers are hoping to make a windfall along with certain corrupted and garbage politicians, the ordinary Thais will be most vulnerable and infections rates are expected to hit an all time high in matter of weeks but once again because of the certain corrupted pigs and also as a result of the many local media that is owned by filthy and unethical Sino Thais that are receiving ads and sponsorships from the dirty politicians, do not expect any true data about the COVID-19 infections hospitalizations or deaths to be reported in the media. (We can only pray that most of these Sino Thai media owners, the hoteliers and politicians and their families get cursed and hopefully develop strokes, brain clots, heart failures, brain aneurysms and other horrible but hopefully slow-killing and painful diseases!)
Meanwhile the only solution to stopping the spread of the Chinese variants would be to either impose total travel bans and border closures for a period of about 4 months for each and every country to control or eradicate the COVID-19 onslaughts and variant spread or else to imposes travel bans on countries that are likely to function as transit hubs for the Chinese variants.
But all this are unlikely to happen due to economic and diplomatic pressures and instead, we can expect to see the West having more COVID-19 deaths this year than even China and more new variants and sub-lineages will continue to emerge and spread, some possibly more virulent and lethal.
For the latest COVID-19 News, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.
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