COVID-19 News: Germany Experiencing A ‘Silent’ COVID-19 Crisis With Daily Infections Crossing 4,000 and Daily COVID-19 Deaths Averaging About 65 To 70!
Nikhil Prasad Fact checked by:Thailand Medical News Team Nov 17, 2023 1 year, 4 months, 1 week, 4 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes ago
COVID-19 News: Germany is experiencing what is known as a ‘silent’ COVID-19 crisis with a daily average of around 4000 new infections per day and between 65 to 75 daily COVID-19 deaths over the last 10 days.
The actual figures could be much higher as there is limited testing and even local
COVID-19 News coverages have highlighted the shortage of rapid testing kits in drug stores and pharmacies!
Due to the influence of the WEF on the country, no mainstream news outlets are reporting on the actual extent of the COVID-19 crisis in the country but the stress on the public healthcare infrastructure and also the backlogs at various undertakers are a sign of a how bad the situation is in the country.
But again, the situation in Germany is not unique as many other countries in Europe that are also under the control of the WEF are also not reporting on the actual extent of the COVID-19 crisis in Europe. From France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland to the United Kingdom, there is very little news coverage from the mainstream media or wire agencies about the COVID-19 crisis unfolding there and, in many cases, the health authorities in many of these countries are also not divulging reliable data!
To make matters worse, besides very low COVID-19 testing rates, many countries in Europe are also doing very little in terms of genomic sequencing. Hence whatever data that is extracted from platforms like GISAID does not really give an accurate picture as to what variants re really driving the new surges across parts of Europe and what variants are driving disease severity and deaths.
Many countries in Europe including Germany are also now lumping together data from COVID-19, Flu infections, RSV infections etc simply as respiratory infections! The reasons for doing these are simple…they do not wish to demonstrate the failure of the vaccine policies and strategies in preventing COVID-19!
In Germany, a previous report a week ago showed that alarming, about 7.1 million Germans are sick due to what is termed as Respiratory Infections.
The situation since then has deteriorated to a point where even sick outpatient individuals in Germany are unable to access proper and timely medical care due to overcrowding at various hospitals and clinics!
We can expect to see the see the same trend in coming weeks as the cooler winter season in the Northern hemisphere exacerbates the COVID-19 crisis along with the debut of more interesting SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Already the offspring of the BA.2.86 variant such as JN.1, JN.2, JN.3 etc are all gaining a foothold in various parts of Europe.
We strongly advise readers in
Europe to be on your guard and also to note that you are all on your own (the various governments are simply downplaying or concealing the situation) and need to take proper safety precautions and also to take the right kind of supplements that can act as potential prophylactics against the various SARS-CoV-2 variants and sub-lineages. (Do your own due diligence on these as there are many published studies on these.)
Thailand Medical News will continue to provide more updates on the situation unfolding in various countries in Europe.
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COVID-19 News, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.
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