COVID-19 News: Germany’s Health Minister Warns That Exposure To SARS-CoV-2 Will Result In An Incurable Immunodeficiency Condition!
COVID-19 News - Immunodeficiency Jan 24, 2023 2 years, 1 month, 2 days, 9 hours, 52 minutes ago
COVID-19 News: The German Federal Minister Karl Lauterbach has issued a warning that exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus will lead to an incurable SARS-CoV-2 immunodeficiency condition and that repeated reinfection will also deplete and worsen the immune system!
He also reinstated the same claims during talks and media interviews at the Davos meeting and warned that people should at all cost avoid getting infected or reinfected.
It should be noted that Germany's health minister is a distinguished medical physician with two post-doctoral degrees including in epidemiology and has held a professorship, and also researched and taught at Harvard Unnversity in the past unlike some countries where even a greedy politican with the brains of a contruction worker and with no medical training can become a health minister!
He also stressed about various Long COVID conditions that can arise from SARS-CoV-2 infections including neurological and cardiovascular issues though not in proper terms.
We at Thailand Medical News however disagree on the point that the COVID-19 induced immunodeficiency is incurable as we are slowly discovering that total viral clearance including of generated non-genomic viral peptides along with the usage of various phytochemicals in stages, can regenerate the immune system to its original state.
It is interesting that when Thailand Medical News brought up the issue about immunodeficiency in the early part of the pandemic in our various
COVID-19 News coverages, many bastard Western ‘experts’ especially from the United Kingdom and even Western media were quick to criticized us and even when we brough up issues about the damage that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can cause to the CD4 and CD8 cells and also to various other components of the immune system, many of these ‘experts’ that were linked to the vaccine studies and development either came up with bogus studies to refute us or simply downplayed these warnings.,-similarly-as-
(Please use the search function on TMN site to view more past coverages on immune issues caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus….there are more than 427 such articles!)
Fast forward….. in late 2022 and now in 2023, the fact that COVID-19 induced immune dysfunction and immunodeficiency is becoming a major topic and already it is beginning to show that these conditions are making post COVID individuals more susceptible to secondary opportunistic pathogenic infections and also to other circulating pathogens and furthermore, it is now even hypothesized that as result of more than 75 of the global population already exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the changing immune landscape has lead to various other pathogens to also evolve and mutate, giving rise to newer strains for example the RSV virus, adenovirus, monkeypox, strep A etc.!-sars-cov-2-destroying-children-s-robust-innate-system-is-the-,-nsp-inhibits-stress-granule-formation,-inhibiting-innate-immunity-by-restricting-ifn-%CE%92-production
(Please use the search function on TMN site to view more past coverages on immune issues caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus….there are more than 427 such articles!)
Other Western experts have now joined the bandwagon to detail as to how SARS-CoV-2 causes immune dysfunction issues.
Even then, we still have certain ‘experts’ at the UKHSA that is still denying that COVID-19 causes immune deficiency issues!
There are also a British pediatric and an immunologists spewing garbage on this topic.
Most of the misinformation and skewed data about SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Long COVID, vaccines, boosters etc are actually originating from the 'shithole' country in the world..the United Kingdom...the hub of various disease outbreaks spanning from monkeypox, strep A infections, RSV etc and thankfully one of the worse hit COVID-19 countries with hight mortality and excess death rates and hopefully will continue with the same trends. While there are some good Brits, most of them are arrogant garbage who only think that their physicans, researchers and media are the best and they deserve whatever comes to them!
It should be noted that immune dysfunction and COVId-19 induced immunodeficiency are but a fraction the kind of damage that SARS-CoV-2 is inflicting on the human host.
We at Thailand Medical News have found that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is able to cause disruption and damage to more than 417 cellular pathways, genes and critical human host proteases including various cell types, tissues and also organs!
Also, viral persistence is another major issue that has never been resolved to data as none of the U.S. FDA approved antivirals are able to effectively promote viral clearance!
We still with our hypothesis that majority exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus will only have 5 to 8 years left and that their life spans will be greatly reduced by further reinfections. To date, excess death figures and also projected modeling based on certain preliminary data is already showing that we are right!
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